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Rumen 04-25-2013 07:54 PM


Originally Posted by efiste2 (Post 1124468)
This throws a curved ball alright......Ava looks happy, but Richie looks lke someone just shot his dog ;)

Ah, the good ol' times! Richie and Hector 1998:

RIP Hector! Gone, But Not Forgotten!

bjcrazycpa 04-25-2013 08:09 PM


Originally Posted by nikos greece (Post 1124489)
the whole thing has turned into a total disaster for everyone involved...after all these days, the love, the plans and the money involved we deserve to know whtas going on...jons answer doesnt satisfy me at all...we dont want a diplomatic answer with half the truth...we deserve to know when richie will be back, and if they cant answer this then may be sth more specific than its personal but richie doing solo appearences...
if this the end of the band as we know it, it would be so sad and ironic

The thing is, I believe they are waiting on Richie! He needs to decide what he wants to tell and when to tell it.

Lindy 04-25-2013 08:12 PM


Originally Posted by Bill23 (Post 1124492)
Scroll down- is the richie picture from April 4th? He looks great.

Actually that pic was taken in 2012.

Bill23 04-25-2013 08:13 PM


Originally Posted by Walkerboy (Post 1124484)
It says he's an honourary chair of the organisation, doesn't say he'll be at the event.

No Richie mention.

Confirmed special guests include Dick Van Dyke, Ryan Seacrest’s KIIS FM co-host Ellen K,
Actor/Writer/Director Mike Binder, “Last Man Standing” actor Nancy Travis, “Real
Housewives of Beverly Hills” Yolanda Foster, Model/Actress Gigi Hadid, KLOS Radio
Personality Gary Moore, Councilmember Jose Huizar, Councilmember Jan Perry, The
Honorable Superior Court Judge Craig Mitchell and many more.

Crushgen24/88 04-25-2013 08:24 PM

I know I said this like 100 pages ago, but Bon Jovi fans following Ava Sambora on social media feeds in the one of the creepiest things I've ever seen.

heart&dagger 04-25-2013 08:24 PM


Originally Posted by jdanielross (Post 1124458)
I feel like a creeper visiting that link for literally half a second of Richie driving a car. :(

I guess I'm going to have to be OK with the statement "personal reasons." I just can't help but feeling that this is the end for the band (hope I'm wrong).

Sweet car, huh?

Personally, I think Ava was just having a bit of fun, as any teenager would do, but I also think the sneak peek at her Dad, was intentional, to show everyone he is "ok". R did not look "happy" though. He looked rather pensive, upset, like he had a load of crap on his shoulders...

I haven't ever heard her speak or sing before. Perhaps, she was killing two birds with one stone...trying to lighten up her Dad's mood, and trying to show everyone else he was "ok".

Smart young woman, imo.

heart&dagger 04-25-2013 08:27 PM


Originally Posted by bjcrazycpa (Post 1124495)
The thing is, I believe they are waiting on Richie! He needs to decide what he wants to tell and when to tell it.

Most definitely...

ezearis 04-25-2013 08:41 PM


Originally Posted by heart†1124501
Sweet car, huh?

Personally, I think Ava was just having a bit of fun, as any teenager would do, but I also think the sneak peek at her Dad, was intentional, to show everyone he is "ok". R did not look "happy" though. He looked rather pensive, upset, like he had a load of crap on his shoulders...

I haven't ever heard her speak or sing before. Perhaps, she was killing two birds with one stone...trying to lighten up her Dad's mood, and trying to show everyone else he was "ok".

Smart young woman, imo.

I have the same face when my cousins are singin' pop songs while I'm driving.

Bill23 04-25-2013 09:07 PM

Richie pre BWC tour interview- he sounds/looks great just a few months ago.

*"bands are about compromise"
*"the Stones are our benchmark...we'll be here for a long time"

Beaky 04-25-2013 09:13 PM


Originally Posted by bjcrazycpa (Post 1124495)
The thing is, I believe they are waiting on Richie! He needs to decide what he wants to tell and when to tell it.

I think you're right and I think the reason 'the organisation' states that the issue is simple and the issue is personal to Richie is in fact because it is a falling out but it's one sided.

We've discussed why it's probably not rehab or family issues already (many, many times) and yes, this is speculating but my feeling is that Richie has grown a pair. I honestly think this is how it's unfolded...


1. Richie wanted to keep pushing his record, he believed in it and feels the job is only half done. Leaving it at this stage feels all wrong to him.

2. He feels the exact opposite about the Bon Jovi record. He didn't show up to rehearsal in London, his involvement was minimal, it wasn't made in the same organic way as their records in the past and certainly didn't come from a place anywhere near HIS heart. He was focusing on his solo record and wanted to leave the new Bon Jovi album until autumn 2013, giving him a year to focus on Aftermath.

3. The touring schedule completely f*cked with his plans for the solo album. He went into the tour resenting the hell out of Jon, the record and the band. But, being Richie, he decided to have a damn fine time performing. However, I really don't think he likes the new songs as much as Jon wants him to. Missing rehearsal to sit in his room and watch football, but still showing up and playing the new Jovi shows how little they stretch him

4. Jon won't let him play an Aftermath song live. Jon has an album to promote and he believes in it. Richie can sing a Bon Jovi song live but not a song from Aftermath. I think Richie's involvement in WAN, even in those he has writing credits on were minimal and much like many here, he sees the new album as a 'Jon' album. In the past, this hasn't been a problem but this time, he has a record sitting behind him that he really does believe in and is desperate to let people hear.

5. Richie does his Tip Cup busking and Jon is pissed that he doesn't take the opportunity to plug the band's record, focusing instead on Aftermath.

6. Bannergate... Richie is really getting pissed off by now.

7. The end of the first leg and Richie decides to discuss some of the issues with Jon but is basically told, 'we have an album out and we need to promote it.' Jon isn't being an arse about it, there's just not a lot he can do about Richie's issues, they are in the middle of a US tour. Sure, he could let him sing a song from his album but my guess is, Jon resent Aftermath a little, he must have heard it and must know how much colour and passion Richie put into it. So, f*ck him. It's time to go to work.

As far as Jon is concerned, there's nothing to discuss. The tour goes ahead, Jon hasn't moved the goal posts, so the issues are Richie's and his alone... they're personal... and the solution is simple... come back when you're ready, we'll be here.

Simple. Personal. Issues.

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