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JoviJovi 04-26-2013 12:05 AM


Originally Posted by Kathleen (Post 1124586)
You do have a point and I didn't even think about the timing. Hmmm...... Certainly Dad could have ask that it not be posted and Ava probably would have agreed.

He would have to know about it first (i am sure he does by now) . I have taken funny pics of my parents and posted them to FB w/o them knowing for the family to get a chuckle.

MrNickel 04-26-2013 12:15 AM


Originally Posted by fairtex444 (Post 1124583)
exactly...and also, Richie looks like a very funny person..he's always smiling,telling just can't hate Richie:)...Jon became really pissed when richie said:"that's becasue I'm so hot" lool

haha I loved that by Richie.

Richie always comes across the best during interviews/live performances. Jon on the other hand oozes ego and feels he's entitled to lots of respect. He goes on about how successful they are as if he needs to keep convincing himself that the band still needs to be around.

All I can say is blame Taylor Swift. :D

efiste2 04-26-2013 12:27 AM

In the past few pages there has been some really good and sensible summising of the facts, and I have changed my mind and now believe its a big fall out.
on one hand you have Jon who wants it his way or there is no way, then you have Richie who is captain cool and chilled out. I think the whole BON JOVI business machine has broken down, at a fork in the way is the tightly run business model where everything has a place and is costed,timed and clinically produced right down to the minute details..........and the other way is to become a band again with a heart and soul, that would go out busking in the street and be a brotherhood that are FOUR equals, not just one ruling the others, and leaving all the logistics,costs and organisation to managers etc etc, and just concentrating on the MUSIC and performing...and dare I say WRITING thier own songs, and performing on the actual release........
If indeed the bust up is the truth and I do think its becoming more obvious it is.......I feel badly let down by Jon and his machine..and no longer see Richie as the bad man, he is a music man first and foremost, where as Jon has turned into a corparate man, whilst he can be a music man for those 2-3 hours on stage, off stage he is as we all know him, The CEO of a big company!!! certainly not the ROCKSTAR we all used to know...looking like a sad day for al of us loyal fans.....

RonJovi 04-26-2013 12:43 AM

Just got to watch some of the clips posted here.

Am I the only one missing the supposed tension? Neither the Hyde Park Press Conference or the BBC show seem particularly tense to me at all nor do Jon's actions or reactions seem dismissive of Richie.

If anyone is reading into Ava's clip that Richie looks unhappy, then you're reading too much into it. It's a second or two of a man driving a car. He doesn't look particularly unhappy, just like he trying to drive. Unless he was in tears, drunk or hyterical, it would be impossible to read anything into such a clip. He was none of those things.

Beaky's analysis is very well put together and plausible. Personally, I still think this is what it says on the tin and Richie will be back. We'll laugh about it in months to come - "Remember when we all thought Richie had left. Remember the 200 page thread. God some of us lost the run of ourselves."

It is a fact though that this has been handled dreadfully. Whether that's Jon's fault or Richie's fault (it will be one of them) is impossible to say but they've made an absolute mickey of it.

efiste2 04-26-2013 12:48 AM

there has been tension for ages, in any appearance on TV they have not been the Dynamic duo for a long time. Dont get me wrong I hope to god I AM WRONG, but take a look at the SANDY benefit concert, yes Richie played well but he barely looks at Jon!!!! perhaps Richie has just had the balls to say enough is enough....Im ouuta here for a while.

Jayster 04-26-2013 01:01 AM

Looks like the personal matter was the launch of his new Australian cosmetics company!

RonJovi 04-26-2013 01:02 AM


Originally Posted by efiste2 (Post 1124616)
there has been tension for ages, in any appearance on TV they have not been the Dynamic duo for a long time. Dont get me wrong I hope to god I AM WRONG, but take a look at the SANDY benefit concert, yes Richie played well but he barely looks at Jon!!!! perhaps Richie has just had the balls to say enough is enough....Im ouuta here for a while.

It is possible Richie has bailed but I think we are all reading far too much into fairly innocuous clips and taking stuff from those clips out of context.

Having seen Richie in WWWB, I'd be surprised if he has bailed in some ways. I thought he came across as completely spineless in it. Then again, that's me mainly taking one comment in isolation and drawing a conclusion from it.

I'd call that ironic but I'd be afraid I'll draw Iceman on me and we'll turn this into a 300 page thread by Saturday all on our own. :-)

The Rock 04-26-2013 01:10 AM


Originally Posted by efiste2 (Post 1124616)
there has been tension for ages, in any appearance on TV they have not been the Dynamic duo for a long time. Dont get me wrong I hope to god I AM WRONG, but take a look at the SANDY benefit concert, yes Richie played well but he barely looks at Jon!!!! perhaps Richie has just had the balls to say enough is enough....Im ouuta here for a while.

At the Sandy benefit, I think that Richie was still in solo tour vibe and disappointed by the solo tour.

I personally think the vibe between them two was the best its been at the start of the WAN tour. You could see them on stage and in the pictures, they were good together. I've seen pics of backstage on Jon's birthday, 2nd March and Richie is there with Jon and family, all cool. So it must be a pretty big fight, if they are fighting, for Richie to up and leave the tour.

DestinationJovi 04-26-2013 01:31 AM

The shift in theory back to Jon/Richie problems since Ava's video was posted makes sense, but I'm going to play devil's advocate here...

1. In 2007 Richie's stint in "rehab" was actually just a one week detox at a hospital in LA. The announcement of him not touring this leg was on April 2, a little over 3 weeks ago. He could have just entered the same type of 7 day detox program followed by therapy, which would explain him being around and available to drive Ava to school today.

2. We know from past history time off for Richie leads to trouble. When he entered rehab in 2011 it was at the end of a one month break from the road. April 2 of this year was the end of a 2 week break from the road. Not the month long bender requiring a 30 day rehab stint, but a couple of weeks hitting the bottle warranting a 7 day detox. At 1:15 he even admits being on the road isn't the problem, it's time off that is the problem.

3. The fact that Matt has insisted that the TMZ article is completely off with this one, explicitly said Jon and Richie are not fighting, said it's up to Richie to make an official statement and he "WILL be back on the road" squashes the whole gag order theory. I know Matt is theoretically a nobody, but he still works for the organization and cannot make statements like that (whether they be true or false) if there is some sort of take our secrets to the grave clause. He would simply say "personal reasons" and leave it at that, not reassure his twitter followers that the fighting rumors are bullshit and that he'll be back for the European shows.

Again, the situation could very well be as Beaky has suggested, but I'm not so sure alcohol being the reason can be ruled out.

MrNickel 04-26-2013 01:42 AM

I think an album where Richie took the reigns over Jon would sound really epic but I doubt that would ever really happen.

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