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LeaJovi 08-21-2014 07:56 PM

Richie looks totally wasted and on drugs. A new low for the king of swing.

rolo_tomachi 08-21-2014 09:25 PM

If Richie had been more careful, this would have been ****ing memorable.

Stranger in this town HDTV Quality Pro Shot
Wanted dead or Alive HDTV Quality Pro Shot
Living on a Prayer HDTV Quality Pro Shot

Haters will enjoy with it.

nikos greece 08-22-2014 01:07 AM

the video quality would make a great bootleg if richie wasnt sooo bad...i dont think anyone here is happy with the way richie acts and performs these days, may be some blind followers but its really disheartening...
the stranger in this town video is the worst i ve ever seen the man perform ever...
its sad because even in a video like this you can see the man has talent but makes him look so bad...richie should know better in this age, with fb/you tube such bad performances destroy some of his legacy

rolo_tomachi 08-22-2014 01:34 AM


Originally Posted by nikos greece (Post 1181409)
the video quality would make a great bootleg if richie wasnt sooo bad...i dont think anyone here is happy with the way richie acts and performs these days, may be some blind followers but its really disheartening...
the stranger in this town video is the worst i ve ever seen the man perform ever...
its sad because even in a video like this you can see the man has talent but makes him look so bad...richie should know better in this age, with fb/you tube such bad performances destroy some of his legacy

I'm agree. But He have still a good voice, but damn, he not used properly because it does not focus on the performance. I hope Richie get fix this disaster soon, he could be so big now ... **** Richie, wake up! time is running out, you're 55 year old, have to take it more seriously.

Johny 08-22-2014 01:59 AM

Ok, I'm deaf probably because I don't the performance is the disaster you talk about. Yes, it's far from perfect, his voice deteoriated as his playing did but I think this is his standard these days and it wasn't particulary worse than what he was perfoming thoughout the tour.
Actually I really enjoyed the video probably because of the amazing quality of the video.

I'Ve accidentaly watched a few song from the Ferguson show... well, I can't believe how good he looked back then and the perfromances were miles miles better than now. Dispite all those things and knowing it could and should be much better I still enjoy what he is doing.

SadieLady 08-22-2014 04:45 AM

I enjoyed it also

SuperBrad 08-22-2014 05:23 AM

I only watched stranger , i thought it was fantastic ! Thx for sharing .

RS8MB0R8 08-22-2014 10:51 AM

I've watched it and have to say once more people are over-reacting big-time. So he ballsed a bit of the Prayer solo but he actually saved it pretty well and I reckon 90% of people there probably wouldn't even have noticed. Granted, he shouldn't be screwing it up but shit happens live. He's finding his feet as the frontman so perhaps I'm more generous in cutting him a break for little things like that.

My only issue with his shows have been the setlists but that has been my gripe with Jovi every tour apart from around the 2008-2010 period where they started changing things up a bit - even then, I was just lucky with the shows I attended as they rotated the same tracks at most of the other shows on the tours at the time.

But hey, we've got something new to micro-analyse now that he's broken away from the band though in much the same way we dissected every element of Jon and the band for years about stagnant setlists, Jon's attitude, piss-poor vocals and the way he used autopilot at so many gigs. This isn't a dig at Jon in particular either. It's a dig at the constant empty whining of people around here that the shows are less than perfect - oh and the drink/drugs stuff gets old too. I'm sorry but I just can't see any of that in those pro shot vids above.

I'd still take a Richie solo show with a bit of difference and freedom over a Jovi show from the last ten years any day. That's just me though.

Ghostorm 08-22-2014 12:45 PM

I agree 100% with RS8MB0R8. I watched all three performances and I loved all of them. Double guitar solo at the end of Wanted - good stuff!

Bounce7800 08-22-2014 05:30 PM


Originally Posted by rolo_tomachi (Post 1181326)

Was actually really enjoying that until the solo, but as said at least he recovered it. He needed to be closer to his singing mic if he intends to flit about between talkbox and vocals, or get Orianthi to cover.

Don't know why he bottled the key change, he seemed to start singing vocally like the acoustic version which took everything out of the performance and it ended with a whimper. Again, use the crowd or Orianthi to help you out. That aside, was actually pretty enjoyable, was expecting a car crash based on the comments, but it was decent and hope he does the electric version more.

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