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LiveAndRare 01-27-2004 01:53 PM

always is simply a love song, and the guy wants his girl back.. this stalker talk is strange

Supersonic 01-27-2004 02:10 PM

Aloha !


Originally Posted by LiveAndRare
always is simply a love song, and the guy wants his girl back.. this stalker talk is strange

Thanks for reading the topic.

Salaam Aleikum,

Iceman 01-27-2004 02:42 PM


Originally Posted by LiveAndRare
always is simply a love song, and the guy wants his girl back.. this stalker talk is strange

Yeah, I agree. When Jon told everyone about the fact that Always is about a stalker, I'm sure he was just joking. That would be crazy, wouldn't it?


Have you seen the Borgata TV-special? Jon says that Always is about a stalker. Not much to debate about there.


jade4jovi 01-27-2004 02:51 PM

It isnt about a stalker. He didnt say it wos. He said the guy wos P R A T I C A L L Y a stalker. The ltrics and video is nothing like that.

Iceman 01-27-2004 02:58 PM


Originally Posted by jade4jovi
It isnt about a stalker. He didnt say it wos. He said the guy wos P R A T I C A L L Y a stalker. The ltrics and video is nothing like that.

God, you're stupid...

Practically means that he is a stalker. Not necessarily one hiding in bushes to see her, but he's following her and obsessed about her. Not a sane thing to do. The guy's sick. Jon said he was, or are you going to deny that too?

A video has NOTHING to do with the song. It's the directors interpretation of the song. Do you think I'll Sleep When I'm Dead is about Richie banging two chick at the same time or LOAP is about Bon Jovi performing? How about Something For The Pain? It's a song about a guy in a record store?

The lyrics are pretty obvious if you think it trough. "I've made mistakes, I'm just a man" -> "I wish I was him 'cause those words are mine"...

Go see the film ("Romeo's Bleeding"), then tell us what you think.


MissBonJovi 01-27-2004 03:14 PM


Originally Posted by Iceman

Originally Posted by jade4jovi
It isnt about a stalker. He didnt say it wos. He said the guy wos P R A T I C A L L Y a stalker. The ltrics and video is nothing like that.

The lyrics are pretty obvious if you think it trough. "I've made mistakes, I'm just a man" -> "I wish I was him 'cause those words are mine"...

Go see the film ("Romeo's Bleeding"), then tell us what you think.


He didnt say pratically .. he said it IS about a stalker (go see and LISTEN Borgata again)thats why he finds it 'funny' that ppl think of it as a love song. It was suposed to be the theme song for "Romeo'sBleeding" but in the end Jon didnt think it fitted so he kept the song himself ... and like Ice said, go see the movie knowing Always was gonna be the theme song for it.

jade4jovi 01-27-2004 03:20 PM

First of all i am not stupid cos i have a different opinion to you so shut up. And secondly to me the lyrics sound nothing like a stalker!! To me it sounds like he cheated on his GF (ive made mistakes im just a man) And now she got someone else and he want her back! (i wish i wos him with these words of mine ect..) And that is wot the video deffiently looks like to me. Your gonna tell me im stupid cos i see a song meaning a different thing to wot you do?? And when people use pratically here it doesnt mean he IS a stalker. When someone say it it means hes crazy about her but not a stalker. :mad:

MissBonJovi 01-27-2004 03:27 PM


Originally Posted by jade4jovi
First of all i am not stupid cos i have a different opinion to you so shut up. And secondly to me the lyrics sound nothing like a stalker!! To me it sounds like he cheated on his GF (ive made mistakes im just a man) And now she got someone else and he want her back! (i wish i wos him with these words of mine ect..) And that is wot the video deffiently looks like to me. Your gonna tell me im stupid cos i see a song meaning a different thing to wot you do?? And when people use pratically here it doesnt mean he IS a stalker. When someone say it it means hes crazy about her but not a stalker. :mad:

Its fine you hear something diff in it, but when the writer of the song tell's you it is about a stalker than who are you to say its not??

jade4jovi 01-27-2004 03:29 PM

Ok then it is. But i like to see it in a different way and cos ive loved this song for soo long i dont really like to see it in that way. Better?

MissBonJovi 01-27-2004 03:33 PM


Originally Posted by jade4jovi
Ok then it is. But i like to see it in a different way and cos ive loved this song for soo long i dont really like to see it in that way. Better?

:D Better :wink:

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