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rocknation 07-03-2015 07:16 PM

In no particular order
The Cleveland What About Now show

Dave's Broadway triumph with Memphis

Richie's residency on the Craig Ferguson Show

The Circle
being better than Lost Highway

Instantly predicting (and shamelessly enjoying) the crash and burns of the "Toronto Brothers" and Nikki Lund

For your viewing and listening convenience, the
The (now deceased) Dutch fan who insisted on kissing Dave instead of Jon

Jon and Richie risking a fatwa to record with an Iranian singer

Jon appearing in the lobby of the Jersey City office building I was working in -- and getting to watch a stuffy female senior vice president squeal like a teenager

Their appearance on Oprah: I honestly thought the fans would clap for the entire hour

The Have A Nice Day Smirk-mania: not even the Mona Lisa and vegetables were spared

Triumph the Insult Comic Dog asking Richie if Heather was "also a blonde -- DOWN THERE?"

Scoring a good Prudential Arena seat without a scalper after all ten shows were sold out by searching Ticketmaster backward

Jon on Larry King Live: Rocking that powder blue shirt so much, I still forget to listen to what he's saying

The "Naming The Band" skit on Saturday Night Live -- pure comedic brilliance.

Hallelujah: Jon said Leonard Cohen told him it was his favorite cover. That's because they approached it as a slow rocker instead of a love song, and actually added a hallelujah chorus

Other songs: One Wild Night, Hook Me Up, Have A Nice Day, Bullet, Why Aren't You Dead, Good Guys Don't Always Wear White, Last Man Standing

Our beatdown of Ultimate Classic Rock when they ran a poll pitting Rush drummer Neal Peart against Tico -- Neal's margin of victory was only four points

Tico's appendix and gall bladder having enough natural rhythm to not attack him while he was performing

Savvi 07-04-2015 08:14 AM

The best thing about the past 15 years? This (made up) best of 2000-2015 compilation...

01. It's My Life
02. Have a Nice Day
03. Whole Lot of Leavin'
04. Superman Tonight
05. That's What the Water Made Me
06. Love's the Only Rule
07. I Want to be Loved
08. Beautiful World
09. (You Want to) Make a Memory
10. Undivided
11. Pictures of You
12. This is Love, This is Life
13. Thank You for Loving Me
14. One Wild Night
15. Any Other Day
16. The Last Night

17. Into the Echo
18. Dirty Little Secret

That, and the Australian and European legs of the Circle Tour.

rocknation 07-05-2015 01:59 AM


Originally Posted by united17 (Post 1188981)
4. Jon in this SNL digital short (US Only):

"U.S. only?" We don't play that around here!

United17, you may paste this link into your post, download it your hard drive, and upload it elsewhere with my compliments:

P.S: I used to joke that Tico was the only tattoo-less member because "his mommy wouldn't let him." Then I ran across an interview where he says it was the only way he could pursue a music career with her blessings!

liljovi93 07-05-2015 10:03 PM

I have MANY highlights over the past 15 years. A lot of these are personal reasons and some of these 'highlights' may not be some other peoples choices. I'm not really one for calling Bon Jovi getting inducted into stuff or winning awards as highlights but I guess they are for other reasons. So anything that Bon Jovi have won, been inducted too etc... count them already.

* It's My Life/Crush - The song/album that got me into the band. I remember liking a few other songs due to my brother being a really big Bon Jovi fan at the time but It's My Life made me a fan. I'll always remember him getting 'Crush' before it came out and hearing it in his room and I instantly loved it and knew the words to most songs very quickly. Whenever I hear some songs from Crush, I always think back to really early 'summer' 2000.

* Say It Isn't So - By no means the best song but it was the first Bon Jovi single I got. I went into town with my brother and his mate to go and get it with them & Paul bought me it. I remember listening to it with the demo bonus track for months.

* Bounce Album - First album I bought myself. I saved up to buy it and the singles. I was so excited at the time!

* Manchester 2003 show - My first Bon Jovi concert. A day I will never ever forget. I had to do a half day in school and I couldn't wait for it to be over. My mum worked in the infants part of the school at this time and I remember seeing her walk out the school and I knew it was time to go! I literally ran out and went straight home. I had a Bon Jovi hat made on holiday in 2001, I had a tshirt made, a Bon Jovi pendant and had a flag I got from Spain draped around me walking down the road to the bus stop like I was a superhero. I looked an idiot but I really didn't care. I got the coach into Manchester on what was a really warm day. I remember everything about it. I was fascinated by Old Trafford, seeing so many cool Bon Jovi tops etc.. I got spoilt that day by my mum who came with me. Going inside the stadium and I was at the very very back and right at the top of Old Trafford but I felt closer than anyone at the time. I genuinely nearly fainted when I went up to the stairs in the stadium, though. Seeing that many people in such a big stadium with the stage set, it really did take me back. I loved that whole day and a concert I remember so clearly.

* Boxset - Listening to songs from this now as we speak. For me, one of the best things Bon Jovi have brought out. So many songs got me straight away and by this time, I knew I was a big big Bon Jovi fan. I saved up again to buy this boxset. I think it was £40 at the time. At 11 years old, that was a huge amount for me :p

* Have A Nice Day Album - This album came out around the time I was doing a short film when I used to do acting. Some songs I listen too now take me back to filming that film. I always remember coming home to this album after school and having to wait until late that evening to listen to it because I had to have tea and then go shopping. I listened to it and again, so many songs got me straight away.

* Nothing - This song should have been on the album. I still rank it in my top 10 post 2000 songs.

* Any Other Day - Still one of my all time fav songs. I heard it on a website as a 30 sec teaser before the album came out & knew it was a song I was going to love when I heard the full version. I still do to this day and a lot of my school mates did at the time. It also reminds me of a school trip I went on because we had it on.

* Manchester 2008 show - This was my third Bon Jovi show. My brother didn't do any shows for this tour (or any other since) as he kind of killed them off for himself and hated the 02 show. Anyway, I went to this show wanting to hear 'Always' more than any other song. It was my favorite song at the time and they had started playing it more reguarly. I got to hear it and will never ever forget it. I had a big craze with the album 'These Days' at the time so to hear them play 'Diamond Ring' which isn't a favorite by all means to then go into 'Always' is something I will never ever forget. I got to hear some other songs I really wanted to hear that night and that is still in my top 2 shows.

* The Circle - My favorite post 2000 album. Hearing the snippets on 'Amazon' a few weeks before the album came out had me fairly excited. I remember it being a very cold day when it came out and getting home from sixth form to see the parcel at the door. Nobody was in the house as it was midday so I went and got the stereo system out and had it loud in the house. I sat in my room with nothing on (it was a dull day too so it was quite dark) and just sat on my chair listening to the album. I loved it from first listen and still love it. Again, so many songs got me straight away. I remember it being late listening to 'We Weren't Born To Follow' on it's first radio premiere and I wasn't a fan of it as it was too poppy but it grew on me by the time the album came out. I listened to this album for months and it reminds me of winter 2009 and sixth form so much!

* The Circle Tour - I couldn't go the o2 shows because of exams and no-one to go with and the cost etc... I was gutted at the time and even more gutted at the songs that got played that tour. Following the PBP's on here absolutely killed me yet I loved it at the same time. So many songs that got played on that tour always gave me hope for other tours. The response they got here and sometimes at the shows were brilliant and made me think that the band had changed. 'Let It Rock' & 'It's Hard Letting You Go' I still watch/listen too reguarly. Epic.

* European 2011 Tour - Again, the songs that got played blew me away. I unfortunately didn't get anything like that at my show (Manchester) but the Hyde Park shows and the Dublin shows were incredible, in my opinion. Energy and set lists at times were unreal and I wish I got tickets for them shows.

* That's What The Water Made Me - My favorite post 2000 songs. I have listened to this song well over 500 times. Easily. Hearing it on the radio 2 show I really enjoyed it but studio blew me away. I just think it's an incredible song. Shame the album wasn't.

* Manchester 2013 - I wasn't sure what to expect for this. Richie wasn't there, shows hadn't been too good, Jons vocals weren't the best and it was my girlfriends first show. The day, again, was brilliant. Set off really early with the girlfriend so she could see the buzz before a show, the merchandise, how people camp outside the stadium and so on... I wanted the show to open with TWTMM and it did. Loved it. And again, I heard some songs I didn't think I would. I got to hear 'Garageland' which I loved and I thought the energy and performance was great. My fav show along with 2008 Manchester show.

Okay, so far I have kept it in order of songs, albums & tours. Now I'll do the odd little bits.

* PBP's - Something I have already mentioned. I was literally addicted to this site around the 2008-2010 tours. The PBP's & YouTube videos made this forum enjoyable for me even though it had some dickheads on it at the time. I made 'friends' on here still, though. Following so many rare songs getting played and seeing the responses they got was something I wish we could do on here again. It's a shame that not many shows have 'rare' songs.

* Kev - A friend for life. Knew him before I was a member on here through my brother but this site has what has made us stay in touch and be as good mates as we are. Like I said earlier, my brother stopped being a fan in 2007 and it wasn't too long after that I became a member on here. I remember speaking to Kev via MSN for hours about shows and songs etc.. I always wanted to go to a show with Kev. Thankfully in 2013, I got to go to two. Well, I wasn't with him at the Hyde Park show but we met up before and thankfully him, Carli & Ollie let me stay in their hotel as I had nowhere to go and had been let down that day. One of my best mates who has me in stitches everytime we meet up.

* Have A Nice Day Album Cover - I wasn't a huge fan when I seen it. Paul shown me it when we went to a Liverpool game at Anfield and I remember being pretty let down by it but when I got the album, I loved it. My favorite album cover ever and pretty cool video to go with it.

I have been a fan for 15 years and that's why I have made this post so long and I apologize. This post has made me realize why I still love this band and why I will always be a fan. I was 7 when I became a fan so Bon Jovi have pretty much always been in my life. I will never have memories like this with any other band and I don't particularly want too as much as I like some other bands.

Again, apologies for the long post. I don't usually post like this anymore but I love this thread and I hope a lot of people post on it as it'll be good to see what memories everyone else has had.

bounce442 07-06-2015 12:18 AM


Originally Posted by liljovi93 (Post 1189021)
Again, apologies for the long post. I don't usually post like this anymore but I love this thread and I hope a lot of people post on it as it'll be good to see what memories everyone else has had.

I thoroughly enjoyed reading your post. You're good writer... I felt like I was there with you.

Kathleen 07-06-2015 02:27 AM


Originally Posted by liljovi93 (Post 1189021)
* Kev - A friend for life. Knew him before I was a member on here through my brother but this site has what has made us stay in touch and be as good mates as we are. Like I said earlier, my brother stopped being a fan in 2007 and it wasn't too long after that I became a member on here. I remember speaking to Kev via MSN for hours about shows and songs etc.. I always wanted to go to a show with Kev. Thankfully in 2013, I got to go to two. Well, I wasn't with him at the Hyde Park show but we met up before and thankfully him, Carli & Ollie let me stay in their hotel as I had nowhere to go and had been let down that day. One of my best mates who has me in stitches everytime we meet up.

Kev is an awesome guy and a major kick in the ass to go to a show to. He is so enthusiastic you can't help but be the same. I have enjoyed when he has come to visit me (right up until 2 weeks ago) and will be happy to share any future shows with him.

I enjoyed your recap - if I sat down and did the same it probably be just as long - if not longer. :)

Rdkopper 07-06-2015 03:29 AM


Originally Posted by liljovi93 (Post 1189021)
Again, apologies for the long post. I don't usually post like this anymore but I love this thread and I hope a lot of people post on it as it'll be good to see what memories everyone else has had.

Great Post! Don't apologize for it being long. That's how I wish all members would respond to every post on here. Great Job!

liljovi93 07-06-2015 07:25 PM


Originally Posted by Kathleen (Post 1189024)
Kev is an awesome guy and a major kick in the ass to go to a show to. He is so enthusiastic you can't help but be the same. I have enjoyed when he has come to visit me (right up until 2 weeks ago) and will be happy to share any future shows with him.

I enjoyed your recap - if I sat down and did the same it probably be just as long - if not longer. :)

He is a very funny character!

You should do this Kathleen. It'd be good to see what the likes of you, Kev etc.. have enjoyed over the past 15 years too.

Really do like this thread and hope more people put stuff up as I have probably missed some out myself.

KeepTheFaith2211 07-07-2015 02:07 AM

'Think I'll go the same way as Jay here and say the summer of 2008 was pretty special. The PBPs here were crazy. It's fascinating how sitting at a computer waiting for messages about songs being played thousands of miles away can be so exciting but it truly was. I remember actually checking the setlist for the Des Moines show in 2008 at school and seeing 'Always', 'One Wild Night', 'Misunderstood' and 'Hey God'. My friends couldn't quite understand why I was so excited but I was convinced that the band were going to go all out for the European tour and, to an extent, they did to be fair.

This board was crazy busy in those times. I think the band really captured everyone's imagination again during that time period, and it seemed like everyone here was genuinely excited about the direction the band was heading. It was awesome :)

- Twickenham 2008 - now many people would say it was disappointing but it was my first show and I thought the performance was great. Biased maybe but Jon's voice was strong, Richie looked great and the band were tight. They opened with the classic combination of 'Livin' On A Prayer' into 'You Give Love A Bad Name', and then followed 'Lost Highway', which is actually a favourite of mine. The setlist was 'disappointing' at the time but 'Dry County', 'Always', 'Diamond Ring', 'Blaze Of Glory' etc. were played (during the first night anyway. I couldn't do the second show). That just shows how good the setlists were around that time! A tremendous weekend all round really.

Rock In Rio 2008 Broadcast - Vanilla setlist, but a band on fire. They played with a high intensity and gave a great performance. I remember 'Blaze Of Glory' sounding particularly good, and Jon did very well with 'Always'.

- The rarities at the O2 Arena - I didn't attend any of these shows. I was meant to but exams came at a bad time. These shows tend to get huge praise from some and stick from others. Personally, everything I saw on YouTube had me aching to be there. The band may not have done full album nights etc. but some of the songs they did play were just fantastic. 'Something To Believe In', '(It's Hard) Letting You Go', 'Let It Rock', 'I Get A Rush', 'Garageland', 'Something For The Pain (Acoustic)', 'These Days (Acoustic)', 'Lay Your Hands On Me', 'Dry County', 'Living In Sin', 'Hey God', 'Never Say Goodbye'...

2011 - I only attended Manchester, which was a solid performance but the weather was horrible and the setlist was probably the ONLY weak one of the tour. Never mind though! That European tour in 2011 followed on from '08, and saw the band in blistering form, having fun and throwing a bone to the diehards. Some of the performances were fantastic. Perhaps it should have all ended there...

2013 - I heard 'Someday I'll Be Saturday Night' live for the first time. I went beserk to be honest. I would be astounded if anyone who had attended for more than one concert hadn't heard this amazing song but either way it's one of my favourites and is still one of Bon Jovi's finest efforts. I enjoyed the sunderland show. Nothing exactly 'special' about it, but it was fun and a decent performance.
Glasgow really hurt me though. You could sense the band didn't want to be there. It was July but pretty cold and Jon just wasn't in the mood. Of course, they were playing Hyde Park within the coming days. I've been stung by that particular curse twice...


I still love this band. Sure, we probably don't listen to them as much and things are very quiet right now. Hell, the world of Jovi is pretty sour right now and it's hard to see if things will ever improve. I can watch shows from 2003, for example, and just be in awe. Many people will say the Bounce era was a bad one but there's a raw energy and vibe about it all I love. The performances/Jon's voice range from sublime to shocking. Very strange. The structure of the set was changed up a little too, with staples hits such as 'Wanted', 'Prayer' etc. not closing the show for example. Whether it worked is down to opinion but they mixed it up at least.

I want Richie to come back and I'd love to see one final tour in the vain of '08/'10/'11, where the band went all out and put on a great show for everyone attending. That's not going to happen, but one can dream, eh...

Keep The Faith

steel_horse75 07-07-2015 02:54 PM

Last 15 years eh? well let me see...

2003 Hyde Park gig. Massive crowd, great weather and good set list

2004 The 100M box-set. Worked for Universal at the time and got 3 free! Some really good songs and some real crap but that's what I wanted. The crap interest me a lot as I cant believe that the band wrote some really bad stuff but was pleased they put it out.

2005 The HAND single. Best single for years

2006 MK Bowl with Nickelback. Great gig.

2007 First ever gig at O2. Had shit seats but good gig.

2007 - Lost Highway album. Again when bad, really bad but I do love Memory, Any Other Day, Boy Back in Cowboy & Walk Like A Man

2010 = The O2 gigs. Went to two.

2013 - WAN - Slagged to death on here but I do like it. Bar about 5 songs.

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