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KSantaFe 09-09-2016 05:34 AM


Originally Posted by Manbou (Post 1206196)
Similar with me :)

In some mysterious ways, they can put out pretty much everything with me still liking it... even if I dismissed it as garbage if it was released by someone other than Bon Jovi. Don't understand that either.

I think it comes down to the fact that we're both of the younger generation of fans, and so we didn't get to experience the "glory days" of the band. Perhaps it's an example of 'youth optimism' ;)

soundfire624 09-09-2016 08:34 AM


Originally Posted by KSantaFe (Post 1206194)
As far as I'm concerned, no matter what Jon or the band release in the future, I'll always want them to continue in the hope that something good will come out of it. I'm obviously putting aside the health and well-being of the band - if they want out, then by all means they should stop. Nothing will diminish the legacy they've established in my mind. If future albums only have 1 or 2 songs that I enjoy, I would be bloody mad, but I'd still want them to keep recording and releasing.

well said...amen to that, they should go on no matter what..whether it might be just whole full album like "not running anymore" i am gonna still buy their songs

Jonny G 09-09-2016 08:48 AM

A big part will have to be based on how successful the tour is commercially. And if the takings are lower than JBJ needs to keep the money-men happy then I'd see that as what ends the band and sends him on expensive fan club events to tick over until he's had enough.
Also another point could be the Richie line of needing a family life being what gives Phil X issues. He has a younger family and this will be the first full tour for him, so it will be a test of how comfortable he is with being a full time cog in the machine.
In terms of the music made, I'll listen to whatever is made until it stops, but the reduced quality doesn't bode well for longevity of the band either.

steel_horse75 09-09-2016 09:27 AM

I think the problem people have is that the band were so good between 1989 and 1996 that the bar was set so high.

They were never going to be as good as that ever again.

I said yesterday that i although im enjoying the two songs ive heard so far its way different to to the classics. But thats modern day Bon Jovi.

You either stick to the classics or accept the new stuff for what it is and slip it into your collection.

Im sure fans of Paul McCartney say the same thing.

crashed 09-09-2016 05:36 PM


Originally Posted by KSantaFe (Post 1206201)
I think it comes down to the fact that we're both of the younger generation of fans, and so we didn't get to experience the "glory days" of the band. Perhaps it's an example of 'youth optimism' ;)

I don't know - I've been a fan since the "Blaze" album and my first show was on the These Days tour, and I still enjoy most band albums to a degree - more importantly there's always still two or three songs in each album that I love.

And then on Burning Bridges they had Teardrop which is one of my favourite songs the band has ever done.

For every Dry County or These Days, there's always been a Woman In Love or If That's What It Takes.

This House Is Not For Sale and Knockout (which I haven't listened to yet) are more like the singles for public consumption - the real gems like almost all the treasures in Bon Jovi's catalogue, will be for the fans.

JackieBlue 09-10-2016 01:37 AM


Originally Posted by KSantaFe (Post 1206201)
I think it comes down to the fact that we're both of the younger generation of fans, and so we didn't get to experience the "glory days" of the band. Perhaps it's an example of 'youth optimism' ;)

It could be that. I kinda hope it is, because that would prove that I'm young at heart, at least! LOL

Unless by "younger generation of fans" you weren't referring to actual age, but to "Jovi-age" (i.e., when you started following the band). In that case, I'd fall into that category anyway, since I didn't get into BJ until around 2005.

Even though I came late to the party, I quickly backed up and listened to every song, show, and interview I could get my hands on; and I think the band was at their peak and most consistently gave us their best music and energy, both in albums and live shows (tyvm, YouTube!), from their beginning up through NJ.

I emphasized the word "best", though, because I love this band and their music; and for me, it would be a huge leap from their "best" work down to "they suck"! I have enjoyed every song from their first release right up through "Knockout", including the solo releases from Jon, Richie, and David. I fully expect to enjoy the rest of THINFS and RSO's new album as well.

Not every song or album is on my list of all-time favorites, but I made a BJ Chronology playlist with everything from the debut album forward, including solo work, and I can honestly say that I never feel a need to skip over any song.

KTF never represented the high mark for me that it seems to for a lot of ppl here, but I think TD could also be counted among their best. And whether it's their "best" or not, Lost Highway will probably always be among my personal favorites.

I don't know if it's because I don't expect perfection, or because I like all kinds of music so if they stray from a particular sound or style it doesn't bother me, or if it's just that these guys don't know ugly; but they've never failed to give me something I like.

I don't expect that to change; but even if I suddenly decided that they stink like rotten garbage, I'd still believe that they should continue doing what they do for as long as they want to do it, no matter what anyone, including me, thinks of the results.

KSantaFe 09-10-2016 05:28 AM


Originally Posted by JackieBlue (Post 1206319)
It could be that. I kinda hope it is, because that would prove that I'm young at heart, at least! LOL

Unless by "younger generation of fans" you weren't referring to actual age, but to "Jovi-age" (i.e., when you started following the band). In that case, I'd fall into that category anyway, since I didn't get into BJ until around 2005.

Even though I came late to the party, I quickly backed up and listened to every song, show, and interview I could get my hands on; and I think the band was at their peak and most consistently gave us their best music and energy, both in albums and live shows (tyvm, YouTube!), from their beginning up through NJ.

Absolutely - I suppose age isn't really the driving factor, but as you say, this "Jovi-age". I was first given Cross Road by my mother, and as an 8 or 9 yr old, I primarily listened to Queen, The Scorpions, REM etc.. Jovi were a different beast in my view - they had something that I was looking for at that point. I then bought Bounce - because I saw the video for Everyday and absolutely looooved it, and thought the 30sec preview of Undivided on iTunes was amazing. I think I listened to that preview 50 times or something! Once TC came out I bought that and started to collect all their back-catalogue - which I remember being a particularly exciting time. I was lucky enough to then see the band in 2010, and I've been hooked ever since.


Originally Posted by JackieBlue (Post 1206319)
Not every song or album is on my list of all-time favorites, but I made a BJ Chronology playlist with everything from the debut album forward, including solo work, and I can honestly say that I never feel a need to skip over any song.

I'd get pretty close with The More Things Change lol
Though I agree with you there


Originally Posted by crashed (Post 1206276)
I don't know - I've been a fan since the "Blaze" album and my first show was on the These Days tour, and I still enjoy most band albums to a degree - more importantly there's always still two or three songs in each album that I love.

I'm not saying that only young fans are remaining optimistic. I'm merely suggesting that the later generations of fans (or late adopters of the music) are less likely to write the band off, compared with the fans who experienced Jon and the band in their prime. This is based only on anecdotal evidence from my experiences as a fan. Of all the young fans I mix with in person, only one disliked TC and BB - though most agreed WAN could have been better ;)


Originally Posted by crashed (Post 1206276)
This House Is Not For Sale and Knockout (which I haven't listened to yet) are more like the singles for public consumption - the real gems like almost all the treasures in Bon Jovi's catalogue, will be for the fans.

I think that's an important point. Thinking back to 2009; for me WWBTF and Superman do not accurately represent all tracks on TC. I was 11 when WWBTF came out and I remember watching the video thinking - yeah this is pretty cool. Then upon listening to TC I was blown away by Bullet, Brokenpromiseland, WFTWM (yeah I know, unpopular opinion).

rokuli 09-10-2016 07:55 AM

They should do the huge (cash-grab) reunion tour with all the original five members ONLY. In 2023. And Then retire.

evertsfnic 09-10-2016 05:16 PM

this is bon jovi
Make me Bon Jovi Fan again this song.


Kathleen 09-10-2016 08:57 PM

I think that if Jon can't switch gears and stop trying to reproduce It's My Life, he should hang it up. People that know me, know that I'm a huge fan. But if even I am tired of, and disgusted with, the same sounding stuff year after year many other people will be also.

Having just seen 5 Springsteen shows at approx. 4 hours each, I am spoiled. Bruce seldom repeats himself and he outdid himself on these shows. THAT is how it's done. This newest Jovi single is a real disappointment. I can't say that I hate it - but once again it's the same old same old.

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