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BJFan99 09-05-2017 09:37 AM


Originally Posted by Eveline (Post 1227304)
I've read quite a few stories about singers who lost their singing voices when dealt with stressful situations like a divorce. Found this article while browsing the Net:


When we perceive something as threatening or upsetting the body reacts rapidly, preparing for action and producing physical changes that we are all familiar with. These may include:

Increased muscle tension
Increased heart and breathing rates
Perceived changes in temperature with shivering or sweating
Dry mouth and throat

Common physical signs of distress include:

Gut problems: (e.g. acid reflux and irritable bowel syndrome)
Skin problems: (e.g. eczema /psoriasis)
Back, neck or other muscle pain (including laryngeal pain)
Breathing difficulties: (e.g. over-breathing panic attacks, a trigger for attacks in some asthmatics)
Hoarseness (dysphonia) or complete voice loss/whisper (aphonia)

Well, some of you observed that Jon has breathing problems and drinks a lot on stage. That would fit some of the signs at least...

Nowadays, Jon's singing voice is often hoarse (it even cracks way more often that it ever used to do pre-'13) and he whispers through at least 75% of the songs they perform live. He also seems to have a hard time breathing while singing at times.

Lak 10-09-2022 04:39 PM


Originally Posted by Gregsynthbootlegs (Post 1226185)
It's definitely painful to hear Jon sing on the SWW Tour. Poor guy. The effort was there and the passion was there - but the voice was completely broken. He's lucky he didn't permanently damage his vocal cords on that tour.

Slightly different take on Jon's shot voice. If Jon didn't constantly smoke - his voice would be much closer to his prime years (early 90s) and his technique would not have slipped.

The reason his voice is completely awful today has nothing to do with the improper singing he did in his early career, or the SWW Tour vocal trauma. All those events happened in the early/mid 80s. Proof? Take a listen to his singing on the New Jersey album and the tour that supported it. His voice and singing were steps ahead of what he was doing on previous albums (and tours). His technique was a bit better as well. He worked with a coach during that time and his singing on a technical level got better throughout the late 80s into the early 90s. He relied less on a "throaty" chest-pulled tone (which strains the vocal cords) and started mixing more head voice into his belts. Take a listen to his singing on Keep The Faith and those amazing live performances he did throughout 1992 and 1993. There's a change in his singing style - it's a bit less raw and more refined.

While he wasn't the most technically accomplished singer, he did build up a solid enough technique in the early 90s to be able to sing pretty much anything in his catalog and sound great. The trouble is that he started constantly smoking in late 1994. That took its toll on his voice starting in a subtle way - vocal stamina issues:

While he was still singing great on the 1995 tour overall and sounded great - there are some subtle signs that the smoking was causing early permanent damage. One sign that some people have (correctly) pointed out was the thinner and lighter tone he started getting. His range was intact and the belts were still strong, but there's awkward moments throughout the tour where he forces his mid range notes (trying to pull chest higher up to hit notes with power) and either misses his mark or sounds really rough. The smoking also started reducing his vocal stamina live and making his register switching and blending less than stellar. These negative effects were further developed on the 1996 leg. When you combine a long tour with an unhealthy smoking habit (which then beats at your vocal cords) it's just a disaster waiting to happen.

One positive thing that the 1986-1987 vocal blow out did, was it forced Jon to get a vocal coach and some training to be able to keep his instrument intact. If Jon continued to sing in the same style as he did pre-1988, he would likely have no singing voice within a decade.

Sadly I think this post is spot. I'd like to be persuaded that smoking didn't have such a swift quick effect on Jon's voice but there's a big change in his voice in such a short period of time from Keep The Faith to These Days that I feel it has to be the smoking. His voice isn't anywhere near a clean and powerful sounding on These Days as it was on Keep the Faith IMO and I even feel you can tell the difference between the demos and final versions for Always and Someday I'll be Saturday Night. Did he start smoking in between the recordings of originals and demos for these?

It's so annoying if it is as simple a smoking being the main cause! I mean how stupid can you be!? Surely he was only on the set of Moonlight for like 3/4 weeks (when he started smoking) and could have given up again easily enough after what with being in a different environment there in? Perhaps Jon peffered the less clean mor scratchy type vocal he got These Days?

Thinny 10-09-2022 07:28 PM

The smoking has certainly beena factor, but the damage he did on the Slippery tour cannot be discounted. How good his voice sounded on the Jersey tour is irrelevant. Sometime damage can take years to really show, especially when you are young. Add to that the fact that he insisted on continuing to do 3 hour shows, pushing his vocals to the limit, even while his voice was declining, there are multiple reasons that we have the Jon we have today...

Lak 10-09-2022 07:57 PM


Originally Posted by Thinny (Post 1282962)
The smoking has certainly beena factor, but the damage he did on the Slippery tour cannot be discounted. How good his voice sounded on the Jersey tour is irrelevant. Sometime damage can take years to really show, especially when you are young. Add to that the fact that he insisted on continuing to do 3 hour shows, pushing his vocals to the limit, even while his voice was declining, there are multiple reasons that we have the Jon we have today...

Yeah i kind of discounted the impact of the Slippery tour just because he sounded so strong a few years later in the KTF period. Therefore interesting you should say about delayed effects.

Does anyone know if he was a big smoker after starting on set of Moonlight or if he was just an occasional social smoker, just nicking the odd ciggy off others like Tico periodically!?

bonjovi90 10-09-2022 08:18 PM

Jon started heavily smoking on the set of the Leading Man in early 1996. Before that, it was much more occasional I think.

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Gregsynthbootlegs 10-09-2022 10:49 PM

I thought it was during the filming for Moonlight and Valentino when he increased his smoking?

It can certainly explain the thinner tone that started in 1995 and became even more noticeable in 1996. Or did he further increase the habit during the filming of the Leading Man which amplified the issues that were evident in the 1996 performances?

Jack27 12-21-2022 10:39 PM

Has anyone just seen the video posted for Hampton Water? Jon’s talking voice sounds so weak!

Rdkopper 12-22-2022 03:58 AM


Originally Posted by Jack27 (Post 1283507)
Has anyone just seen the video posted for Hampton Water? Jon’s talking voice sounds so weak!

Post it

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Jack27 12-22-2022 05:50 AM


Originally Posted by Rdkopper (Post 1283509)
Post it

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I can’t - it’s a story on his instagram page

Jack27 12-22-2022 06:40 AM


Originally Posted by Rdkopper (Post 1283509)
Post it

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Butters 12-22-2022 07:59 AM


Originally Posted by Jack27 (Post 1283513)

Wow, that sounds really odd.

BJFan99 12-22-2022 08:49 AM

Jesus f*cking Christ!!!

That man will NEVER sing again, I'm 99.9% sure about it...

steel_horse75 12-22-2022 09:31 AM

his voice is one thing but f*** me how has jon gone to looking so old in 10 years.
he looks so much older than people around his own age like Nikki Sixx, Slash, Duff mckagen, tommy lee etc

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BJFan99 12-22-2022 10:27 AM


Originally Posted by steel_horse75 (Post 1283516)
his voice is one thing but f*** me how has jon gone to looking so old in 10 years.
he looks so much older than people around his own age like Nikki Sixx, Slash, Duff mckagen, tommy lee etc

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Not even 10 years, even in 2017-18 he looked much younger facially than he does now. I guess it took long, but the smoking ultimately hit him hard in the last couple of years... :(

Alphavictim 12-22-2022 11:46 AM

Right, JBJ's unhealthy smoking habit made him age worse than Nikki Sixx, Slash, Tommy Lee and Steve Clark. Come on.

semigoodlooking 12-22-2022 02:49 PM

Firstly, he looks old because he is old. Some people when they are 60 look like they are 60. Other people are lucky and others try to hide it. Jon looks his age if we are looking at it purely at how 60-year-old men can look. I am sure he cares not a jot considering how he looked for the first 50 years of his life. To me, it is also utterly unimportant and has no bearing on anything related to the music.

His voice is strange. It cracks at one point and he does a nervous smile because he obviously knows. We know he probably had surgery so the question remains whether that was for a medical issue or to try to solve his voice. I am not sure how long it takes to recover from surgery on the throat but I feel he would be healed by now?

BJFan2021 12-22-2022 03:29 PM

If this is how his voice sounds while talking, I really don’t want to imagine how it sounds when singing. I really hoped for a farewell tour with Richie next year, but I certainly don’t want him to end up with a similar voice to Val Kilmer. Hopefully it’s just a cold or something along those lines

nikos greece 12-22-2022 03:55 PM

had a friend who had a surgery and his vocal chords got affected seriously for 2-3 months...he could not speak...
if jon had a surgery in his vocal chords there will be 6-8 months of rest before he heals.. i also hoped for a reunion tour but i guess his voice dictates the touring and recording aspect

Rdkopper 12-22-2022 07:42 PM

Those cell phone videos can bring out the worst features in someone. But Jon has become somewhat socially awkward in more recent years. I think he's making his voice weird on purpose for the video and trying to be funny / cute/ or something. But it's all just weird.

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Thinny 12-22-2022 09:08 PM


Originally Posted by semigoodlooking (Post 1283519)
Firstly, he looks old because he is old. Some people when they are 60 look like they are 60. Other people are lucky and others try to hide it. Jon looks his age if we are looking at it purely at how 60-year-old men can look. I am sure he cares not a jot considering how he looked for the first 50 years of his life. To me, it is also utterly unimportant and has no bearing on anything related to the music.

Spot on. People expect rock stars to be eternally youthful. Actually, Jon looks pretty good for 60 years old. You can't compare him to the likes to Nikki Sixx that have had god knows how much work done on his face. Compared to most 60 year olds I know, he looks bloody good.

Butters 12-23-2022 12:03 AM

If Jon sounded as good as he looks today, we'd all be very happy.

Javier 12-23-2022 03:49 AM

Jack27 12-23-2022 12:47 PM


Originally Posted by Javier (Post 1283528)

Thankfully he sounds more normal here!

semigoodlooking 12-23-2022 02:57 PM


Originally Posted by Jack27 (Post 1283530)
Thankfully he sounds more normal here!

Better but still not quite right. Last night my wife came to me randomly with this video saying "listen to his voice". She didn't hear the previous one, which was admittedly worse.

JoviForever 12-23-2022 05:39 PM


Originally Posted by steel_horse75 (Post 1283516)
his voice is one thing but f*** me how has jon gone to looking so old in 10 years.
he looks so much older than people around his own age like Nikki Sixx, Slash, Duff mckagen, tommy lee etc

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Getting rid of the Granny hair would help. Cutting it shorter I’m sure would make him look a bit younger!

blazeofglory 12-23-2022 05:47 PM

Maybe his regular speaking voice isn’t even as off as it sounds in those videos from this week. He might just have a cold at the moment.

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Alphavictim 12-23-2022 07:28 PM

It's crazy how much people on here act like the oh so dreaded housewife and gossip crowd. OMG HIS HAIR OMG HAVE YOU SEEN HIS LATEST SOCIAL MEDIA CLIP

liljovi93 12-24-2022 01:18 AM

I know a few musicians have been told to barely speak after vocal surgery and this is probably why.

His chords will have a LOT of damage on them so it wouldn't surprise me if his 'rest' will be even longer than usual.

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Rdkopper 12-24-2022 07:29 PM


Originally Posted by Alphavictim (Post 1283534)
It's crazy how much people on here act like the oh so dreaded housewife and gossip crowd. OMG HIS HAIR OMG HAVE YOU SEEN HIS LATEST SOCIAL MEDIA CLIP

He's Jon Bon Jovi and Jon Bon Jovi needs to be Jon Bon Jovi. Jon stating for years that he's not going to be the "Fat Elvis" but then lets himself go in other ways is somewhat contradictory.

Sure, he's 60, he's older, and he's allowed to have white (not grey) hair if he wishes... But walking around looking homeless is baffling to some degree. I just hope he's healthy both physically and mentally. So many people have asked me about his physical and mental state.

His personality has shifted, he's voice is shot and his hair is brittle. Someone who doesn't follow him that closely and remembers him a certain way for 35 years, might be somewhat confused when they see him today. I've had so many friends randomly ask about him.

I also read the Youtube / Instagram comments that the general public make when he posts current Hampton Water videos and they are less than kind.

We are in a social media driven world now and everyone has comments about everything. It's almost impossible not to post opinions regardless if it's here, there, or anywhere.

Captain_jovi 12-24-2022 08:32 PM


Originally Posted by Rdkopper (Post 1283538)
He's Jon Bon Jovi and Jon Bon Jovi needs to be Jon Bon Jovi. Jon stating for years that he's not going to be the "Fat Elvis" but then lets himself go in other ways is somewhat contradictory.

He's also said he doesn't want to dye his hair and fake an image, wouldn't altering how he looks to appear younger be also contradictory to what he said? Dude is getting older and his image is reflective. Everyone who wants him to look like a rock star.....Jon does what, 20-30 shows per year, some years? The rock persona is long gone.

They've been out of the public "interest" for so long now. Dying his hair isn't going to make people care again, in my opinion anyway.

Rdkopper 12-25-2022 04:59 AM


Originally Posted by Captain_jovi (Post 1283539)
He's also said he doesn't want to dye his hair and fake an image, wouldn't altering how he looks to appear younger be also contradictory to what he said? Dude is getting older and his image is reflective. Everyone who wants him to look like a rock star.....Jon does what, 20-30 shows per year, some years? The rock persona is long gone.

They've been out of the public "interest" for so long now. Dying his hair isn't going to make people care again, in my opinion anyway.

Most of that was all said after he went Grey. There is nothing wrong with getting older and keeping it real but he looks weathered.

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bonjovi90 12-25-2022 04:33 PM

I'm still surprised people regard it as a given that Jon's had vocal surgery just because he has a scar on his throat. A surgery there would have had to happen in the 19th century to have left such a big trace. Unless they ripped out his entire vocal chord system and replaced it with a new one (that's irony for the very naive ones), those procedures are done minimally invasive and can barely be seen, if at all. Even Klaus Meine didn't have such a scar and he had quite an enormous operation in the early 80's, so 40 years ago.
We do have a couple of doctors or people working in related medical fields in the family and some I once studied with and each one I saw within the last 6 months, I simply asked them what they thought the scar was from.
All answers either were: surgery on the upper spine or on the thyroid. No one ever assumed something about the vocal chords and when pressed about it, all said that it was a much too big scar unless he had it done by some voodoo priest in a lost village on the Caribbean Islands.

Alphavictim 12-25-2022 09:09 PM


Originally Posted by bonjovi90 (Post 1283542)
I'm still surprised people regard it as a given that Jon's had vocal surgery just because he has a scar on his throat.

As far as I'm concerned, I'd hope that there has been a vocal surgery simply because I wanna believe that he could be better sometime in the future. If there hasn't been a vocal surgery now, after a long touring downtime (including a pandemic), Jon probaby doesn't want to do it at all.

Rdkopper 12-25-2022 11:09 PM


Originally Posted by bonjovi90 (Post 1283542)
I'm still surprised people regard it as a given that Jon's had vocal surgery just because he has a scar on his throat.

It's kinda hard not to. A singer with a shot voice who had to stop recent shows and revert to miming suddenly has a mysterious scar show up 6 months later. He's also refrained from singing and long interviews ever since.

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Thinny 12-25-2022 11:51 PM


Originally Posted by Rdkopper (Post 1283540)
Most of that was all said after he went Grey. There is nothing wrong with getting older and keeping it real but he looks weathered.

He looks as weathered to the same extent that most 60 year olds do. I don't understand what people are seeing here.

Thinny 12-25-2022 11:55 PM


Originally Posted by Rdkopper (Post 1283546)
It's kinda hard not to. A singer with a shot voice who had to stop recent shows and revert to miming suddenly has a mysterious scar show up 6 months later. He's also refrained from singing and long interviews ever since.

Just wishful thinking. The band have no new album out so no reason to really tour any more than the few US dates that they did this year, so no reason to sing publically. We have no idea if he may have been writing or recording. The band have always had quiet periods between albums, this is nothing new. And there's definitely no reason to do a bunch of interviews right now.

Rdkopper 12-26-2022 01:34 AM


Originally Posted by Thinny (Post 1283548)
Just wishful thinking. The band have no new album out so no reason to really tour any more than the few US dates that they did this year, so no reason to sing publically. We have no idea if he may have been writing or recording. The band have always had quiet periods between albums, this is nothing new. And there's definitely no reason to do a bunch of interviews right now.

No KOS performances either? Or charity gigs? This is quietest Jon's been in 40 years

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blazeofglory 12-26-2022 01:46 AM


Originally Posted by Thinny (Post 1283548)
Just wishful thinking. The band have no new album out so no reason to really tour any more than the few US dates that they did this year, so no reason to sing publically. We have no idea if he may have been writing or recording. The band have always had quiet periods between albums, this is nothing new. And there's definitely no reason to do a bunch of interviews right now.

Yeah, this. They finished the spring tour and they might’ve been up to all sorts of stuff since then. Writing, recording, preparing things for the 40th anniversary, etc. No reason to perform or do interviews. Plus, Jon might’ve even chosen this time off from touring and being in the public eye specifically to get whatever (non-voice-related) surgery he’s had done.

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Thinny 12-26-2022 05:20 PM


Originally Posted by Rdkopper (Post 1283549)
No KOS performances either? Or charity gigs? This is quietest Jon's been in 40 years

He's also in his 60's when most people start slowing down and doing less in their worklife. People just want to see more in everything all the time....

It's not like singing is fun for him anymore, that much is clear. It's his job.

Captain_jovi 12-26-2022 07:25 PM

He also knows his voice shit the bed last tour. Why would he start doing solo and a run of corporate gigs? Though a lot of times, those aren't even advertised so for all we know, he could have done a handful since the end of last tour. I know of maybe two off the top of my head, the Nashville one for sure. I think there's a very good reason this is the quietest it's been in awhile, because it's been awhile. IMHO dude is winding down.

The hair/image stuff..."my friends are saying he looks like a grandmother" yeah, and my friends have been calling them a talentless hack band for 20 years. We can't pick and choose when we care about what our friends say about something we love. If we gave a shit what our friends thought of the band, how many of us would have stuck with them this long?

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