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steel_horse75 02-20-2020 07:23 PM

20/20: The New Album

Originally Posted by polevka (Post 1261799)
I really like the cover.

It is different and it still has a good chance to represent the album adequately.

Agree.It’s not a Bon Jovi album
It’s a Jon Bon Jovi album so the covers perfect.

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Rdkopper 02-20-2020 08:08 PM

The more I listen to it, the more its growing on me however it still doesn't change the fact that it's just recycled material and carries nothing more than just bonus-track standards.

I like Take Back The Night (which is another comparable song) for what it was which was a bonus track. If it was the lead single, I'd hate it...

Same with this song. If this was track 11, I'd be down with it but as a representation of the album, its awful.

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JackieBlue 02-20-2020 08:37 PM

I don't hate it, but I can't say I love it. To me, it sounds like much of what was on THINFS, which I still think is okay; and maybe a little like some of Burning Bridges. At first I didn't think there were any background vocals but I finally heard some in the chorus - way too low in the mix for my taste.

That said, it's miles better than Unbroken and Work for the Working Man, which are the only 2 Bon Jovi or BJ-related solo songs that I can honestly say I don't like at all.

Regarding the "cover": if that really is the album cover, I think it says a lot about the state of the band. But that doesn't say nearly as much as the fact that, unless I missed it, neither Phil-X nor David has said word one about the song being released today on Twitter or IG. Something tells me they aren't terribly excited about it.

angelsambo 02-20-2020 08:41 PM


Originally Posted by captaincrash0815 (Post 1261765)
I'm a huge fan since 1991 but this song...i don't like it!!!

Where a the guitars and the real drums? The guitars are silent ...

in the closet since 2005

Captain_jovi 02-20-2020 08:53 PM


Originally Posted by angelsambo (Post 1261810)
in the closet since 2005

*2000 I'd say. Crush and Bounce weren't very guitar heavy. Bounce was but probably more-so but had as many solos as HAND did.

steel_horse75 02-20-2020 09:09 PM


Originally Posted by JackieBlue (Post 1261809)
I don't hate it, but I can't say I love it. To me, it sounds like much of what was on THINFS, which I still think is okay; and maybe a little like some of Burning Bridges. At first I didn't think there were any background vocals but I finally heard some in the chorus - way too low in the mix for my taste.

That said, it's miles better than Unbroken and Work for the Working Man, which are the only 2 Bon Jovi or BJ-related solo songs that I can honestly say I don't like at all.

Regarding the "cover": if that really is the album cover, I think it says a lot about the state of the band. But that doesn't say nearly as much as the fact that, unless I missed it, neither Phil-X nor David has said word one about the song being released today on Twitter or IG. Something tells me they aren't terribly excited about it.

Was thinking the same re david and Phil. They've not tweeted about it. They Probably found out when we did that it was released.

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rolo_tomachi 02-20-2020 09:20 PM

I wonder if all the band will be in the video or just JBJ.

Alphavictim 02-20-2020 09:36 PM


Originally Posted by rolo_tomachi (Post 1261728)
I think Jon releases an album with 10 songs because maybe he will release another album at the end of 2021 to have an ace up his sleeve for a future tour in 2022.

I've heard that record labels usually only pay for 10 tracks nowadays. They probably didn't feel like doing free padding.


Originally Posted by BJFan99 (Post 1261715)
See? Not even the strongest of studio effects can help Jon anymore.

Not that he cares, obviously - continuing to do all this crap of course keeps the money machine rolling, and that's where the importance is at, eh?

I'm sorry, this is absolutely pathetic. Not wanting to be cruel, but Jon's clearly sold himself out for good both as a singer and a songwriter.

PS. Thank f*ck Rosa doesn't come around here anymore... she'd probably literally kill me for this comment :D

Of course he cares. He doesn't sound like this live, does he?


Originally Posted by rolo_tomachi (Post 1261718)

Do you remember what the track Phil X said was his favorite was called? I think he just gave the acronym, but we should know what that means by that now.


Originally Posted by Captain_jovi (Post 1261811)
*2000 I'd say. Crush and Bounce weren't very guitar heavy. Bounce was but probably more-so but had as many solos as HAND did.

Lost Highway had plenty of solos from what I remember.

Let me blow everybody's mind: The composition is perfectly fine. The chorus would need to be an octave higher, and the rest of the music would need to not drown out the vocal that much. It would be a pleasant enough radio pop/rock track that way. As it is, it sounds a little overblown for what it is. We know why neither an octave jump nor sparse instrumentation that let the vocal shine are an option at this point. But the melody is not bad at all. Not first single material, but it's a pretty enough song. Also, it doesn't sound like a lesser version of a great song we've heard before (which THINFS was).

...actually: I've felt this way before the vocal was added, and now "on a NIIIIGHT like this" reminds me of "breathe IIIIN, breathe OOOUT" quite a bit.

Captain_jovi 02-20-2020 09:37 PM


Originally Posted by Alphavictim (Post 1261814)
I've heard that record labels usually only pay for 10 tracks nowadays. They probably didn't feel like doing free padding.

Of course he cares. He doesn't sound like this live, does he?

Do you remember what the track Phil X said was his favorite was called? I think he just gave the acronym, but we should know what that means by that now.

Lost Highway had plenty of solos from what I remember.

Let me blow everybody's mind: The composition is perfectly fine. The chorus would need to be an octave higher, and the rest of the music would need to not drown out the vocal that much. It would be a pleasant enough radio pop/rock track that way. As it is, it sounds a little overblown for what it is. We know why neither an octave jump nor sparse instrumentation that let the vocal shine are an option at this point. But the melody is not bad at all. Not first single material, but it's a pretty enough song. Also, it doesn't sound like a lesser version of a great song we've heard before (which THINFS was).

...actually: I've felt this way before the vocal was added, and now "on a NIIIIGHT like this" reminds me of "breathe IIIIN, breathe OOOUT" quite a bit.

Acronym was LIABD and I think we decided it could be "Love Is A Beautiful Drug".

Captain_jovi 02-20-2020 09:38 PM


Originally Posted by rolo_tomachi (Post 1261813)
I wonder if all the band will be in the video or just JBJ.

Phil posted a pic of his guitar that he plays in an "upcoming Bon Jovi video" so it's either that or the second single.

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