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Alphavictim 02-20-2020 09:42 PM


Originally Posted by Captain_jovi (Post 1261815)
Acronym was LIABD and I think we decided it could be "Love Is A Beautiful Drug".

So Phil's fav song is gonna open the record. Might be somewhat cutting edge after all.

efpg0708 02-20-2020 09:51 PM

20/20: The New Album

I remember cringing when I first heard Because We Can, but at least the verse’s melody was pleasant.

This song, however, is the worst thing I’ve ever heard from Bon Jovi. The verses are bland, the chorus is a joke, that bridge is horrendous, the guitar work is non existent, the lyrics are abysmal and Jon’s voice is bad. I get a feeling that anyone can come up with lyrics like these in just a few minutes.

Just to make things clear: I’m not being picky for the sole reason of being picky. I love Walls, for instance.

I have no words to express my disbelief in how could they have listened to this and decided that it had it’s place in the new album, let alone as a single. Considering that I hated Unbroken as well, this is not looking good.

I’m in awe. For all the wrong reasons.

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bonjovi90 02-20-2020 09:52 PM

I honestly can't imagine this getting any decent radio airplay. At least not on the stations here in Germany that actually used to play Bon Jovi singles quite a lot, including THINFS in 2016.

wichi850262 02-20-2020 09:55 PM


Originally Posted by steel_horse75 (Post 1261797)
On average 35 posts a year since you joined suggests you contribute **** all !

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And your repetitive posts contribute how exactly? ;) It's not quantity…

We get it - you don't like any of it. Move on :)

rokenrola 02-20-2020 10:01 PM

I think Limitless will have outro solo in live version like Knockout.

wichi850262 02-20-2020 10:07 PM

I usually don't like the singles as much as other songs on the album, so I still hope there are some "meatier" songs among the over commercial, stuck in a rut songs we've listened to for over a decade.

THINFS was a real step forward from what was offered before. I sincerely hope these two singles don't reflect the rest of the album...

polevka 02-20-2020 10:17 PM

Discussing the cover

Originally Posted by Santa Fe (Post 1261803)
And what about the rest of the band ?

Hired guns who help with the campaign (= not as important as on THINFS)?

Just guessing so far. We'll see once the album is out.

rolo_tomachi 02-20-2020 10:33 PM


Originally Posted by efpg0708 (Post 1261818)

I remember cringing when I first heard Because We Can, but at least the verse’s melody was pleasant.

This song, however, is the worst thing I’ve ever heard from Bon Jovi. The verses are bland, the chorus is a joke, that bridge is horrendous, the guitar work is non existent, the lyrics are abysmal and Jon’s voice is bad. I get a feeling that anyone can come up with lyrics like these in just a few minutes.

Just to make things clear: I’m not being picky for the sole reason of being picky. I love Walls, for instance.

I have no words to express my disbelief in how could they have listened to this and decided that it had it’s place in the new album, let alone as a single. Considering that I hated Unbroken as well, this is not looking good.

I’m in awe. For all the wrong reasons.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

JoviForever 02-20-2020 10:34 PM


Originally Posted by efpg0708 (Post 1261818)

I remember cringing when I first heard Because We Can, but at least the verse’s melody was pleasant.

This song, however, is the worst thing I’ve ever heard from Bon Jovi. The verses are bland, the chorus is a joke, that bridge is horrendous, the guitar work is non existent, the lyrics are abysmal and Jon’s voice is bad. I get a feeling that anyone can come up with lyrics like these in just a few minutes.

Just to make things clear: I’m not being picky for the sole reason of being picky. I love Walls, for instance.

I have no words to express my disbelief in how could they have listened to this and decided that it had it’s place in the new album, let alone as a single. Considering that I hated Unbroken as well, this is not looking good.

I’m in awe. For all the wrong reasons.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Because We Can is my least favourite single ever - worse than this one.

YOVANAfromPeru 02-20-2020 10:36 PM


Originally Posted by Jack27 (Post 1261791)
Probably coincidence...but did anyone spot the release date 20 02 (2020)

Posts like this scares me!


Originally Posted by JackieBlue (Post 1261809)
Regarding the "cover": if that really is the album cover, I think it says a lot about the state of the band. But that doesn't say nearly as much as the fact that, unless I missed it, neither Phil-X nor David has said word one about the song being released today on Twitter or IG. Something tells me they aren't terribly excited about it.

David is busy with his musical and Phil with his tour, I guess.
P.S. The cover seems official to me, I mean it's also in the BJ shop...

Universal Music: Bon Jovi open the decade just started with their 15th studio album “BON JOVI 2020”. For this, the US rock band has recorded ten new tracks that will be released on May 15, 2020. The record was again co-produced by John Shanks and Jon Bon Jovi and recorded by the entire tour band. In addition to front singer Jon Bon Jovi himself keyboardist David Bryan, drummer Tico Torres, bassist Hugh McDonald, guitarist Phil X, drummer Everett Bradley and guitarist John Shanks.
On the artwork you can see the band leader standing in front of the courthouse in New York City. The American flag is reflected in his sunglasses. The cover image was inspired by a photo of former President of the United States, John F. Kennedy. Just like him, Bon Jovi is deep in thought before addressing a crowd. The content of the album focuses on current events. Bon Jovi explains: “It is an election year in the USA, so the title’ 2020 ′ should be understood ambiguously. The album had to cover various topics, not just politics - but also the state of our world today, life, love and loss. ”
The band clarifies their leitmotif with the first single release “Limitless”. The song is a happy hymn that promotes optimism in an uncertain world. The text calls for use every day as everyone tries to stay afloat. It is also an invitation not to be afraid and to go through the opening doors, because “life is limitless”.

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