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Ruggy 07-11-2013 06:59 PM

No official announcement is just nonsense. I mean, we all know he isn't going to be there, but not every fan reads or posts here, or is on twitter, and so the last they are aware is he was out for the last leg so they could rightly expect him to be there tomorrow night. It's shoddy, as has been the way the whole episode has been handled by from the start.

IML88 07-11-2013 07:00 PM

I feel like this whole tour will be brushed under the carpet somewhat. I expect nothing different from an announcement regarding the lineup for the N.American leg.

They will bumble along the way they have the whole tour, promotional material will be JBJ focused, nothing much said on stage except the obligatory "stepped in when we needed him" thanks to Phil X and the tour will meander around the rest of the world in the rather vague, lackluster fashion it has since Richie left.

Here's to the impending hiatus and starting a fresh in 5 years time.

Ruggy 07-11-2013 07:02 PM

I've tweeted Matt the hanger on to ask. He'll either reply or block me :popcorn:

jovigirlCT 07-11-2013 07:11 PM

The Richie fans are extremely nervous on twitter that he was supposed to be in Europe for a month and is now flying home early and on his birthday. They are all afraid he will be at the concert tomorrow - not exactly what they want him to do - want him to go solo. Nothing out there yet from Bon Jovi website or nothing from Phil X twitter either way. Let the guessing begin!!

Ruggy 07-11-2013 07:16 PM


Originally Posted by jovigirlCT (Post 1145940)
The Richie fans are extremely nervous on twitter that he was supposed to be in Europe for a month and is now flying home early and on his birthday. They are all afraid he will be at the concert tomorrow - not exactly what they want him to do - want him to go solo. Nothing out there yet from Bon Jovi website or nothing from Phil X twitter either way. Let the guessing begin!!

Who says he's flying home early?

JoviJovi 07-11-2013 07:22 PM


Originally Posted by jovigirlCT (Post 1145940)
The Richie fans are extremely nervous on twitter that he was supposed to be in Europe for a month and is now flying home early and on his birthday. They are all afraid he will be at the concert tomorrow - not exactly what they want him to do - want him to go solo. Nothing out there yet from Bon Jovi website or nothing from Phil X twitter either way. Let the guessing begin!!

I know people who have gotten refunds for upcoming shows due to Richie's absence so if it was even a possibilty of him coming back, I doubt that would have happened. Refunds are not being advertised like they were for Europe, but you can get one if you try.

Lindy 07-11-2013 07:26 PM


Originally Posted by Ruggy (Post 1145942)
Who says he's flying home early?

Ava posted they were flying back to LA today.

jessycardy 07-11-2013 07:30 PM


Originally Posted by jovigirlCT (Post 1145940)
The Richie fans are extremely nervous on twitter that he was supposed to be in Europe for a month and is now flying home early and on his birthday. They are all afraid he will be at the concert tomorrow - not exactly what they want him to do - want him to go solo. Nothing out there yet from Bon Jovi website or nothing from Phil X twitter either way. Let the guessing begin!!

Early? Why? I don't know how some people got the impression that Richie was gonna spend an entire month in Europe.

Sissy3 07-11-2013 07:40 PM

Sounds like the Richie die-hards want so badly for him to return, they are looking for any indication that he's going to hook back up with the band. He probably came back for a fashion show. :rolleyes: If he were in fact returning there would be some sort of announcement so they could sell more tickets to those holding out for the entire band.

eta: Aren't they on break for the entire month of August? Why return for just a handful of shows?

jovigirlCT 07-11-2013 07:42 PM

I'm just repeating what the die hard Richie fans said - they posted that he was supposed to be in Europe for a month. Don't know where they got that from - I know most also follow Ava's twitter since they quote what she has to say also. I don't expect him to be back for the next leg of the tour. Maybe when they go back out in Sept since Phil X's baby will be due then and they can't be without both. As far as people that requested refunds, that could go for any concert from now to the end of the tour. Its a personal
decision as to whether or not a ticketholder wanted a refund and they unfortunately will just have to live with the consequences if and when Richie comes back.

JoviForever 07-11-2013 07:47 PM

I thought die-hard fans would want him to go solo and not return to the band anyway?!

JoviJovi 07-11-2013 07:48 PM


Originally Posted by jovigirlCT (Post 1145949)
I'm just repeating what the die hard Richie fans said - they posted that he was supposed to be in Europe for a month. Don't know where they got that from - I know most also follow Ava's twitter since they quote what she has to say also. I don't expect him to be back for the next leg of the tour. Maybe when they go back out in Sept since Phil X's baby will be due then and they can't be without both. As far as people that requested refunds, that could go for any concert from now to the end of the tour. Its a personal
decision as to whether or not a ticketholder wanted a refund and they unfortunately will just have to live with the consequences if and when Richie comes back.

No actually they can't. From what I hear there will be no refunds for the fall leg.

aljo 07-11-2013 07:49 PM

Call me a fool but I am still hoping he shows for the jersey shows.

jovigirlCT 07-11-2013 07:53 PM

The die hard fans on twitter don't want him to come back. They blame everything on Jon and want him to go solo. I have tickets for Metlife and am going with Richie won't be there. Have tickets to the reschedule Mohegan Sun in Oct and think that may be more of a possibility but won't count on that either. Time will tell if he shows up at all.

Sissy3 07-11-2013 07:58 PM

You (and others) pretty much have to go on the assumption that he won't be at your shows, then you won't be disappointed. And if by some twist of fate he is there, then it would be a nice surprise. :D People just need to know something solid.

rolo_tomachi 07-11-2013 07:59 PM


Originally Posted by jovigirlCT (Post 1145953)
The die hard fans on twitter don't want him to come back. They blame everything on Jon and want him to go solo. I have tickets for Metlife and am going with Richie won't be there. Have tickets to the reschedule Mohegan Sun in Oct and think that may be more of a possibility but won't count on that either. Time will tell if he shows up at all.

All fans want Richie back. The only fans who don't want to Richie are JBJ fangirls lovelorn.

jessycardy 07-11-2013 07:59 PM

If "die-hard" has to mean "stupid prejudiced irrational prick" then I couldn't give two flying shits what they want and I'm pretty sure nor could any of the Bon Jovi guys. People with a brain are way underrated and people without one are way overrated.

jessycardy 07-11-2013 08:00 PM


Originally Posted by rolo_tomachi (Post 1145955)
All fans want Richie back. The only fans who don't want to Richie are JBJ fangirls lovelorn.

You're so delusional. Like, really, SO ****in' delusional.

Mysterytrain 07-11-2013 08:00 PM

I'm a Richie diehard and I want him to stay with Bon Jovi and also release solo albums more frequently. Guess I'm in the minority among Richie fans.

Kathleen 07-11-2013 08:02 PM


Originally Posted by kenobi_on_a_prayer (Post 1145887)

I'll always love Bon Jovi, I have a heart and dagger tattoo and no regrets, but it kind of saddens me how jaded and indifferent I've become.

I also have the Heart and Dagger tattoo AND no regrets. I enjoy the shows in the moment but they have become so vanilla that except for the last European tour that I went on, they are very unmemorable :(

And that really has nothing to do with Richie.

Lindy 07-11-2013 08:03 PM


Originally Posted by Mysterytrain (Post 1145958)
I'm a Richie diehard and I want him to stay with Bon Jovi and also release solo albums more frequently. Guess I'm in the minority among Richie fans.

No you're not am with you on that:D

Mysterytrain 07-11-2013 08:08 PM


Originally Posted by Lindy (Post 1145960)
No you're not am with you on that:D

Glad I'm not alone lol--plus, I can't help but think that the most ardent Richie fans who want him to leave Bon Jovi are also the ones who think Jon is the devil incarnate. They've created 'characters' in their heads that say more about their imaginative abilities than (what I presume) to be reality imo.

rolo_tomachi 07-11-2013 08:08 PM


Originally Posted by Mysterytrain (Post 1145958)
I'm a Richie diehard and I want him to stay with Bon Jovi and also release solo albums more frequently. Guess I'm in the minority among Richie fans.

All Richie fans want him back.

aljo 07-11-2013 08:13 PM


Originally Posted by Sissy3 (Post 1145954)
You (and others) pretty much have to go on the assumption that he won't be at your shows, then you won't be disappointed. And if by some twist of fate he is there, then it would be a nice surprise. :D People just need to know something solid.

I am going with that assumption. :) It just would be nice to know either way so I don't have to hope he will show. I was very upset when Richie cancelled his solo show...and I am really neither a Jon or Richie fan, I'm a Bon Jovi fan. I saw Phil last tour and he was very good so either way I'm sure we'll have a good time.

Lindy 07-11-2013 08:18 PM


Originally Posted by Mysterytrain (Post 1145961)
Glad I'm not alone lol--plus, I can't help but think that the most ardent Richie fans who want him to leave Bon Jovi are also the ones who think Jon is the devil incarnate. They've created 'characters' in their heads that say more about their imaginative abilities than (what I presume) to be reality imo.

I totally agree with you, I don't know if you go on any of the facebook fan sites but there are times my eyes roll back in my head from some of these "grown" women:rolleyes:

jessycardy 07-11-2013 08:23 PM


Originally Posted by rolo_tomachi (Post 1145962)
All Richie fans want him back.

You keep repeating something that is simply false. If you want people to start copying and pasting here the embarrassing messages of some so-called "Richie fans", just say so. I would gladly save myself the pain of doing that, but would do it if it's necessary.
Sure, if and once he comes back they'll support his decision. But until then, they have to pretend they hate the band, or most likely evil Jon, for a reason. Just don't ask them what that is and everything will work as planned.

rolo_tomachi 07-11-2013 08:27 PM


Originally Posted by jessycardy (Post 1145965)
You keep repeating something that it's simply false. If you want people to start copying and pasting here the embarrassing messages of some so-called "Richie fans", just say so. I would gladly save myself the pain of doing that, but would do it if it's necessary.
Sure, if and once he comes back they'll support his decision. But until then, they have to pretend they hate the band, or most likely evil Jon, for a reason. Just don't ask them what that is and everything will work as planned.

Richie fans don't accept a Bon Jovi without Sambora.

jessycardy 07-11-2013 08:30 PM


Originally Posted by rolo_tomachi (Post 1145966)
Richie fans don't accept a Bon Jovi without Sambora.

Those are called "Bon Jovi fans", my dear. And you and I are two of them. Unfortunately, not all those who claim to be Bon Jovi fans actually are. You can easily spot the imposters at tough times like these.

The Rock 07-11-2013 08:31 PM

Jon has done a new interview and the question regarding Richie naturally came up. He gave nothing new, standard answer but again, it's personal issues and Richie needs to work through them.

Q. What’s the dynamic between you and Richie Sambora now? There’s been a lot of smack talk between you two in the media.

JBJ: I have to give the same answer, because it’s a personal issue he’s working through. There was no fight. It certainly isn’t about a fight or money or anything to do with that. And his place on the plane is waiting for him when he’s worked through these issues. The dynamic certainly hasn’t changed [with him] from the perspective of me, [drummer] Tico [Torres] or [keyboard player] David [Bryan]. So once he works his way through this stuff, he’s welcome back. In the meantime, we couldn’t not go to work because of it. It’s not fair to me, it’s not fair to the band [and] it’s not fair to the crew or to the fans.

Ruggy 07-11-2013 08:36 PM


Originally Posted by Lindy (Post 1145944)
Ava posted they were flying back to LA today.

Ah I see. Sorry, I don't follow teenage girls on Twitter. It's creepy.

nickolai 07-11-2013 08:39 PM

Oldish story I dont remember seeing, but it could rubbish the rumours of a feud:

jessycardy 07-11-2013 08:40 PM


Originally Posted by The Rock (Post 1145968)
Jon has done a new interview and the question regarding Richie naturally came up. He gave nothing new, standard answer but again, it's personal issues and Richie needs to work through them.

Q. What’s the dynamic between you and Richie Sambora now? There’s been a lot of smack talk between you two in the media.

JBJ: I have to give the same answer, because it’s a personal issue he’s working through. There was no fight. It certainly isn’t about a fight or money or anything to do with that. And his place on the plane is waiting for him when he’s worked through these issues. The dynamic certainly hasn’t changed [with him] from the perspective of me, [drummer] Tico [Torres] or [keyboard player] David [Bryan]. So once he works his way through this stuff, he’s welcome back. In the meantime, we couldn’t not go to work because of it. It’s not fair to me, it’s not fair to the band [and] it’s not fair to the crew or to the fans.

Thanks for that!

It's probably worth noting that they say this interview was given while on tour in Manchester. That show was on June 8th, so that means this interview should be about a month old (before Richie's video interviews, latest tweets, etc.). I don't know why they wait so long at times to publish interviews. Still, it's refreshing to read, I especially enjoyed the part about the perspective that hasn't changed for any of the Guys.

Lindy 07-11-2013 08:40 PM


Originally Posted by Ruggy (Post 1145969)
Ah I see. Sorry, I don't follow teenage girls on Twitter. It's creepy.

I don't follow her either as I don't twitter but I know someone that does.

Ruggy 07-11-2013 08:41 PM


Originally Posted by Lindy (Post 1145973)
I don't follow her either as I don't twitter but I know someone that does.

It wasn't a dig at you. ;)

Lindy 07-11-2013 08:46 PM


Originally Posted by Ruggy (Post 1145975)
It wasn't a dig at you. ;)

Didn't think it was and in fact I agree with you:D

Bounce7800 07-11-2013 08:53 PM

This whole sorry saga has really brought out the worst in a lot of fans. So called "Jon fans", "Richie fans" and all that shit. What happened to being a Bon Jovi fan rather than taking sides in a stupid imaginary fight? Seeing a lot of comments from so-called fans on social media is pretty depressing.

Lindy 07-11-2013 09:19 PM


Originally Posted by Bounce7800 (Post 1145979)
This whole sorry saga has really brought out the worst in a lot of fans. So called "Jon fans", "Richie fans" and all that shit. What happened to being a Bon Jovi fan rather than taking sides in a stupid imaginary fight? Seeing a lot of comments from so-called fans on social media is pretty depressing.

I agree I don't understand this taking of sides and name calling especially when you don't even know what the truth is in the first place. But because some source said other than the main characters it must be true:rolleyes:

Kiwi78 07-11-2013 09:24 PM


Originally Posted by Bounce7800 (Post 1145979)
This whole sorry saga has really brought out the worst in a lot of fans. So called "Jon fans", "Richie fans" and all that shit. What happened to being a Bon Jovi fan rather than taking sides in a stupid imaginary fight? Seeing a lot of comments from so-called fans on social media is pretty depressing.


This is exactly right. What happened to it being just about the band and more importantly the music? The level of Jon vs Richie is embarrassing on for me as a Bon Jovi fan to the general public and it's making the tour so toxic.

I'm a Jon fan (if you have to slot me into a field) but I want what's best for the band and I want Richie back, IF he wants to be there. For the meantime I'm supporting the rest of the band until this gets resolved, no matter who is right or wrong.

It's really that simple for me.

TwinFan 07-11-2013 09:35 PM


Originally Posted by Bounce7800 (Post 1145979)
This whole sorry saga has really brought out the worst in a lot of fans. So called "Jon fans", "Richie fans" and all that shit. What happened to being a Bon Jovi fan rather than taking sides in a stupid imaginary fight? Seeing a lot of comments from so-called fans on social media is pretty depressing.

Agreed. I'm a fan of the band, not just Jon or Richie. I just happen to believe that Richie's handled this unprofessionally and Jon has done nothing wrong. But that doesn't mean I'm a Jon-worshipper or a Richie-hater. That's just what I think from an objective viewpoint.

jovigirlCT 07-11-2013 09:47 PM

According to a Richie fan on twitter there is an article on the Chicago Tribune website that states Richie won't be there tomorrow - which made all the Richie fans estatic. Tried to get into see the article but you have to have a subscription to get to it. Someone also sent a tweet to Phil X to see if he was going to be in Chicago but he hasn't answered.

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