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The Rock 07-14-2013 01:12 AM


Originally Posted by Mysterytrain (Post 1146360)
While I don't know, I suspect that Richie is not pre-plotting these photo ops; he's probably not thinking about how fans would perceive them at all. I mean, the "PR" in this mess has been incredibly shoddy, which to me says that there is no PR plan, or way to 'spin' things to look positive. They're doing a spectacular job going the other direction.

If this is about an issue with Jon or within the band, it's possible he's directing his increased visibility at them, as if to say: "See? My life goes on and I'm happy."

But I don't even know if he's vindictive in that way: It's possible he's unaware of what some people are saying and is just "living his life". It just is perceived by the average, media-savvy fan as a slap in the face. I'm not saying that I don't understand or agree with that perception, because it seems like that to me, too. Yet, I don't know if that is how /he/ is intending it.

Either way, this whole saga should be published as "PR Crisis Management: What 'We Don't Have a Plan' Looks Like." Whether perceived or real, every misstep you could make has happened, and keeps happening.

As for whether he is still in the band, both he and Jon have said he is. Richie has said, "Jon and I rely on each other." He's floated the idea of returning to the tour by September. Until I hear otherwise, I'll hold onto hope he is still truly a member (and performer) in the band.

He knows what he is doing, his not naive. I think he is more vindictive then people care to think.

As for the Alec situation, its not the same, so shouldn't be mentioned, it's stupid. Alec wasn't going around appearing at places and giving the finger to the band and fans. The band weren't on tour and Alec wasn't traveling Europe at the same time.

JackieBlue 07-14-2013 01:19 AM


Originally Posted by ticos_stick (Post 1146284)
I'm trying to find a **** that I can give regarding this news.

:lol: Very descriptive. I'm filing that one away to use the next time I need to file something under "who gives a sh*t?"

Mysterytrain 07-14-2013 01:35 AM


Originally Posted by The Rock (Post 1146362)
He knows what he is doing, his not naive. I think he is more vindictive then people care to think.

As for the Alec situation, its not the same, so shouldn't be mentioned, it's stupid. Alec wasn't going around appearing at places and giving the finger to the band and fans. The band weren't on tour and Alec wasn't traveling Europe at the same time.

Fair point. I wasn't really aware of the band during the Alec years, so I don't know how that all unfolded.

jessycardy 07-14-2013 02:09 AM

Just a thought: we all assumed that Richie went back to LA with Ava, but he obviously didn't. First, he was at the Rolling Stones show in the UK. And now, this picture supposedly taken today in France has just surfaced. I guess that probably means Ava went back to LA with Heather, while Richie stayed in France and then he flew to the UK sometime today.

( )

In any case, I have no idea who those people are.

jovigirlCT 07-14-2013 02:18 AM

Well if Richie stayed in London and France he sent Ava and her friend home alone since there have been pictures on different sites of Heather with friends in Hawaii while Richie was in Rome and Paris with Ava. Don't know who the guys are in the picture but they don't even know how to spell Richie's name. Maybe it was from when he was there with Ava.

Sissy3 07-14-2013 02:20 AM

Button that shirt, dammit! I guess he wants to show his jewelry.;)

Mysterytrain 07-14-2013 02:21 AM


Originally Posted by jovigirlCT (Post 1146368)
Well if Richie stayed in London and France he sent Ava and her friend home alone since there have been pictures on different sites of Heather with friends in Hawaii while Richie was in Rome and Paris with Ava. Don't know who the guys are in the picture but they don't even know how to spell Richie's name. Maybe it was from when he was there with Ava.

I saw that picture posted somewhere on Twitter and I thought these were just fans who had met Richie.

jessycardy 07-14-2013 02:23 AM


Originally Posted by jovigirlCT (Post 1146368)
Well if Richie stayed in London and France he sent Ava and her friend home alone since there have been pictures on different sites of Heather with friends in Hawaii while Richie was in Rome and Paris with Ava. Don't know who the guys are in the picture but they don't even know how to spell Richie's name. Maybe it was from when he was there with Ava.

That's weird, both Richie and Heather said they were gonna spend some time together in Paris. Oh well, it's not important anyway. The thing is he stayed in Europe, 'cause I doubt he would go all the way back to the UK once in LA. Not that his whereabouts are that important either, come to think of it. Just something to chew on while waiting for the next big news.

ezearis 07-14-2013 02:23 AM


Originally Posted by MellyMel (Post 1146340)
It feels like he is just trying to irritate the fans!

I'd say that he isn't trying to do anything, he's just too stupid to see things in a wider perspective.

Jonty 07-14-2013 02:28 AM

so did the band not even do an announcement this time?

Mysterytrain 07-14-2013 02:32 AM


Originally Posted by Jonty (Post 1146376)
so did the band not even do an announcement this time?

Nope; nothing is listed on the band's webpage.

jessycardy 07-14-2013 02:33 AM


Originally Posted by Jonty (Post 1146376)
so did the band not even do an announcement this time?

Correct. We're only talking about 7 shows, but still.

gnr5 07-14-2013 02:44 AM

WillRunForChocolate 07-14-2013 02:59 AM


Originally Posted by jessycardy (Post 1146367)
Just a thought: we all assumed that Richie went back to LA with Ava, but he obviously didn't. First, he was at the Rolling Stones show in the UK. And now, this picture supposedly taken today in France has just surfaced. I guess that probably means Ava went back to LA with Heather, while Richie stayed in France and then he flew to the UK sometime today.

( )

In any case, I have no idea who those people are.

For the love of God, please button your shirt!

tico_6 07-14-2013 03:01 AM

Just watching live from London '95', they were awesome!!
Richie get back on tour, this is your legacy your f***ing with now.

jessycardy 07-14-2013 03:40 AM

What's wrong with a little chest showing? Is it his age the bothering factor? I've seen a good number of people reacting in horror to it, so I'm genuinely curious 'cause I'm totally missing it.

Sissy3 07-14-2013 03:44 AM

Older man with shirt open to the waist and necklaces is sort of a cheesy cliche'. Jon does it too, sometimes. :)

rolo_tomachi 07-14-2013 04:05 AM

Jon doesn't want him back now, that's my impression. Richie tries to enjoy the "Rolling Stones show" until Jon will accept the return again.


JoviJovi 07-14-2013 04:17 AM


Originally Posted by jessycardy (Post 1146387)
What's wrong with a little chest showing? Is it his age the bothering factor? I've seen a good number of people reacting in horror to it, so I'm genuinely curious 'cause I'm totally missing it.

It's tacky. Middle aged men with their shirts opened to their stomach is just not a good look, rockstar or not.

jovigirloz 07-14-2013 07:22 AM


Originally Posted by jessycardy (Post 1146387)
What's wrong with a little chest showing? Is it his age the bothering factor? I've seen a good number of people reacting in horror to it, so I'm genuinely curious 'cause I'm totally missing it.

Looks tacky to me. He makes it look worse by not standing up straight.

Kiwi78 07-14-2013 08:16 AM

New Jon intv ahead of Detriot Concert - he mentions Richie right at the end - nothing new. Just that he loves him, he's dealing with issues - he's welcome back etc...but the whole intv overall is a decent read. IMO

SuperBrad 07-14-2013 09:38 AM

Good interview ...... Very good news ..... I reckon Richie will be back sooner than later ..... Jon makes it clear he can come back tomorrow and loves him . Richie has chilled , had a nice holiday with the kid and will be bored shortly and back on tour . Simple ;)

bonjovi821 07-14-2013 11:09 AM


Originally Posted by SuperBrad (Post 1146407)
Good interview ...... Very good news ..... I reckon Richie will be back sooner than later ..... Jon makes it clear he can come back tomorrow and loves him . Richie has chilled , had a nice holiday with the kid and will be bored shortly and back on tour . Simple ;)

I wish I was that naïve.

Jonty 07-14-2013 11:50 AM


Originally Posted by Kiwi78 (Post 1146403)
New Jon intv ahead of Detriot Concert - he mentions Richie right at the end - nothing new. Just that he loves him, he's dealing with issues - he's welcome back etc...but the whole intv overall is a decent read. IMO

and the ball is smashed back over the net into Richie's court once more!!!

Stranger11 07-14-2013 12:41 PM


Originally Posted by Jonty (Post 1146413)
and the ball is smashed back over the net into Richie's court once more!!!

Yeah, but if Jon´s counting is correct when he says that he was 46 or 47 shows into the tour that would put this interview into early June when they where in the UK.
Some stuff has happened since then with Richie going more public with his "personal problems" than Jon may have wanted him to.

jessycardy 07-14-2013 03:11 PM

Thanks, everybody, for explaining what you don't like about Richie showing his chest. I have to say I don't mind or give much thought to it.


Originally Posted by Stranger11 (Post 1146417)
Yeah, but if Jon´s counting is correct when he says that he was 46 or 47 shows into the tour that would put this interview into early June when they where in the UK.
Some stuff has happened since then with Richie going more public with his "personal problems" than Jon may have wanted him to.

That's correct. If you count them up, we're talking about either the Manchester (June 8th) or the Birmingham (June 9th) show. They usually group press conferences and/or interviews in the same day, if they can, and since the latest interview with Jon was done while in Manchester, I would say this one was as well. In any case, we can say it's about one month old. Still, it's a new one, so thanks for sharing. I have to say sometimes these statements come across as bittersweet to me. Like, positive but gloomy at the same time. They don't really leave me with a good taste in my mouth.

bjcrazycpa 07-14-2013 04:03 PM


Originally Posted by jessycardy (Post 1146421)
Thanks, everybody, for explaining what you don't like about Richie showing his chest. I have to say I don't mind or give much thought to it.

I'm with you, the open shirt thing doesn't bother me as far as, I'd say maybe because I'm old too. But, to be completely hypocritical, I did say, "yuck" to myself when Roger Daltrey to off his shirt at 121212...ha ha ha!!

jublke 07-14-2013 04:42 PM

From Jon's latest interview:

Q: I’m trying to think of a clever segue into this question. If you’d said you do want to be the 70-year-old Jagger, I’d have said, “Well, do you expect Richie (Sambora) will be back by that point?”

(Laughs) Ba-dum-dum.

Q: I’ll just leave it at that and you answer it the way you want.

A: I love the man to death. He’s always going to be the guitar player in the band. He’s not been fired. There’s been no fight. There’s been none of that initial TMZ story about money or anything. He’s going through, all I can tell you, is personal issues. And as soon as he works them out, he’s got a seat on the plane next to me. …

I couldn’t stop in order to accommodate that. People come to see me do what I do, and we work very hard to give them the satisfaction of knowing their time and money was well spent. And that’s what I’ve got to do. And that’s also the case for Dave (Bryan) and for Tico (Torres) — we’re not going to stop. But the door’s open. You’re welcome back, we love you.


I think we did get something new out of this interview. See in Jon's last answer, where the ellipsis (the three dots) is? That's where the interviewer snipped something Jon said out of the interview. Jon comes across as very open in this interview, and given that, I suspect that he told the interviewer - off the record - what Richie's issue is/was. And followed it up with "I couldn't stop in order to accommodate that."

It's an interesting choice of words, and it makes me wonder even more what "that" is. Jon's words imply that Richie did not quit permanently, but that he took some time off to sort something out. Something that required time smack in the middle of the tour. Something that Jon - in his own words - did not think was justification for stopping the tour. Which leads us right back to personal issues and the beginning of this thread.

I am honestly starting to wonder if Richie wanted some time off to find himself or get centered or take a spiritual quest or something like that. Having seen an early show this tour with Richie in it - where Richie seemed really into it and Jon was struggling with his stage presence - I am still baffled by what the trigger was.


Javier 07-14-2013 04:44 PM

The open shirt thing is a trick often used to hide the gut and moobs :)

Becky 07-14-2013 05:03 PM


Originally Posted by Kiwi78 (Post 1146403)
New Jon intv ahead of Detriot Concert - he mentions Richie right at the end - nothing new. Just that he loves him, he's dealing with issues - he's welcome back etc...but the whole intv overall is a decent read. IMO

That was a great interview. Thanks for the link. If that's the EDITED version as it says in the beginning, I wonder just what else Jon had to say. Normally his quotes get cut down to the bare minimal but this one gave us some meat of what he was saying. I hope his health will improve, but I guess there are some things that are just time and wear and tear taking their toll on him.

semigoodlookin 07-14-2013 05:35 PM

it was a good interview because the questions were better than the normal stuff. Or at least worded to be more appealing to answer. Jon still churned most of the normal stuff though, but at least he showed more of his thought process.

Sissy3 07-14-2013 07:16 PM

I had the same thought, the questions were asked in an interesting way instead of sounding like every other Q&A we've seen. Like the way they eased into the Richie question. :D

jessycardy 07-14-2013 07:23 PM

( )

Shania Twain was in Hyde Park too. That's it! Richie is working on a new album with Nikki Lund and will then tour the UK promoted by AEG, while Shania Twain is like "woman! I feel for that man!" and is trying to negotiate a special guest appearance to help him out.

Bounce7800 07-14-2013 07:29 PM


Originally Posted by jessycardy (Post 1146442)

Shania Twain was in Hyde Park too. That's it! Richie is working on a new album with Nikki Lund and will then tour the UK promoted by AEG, while Shania Twain is like "woman! I feel for that man!" and is trying to negotiate a special guest appearance to help him out.

That don't impress me much

Becky 07-14-2013 07:31 PM


Originally Posted by Bounce7800 (Post 1146444)
That don't impress me much

:lol: Hehhehheh.

jessycardy 07-14-2013 07:38 PM


Originally Posted by Bounce7800 (Post 1146444)
That don't impress me much

That made me ROTFL. :D

steel_horse75 07-14-2013 08:11 PM

He clearly tells the interviewer what Richies problem is coz if you read the final two paragraphs they don't make sense.

That ... And the I couldn't stop bit means a paragraph explaining Richies issues has been cut out.

Lucky interviewer though - he knows what the problem is!!

Lisa71 07-14-2013 09:34 PM

Someone tweeted to Phil and asked him to confirm the following and he replied Yes. As per Phil, Richie is coming back.

jessycardy 07-14-2013 09:46 PM


Originally Posted by Lisa71 (Post 1146453)
Someone tweeted to Phil and asked him to confirm the following and he replied Yes. As per Phil, Richie is coming back.

"All will be awesome again". Hanging onto that for dear life.

Supersonic 07-14-2013 09:52 PM

Aloha !


Originally Posted by jessycardy (Post 1146455)
"All will be awesome again". Hanging onto that for dear life.

I am under the slight impression that at this point you really are the only one who cares as much about the situation as you do. I reckon if you wouldn't post in here this topic would've been at the bottom of the page by now. :)

Salaam Aleikum,

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