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Mysterytrain 04-27-2013 07:24 PM


Originally Posted by jovifan93 (Post 1125115)
Looked more like -21 days when I was on his website this afternoon, or did I misread that? ;)

I also noticed the headline said, "filling in for Richie Sambora in April." I hope the implication is that Richie will be back in May.

JoviJovi 04-27-2013 07:34 PM

Back when all this started, I looked around and saw that Phil was scheduled to play a big festival with The Drills on 5/18, and Jovi has a show that day as well. I don't remember where I saw it, but I want to say Facebook, but not sure.

MrIks from Finland 04-27-2013 08:19 PM


Originally Posted by JoviJovi (Post 1125117)
Back when all this started, I looked around and saw that Phil was scheduled to play a big festival with The Drills on 5/18, and Jovi has a show that day as well. I don't remember where I saw it, but I want to say Facebook, but not sure.

Don't worry! There is Bobby who can fill in for Phil. Everything is taken care in Jovi land.:D

linnea.cfc32_jovibandana 04-27-2013 08:30 PM


Originally Posted by MrIks from Finland (Post 1125123)
Don't worry! There is Bobby who can fill in for Phil. Everything is taken care in Jovi land.:D


JoviJovi 04-27-2013 08:43 PM


Originally Posted by MrIks from Finland (Post 1125123)
Don't worry! There is Bobby who can fill in for Phil. Everything is taken care in Jovi land.:D

Ugh, I think I just threw up in my mouth a little :?

TheseDaysEra 04-27-2013 09:09 PM


Originally Posted by JoviJovi (Post 1125127)
Ugh, I think I just threw up in my mouth a little :?

in all honestly, I believe Jon has a 'spare' for each member. they're a big, wealthy band with a lot of commitment ahead of them every tour.
David Bryan has been replaced in the past for a couple of gigs. I bet they have a 'spare' bass player to fill in for Huey as well and one for Tico. The only one who probably doesn't have a substitute is Bobby cause he's such a pain the ass. That guy could be burning in fever, he'd still play. ahahah


MrNickel 04-27-2013 09:40 PM


Originally Posted by TheseDaysEra (Post 1125129)
in all honestly, I believe Jon has a 'spare' for each member. they're a big, wealthy band with a lot of commitment ahead of them every tour.
David Bryan has been replaced in the past for a couple of gigs. I bet they have a 'spare' bass player to fill in for Huey as well and one for Tico. The only one who probably doesn't have a substitute is Bobby cause he's such a pain the ass. That guy could be burning in fever, he'd still play. ahahah


Say if Jon had a bad dose of the shits and couldn't perform a show, what would happen ? I presume everything would be shut down and called off.

Becky 04-27-2013 09:45 PM


Originally Posted by MrNickel (Post 1125131)
Say if Jon had a bad dose of the shits and couldn't perform a show, what would happen ? I presume everything would be shut down and called off.

He's performed when his back was so injured he could barely walk, so I'm guessing he'd opt for some adult diapers and on with the show. ;)

MrNickel 04-27-2013 09:46 PM


Originally Posted by Becky (Post 1125133)
He's performed when his back was so injured he could barely walk, so I'm guessing he'd opt for some adult diapers and on with the show. ;)

haha no doubt.

I would never doubt his commitment, I doubt anyone would.

afk 04-27-2013 10:21 PM


Originally Posted by Becky (Post 1125133)
He's performed when his back was so injured he could barely walk, so I'm guessing he'd opt for some adult diapers and on with the show. ;)

LOL I just pictured that!!:shock::D

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