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JoviJovi 07-24-2013 12:07 AM


Originally Posted by ticos_stick (Post 1147528)
He's engaging with his fans, nothing selfish or unprofessional about that.

That doesn't erase the last 4 months.

ticos_stick 07-24-2013 12:22 AM


Originally Posted by JoviJovi (Post 1147531)
That doesn't erase the last 4 months.

And the last four months haven't erased the commitment he showed for thirty years.

golittleperson 07-24-2013 12:22 AM


Originally Posted by Kathleen (Post 1147525)
I am a female and that attitude makes me gag. This particular thread has many new people who have never posted on this site before, and they only post in this thread. Clearly they are also only interested in the Richie situation, not in contributing to the band or the board as a whole.

Fortunately most of the time they only insult and fight with each other.

Don't generalize new posters (actually 2008 and don't know what happened to log on, so tech. new) I have posted on a few other threads but unlike some I can't afford to max out my cc and follow them around the world. So I read, but don't post if nothing to add. (just counted, since back on eight diff. I left another page because everyone acted like spoiled little school girls and really hoped here was a bit more adult. Nothing really bothered me til you belittle "new" people. I've read here often and most often the disagreements seem tounge in cheekish. I'm a Richie junkie, but not drank anyones kool aid. What's so wrong with wanting to know the opinions on this drama? What's wrong with wanting to know if I missed something someone else saw? Actually have read a few posts who interpreted like I did - two sides, truth in the middle and lots of mistakes by all.

Gabriel Shoes 07-24-2013 12:26 AM


Originally Posted by Sissy3 (Post 1147492)
Hey! Watch what you say about Backstagers! (Says someone who only goes there see if they have info this site doesn't.) ;) Richie fans are a very passionate bunch, aren't they? If he did leave for real, and embarked on a full blown solo career I wonder would those same passionate/fanatic fans support his music and a tour?

That's something that I really don't know, I was just saying that those new fans of Phil X are the worst ones, even than Jon's fans, they're that kind of psychopath people.

jon-flp 07-24-2013 01:48 AM

I'm tired of all this shit.

Richie, come back. Please. :cry:

Kathleen 07-24-2013 03:54 AM


Originally Posted by golittleperson (Post 1147539)
Don't generalize new posters (actually 2008 and don't know what happened to log on, so tech. new) I have posted on a few other threads but unlike some I can't afford to max out my cc and follow them around the world. So I read, but don't post if nothing to add. (just counted, since back on eight diff. I left another page because everyone acted like spoiled little school girls and really hoped here was a bit more adult. Nothing really bothered me til you belittle "new" people. I've read here often and most often the disagreements seem tounge in cheekish. I'm a Richie junkie, but not drank anyones kool aid. What's so wrong with wanting to know the opinions on this drama? What's wrong with wanting to know if I missed something someone else saw? Actually have read a few posts who interpreted like I did - two sides, truth in the middle and lots of mistakes by all.

Nah - not really belittling new people and I'm sorry if it came across that way. I have been here forever and have seen and welcomed lots of new people. I guess the entire tone of this thread has really degenerated (as opposed to being funny at the beginning), and the constant bickering between mostly new people is what has put me off.

Some people take this stuff so SERIOUSLY. As Twin Fan put it - it's a band folks not the solution to the universe. It's rock and roll and it's enjoyable, but to get to the point that you tweet to Richie that the rest of the band doesn't deserve him (or that he is too good for them) is ridiculous and laughable behavior.

Becky 07-24-2013 04:05 AM


Originally Posted by TwinFan (Post 1147511)
I love this band, but it's just that. A band.

Can I quote you? Oh, wait, I just did. ;)

golittleperson 07-24-2013 04:10 AM


Originally Posted by Kathleen (Post 1147582)
Nah - not really belittling new people and I'm sorry if it came across that way. I have been here forever and have seen and welcomed lots of new people. I guess the entire tone of this thread has really degenerated (as opposed to being funny at the beginning), and the constant bickering between mostly new people is what has put me off.

Some people take this stuff so SERIOUSLY. As Twin Fan put it - it's a band folks not the solution to the universe. It's rock and roll and it's enjoyable, but to get to the point that you tweet to Richie that the rest of the band doesn't deserve him (or that he is too good for them) is ridiculous and laughable behavior.

It's fine, I was arguing with FA at my daughter's college and in a piss mood today, come here to escape my drama and just hit me wrong. Misery loves company, maybe that's why I'm stuck in Jovi land? Really do like knowing what others think, conclude - have my opinion but not in a trance. You can tell by my avitar where my heart is but I don't think I've acted 18, well since I was 18. Quite some time ago... have a beat driven day!

BJ?YesPlease 07-24-2013 10:06 AM


Originally Posted by JoviJovi (Post 1147496)
Don't speak for others and I couldn't give less of a shit about what you need.

The fact I do know is that BOTH Richie and Jon are having no problem screwing over fans.

I'm guessing you're about 12.

I might act 12, but I'm actually 31.

But coming here just to bitch about two guys who you are supposedly a fan of, after 30 years or giving so much to the fans, and then claiming you don't care about anything to do with them, smacks of being a waste of everyone's time, including your own.

What are you getting out of this?

Can we not just stick to what we know? Or at least slip a few "if"s in there.

"If they've screwed over the fans deliberately by doing x, y, z, then they're unprofessional pricks" is fine by me.

Stating what you don't know as fact, just shows you as being very openly ignorant. And with a piss-poor attitude.

united17 07-24-2013 10:09 AM

This thread stopped being funny a long time ago.

jovigirlCT 07-24-2013 01:15 PM

Radar Online is reporting (gossip site so take if for what its worth) that Richie wants to come back for the NJ dates but Jon won't let him. States that Richie has been calling Jon but Jon won't talk to him. Still states that the whole leaving the tour is based on money/degrading. Let the drama continue!!

Rickbro 07-24-2013 01:15 PM


Originally Posted by jon-flp (Post 1147553)
I'm tired of all this shit.

Richie, come back. Please. :cry:

can't agree more.

BJ?YesPlease 07-24-2013 01:47 PM

BJ?YesPlease 07-24-2013 01:48 PM

“Jon won’t allow Richie to come back for that show,” the source said. “And Jon won’t even pick up the phone and talk to Sambora.

“Sambora has tried to end this feud but Jon won’t respond.”

Richie believes Jon has been trash talking him, the source said, and has asked him to stop.

“Every attempt he has made at rejoining the band has been blocked by Jon,” the source added.

Lindy 07-24-2013 02:01 PM


Originally Posted by BJ?YesPlease (Post 1147635)
“Jon won’t allow Richie to come back for that show,” the source said. “And Jon won’t even pick up the phone and talk to Sambora.

“Sambora has tried to end this feud but Jon won’t respond.”

Richie believes Jon has been trash talking him, the source said, and has asked him to stop.
“Every attempt he has made at rejoining the band has been blocked by Jon,” the source added.

Correct me if am wrong but is the trash talking Jon not a re-hash from a month ago? And I always love "the source said":rolleyes:

BJ?YesPlease 07-24-2013 02:08 PM


Originally Posted by Lindy (Post 1147637)
Correct me if am wrong but is the trash talking Jon not a re-hash from a month ago? And I always love "the source said":rolleyes:

The trash talking in general, but this new article definitely seems fired up by something new? In terms of the specifics about RS WANTING to get back, but being blocked.

However....if it turns out he just wants in for the NJ shows and to bail again (nothing to suggest this, but hypothesising), then I'd suggest Jon is right to block. Benefit of the doubt to both sides as this stage...

Becky 07-24-2013 02:16 PM

Sounds like someone at Radar Online has been reading Rolo's posts. :lol:

KeepTheFaith2211 07-24-2013 02:18 PM


Originally Posted by united17 (Post 1147611)
This thread stopped being funny a long time ago.

It was never funny.

golittleperson 07-24-2013 02:39 PM


Originally Posted by jovigirlCT (Post 1147625)
Radar Online is reporting (gossip site so take if for what its worth) that Richie wants to come back for the NJ dates but Jon won't let him. States that Richie has been calling Jon but Jon won't talk to him. Still states that the whole leaving the tour is based on money/degrading. Let the drama continue!!

They are just fanning the fire that has been started months ago. What happens, we all go read it, click their bank for ad hits and then come here. I'm going to the court house today and change my name to "a source" and start charging by the word.

steel_horse75 07-24-2013 02:52 PM


Originally Posted by BJ?YesPlease (Post 1147635)
“Jon won’t allow Richie to come back for that show,” the source said. “And Jon won’t even pick up the phone and talk to Sambora.

“Sambora has tried to end this feud but Jon won’t respond.”

Richie believes Jon has been trash talking him, the source said, and has asked him to stop.

“Every attempt he has made at rejoining the band has been blocked by Jon,” the source added.

well if theres no news - make some up!

jessycardy 07-24-2013 03:07 PM


Originally Posted by Becky (Post 1147639)
Sounds like someone at Radar Online has been reading Rolo's posts. :lol:

That made me ROTFL. :D

BJ?YesPlease 07-24-2013 03:23 PM


Originally Posted by steel_horse75 (Post 1147644)
well if theres no news - make some up!

Interesting isn't it, that anything negative published about Richie is generally met with "what an unprofessional douchebag" yet stuff about Jon is "oh it's made up".

Sweeping statement, but fascinating.

Mysterytrain 07-24-2013 03:51 PM


Originally Posted by BJ?YesPlease (Post 1147652)
Interesting isn't it, that anything negative published about Richie is generally met with "what an unprofessional douchebag" yet stuff about Jon is "oh it's made up".

Sweeping statement, but fascinating.

Agreed. For what it's worth, all of these rumors about Jon blocking Richie from returning to the tour (for whatever reason) have already been brought up before; this story contains nothing new (to me, anyway). Whoever this 'source' is, they are consistent.

JoviJovi 07-24-2013 03:55 PM


Originally Posted by BJ?YesPlease (Post 1147652)
Interesting isn't it, that anything negative published about Richie is generally met with "what an unprofessional douchebag" yet stuff about Jon is "oh it's made up".

Sweeping statement, but fascinating.

Richie's acts make him an unprofessional douchebag, not anything that has been written about him.

Now commence the lecturing me about my age and what I should post.

jovigirlCT 07-24-2013 03:58 PM

Agree- would love to know the "source". Didn't Richie, himself, say in the taped interview not too long ago (before a fashion show) that it would not be until Sept. for a return - not happening now. Whoever the source is just seems to be trying to stir things up before the concerts in NJ. Jon has been quiet on the matter except for the Richie is welcome back at anytime but it
seems that Richie's sources are out to cause trouble - maybe he realizes that some of the fans (his/Jons/BonJovi's) have given up on him and are frustrated with him and he wants to deflect the blame for all of this. Still think its a mental breakdown thing with him.

semigoodlookin 07-24-2013 04:22 PM


Originally Posted by BJ?YesPlease (Post 1147652)
Interesting isn't it, that anything negative published about Richie is generally met with "what an unprofessional douchebag" yet stuff about Jon is "oh it's made up".

Sweeping statement, but fascinating.

Making a sweeping statement is never good when making a point.

The reason that Richie has been balled on is because a lot of the stuff written about him has come from him. For example, the interviews, the tweets, the articles that did not come from "a source" but have been directly attributed to Richie.

Jon has largely said the same thing from the start, most of the negative press around him has not been from anything that we should deem trustworthy. The one comment he did make re. Richie and the Edge was attacked loads in this very thread, so WHEN he does say or do something it is not "oh it's made up".

Anyway, both a morons, I am of the belief there are things going on from both sides.

BJ?YesPlease 07-24-2013 04:26 PM


Originally Posted by semigoodlookin (Post 1147665)
Making a sweeping statement is never good when making a point.

The reason that Richie has been balled on is because a lot of the stuff written about him has come from him. For example, the interviews, the tweets, the articles that did not come from "a source" but have been directly attributed to Richie.

Jon has largely said the same thing from the start, most of the negative press around him has not been from anything that we should deem trustworthy. The one comment he did make re. Richie and the Edge was attacked loads in this very thread, so WHEN he does say or do something it is not "oh it's made up".

Anyway, both a morons, I am of the belief there are things going on from both sides.

haha, at least your treating each side fairly! ;)

Bill23 07-24-2013 04:28 PM


Originally Posted by jovigirlCT (Post 1147659)
Agree- would love to know the "source". Didn't Richie, himself, say in the taped interview not too long ago (before a fashion show) that it would not be until Sept. for a return - not happening now. Whoever the source is just seems to be trying to stir things up before the concerts in NJ. Jon has been quiet on the matter except for the Richie is welcome back at anytime but it
seems that Richie's sources are out to cause trouble - maybe he realizes that some of the fans (his/Jons/BonJovi's) have given up on him and are frustrated with him and he wants to deflect the blame for all of this. Still think its a mental breakdown thing with him.

This is the interview/article I think you are referencing-
Bon Jovi will be headlining a huge show in London’s Hyde Park on July 12, but once again, Richie Sambora won’t be playing with them. However, the guitarist’s hinting that this fall might see his return to the stage with Jon Bon Jovi and the rest of the group.

Sambora hasn’t performed with the band since April, and will only cite “personal matters” as the reason for his absence. Speaking to the British paper The Sun at an Los Angeles event promoting his fashion line, he said of the Hyde Park gig, “I truly want to be there and I feel very sad for the fans that I won’t be performing. I love the fans, I love the band. Jon and I have been tight for like 30 years, so all of this is very sad and it affects so many people around us.”

But what exactly is the issue that’s keeping him from the band? Richie would only say that it’s “a family drama…and it will be resolved.” He added, “I’ll be in Paris with my daughter Ava while the band rocks the U.K. But let’s see what happens at the end of summer. September’s looking good. So, maybe September.”

Sambora later tweeted, “Hey all, to those who saw that interview from the fashion show it was about my hopes. Nothing’s really happening yet.”


Captain_jovi 07-24-2013 04:38 PM

There's video of that interview. He was backed in a corner by someone trying to get the official scoop of when he'll be back. I feel like he just said that to get him off him.

BJ?YesPlease 07-24-2013 04:57 PM

Now ask yourself why someone would say a time-frame (September) and then almost back-track from that.

It shows willing to return on Richie's part ... at least in what he said, and maybe he got a reaction from that - and it wasn't positive.

Who knows. I know nothing, but just trying to apply a theory. Who knows. Not even sure who cares anymore.

Captain_jovi 07-24-2013 05:27 PM


Originally Posted by BJ?YesPlease (Post 1147670)
Now ask yourself why someone would say a time-frame (September) and then almost back-track from that.

It shows willing to return on Richie's part ... at least in what he said, and maybe he got a reaction from that - and it wasn't positive.

Who knows. I know nothing, but just trying to apply a theory. Who knows. Not even sure who cares anymore.

I think because he knows how the internet works. He gives the internet a small scoop and they run with it and brand him a liar when he's not back in September. The internet is amazing at attacking people for going back on information they wouldn't normally have otherwise.

semigoodlookin 07-24-2013 06:23 PM


Originally Posted by BJ?YesPlease (Post 1147670)
Now ask yourself why someone would say a time-frame (September) and then almost back-track from that.

It shows willing to return on Richie's part ... at least in what he said, and maybe he got a reaction from that - and it wasn't positive.

Who knows. I know nothing, but just trying to apply a theory. Who knows. Not even sure who cares anymore.

I don't. In fact I think I am more invested in this thread than I am the cause of it. Even thought the thread is tired as well now.

The way I am looking at the "saga" now is that I don't have the new album and am not going to see the band this tour, so Bon Jovi 2013 is kind of meaningless to me anyway. If the next cycle is any good I may be more interested in their personal infighting.

jessycardy 07-24-2013 07:21 PM


Originally Posted by BJ?YesPlease (Post 1147670)
Now ask yourself why someone would say a time-frame (September) and then almost back-track from that.

It shows willing to return on Richie's part ... at least in what he said, and maybe he got a reaction from that - and it wasn't positive.

Who knows. I know nothing, but just trying to apply a theory. Who knows. Not even sure who cares anymore.

I think what you should ask yourself is why would Richie claim he would like to maybe come back in September and then purposely have a "source" blabbing to the press about Jon not allowing him to come back in July.
Or you could ask yourself how funny a joke is where Jon is too broke to buy his own NFL team, so he tells Richie to **** off and he screws his own (and the band's) future and career because that will of course make him gain more money to do just that.
They're so clueless and desperate for some scoop, they won't even notice how stupid their made-up stories sound, or maybe they don't care because they know there will always be someone who will gladly just spread the bullshit around without question.

steel_horse75 07-24-2013 08:34 PM

Until I know all the facts I'm not coming down on anyone's side.

But...if Richie wants to come back now he is bored of playing with knickers and Jbj has said no then so be it. Richie walked out on the band and his fans.

Been watching a lot of jovi concerts (on DVD) of late and of course we all miss him and I hope it's sorted one way or another soon.

Mysterytrain 07-24-2013 09:33 PM

Someone wrote in the comments to the latest RadarOnline article:

'Unlike these idiots I am in the know. Jon and Richie have been talking and especially after the disaster in Saratoga. Don't worry about MetLife Stadium, 90 percent chance at this point that it will prove this article wrong. That is all I will say on this matter.'

Sissy3 07-24-2013 10:06 PM

Gotta love the "in the know" people. Probably some fan who smiled at the right person and got a spot right in front of the infamous white mic. :D

OnceUponADime 07-24-2013 10:23 PM


Originally Posted by Mysterytrain (Post 1147692)
Someone wrote in the comments to the latest RadarOnline article:

'Unlike these idiots I am in the know. Jon and Richie have been talking and especially after the disaster in Saratoga. Don't worry about MetLife Stadium, 90 percent chance at this point that it will prove this article wrong. That is all I will say on this matter.'

I posted that and I joined here just to clarify. I've known this for about a week and after Saratoga things got more definite. Apparently they had an emergency conversation after the Saratoga disaster about MetLife. I was literally jumping for joy when I was told this, even though it's not definite. My father says one of his clients is a personal friend of Dave's and this is the information he got. It's certainly not the last word, but its better than the negative BS being put out by RadarOnline.

FYI I'm going to the show on the 27th so I'm reallllllllly hoping RadarOnline is full of it.

Don't bite my head off please :-D, just trying to help. This will be my 5th concert (Newark '07, MSG twice, and MetLife twice (27th being number 5))


Originally Posted by Sissy3 (Post 1147694)
Gotta love the "in the know" people. Probably some fan who smiled at the right person and got a spot right in front of the infamous white mic. :D

No, that is not the case LOL

Sissy3 07-24-2013 10:30 PM

Sorry! Apparently that works for some. ;) LOL

OnceUponADime 07-24-2013 10:33 PM


Originally Posted by Sissy3 (Post 1147697)
Sorry! Apparently that works for some. ;) LOL

Must be fun too LOL :BIG:

Javier 07-24-2013 10:37 PM

If Richie does get back to the MetLife shows then all the more power to him and hope those in attendance get their money's worth. But to be honest, it would be such a backstabbing hypocritical way of getting back to the tour. I mean yeah, I'll just skip shows for as long I want but if there's some big high profile show on the horizon I'll be more than happy to get back on tour?? He may have his reasons, and he may be right in his own way, but at this point, he should really skip the rest of the tour and then sit down with the band and handle all negotiations if that is indeed what the problem has been all along....

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