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Javier 07-25-2013 07:52 AM


Originally Posted by OnceUponADime (Post 1147764)
That is from Wednesday. I really hope he got onto a plane to New Jersey afterwards. He could be at Jon's house now for all we know. Hopefully I'll know something tomorrow. I may not be able to's 1am here in NYC...I'm posting this on my iPhone in a half asleep state...I hope this mess ends tonight.

Becky 07-25-2013 12:48 PM

Richie Sambora ‏@TheRealSambora 3h

Fell asleep for a little.......

Bounce7800 07-25-2013 12:57 PM


Originally Posted by Becky (Post 1147769)
Richie Sambora ‏@TheRealSambora 3h

Fell asleep for a little.......

It was all a dream!

Rickbro 07-25-2013 01:24 PM

If I were Richie and John wouldn't return my calls like the rumor is saying, I would just show up. Could you imagine the look on Johns face?

OnceUponADime 07-25-2013 01:35 PM


Originally Posted by united17 (Post 1147765)
^ You're losing sleep over this?

Nah, I went a little overboard there.


Originally Posted by Becky (Post 1147769)
Richie Sambora ‏@TheRealSambora 3h

Fell asleep for a little.......

I LOL'd.

RS8MB0R8 07-25-2013 02:17 PM


Originally Posted by Rickbro (Post 1147771)
If I were Richie and John wouldn't return my calls like the rumor is saying, I would just show up. Could you imagine the look on Johns face?

Yeah, he should just jump in the DC pit and hold up a big banner saying, 'Let me play!' :lol:

Sissy3 07-25-2013 02:23 PM


Originally Posted by Becky (Post 1147769)
Richie Sambora ‏@TheRealSambora 3h

Fell asleep for a little.......

Looks like he fell asleep during the tweet. :D

bounce442 07-25-2013 02:56 PM


Originally Posted by RS8MB0R8 (Post 1147775)
Yeah, he should just jump in the DC pit and hold up a big banner saying, 'Let me play!' :lol:

OR better yet a sign for "She Don't Know Me"

...the entertainment value of that would be priceless.

OnceUponADime 07-25-2013 02:58 PM

Quick theory. Yesterday was Richie's dad's birthday. Wouldn't he be in NJ with his mother and visit his dad's grave? Just a thought. I think that photo with Nikki and Sean was cleverly posted to throw everyone off. His tweet about how he fell asleep for a little suggests to me that he is either nervous or excited for something.

Mysterytrain 07-25-2013 03:07 PM

Good detective work on that 'new' picture; as of last night when I went to bed, I assumed all hope was lost....

Now it's 8 a.m. here and I remain hopeful, for now, anyway. Also, I, too, Lol'd at Richie's Tweet.

The idea of him sitting in the audience and holding a sign is awesome lol. But my dream would be to just see him walk out onstage, no announcement that he's there beforehand, and start into one of his guitar riffs as the concert begins.

aljo 07-25-2013 03:31 PM


Originally Posted by Mysterytrain (Post 1147782)
my dream would be to just see him walk out onstage, no announcement that he's there beforehand, and start into one of his guitar riffs as the concert begins.

Me too, the crowd will go ballistic! I am keeping my fingers matter what, still going to have a great time.

Rickbro 07-25-2013 03:47 PM

The "prayer" video is on vh1 classic right now. I hope today is the return of Richie Sambora. Watching this video made me think of all those interviews they used to do when they would talk about "the Godfather " mentality . Not discussing family business with outsiders. Are those days gone? Or have they done a good job of keeping to that mentality?

Rickbro 07-25-2013 03:48 PM


Originally Posted by aljo (Post 1147783)
Me too, the crowd will go ballistic! I am keeping my fingers matter what, still going to have a great time.

I mentioned that on this thread a while back. Hope it happens tonight.

Mysterytrain 07-25-2013 03:53 PM


Originally Posted by Rickbro (Post 1147786)
The "prayer" video is on vh1 classic right now. I hope today is the return of Richie Sambora. Watching this video made me think of all those interviews they used to do when they would talk about "the Godfather " mentality . Not discussing family business with outsiders. Are those days gone? Or have they done a good job of keeping to that mentality?

Well, even with this whole supposed 'dispute', neither of them have actually said much. It's the media and their 'sources' that are stirring the pot with numerous theories as to why Richie left the tour.

But the comments Jon and Richie /did/ make to the media showed a few cracks in the armor, so-to-speak. But even those weren't enough to really give us an idea of what started this whole thing.

Throughout this, they have stuck to "personal reasons." A lot of the media (and fans) are frustrated with just how vague that term is and think Richie owes them an explanation. But if we truly admire them not discussing "family business" then I do think they have kept to that remarkably well during this whole fiasco. As much as some want to know what happened, we may well never find out.

BTW, here are some more pictures of Richie and Nikki:

Jonty 07-25-2013 04:20 PM


Originally Posted by aljo (Post 1147783)
Me too, the crowd will go ballistic! I am keeping my fingers matter what, still going to have a great time.

Yep, they would including myself but I do not expect him to be there! Best thing is he is there, starts on stage on his own with I believe but Phil is also in the band up with Hugh and gets to play a few solos and jams with Richie.

Won't happen tho!

Mysterytrain 07-25-2013 04:27 PM

Nikki just posted this about filming that segment for Japanese TV:

idbl_fanatic 07-25-2013 05:16 PM

Richie Sambora ‏@TheRealSambora 16m

This jettlag really workin for me. It's amazing what you can get done when everyone's asleep...

OnceUponADime 07-25-2013 05:37 PM


Originally Posted by idbl_fanatic (Post 1147802)
Richie Sambora ‏@TheRealSambora 16m

This jettlag really workin for me. It's amazing what you can get done when everyone's asleep...

Welcome back Richie....assuming he means jetlag from the flight to NJ. Which is odd because I was told he was here as of last night to be with his mother on his dad's birthday. I think he means jetlag from last night, which could explain his fall asleep tweet.

Anyway....enjoy the show tonight and bring rain gear everyone. Mid 60s and rain possible.

TwinFan 07-25-2013 05:40 PM

Yada yada yada. Y'all are really getting some false hope, aren't ye?

nikos greece 07-25-2013 05:42 PM


Originally Posted by OnceUponADime (Post 1147803)
Welcome back Richie....assuming he means jetlag from the flight to NJ. Which is odd because I was told he was here as of last night to be with his mother on his dad's birthday. I think he meant flying in as of last night.

Anyway....enjoy the show tonight and bring rain gear everyone. Mid 60s and rain possible.

i hope you are right man but i dont think there is any chance he ll be back at this point

OnceUponADime 07-25-2013 05:44 PM


Originally Posted by nikos greece (Post 1147805)
i hope you are right man but i dont think there is any chance he ll be back at this point

My friend is going to the show tonight and he is going to text me and tell me if Richie is playing.

Becky 07-25-2013 06:02 PM

I'm going out of town so if Richie is back tonight, I'll probably miss the explosion of the internet when it happens. I don't think he'll be back tonight though.

Sissy3 07-25-2013 06:27 PM

Come back for two shows right before a month long break? Makes no sense to me, and there are soooooooo many fans who are ecstatic because they fully believe he'll be there on stage. And maybe he will but, ain't gonna hold my breath. :)

Mysterytrain 07-25-2013 06:30 PM


Originally Posted by Sissy3 (Post 1147809)
Come back for two shows right before a month long break? Makes no sense to me, and there are soooooooo many fans who are ecstatic because they fully believe he'll be there on stage. And maybe he will but, ain't gonna hold my breath. :)

But just think how it could be spun: "Guitar Hero Returns for Hometown Shows!"

It would be good PR, anyway. Has Richie missed any Jersey shows in the past? Can't remember.

Solid Sambora 07-25-2013 06:47 PM


Originally Posted by idbl_fanatic (Post 1147802)
Richie Sambora ‏@TheRealSambora 16m

This jettlag really workin for me. It's amazing what you can get done when everyone's asleep...

Teasing, or completely oblivious to the hype?

Can't help thinking some are getting their hopes up a little too much- better having low expectations and being surprised, than going in all optimistic and having your hopes crushed!

Mysterytrain 07-25-2013 06:54 PM


Originally Posted by Solid Sambora (Post 1147812)
Teasing, or completely oblivious to the hype?

Can't help thinking some are getting their hopes up a little too much- better having low expectations and being surprised, than going in all optimistic and having your hopes crushed!

Yeah, seems kind of cruel if Richie were to tease like that, knowing how so many fans want him back for the New Jersey shows, if he wasn't going to be there.

On the other hand, a lot of his previous Tweets showed that he seemed oblivious to how they came across, so....

I think your strategy of low expectations is good. The roller-coaster of emotion I've felt as a fan -- (and this is from someone who /isn't/ going to any shows on this tour) has already exhausted me at times.

Sissy3 07-25-2013 07:02 PM


Originally Posted by Mysterytrain (Post 1147814)
Yeah, seems kind of cruel if Richie were to tease like that, knowing how so many fans want him back for the New Jersey shows, if he wasn't going to be there.

On the other hand, a lot of his previous Tweets seemed showed that he seemed oblivious to how they came across, so....

I think your strategy of low expectations is good. The roller-coaster of emotion I've felt as a fan -- (and this is from someone who /isn't/ going to any shows on this tour) has already exhausted me at times.

This! It does seem at times he really doesn't understand the magnitude of many fan's displeasure with him or many other fans never ending hope that he'll show up at a particular show. I really think he's in la-la land at times. :D

rightsideofwrong 07-25-2013 07:03 PM

I didnt even put the jaglag comment together as he might have flown to jersery...but its only a three hour difference from LA to NJ. Not too sure if that really is considered at jet lag lol..Phil is retweeting people as usual on twitter about the show tonight. I wouldn't get my hopes up, but it would be great to see him take the stage again

OnceUponADime 07-25-2013 07:12 PM

If Richie does play tonight, one of these 2 songs should open the show: Undivided or Blood on Blood.
Or better yet, Richie sings Every Road Leads Home To You, as in home to Bon Jovi.

Mysterytrain 07-25-2013 07:13 PM


Originally Posted by rightsideofwrong (Post 1147816)
I didnt even put the jaglag comment together as he might have flown to jersery...but its only a three hour difference from LA to NJ. Not too sure if that really is considered at jet lag lol..Phil is retweeting people as usual on twitter about the show tonight. I wouldn't get my hopes up, but it would be great to see him take the stage again

I suppose he could still be referring to his jetlag from his trip home from Europe, but wasn't that quite awhile ago by now? To make a comment like that on the day of the New Jersey show if you're talking about two-week-old jetlag....*shakes head*

rightsideofwrong 07-25-2013 07:34 PM

If he takes the stage tonight it would make my decision to by myself a ticket for vegas a little easier, but I just dont know if I really want to go see the same show. I wonder if Jon plans on changing it up a little on the second pass over the west coast.

Rickbro 07-25-2013 07:47 PM


Originally Posted by rightsideofwrong (Post 1147820)
If he takes the stage tonight it would make my decision to by myself a ticket for vegas a little easier, but I just dont know if I really want to go see the same show. I wonder if Jon plans on changing it up a little on the second pass over the west coast.

Seems like most acts these days are sticking to the same set list more often than not.

Kathleen 07-25-2013 07:50 PM


Originally Posted by Becky (Post 1147808)
I'm going out of town so if Richie is back tonight, I'll probably miss the explosion of the internet when it happens. I don't think he'll be back tonight though.

I hear ya Becky, I will be at the show but I am not expecting hell to freeze over LOL.

Chris_Newton 07-25-2013 07:52 PM


Originally Posted by Kathleen (Post 1147822)
I hear ya Becky, I will be at the show but I am not expecting hell to freeze over LOL.

What I missed? Why do we think Richie will be back tonight?

TwinFan 07-25-2013 07:55 PM


Originally Posted by Chris_Newton (Post 1147823)
What I missed? Why do we think Richie will be back tonight?

Just go back like 2 or 3 pages and you'll find all the "information".

nickolai 07-25-2013 08:00 PM

I had a weird dream last night that I was at tonight's show and Richie did come back. They started with Lost Highway and there was utter euphoria.

However a dream isn't real and is merely a thought/wish in one's subconscious. He definitely wont be back tonight. We'll be lucky if he's back in September, but 100% not tonight.

jessycardy 07-25-2013 08:02 PM


Originally Posted by OnceUponADime (Post 1147764)
That is from Wednesday. I really hope he got onto a plane to New Jersey afterwards. He could be at Jon's house now for all we know. Hopefully I'll know something tomorrow. I may not be able to's 1am here in NYC...I'm posting this on my iPhone in a half asleep state...I hope this mess ends tonight.

Well, when I posted it, "today" was Wednesday. Actually, not here. It was past midnight, but I knew it didn't matter. Anyhow, I don't know about this jetlag thing, but it could very well be from Europe. And I've already mentioned all the other reasons why I don't think he'll come back tonight, so I won't repeat them. I think you're all getting your hopes up over basically nothing and that makes me sad, but I'm glad I'm not the only one feeling this ordeal as much.

Bounce7800 07-25-2013 08:31 PM

Richie must be disappointed at the last few PBPs too, so he's trying to stir up some interest.

Kiwi78 07-25-2013 08:45 PM

Someone said Ava is with Richie at his house... so doubtful. She apparently tweeted it.

LeaJovi 07-25-2013 09:45 PM

He must be busy designing some skirts.
Oddly I can imagine Richie sitting down with Ava and discussing the new pair of jeans that are so trendy. Just like he used to sit with Jon to write.

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