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ezearis 04-03-2013 07:39 PM


Originally Posted by danfan (Post 1119402)
Is masturbation a disease? If so, I've got it bad baby!!!


You made me laugh really loud.

JoviForever 04-03-2013 07:40 PM

Am I reading too much into Richie's tweet a few days ago when he asked if anyone was listening to Forgiveness Street?
At the time people said it was a bit random so maybe something has been going on behind the scenes that led him to ask that? Does somebody need forgiving for something?!

Rdkopper 04-03-2013 07:41 PM

Maybe Richie just quit the band.

Working with Jon can't be any fun. His music and this new album are completely different in terms of creativity and artistic direction. He looks miserable on stage. Maybe he just had it and said he's done?

Total speculation but you never know

JoviGirl 04-03-2013 07:41 PM


Originally Posted by Rdkopper (Post 1119293)
Richie has been battling an addiction issue for years. The fact that he is functional, aware of it, and addresses it each time speaks volumes. He is not some druggie laying in some crack house.

This is what you call real Rock and Roll. This issues date back to Elvis and The Beatles. Do you think we'd have "Yellow Submarine" if it wasn't for drugs?

You take the drugs and alcohol out of R&R and you get GLEE. Look, I'm not condoning any of it but the 60's, 70's, 80's, and 90's rock and roll genuineness was built on drugs and alcohol. It’s just part of the business.

There are guys in this business that have it much worse than Richie. Richie has just been in the public eye for 30 plus years. And sadly, guys die.

Just to think of the consequences if he ignored his issues and continued on with the touring...we'd possibly be talking about a dead man now.

I agree with you and I refuse to complain about him not being there. I'd rather see him battle his demons than hear he's dead in some hotel room.

I'm going to feel his absence tonight, but I think this situation made what is typically been a "cookie cutter" show, much more interesting.

JoviGirl 04-03-2013 07:42 PM


Originally Posted by Thierry (Post 1119331)
Wow, Matt is doing killer business for the band Bon Jovi again with these Twitter messages.

LOL I find him quite condesending at times. But then again, there are a lot of fans who tweet ridiculous shit.

Javier 04-03-2013 07:43 PM


Originally Posted by ezearis (Post 1119408)
Yes, but I was talking of frontman/singer. Though Slash was really important in the band, Axl was the frontman (and singer).

Then you have isolated cases like the AC/DC one, but is the minority.

And this would be a case of just loosing Richie, the frontman is still there so BAM!! I win :D

danfan 04-03-2013 07:43 PM


Originally Posted by Rdkopper (Post 1119412)
Maybe Richie just quit the band.

Working with Jon can't be any fun. His music and this new album are completely different in terms of creativity and artistic direction. He looks miserable on stage. Maybe he just had it and said he's done?

Total speculation but you never know

I just read that rumor on Facebook....

Javier 04-03-2013 07:44 PM


Originally Posted by Lisa71 (Post 1119409)
Van Halen continued.

Good One!! I both hate and Love David Roth :) I like Sammy better on his own, even if nobody else does :(

Lisa71 04-03-2013 07:45 PM


Originally Posted by Crushgen24/88 (Post 1119403)
If Richie did walk, (and I really don't think he did. I'm still leaning to the "demons" side) I'd lose all respect for him. I wouldn't care a lick if it was over "artistic integrity" or not, to screw over hundreds of crew members and thousands of ticket holders by quitting in the middle of a tour would be a douche move.

Thank you for saying this because it would be a shitty thing to do. To leave a band high and dry just before a show is a bullshit move. I don't care if you are a Richie fan or not. If Jon pulled that same shit, everyone would be screaming murder.

Just seems like something he wouldn't do, so it's much more than that. They have have been together for 30 years, they are professionals. I am sure that there have been fights before and they still went on stage and left everything behind. Before this tour started and they did the one off shows, Richie seemed not interested, he was not fully in the band mode and I think more disappointed in his solo CD/tour. Since the tour started, he was on fire. In fact, when all the Jon is not moving around, Richie was the one getting all the praise. So it's family or his off the wagon again or whatever but no way, he will leave in the middle of a tour.

ezearis 04-03-2013 07:45 PM


Originally Posted by Javier (Post 1119415)
And this would be a case of just loosing Richie, the frontman is still there so BAM!! I win :D

I know, I wasn't talking about Bon Jovi, I was talking about those bands that replace the frontman.


Originally Posted by Kathleen
Other bands have even replaced their frontman and kept on playing.


Originally Posted by EzeAris
Shitty choices if you ask me.


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