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OnceUponADime 07-25-2013 11:57 PM


Originally Posted by Lisa71 (Post 1147898)
SHUT UP!!! You are a freakin liar. As if you have a friend close enough that knows David. Yeah, Jon talks to his band mates but I think his band mates know who they can trust and evidently, your "friend" is not one of them. They have been in the business for 30 years, David is not going to tell a friend of his this information about Jon and Richie.

Unless your friend is the band themselves, Dorothea Bongiovi and anyone from management, you know nothing.

Richie didn't come out and say he wasn't going to be at Hyde Park (he even didn't say that he would love to be there either, that was a story going around) by his own will on twitter. He was at a fashion show and the reporter asked him about Hyde Park. If it wasn't that reporter, no one would have known until the band went on stage.

Phil is on stage, Richie is in LA. End of story.

You can believe what you choose. It's your choice and I respect that.

TwinFan 07-25-2013 11:58 PM


Originally Posted by OnceUponADime (Post 1147894)
Well either this means Richie isn't back, or they are planning some sort of grand entrance.....I'm starting to lose faith.

I have another thought. Remember when Richie said he would love to be at Hyde Park? As Hyde Park approached, Richie came out and said he wont be there. After all these rumors about MetLife, you would think he would come out and say he wont be at MetLife.

You've gotta be kidding me. Phil X is ONSTAGE at the soundcheck, Richie is ACROSS THE COUNTRY, and you still think he might be there tonight?

Get a grip.

Lisa71 07-26-2013 12:00 AM


Originally Posted by OnceUponADime (Post 1147900)
You can believe what you choose. It's your choice and I respect that.

Thank You. My choice is the truth not you, who has been lying from the beginning.

OnceUponADime 07-26-2013 12:05 AM


Originally Posted by TwinFan (Post 1147901)
You've gotta be kidding me. Phil X is ONSTAGE at the soundcheck, Richie is ACROSS THE COUNTRY, and you still think he might be there tonight?

Get a grip.

There is no proof that he is in LA. That picture with Nikki Lund is over 24 hours old. He tweeted about JETLAG. A lot of people have tweeted and asked him if its jetlag from the flight to NJ. People have picked this up as a tease. As a result a lot of people think he is going to be there. His credibility has already take a massive hit, if he doesn't show after this its taken another hit.

I cant see Richie making an entrance in the soundcheck. Even if he doesn't return tonight, there will be a grand entrance wherever it happens.


Originally Posted by Lisa71 (Post 1147902)
Thank You. My choice is the truth not you, who has been lying from the beginning.

I'm not lying. Maybe this friend of mine is........which I'm starting to think after seeing that soundcheck picture.

He better be right about the grand entrance....

TwinFan 07-26-2013 12:10 AM


Originally Posted by OnceUponADime (Post 1147903)
There is no proof that he is in LA. That picture with Nikki Lund is over 24 hours old. He tweeted about JETLAG. A lot of people have tweeted and asked him if its jetlag from the flight to NJ. People have picked this up as a tease. As a result a lot of people think he is going to be there. His credibility has already take a massive hit, if he doesn't show after this its all gone.

Richie was never going to be in the soundcheck. Even if he doesn't return tonight, there will be a grand entrance wherever it happens.

There is also absolutely no proof that he is in New Jersey. There's no proof that the jetlag tweet had anything to do with a flight TO New Jersey. You're pulling blind theories out of thin air and beating a dead horse.

Your logic is that because lots of people are asking him if he's in New Jersey, that means he's in New Jersey. No, that just means there's a lot of delusional fans (like yourself) with blind hope.

Riddle me this: why would Phil X go on stage for a soundcheck, just to have Richie back for the show tonight?

OnceUponADime 07-26-2013 12:11 AM


Originally Posted by TwinFan (Post 1147905)
There is also absolutely no proof that he is in New Jersey. There's no proof that the jetlag tweet had anything to do with a flight TO New Jersey. You're pulling blind theories out of thin air and beating a dead horse.

Your logic is that because lots of people are asking him if he's in New Jersey, that means he's in New Jersey. No, that just means there's a lot of delusional fans (like yourself) with blind hope.

Riddle me this: why would Phil X go on stage for a soundcheck, just to have Richie back for the show tonight?

That is the biggest question right now. And yes, there is no proof he is in New Jersey. And yeah I do have blind hope. Better than no hope I guess :(
Bottom line, there is no point in talking about this any further until they take the stage.

TwinFan 07-26-2013 12:12 AM


Originally Posted by OnceUponADime (Post 1147906)
That is the biggest question right now. And yes, there is no proof he is in New Jersey. And yeah I do have blind hope. Better than no hope I guess :(
Bottom line, there is no point in talking about this any further until they take the stage.(

There IS no question. Pure and simply, it's not gonna happen.

This whole "we won't know til they're onstage" bit you've repeated over and over again is a weak coverup for your bullshit.

ticos_stick 07-26-2013 12:14 AM


Originally Posted by OnceUponADime (Post 1147903)
Even if he doesn't return tonight, there will be a grand entrance wherever it happens.

Okay.. Do you have any specific info on the entrance? will there be fireworks and spandex?

TwinFan 07-26-2013 12:16 AM


Originally Posted by ticos_stick (Post 1147908)
Okay.. Do you have any specific info on the entrance? will there be fireworks and spandex?

Dear lord, I hope so. Seeing Bobby in spandex would make all my lifelong dreams come true. :eating:

OnceUponADime 07-26-2013 12:17 AM


Originally Posted by TwinFan (Post 1147909)
Dear lord, I hope so. Seeing Bobby in spandex would make all my lifelong dreams come true. :eating:

I think I just threw up in my mouth a little...LOL


Originally Posted by ticos_stick (Post 1147908)
Okay.. Do you have any specific info on the entrance? will there be fireworks and spandex?

No specifics.

The Rock 07-26-2013 12:18 AM


Originally Posted by OnceUponADime (Post 1147906)
Bottom line, there is no point in talking about this any further until they take the stage.

You are in a win/win situation. He turns up, you look great. He doesn't turn up, you can always say awww shucks I was wrong or my friend was wrong. No one will ever know if you were just bullshitting from the beginning.

Richie hasn't performed for 3 months, he should be at the soundcheck warming up his skills again, not Phil.

linnea.cfc32_jovibandana 07-26-2013 12:18 AM


Originally Posted by OnceUponADime (Post 1147903)

He better be right about the grand entrance....

Who? So your friend actually SAID there'd be a grand entrance? If he's close enough with Dave to get to know some answers to the biggest BJ mystery of the decade, he'd probably be trustworthy enough not to tell you (as in anyone period). There's no proof either way but when the f did we get to him actually saying something about a grand entrance happening tonight?

idbl_fanatic 07-26-2013 12:20 AM

Ava Sambora ‏@avasamboraxxoo 3m

Successful shopping day ��

ticos_stick 07-26-2013 12:22 AM


Originally Posted by OnceUponADime (Post 1147910)
I think I just threw up in my mouth a little...LOL

No specifics.

Okay. I believe you. I don't need facts or reliable sources. Thanks! :)

OnceUponADime 07-26-2013 12:22 AM


Originally Posted by linnea.cfc32_jovibandana (Post 1147912)
Who? So your friend actually SAID there'd be a grand entrance? If he's close enough with Dave to get to know some answers to the biggest BJ mystery of the decade, he'd probably be trustworthy enough not to tell you (as in anyone period). There's no proof either way but when the f did we get to him actually saying something about a grand entrance happening tonight?

Well he suggested that's what they might do, he never said anything definite. This was his thinking not something Dave told him.

How else would Richie come back? How boring would it be for him just to start playing with no celebration...

linnea.cfc32_jovibandana 07-26-2013 12:24 AM


Originally Posted by OnceUponADime (Post 1147916)
Well he suggested that's what they might do, he never said anything definite. This was his thinking not something Dave told him.

How else would Richie come back? How boring would it be for him just to start playing with no celebration...

Yeah but there's quite a stretch from saying "there'll be a grand entrance whenever he returns" to saying "he'll probably make a grand entrance tonight"

OnceUponADime 07-26-2013 12:28 AM


Originally Posted by linnea.cfc32_jovibandana (Post 1147917)
Yeah but there's quite a stretch from saying "there'll be a grand entrance whenever he returns" to saying "he'll probably make a grand entrance tonight"

Absolutely. But its hard to think about Richie returning without a grand entrance of sorts..

Captain Walrus 07-26-2013 12:31 AM

This thread has now jumped the shark so many times, its actually starting to resemble a shark ... Or something like that. Its been gripping stuff though!

People would probably enjoy their show far more if they accepted the fact that Richie isn't going to make some grand appearance. You're setting yourself up to be disappointed straight off the bat otherwise.

Maybe someone should have started a rumour that this is going to be a Kings Of Suburbia show ... Then everyone would be pleasantly surprised when it wasnt!

linnea.cfc32_jovibandana 07-26-2013 12:36 AM


Originally Posted by Captain Walrus (Post 1147920)
Maybe someone should have started a rumour that this is going to be a Kings Of Suburbia show ... Then everyone would be pleasantly surprised when it wasnt!

Yeah we should just start doing that before every gig now...

I've a friend who grooms his dog at the same place as Bobby's gardener... he said it'll be a KoS gig again this week!


Captain Walrus 07-26-2013 12:36 AM


Originally Posted by TwinFan (Post 1147853)
I was thinking the exact same thing. I am shocked at some of the things that people are proposing. Forgive me for being blunt, but it's so... so ****ing moronic. He's not tweeting things to throw everyone off. WHY would he do that? WHEN has he (or anyone in the Bon Jovi universe) ever done that before?

I think some people need a long break from this saga AND this board. I reiterate:

it's just a band.

You lot are getting all riled up by the meaningless tweets and the insanely vague theories and "stories" that this OnceUponADime guy is putting out there. For someone reasonable and sane like myself, it's hilarious to see, really.

I agree with most of this (if people really think that Ava is tweeting red herrings then I have no words), but 'just a band'? Of course they're not just a band to us! Your 4 and a half thousand posts in 3 years on here somewhat contradict your statement.

schlochty 07-26-2013 01:03 AM


Originally Posted by OnceUponADime (Post 1147918)
Absolutely. But its hard to think about Richie returning without a grand entrance of sorts..

What makes you think so? The last two times he returned, there was zero grandness to his returns. It was just business as usual.

Look, I'd love for Richie to return for the New Jersey shows, but I don't believe for a second he will.

OnceUponADime 07-26-2013 01:06 AM


Originally Posted by schlochty (Post 1147925)
What makes you think so? The last two times he returned, there was zero grandness to his returns. It was just business as usual.

You know I didn't even think of that...but when he was out in 2011 we knew he was in rehab.

This is 4 months, no clarity whatsoever, Saratoga, trash talking, etc....I don't should be grand. The end of a terrible 4 months.

Mysterytrain 07-26-2013 01:47 AM


Originally Posted by OnceUponADime (Post 1147926)
You know I didn't even think of that...but when he was out in 2011 we knew he was in rehab.

This is 4 months, no clarity whatsoever, Saratoga, trash talking, etc....I don't should be grand. The end of a terrible 4 months.

To be honest, I'd be happy with Jon just exclaiming, "Look who's back! Hello, my brother, nice to see you!" like when Richie came back in 2007 after his first rehab stint.

DestinationJovi 07-26-2013 02:16 AM


Originally Posted by OnceUponADime (Post 1147712)
I don't know how to process this.

According to this guy, Richie is in NJ as of last night....

I really hope he is right. I held out until a week ago to get tickets to the 27th as I was waiting for some sort of official news from the band. The whole Hyde Park fiasco didn't help. I got tickets because of this guys information.


Originally Posted by OnceUponADime (Post 1147874)
He does NOT tell him everything. Just about this situation. If I were to mention his name he would be in trouble. And I didn't ask for this, it was volunteered. I mentioned that I have tickets to the 27th, and he said oh well you may want to know about Richie. That's it. As I've said 5 or 6 times I don't completely believe what he is telling me but its better than the negative BS being put out by RadarOnline.

So yesterday you said you only bought tickets because of this info but today the story changed to that he knew you already had tickets so he told you the info. LOL

Everyone, please stop feeding this troll :rolleyes:

OnceUponADime 07-26-2013 02:18 AM


Originally Posted by DestinationJovi (Post 1147931)

So yesterday you said you only bought tickets because of this info but today the story changed to that he knew you already had tickets so he told you the info. LOL

Everyone, please stop feeding this troll :rolleyes:

I meant to type that I wanted to get tickets to the 27th. Had a feeling someone would pick up on that. Sorry I didn't read over my post. After he told me what he told me then I got tickets. My fault, I don't read over what I type sometimes.

In reality I did tell him I had tickets already, even though I didn't have them yet, thinking that would make a difference.

Look, I'm sorry for all of this. It all comes to an end in half an hour anyway so why bother bickering over it...

Also, Lorenza tweeted this:

Mysterytrain 07-26-2013 02:36 AM


Originally Posted by OnceUponADime (Post 1147932)
I meant to type that I wanted to get tickets to the 27th. Had a feeling someone would pick up on that. Sorry I didn't read over my post. After he told me what he told me then I got tickets. My fault, I don't read over what I type sometimes.

In reality I did tell him I had tickets already, even though I didn't have them yet, thinking that would make a difference.

Look, I'm sorry for all of this. It all comes to an end in half an hour anyway so why bother bickering over it...

Also, Lorenza tweeted this:

Well, it's definitely livened up this thread, that's for sure. I suppose I can take the credit, or blame, depending on your POV, for copying the original comment over from the 'comments' section on the Radar Online article. But even so, I think it's good to stimulate discussion, to have more Jovi fans on this site. :)

OnceUponADime 07-26-2013 02:40 AM


Originally Posted by Mysterytrain (Post 1147934)
Well, it's definitely livened up this thread, that's for sure. I suppose I can take the credit, or blame, depending on your POV, for copying the original comment over from the 'comments' section on the Radar Online article. But even so, I think it's good to stimulate discussion, to have more Jovi fans on this site. :)

Yeah, I never should have posted it on RadarOnline...too late now LOL.

If Richie does play tonight, it will quite literally break Twitter, Facebook, and the internet itself.

Not to mention the best part, RadarOnline and all the other gossip iditos will look like total morons :D

I knew people would doubt me. Hell, I even doubt this guy right now. I don't blame DestinationJovi and TwinFan for saying this is BS. I don't know if this guy is telling me the truth. I sure hope he is.

But to clear things up. I didn't have tickets when I talked to this guy, but I told him I did already. After he told me the first bit then I got tickets.

Oh well.........t minus 16 minutes....assuming they are starting at 9pm

Rue 07-26-2013 02:46 AM


Originally Posted by OnceUponADime (Post 1147932)
I meant to type that I wanted to get tickets to the 27th. Had a feeling someone would pick up on that. Sorry I didn't read over my post. After he told me what he told me then I got tickets. My fault, I don't read over what I type sometimes.

In reality I did tell him I had tickets already, even though I didn't have them yet, thinking that would make a difference.

As you are able to see, I never post on this site. But I have been following this thread from page 1.

I really am not trying to be mean, but, you back-step more than Michael Jackson doing the Moon-Walk.

OnceUponADime 07-26-2013 02:47 AM


Originally Posted by Rue (Post 1147936)
As you are able to see, I never post on this site. But I have been following this thread from page 1.

I really am not trying to be mean, but, you back-step more than Michael Jackson doing the Moon-Walk.

It's ok. I don't always read over everything I type. I should though...I am just as confused as everyone else at this point...

The Rock 07-26-2013 02:57 AM


Originally Posted by OnceUponADime (Post 1147937)
It's ok. I don't always read over everything I type. I should though...I am just as confused as everyone else at this point...

Why should you have to read over what you write? You tell the truth, it should stay the same in all your posts. Its only when you lie that you have to read over to keep track.

In one post you said you had tickets that is why your friend told you the information, in another post you said you got tickets because of your friend. In another post you said it was when you told your friend about the tickets, that he told you about Richie being on stage and talking on the phone and then in another post, he said I'll see what I can find out.

Sissy3 07-26-2013 03:35 AM


Originally Posted by linnea.cfc32_jovibandana (Post 1147922)
Yeah we should just start doing that before every gig now...

I've a friend who grooms his dog at the same place as Bobby's gardener.... he said it'll be a KoS gig again this week!


Oh I totally believe this story. Wait....was it the dog that said this? ;)

OnceUponADime 07-26-2013 03:47 AM

Well this sucks...looks like RadarOnline was right.......and my friend was wrong. I told him he was crazy when he told me there was a chance that Richie wouldn't play tonight and instead play Saturday. No way in hell will I ever believe that.

I apologize for wasting everyone's time.

Lisa71 07-26-2013 03:49 AM


Originally Posted by OnceUponADime (Post 1147944)
Well this sucks...looks like RadarOnline was right.......and my friend was wrong. He even said there was a chance that Richie wouldn't play tonight and instead play Saturday. No way in hell will I ever believe that.

I apologize for wasting everyone's time.

RadarOnline was wrong too. Richie himself said that it will be September and then backtracked even from that on twitter and said they are working on it. He was never going to be at this show, no matter what RadarOnline or you or your friend says.

OnceUponADime 07-26-2013 03:51 AM


Originally Posted by Lisa71 (Post 1147945)
RadarOnline was wrong too. Richie himself said that it will be September and then backtracked even from that on twitter and said they are working on it. He was never going to be at this show, no matter what RadarOnline or you or your friend says.

Yup...and he said "maybe" September. I don't think he is coming back on this tour.

My friend was wrong. Plain and simple. No point in me staying on here anymore, as I would never hear the end of this.

One last thing. Some tweets:

Katie Petras ‏@KatiePetras 4m
@BonJovi the mike and the screens are off tonight! Fire someone! I know all the words and I can't understand him!!!!!

Yamei ‏@liz_guyamei 13m
How much trouble it will take to make the stereo in #MetLife Stadium work without echo? Is this for Bon Jovi or its always like this?

Lauren Kaufman ‏@LaurenKaufman 14m
@MLStadium @bonjovi we love JBJ but sound system SUCKS!!! Can't hear anything from 300s!!

TwinFan 07-26-2013 05:43 AM


Originally Posted by Captain Walrus (Post 1147923)
I agree with most of this (if people really think that Ava is tweeting red herrings then I have no words), but 'just a band'? Of course they're not just a band to us! Your 4 and a half thousand posts in 3 years on here somewhat contradict your statement.

I think this pretty much explains what I was trying to say.

Originally Posted by TwinFan (Post 1147877)
I believe you took it a bit the wrong way. This band means as much to me as much as the next guy. Their music has impacted my life more than any other band has thus far. But when people invest so much time peeking in every single nonexistent source for some information that just isn't there, and twisting it into some complete conspiracy, it makes me think that they should take a step back and realize there are worse things in life.

golittleperson 07-26-2013 06:03 AM

Ok def. in LA, as suspected if listen to reason and not gossip but just tweeted.

Richie Sambora‏@TheRealSambora4m
Hey guys just back from dinner with my daughter.. You know what heard? Thurs. is the Friday...

First line, got it, can anyone translate the next for me? Late and my brain is tired.

Lisa71 07-26-2013 06:06 AM


Originally Posted by golittleperson (Post 1147984)
Ok def. in LA, as suspected if listen to reason and not gossip but just tweeted.

Richie Sambora‏@TheRealSambora4m
Hey guys just back from dinner with my daughter.. You know what heard? Thurs. is the Friday...

First line, got it, can anyone translate the next for me? Late and my brain is tired.

I think he means the term of Thank God it's Friday? He now applies that to Thursday. Thank God, it's Thursday. That's my understanding, I could be wrong.

jessycardy 07-26-2013 06:22 AM


Originally Posted by golittleperson (Post 1147984)
Ok def. in LA, as suspected if listen to reason and not gossip but just tweeted.

Richie Sambora‏@TheRealSambora4m
Hey guys just back from dinner with my daughter.. You know what heard? Thurs. is the Friday...

First line, got it, can anyone translate the next for me? Late and my brain is tired.

I'm tired and I can't tell day from night like a baby, but my take on it is he wanted to write: "You know what I've heard? Thursday is the new Friday" as in he's having fun and is out and about with his daughter, so it's as entertaining as if it was a Friday night.

I could be wrong, of course.

golittleperson 07-26-2013 06:36 AM

Thanks for thoughts, he just tweeted again, must have confused more than me. Said the kids are telling him that Thur. is now the night to go out - everything is packed. I guess the new Friday night.

I think for young people any night is Friday night, or Saturday.... Then we grow up. Maybe grow up. Very close Jessy, btw.

GabrielC 07-26-2013 06:36 AM


Originally Posted by jessycardy (Post 1147988)
I'm tired and I can't tell day from night like a baby, but my take on it is he wanted to write: "You know what I've heard? Thursday is the new Friday" as in he's having fun and is out and about with his daughter, so it's as entertaining as if it was a Friday night.

I could be wrong, of course.

What he means is that he will record a cover of the song Friday, by Rebecca Black, next Thursday.

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