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WillRunForChocolate 04-29-2013 07:43 PM


Originally Posted by Crushgen24/88 (Post 1125477)
So, what's this about hardcore nudity?

Since there's been no new discussion of "Jon killed Richie's dog" or "touch the winky," we need to keep it entertaining to some degree. Either that or sink into depression.

kekko21 04-29-2013 08:43 PM

They broke my balls.

Javier 04-29-2013 08:46 PM


Originally Posted by LeaJovi (Post 1125482)
What makes anybody think that was an honest response?

Its context. What makes you think a post like that is a lie?? He doesn't have an answer but he wishes he did. nobody knows what the **** is going through Richie's head and how long it will take, and even if he did know he doesn't have an answer because either he isn't aware of the situation fully or he is respecting Richie's situation to let the man speak for himself if and when he decides or wants to. Having funny conspiracies is one thing but this nitpicking is just getting ridiculous and childish, but I guess someone will bitch and moan about something no matter what gets said or done....

Captain_jovi 04-29-2013 08:49 PM


Originally Posted by Javier (Post 1125495)
but I guess someone will bitch and moan about something no matter what gets said or done....

I cannot believe you'd stoop so low to say that. 10 day ban.

Javier 04-29-2013 08:51 PM


Originally Posted by Captain_jovi (Post 1125496)
I cannot believe you'd stoop so low to say that. 10 day ban.

bbut but but it was the sugar high! I swear!!! :(

The Rock 04-29-2013 09:00 PM


Originally Posted by Javier (Post 1125471)
Hey, people wanted honest communication. I think they have it here, it may not be what a lot of you wanted to hear, but it does seem honest. And it is indeed not smart or good pr, so he has nothing to gain by answering that tweet with an honest "I don't know". It's all up to Richie, the band is getting all the hate and have to put up with all the messages, emails, questions etc but it's really always been up to Richie....


Richie needs some of these messages too. Is anyone asking him are you going to be in Europe?

Sambo-Chris 04-29-2013 09:11 PM

I asked matt and Richie bonjovi and Richie but no answer .

JerseyGiant 04-29-2013 09:46 PM

Over 200 pages! Sod it ill throw my 2 cents in. Firstly I get that people go threw "personal" issues. I first saw the band back in 2006 I was super hyped that I would finally get to see my hero sambora! But alas I got a pissed up fat Richie who could hardly stand up! Better times where ahead next time I saw the band Richie was sober and could actually string together some solos! Fast forward a few years and I'm off to see the band in Lisbon with a friend at work who has a house in Portugal (bonus) but now I'm faced with the prospect that it might be Richie free!........ **** him I'm still gonna go and enjoy the experience! (I feel bad for you Americans that have had 2 Richie free tours)

Ill still go see tico that old bastard giving it all he's got! And Dave that poddle head playing them keys like his life depends on it! And of course Jon, ill admit I've criticised the guy but all I have to do is check out a "always" performance from this tour to no the guy is giving it his everything!

So yea bring on Lisbon and bring on Phil X the guy turns Jon off his autopilot and he ain't a bad guitar player! So Richie I hope what ever you got going on you get sorted but I ain't gonna wait for ya! :)

WillRunForChocolate 04-29-2013 09:58 PM


Originally Posted by JerseyGiant (Post 1125510)
Over 200 pages! Sod it ill throw my 2 cents in. Firstly I get that people go threw "personal" issues. I first saw the band back in 2006 I was super hyped that I would finally get to see my hero sambora! But alas I got a pissed up fat Richie who could hardly stand up! Better times where ahead next time I saw the band Richie was sober and could actually string together some solos! Fast forward a few years and I'm off to see the band in Lisbon with a friend at work who has a house in Portugal (bonus) but now I'm faced with the prospect that it might be Richie free!........ **** him I'm still gonna go and enjoy the experience! (I feel bad for you Americans that have had 2 Richie free tours)

Ill still go see tico that old bastard giving it all he's got! And Dave that poddle head playing them keys like his life depends on it! And of course Jon, ill admit I've criticised the guy but all I have to do is check out a "always" performance from this tour to no the guy is giving it his everything!

So yea bring on Lisbon and bring on Phil X the guy turns Jon off his autopilot and he ain't a bad guitar player! So Richie I hope what ever you got going on you get sorted but I ain't gonna wait for ya! :)

I admire your positive attitude!

JerseyGiant 04-29-2013 10:01 PM


Originally Posted by WillRunForChocolate (Post 1125511)
I admire your positive attitude!

It has to be done ;)

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