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JoviJovi 08-01-2013 07:17 PM


Originally Posted by CKatz (Post 1149168)
Or he expected fans to be smarter than that. He could have probably released any song and people would have twisted the meaning to make it seem like it was directed at Jon.

Meanwhile his tabloid buddy and apparent spokesperson for all things NikkiRich clothing is tweeting "and the buzz begins" with the link to the article that points out the "coincidence" of the song lyrics and the timliness of the "leak" in relation to the situation with the band. C'mon now, you don't strike me as that naive

CKatz 08-01-2013 07:21 PM


Originally Posted by JoviJovi (Post 1149170)
Meanwhile his tabloid buddy and apparent spokesperson for all things NikkiRich clothing is tweeting "and the buzz begins" with the link to the article that points out the "coincidence" of the song lyrics and the timliness of the "leak" in relation to the situation with the band. C'mon now, you don't strike me as that naive

I think Sean is the type of pr person who thinks all publicity is good, even if it's rubbish. That just makes him a bad pr guy.

CKatz 08-01-2013 07:24 PM


Originally Posted by Mysterytrain (Post 1149169)
Well, the lyrics "Frankie and Dean" are pretty pointedly referencing Jon imo, as Jon has referred to himself and Richie as like "Frankie and Dean" in previous interviews. I don't necessarily take it as a "slam", because if the song is about Richie finding himself, then he could simply be saying, "I don't want to be known as "Dean" to Jon's "Frankie" at the expense of my own identity."

But nowhere does he actually say "I don't want to be the Dean to your Frankie." He's just listing two people he admires but doesn't want to "come back" as. So, I'm not convinced.

Captain_jovi 08-01-2013 07:33 PM


Originally Posted by CKatz (Post 1149173)
But nowhere does he actually say "I don't want to be the Dean to your Frankie." He's just listing two people he admires but doesn't want to "come back" as. So, I'm not convinced.

Listing two people he admires, when in the past has called himself Dean and Jon Frankie, compounded by the fact that the band's biggest hit also mentions Frankie? I don't buy that the lyrics are 4 years old. He could have mentioned any two people that he admires that have zero connection to the band. He could have released any song he wanted and pretended to "leak" it. The whole things reeks of pre-planned scandal making.

CKatz 08-01-2013 07:39 PM


Originally Posted by Captain_jovi (Post 1149176)
Listing two people he admires, when in the past has called himself Dean and Jon Frankie, compounded by the fact that the band's biggest hit also mentions Frankie? I don't buy that the lyrics are 4 years old. He could have mentioned any two people that he admires that have zero connection to the band. He could have released any song he wanted and pretended to "leak" it. The whole things reeks of pre-planned scandal making.

I think people have bacome too wrapped up in conspiracy theories in the last few months. Now they see conspiracies everywhere. Not even Matt seems to think the song is about Jon. Do you really think he would describe the song as "cool" if he felt it slammed his brother?

Mysterytrain 08-01-2013 07:41 PM


Originally Posted by Captain_jovi (Post 1149176)
Listing two people he admires, when in the past has called himself Dean and Jon Frankie, compounded by the fact that the band's biggest hit also mentions Frankie? I don't buy that the lyrics are 4 years old. He could have mentioned any two people that he admires that have zero connection to the band. He could have released any song he wanted and pretended to "leak" it. The whole things reeks of pre-planned scandal making.

He also mentions Elvis and God in the same line, and we know what a big Elvis fan Jon is, and you could read the God mention as a swipe at Jon's ego, if you were in that frame of mind, I suppose...

Sissy3 08-01-2013 07:41 PM

And since when do we pay any attention to Matt's remarks? ;)

CKatz 08-01-2013 07:44 PM


Originally Posted by Sissy3 (Post 1149179)
And since when do we pay any attention to Matt's remarks? ;)

:D I usually don't, but I have no doubt he's very protective of Jon (and his family in general).

JoviJovi 08-01-2013 07:54 PM

Interesting article:

Captain_jovi 08-01-2013 07:58 PM


Originally Posted by CKatz (Post 1149177)
I think people have bacome too wrapped up in conspiracy theories in the last few months. Now they see conspiracies everywhere. Not even Matt seems to think the song is about Jon. Do you really think he would describe the song as "cool" if he felt it slammed his brother?

Do you really think he would slam Richie if he did?

Crushgen24/88 08-01-2013 08:00 PM


Originally Posted by JoviJovi (Post 1149183)

Not a fan of the "Get off of my lawn you lousy kids" opinion of the author, though I agree with him about Richie's song.

CKatz 08-01-2013 08:01 PM


Originally Posted by JoviJovi (Post 1149183)

It's an article written by a Bon Jovi fan and he doesn't say anything that hasn't already been written here. He probably read this thread. Nothing new.

He also quoted the lyrics wrong. You can clearly hear Richie sing "I gave HER everything...etc."

CKatz 08-01-2013 08:03 PM


Originally Posted by Captain_jovi (Post 1149184)
Do you really think he would slam Richie if he did?

Yes, I do...if it meant defending his brother. Of course he would. Why would he choose protecting Richie over his own brother?

Captain_jovi 08-01-2013 08:06 PM


Originally Posted by CKatz (Post 1149187)
Yes, I do...if it meant defending his brother. Of course he would. Why would he choose protecting Richie over his own brother?

I think Matt gets so many angry messages from fans that he doesn't have to answer all of them. I think he responded as someone who either doesn't think the song is about the band (or at least partially) or is refusing to admit it.

I did notice the "Her" and wasn't sure if I was mishearing it. It may totally be about a woman and we're wrong, just something about using Frankie and Dean in that context makes me question it.

JoviJovi 08-01-2013 08:07 PM


Originally Posted by CKatz (Post 1149187)
Yes, I do...if it meant defending his brother. Of course he would. Why would he choose protecting Richie over his own brother?

He wouldn't. He will play the neutral card, I am sure that's the way Jon wants it. Richies the one choosing to play this out on twitter and in the tabloids.

CKatz 08-01-2013 08:12 PM


Originally Posted by JoviJovi (Post 1149191)
He wouldn't. He will play the neutral card, I am sure that's the way Jon wants it. Richies the one choosing to play this out on twitter and in the tabloids.

Saying the song is "cool" is not a neutral position. If he wanted to be neutral he would have just said the song was 4 years old and nothing else.

JoviJovi 08-01-2013 08:14 PM


Originally Posted by CKatz (Post 1149193)
Saying the song is "cool" is not a neutral position. If he wanted to be neutral he would have just said the song was 4 years old and nothing else.

Ok. I take back what I said though, you are that naive.

CKatz 08-01-2013 08:20 PM


Originally Posted by JoviJovi (Post 1149194)
Ok. I take back what I said though, you are that naive.

That's the type of thing a person would say when they're losing the argument.
Once that happens, they get personal. I stand by what I said.
I think you're letting your anger at Richie blind you. Now you want to see him as the bad guy in every situation.

Mysterytrain 08-01-2013 08:22 PM


Originally Posted by CKatz (Post 1149187)
Yes, I do...if it meant defending his brother. Of course he would. Why would he choose protecting Richie over his own brother?

Matt already defended Jon indirectly, imo, by Tweeting that the song was four years old. In making note that it was already that old, he infers that it has nothing to do with the current situation (or, that's what he wants fans to believe).

CKatz 08-01-2013 08:28 PM


Originally Posted by Mysterytrain (Post 1149196)
Matt already defended Jon indirectly, imo, by Tweeting that the song was four years old. In making note that it was already that old, he infers that it has nothing to do with the current situation (or, that's what he wants fans to believe).

He said it's 4 years old because it's true. I already gave a transcript of a radio interview a few pages ago that was a few years old where Richie talks about having written this song. And of course, Matt would say that to deny the rumor that the song is about Jon, because it isn't.

JoviJovi 08-01-2013 08:35 PM


Originally Posted by CKatz (Post 1149195)
That's the type of thing a person would say when they're losing the argument.
Once that happens, they get personal. I stand by what I said.
I think you're letting your anger at Richie blind you. Now you want to see him as the bad guy in every situation.

No, I'm just tired of trying to point what is obviously going on. I think you are being naive about the situation, its not really a personal attack.

CKatz 08-01-2013 08:43 PM


Originally Posted by JoviJovi (Post 1149198)
No, I'm just tired of trying to point what is obviously going on. I think you are being naive about the situation, its not really a personal attack.

What's obvious is that you don't have much to back up your theory.
We're obviously not going to get through to each other. So let's just move on.

bjcrazycpa 08-01-2013 10:24 PM


Originally Posted by Sissy3 (Post 1149154)
I probably shouldn't have laughed at that but I did. :D I couldn't understand his bro chucking his career/business to hawk sauce. Guess it wasn't that lucrative. All I know is my local Walmart does not carry it. Don't they know you need to hit that Walmart consumer market? LOL

Actually he walked away from a lot of money as video director, took guts to say no to his big brother and I commend him. He his trying to increase distribution across the nation there's more involved than simply saying, "can I sell my sauce in your store" lol!!

The Rock 08-01-2013 10:32 PM


Originally Posted by jovigirlCT (Post 1149163)
I know everyone thinks the song is about Jon but if it was actually written 4 years ago could it have been about Richie trying to find himself again while battling drugs/drinking. I know the tweet about the words being timely have everyone thinking its about Jon but I'm not convinced yet - could be about him trying to figure himself out again.

Then why say it and not extend what he means by his remarks? We have to give the man some credit, his not stupid! He releases a song with those lyrics and then says timely but he doesn't mean Jon or the band? or am I giving him too much credit and he is that stupid and won't think that fans put two and two together.

Lindy 08-01-2013 10:42 PM


Originally Posted by The Rock (Post 1149210)
Then why say it and not extend what he means by his remarks? We have to give the man some credit, his not stupid! He releases a song with those lyrics and then says timely but he doesn't mean Jon or the band? or am I giving him too much credit and he is that stupid and won't think that fans put two and two together.

I must be stupid myself cause I never thought of Jon and or the band when I heard it and I still don't think it is.

Mysterytrain 08-01-2013 11:12 PM

For what it's worth, here is why I thought it was about Jon, because Jon once said this (and note the "comic relief" reference in Jon's quote, which is also mentioned (if I interpreted the lyrics correctly) in Richie's song:

"Richie fits into the Dean role because he's been the comic relief, because he's been the voice of reason. He would always be that shoulder I could lean on. In partnership, in writing a song, as your pal, he's the guy who has your back. If anyone were to ever say anything, Richie would be the first one to jump into the fray and punch him in the nose."-JBJ

There's also this one:

"Richie doesn't call me Jon anymore, now he calls me Frank. And I call him Dean. I think we're starting to like this kinda rat pack, kinda casino thing. The broads...and the booze. It's all about the rat pack thing. That means that get to be Sammy or Peter Lawford." --JBJ

Captain_jovi 08-01-2013 11:27 PM

Thanks Mysterytrain. Not to mention "When I die I'm coming back as Richie Sambora" has been a soundbite Jon has been saying for the last ten or so years. Nothing will convince me otherwise what this song is about. They knew what they were doing when they put that song out now.

ticos_stick 08-01-2013 11:44 PM

Who else has resorted to skimming this thread?

jessycardy 08-01-2013 11:45 PM


Originally Posted by Captain_jovi (Post 1149216)
Thanks Mysterytrain. Not to mention "When I die I'm coming back as Richie Sambora" has been a soundbite Jon has been saying for the last ten or so years. Nothing will convince me otherwise what this song is about. They knew what they were doing when they put that song out now.

Exactly. One could say we're not 100% certain the song was written or edited with current events in mind, but they obviously know what they're doing and there's a perfectly clear reason why this is coming out now and not, say, two years ago. And I would rather this not be the case with all of my heart, but it's unfortunately pretty obvious. The people around him make it so.
If what we've read is true, we'll have other new songs coming out in the next two months and also a video for this one song. I don't know what to make of it, but just thought I'd offer a context once again here.

Kathleen 08-02-2013 12:21 AM


Originally Posted by Captain_jovi (Post 1149216)
Thanks Mysterytrain. Not to mention "When I die I'm coming back as Richie Sambora" has been a soundbite Jon has been saying for the last ten or so years. Nothing will convince me otherwise what this song is about. They knew what they were doing when they put that song out now.


TwinFan 08-02-2013 12:26 AM

Crushgen24/88 08-02-2013 01:20 AM

I don't think the song was written in the last few weeks, or about this specific few months situation. That said, I think that Richie/his people knew exactly what they were doing, and how the lyrics would come off in light of everything going on, and calcined the release to that.

Crushgen24/88 08-02-2013 01:21 AM


Originally Posted by Mysterytrain (Post 1149214)
For what it's worth, here is why I thought it was about Jon, because Jon once said this (and note the "comic relief" reference in Jon's quote, which is also mentioned (if I interpreted the lyrics correctly) in Richie's song:

"Richie fits into the Dean role because he's been the comic relief, because he's been the voice of reason. He would always be that shoulder I could lean on. In partnership, in writing a song, as your pal, he's the guy who has your back. If anyone were to ever say anything, Richie would be the first one to jump into the fray and punch him in the nose."-JBJ

There's also this one:

"Richie doesn't call me Jon anymore, now he calls me Frank. And I call him Dean. I think we're starting to like this kinda rat pack, kinda casino thing. The broads...and the booze. It's all about the rat pack thing. That means that get to be Sammy or Peter Lawford." --JBJ

Even if those lyrics weren't written recently, I think everyone is aware just how well they for this situation, hence why the song was "leaked".

golittleperson 08-02-2013 01:28 AM


Originally Posted by JoviJovi (Post 1149191)
He wouldn't. He will play the neutral card, I am sure that's the way Jon wants it. Richies the one choosing to play this out on twitter and in the tabloids.

Ashamed by the tone on here to admit that I read Matt's tweets. Actually had a brief interaction with him back in may when Nikki started her pics out tomorrow campaign. Matt started this out rather neutral, love him and miss him and my brother referring to RS, then he went through a jersey fu attitude, I think as much in response to the tweets he was getting as anything. The who missed, who showed up for work, defending sales then in an almost overnight he has returned to the we miss him agains.??? Take of it what you want. Cool song, compliment, clarification not new however. He's actually right.
Also saw somewere in the lets tear the lyrics of the song apart the comment that Richie said gave "Her", of course he would. If he said him this would be a whole new is Richie gay debate. Know that one ain't so. lol Please people, it is a song, Richie says he writes from the heart and it is sometimes on his sleeve, don't doubt some personal things in there, did think Frankie and Dean kinda obvious though.

LeaJovi 08-02-2013 01:57 AM

Richie said the lyrics were timely. Ain't that proof enough?

What are you all discussing?

Sissy3 08-02-2013 03:38 AM


Originally Posted by bjcrazycpa (Post 1149209)
Actually he walked away from a lot of money as video director, took guts to say no to his big brother and I commend him. He his trying to increase distribution across the nation there's more involved than simply saying, "can I sell my sauce in your store" lol!!

Just now seeing this and recalled going to his website once and thinking he does business with other people, not just BJ. With this new venture he also has the perk of spending time with dad. :D

bonjovi821 08-02-2013 05:29 AM


Originally Posted by ticos_stick (Post 1149217)
Who else has resorted to skimming this thread?

I almost missed this post, I was skimming so fast.

Panda 08-02-2013 09:37 AM

i'm Just Posting To See This Thread Get To Ten Thousand Posts

afk 08-02-2013 11:46 AM


Originally Posted by bonjovi821 (Post 1149243)
I almost missed this post, I was skimming so fast.

Lol i wouldn't have known about this post hadn't you quoted it ;)

PatriciaSambora 08-02-2013 11:57 AM

omg I've just seen a Richie video on Youtube and I'm totally shocked.. I know those guys are too much boring and that Richie has some stress issues but first time for me to see Richie acting like this.. Richie Sambora of Bon Jovi signs autographs in NYC

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