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Supersonic 04-30-2013 07:42 PM

Aloha !


Originally Posted by crashed (Post 1125768)
So will you still hang around here for Nostalgia Seb?

If Richie's officially out of the band the sole reason I will hang around here for will be trolling purposes, thank you very much. :D

Salaam Aleikum,

Ruggy 04-30-2013 07:42 PM


Originally Posted by Thierry (Post 1125764)
Well they are on time announcing it this time, to be honest I don't care that much. I was burnt out on Richie and his bullshit last year. Looking forward to see Phil X in concert with Bon Jovi. Might skip Prague but i'll go to the other four shows.

Not confirmed to be Phil X though. Could be Bobby, gulp! Hope it is Phil, still gutted though.

Jovimimi 04-30-2013 07:43 PM

I am so mad at the statement because they are trying to secure the usa stadiums sales by not saying he won't be there neither ..... WHAT A WAY TO TREAT THE FANS ...

Jovimimi 04-30-2013 07:43 PM


Originally Posted by Ruggy (Post 1125773)
Not confirmed to be Phil X though. Could be Bobby, gulp! Hope it is Phil, still gutted though.

I am probably the only one on this board that hope it will NOT BE X

heart&dagger 04-30-2013 07:44 PM


Originally Posted by Sami (Post 1125762)
Now I am really starting to get worried.

I don't think there is anything wrong with his general health. I do think he has personal demons that he needs to face and learn how to deal with in a more positive manner. Including this "calling out of the rest of the tour due to personal reasons" issue.

He's a professional, he needs to grow up and act like one.

Granted, he doesn't need the money, but he should honor his commitments, honor/respect his fans, who got him to the place, where, if he chooses, he has it made for life, no matter what he chooses to pursue.

By choosing this path, he is going to lose the majority of his fan base. Except for the naive type who would blindly follow anyone.

And, getting on another gig, with anyone, even for himself, is going to be very challenging for him now.

Who wants to sponsor/support/promote someone who is not dependable?

He's really shot himself in the foot, this time.

Sad to watch, truly.

It's been like and is like watching a, train wreck.


PatriciaSambora 04-30-2013 07:45 PM

Oh no!! I can't stop crying.. Saddest news ever... I was so excited to see Richie again

† ÀžžÀ † 04-30-2013 07:45 PM

He's out guys! The band will continue to spout this 'personal matter' nonsense all the way until the end of the tour. Only then will they announce he's out as they'll be no tickets left to sell.

I'm convinced there's some sort of gagging order placed on Richie to prevent him from talking. Very sad.

Beaky 04-30-2013 07:45 PM


Originally Posted by Supersonic (Post 1125766)
Aloha !

I'm done with the band now, thank **** I haven't bought any tickets and haven't booked most of my flights yet. Italy's been booked but that's about it, glad I still got plenty to look forward to when it comes to that, but I'm seriously thinking of selling that ticket as well and ignore the entire thing.

Salaam Aleikum,

Yep, now this is a reality I just made the call to the rest of the crowd going to the IOW festival, get the feelers out there, see if anyone wants my ticket.

It would take a helluva lot now to convince me that this hasn't been brought on by bad feeling over the respective albums and the timing/involvement/belief in WAN... whether that's just led to Richie being pissed off or it's led to him getting depressed/tempted etc...

What a shame, for everything this band could still be today had they not disappeared up their own arses, desperate for critical acclaim...

Living_on_my_Hair 04-30-2013 07:46 PM

Been to multiple shows on each tour since Crush, and this tour will be the first that I don't go to any shows.

The Richie thing is the final nail in the coffin... HOWEVER I still would probably have gone had 'What about now' been a better effort and Jon was functioning at the levels he was on the LH tour. Sadly, that's not the case.

Give me a free ticket and I don't have to travel, I'd probably still go. Hearing Wanted and Prayer live is always a pleasure. But f**k it if I'm going to spend a load of cash I don't have to see a second rate Bon Jovi. *sniff*

If I find out that Jon's kicked Richie out, i'll have Jon's head on a stick *sharpens knife*
If I find out Richie's just being a douchebag and can't keep his shit together, I'll kick his ass too.


Ruggy 04-30-2013 07:46 PM


Originally Posted by † ÀžžÀ † (Post 1125778)
He's out guys! The band will continue to spout this 'personal matter' nonsense all the way until the end of the tour. Only then will they announce he's out as they'll be no tickets left to sell.

I'm convinced there's some sort of gagging order placed on Richie to prevent him from talking. Very sad.

I agree. Either that or he's seriously ill. Given the choice of the two I hope he's out rather than seriously ill though.

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