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Budge 04-30-2013 07:48 PM


Originally Posted by Thierry (Post 1125764)
Well they are on time announcing it this time, to be honest I don't care that much. I was burnt out on Richie and his bullshit last year. Looking forward to see Phil X in concert with Bon Jovi. Might skip Prague but i'll go to the other four shows.

I'm pissed Richie's not gonna be there, I have a few gigs lined up and I will definitely be going..Just hope Phil X or whoever it will be, rehearses a few rarities and European big hitters like Hey God, or These Days..

Beaky 04-30-2013 07:50 PM


Originally Posted by † ÀžžÀ † (Post 1125778)
He's out guys! The band will continue to spout this 'personal matter' nonsense all the way until the end of the tour. Only then will they announce he's out as they'll be no tickets left to sell.

I'm convinced there's some sort of gagging order placed on Richie to prevent him from talking. Very sad.

I think he's under contract or at least, was. I don't think it's a gagging order though.

I think the fact that they won't talk to fans or the press only enhances my view that this is an internal issue between them; it's only when it's 'band business' that it never gets spoken about. Rehab, divorce, drink etc... all make it into documentaries and song lyrics but fallouts and arguments never do.

LeaJovi 04-30-2013 07:54 PM


Originally Posted by Supersonic (Post 1125766)
Aloha !

I'm done with the band now, thank **** I haven't bought any tickets and haven't booked most of my flights yet. Italy's been booked but that's about it, glad I still got plenty to look forward to when it comes to that, but I'm seriously thinking of selling that ticket as well and ignore the entire thing.

Salaam Aleikum,

It's the end. Been a nice ride, Europe get ready for the shittiest gigs you've ever seen.

LeaJovi 04-30-2013 07:55 PM


Originally Posted by Ruggy (Post 1125773)
Not confirmed to be Phil X though. Could be Bobby, gulp! Hope it is Phil, still gutted though.

Lol, I would really laugh my ass off if Europe gets Bobby only.

heart&dagger 04-30-2013 07:56 PM


Originally Posted by Supersonic (Post 1125734)
Aloha !

Considering how shows are getting rescheduled to different venues or different dates I think its fair to say Jons working for a lot fewer working man than he was expecting. :p

Salaam Aleikum,

That was another sign as well, that Richie would not be on the next leg of the tour...

I've never cared for, WFTWM, it clashed with the band's ticket prices, just to start with.

Still, after this all sinks in, I think I will have a good cry over it, no idea when that will happen, but it will.

I really prefer the band's older material, to be honest. Always have.

But, dayum... I dread relaying this news to my H. After years, of going to shows alone and/or with friends, he became a R fan only around 3 years ago.

After that, going to the Bon Jovi shows, became our thing that we could do together. It was fun, turning him around...

Now, that magic is gone. The only hope left is that it is not for good.


Jim Bon Jovi 04-30-2013 07:57 PM

You know what, I'm not bothered in the slightest and Richie was my hero / reason why i picked up the guitar and got serious about music 20 odd years ago.

I've actually been quietly looking forward to the fact that Phil X might be playing on the tour instead of Richie.

My brother in law got us cheap hospitality tickets and tbh if it hadn't been for that, I probably wouldn't have been going to the show in the first place.

No doubt Jon will ride out the tour, have a break then shack up next to Rod and Celine in Vegas whilst Tico golfs, Dave writes musicals and Richie does whatever the hell he wants.

The band owe it to the fans to let them know what's happening although I don't see that happening.

ezearis 04-30-2013 07:57 PM


Originally Posted by LeaJovi (Post 1125788)
Lol, I would really laugh my ass off if Europe gets Bobby only.

He and Jon would be beheaded in a public trial on the stage.

nrm123 04-30-2013 07:58 PM

I have gone off the thought of it being an illness related or personal issue...if it was then saying so will make us understand more...they wont say hes left the band because they will lose half of their fan base

Thierry 04-30-2013 07:59 PM


Originally Posted by ezearis (Post 1125792)
He and Jon would be beheaded in a public trial on the stage.

If that's the case I'll cancel all my orders on Backstage and ask for a refund. Really like to see Phil X.

jbjhand 04-30-2013 08:00 PM


Originally Posted by heart†1125776

Granted, he doesn't need the money, but he should honor his commitments, honor/respect his fans, who got him to the place, where, if he chooses, he has it made for life, no matter what he chooses to pursue.

By choosing this path, he is going to lose the majority of his fan base. Except for the naive type who would blindly follow anyone.

And, getting on another gig, with anyone, even for himself, is going to be very challenging for him now.

Who wants to sponsor/support/promote someone who is not dependable?

He's really shot himself in the foot, this time.

Sad to watch, truly.

It's been like and is like watching a, train wreck.


Just hold up a second. You don't know the reason for this. You sound like a lunatic that was waiting for any opportunity to piss all over Richie. No need at all.

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