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Captain_jovi 04-03-2013 08:26 PM

Haha Jeff Kazee just retweeted it. I'm pretty confused.

Sambo-Chris 04-03-2013 08:33 PM


Originally Posted by Gabriel Shoes (Post 1119429)

LOL, no of course not. But you can see her tweets when you are searching for her.

LeaJovi 04-03-2013 08:33 PM

Oh, everybody is replaceable in a band as long as your music quality doesn't go downhill. A new record with Phil X on guitar and Iceman on vocals!

Walkerboy 04-03-2013 08:34 PM


Originally Posted by Captmorgs (Post 1119430)
If Richie really quit the band, do you think Jon would pledge his love and support?

Well would Jon publicly slate him if he thought he could talk him around for the European leg??Jon is not going to say something that could jeopardize the whole tour.

Captain_jovi 04-03-2013 08:40 PM

At no point has Jon pledged support. Last time around it was made a big deal that his place in the band was safe and he needed to take care of himself. This time it was pretty much "he's gone, not in jail or in the hospital, just not playing for awhile". He never really went out of his way to give support, just stated the facts and on with the show.

LeaJovi 04-03-2013 08:41 PM

I bet he's back on the juice since he was listening to the dreadful covers he was sent.

Lisa71 04-03-2013 08:43 PM


Originally Posted by Captain_jovi (Post 1119437)
At no point has Jon pledged support. Last time around it was made a big deal that his place in the band was safe and he needed to take care of himself. This time it was pretty much "he's gone, not in jail or in the hospital, just not playing for awhile". He never really went out of his way to give support, just stated the facts and on with the show.

Well if this quote is true, he did give support.

He's not in the hospital or jail but we love him & send him all our best. I could pack up & cancel, not an option for tonight. I need you more then ever lets go

alonso14 04-03-2013 08:44 PM

Not having people saying he has looked miserable on stage. Before this happened everyone was praising Richie commenting on how he looks like he has a new lease of life. I think it is unforseen circumstances that have come up last minute, something that is more important than the band.

I hope he hasn't quit, always followed Richie a lot more than Jon.

joloriquelme 04-03-2013 08:45 PM

OK. I had to re-register 'cause I lost my password to my old account (Jolo) and the access to the e-mail linked.

Here's my theory.

Look at the following Wikipedia article:

Then, look at this another article:

Then, look at this:

Look at the albums credits song by song.

That's very interesting. Did you see anything strange? (Well, apart from lackluster reviews).

What I look is the reason why this is happening:

This 'What about now' disc is about 'Jon Bon Jovi and other musicians'. Is not Bon Jovi as all we know. This album was made only by JBJ, while Richie was on tour promoting their own album. Richie wanted to do this several years ago. But JBJ interrupted their 'moment' (like every try in the past) and asked to go back to tour with the 'band' and focus on this only.

Then, they went for tour, that lasted a couple of dates. But Richie insist talking and promoting simultaneusly their solo project.

JBJ could had put a soft/harder 'warning' on him about their 'focus'.

Final: Richie had a bad and exagerated reaction, and abanndoned the tour because of this. The band is aware of this and is trying to cover this situation. But sooner of later everything will come up to light.

If were a family thing, very seriously thing, they simply cancelled the tour to support their bandmate. Is not like before when Riche went on rehab.

They're not cancelling anything because of there's a conflict, not an external problem.

That's my theory. Please reply with respect and sorry my english.

Cheers, sorry for my terrible english and these are harder thays for all of us... Our dreams are crashing.


Lisa71 04-03-2013 08:46 PM


Originally Posted by Neurotica80 (Post 1119431)
He was even made too look stupid over the whole banner debate a couple of weeks ago.

I knew those stupid signs would be the end of this band!!

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