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Becky 08-09-2013 09:28 PM

What do photoshopped pictures have to do with being a dick? I bet 99% of professional photos you see of celebrities are enhanced in some way. Haven't we all see the videos of the difference between how a model actually looks and how their photo looks on a magazine cover? They make you thinner, give you a bigger bust if you're female, take away the lines, etc.

I'm sure Richie is quite capable of being just as much of a dick as the next guy, but I don't think having a picture where he looks like an airbrushed duck is indicative of that.

Wrath Mania 08-09-2013 09:31 PM

This thread has deteriorated into the prominent minions on this board that champion either Jon or Richie squabbling about who has the more embarrassing set of photos (it's almost undoubtedly Jon btw, but whatever). I mean we're arguing about whose genetically altered faces are less repugnant. I think this is all a sign that we've run out of things to talk about and this thread doesn't deserve to reach 10,000 posts.

Can't we just all agree that Richie is an easily manipulated, emotionally stunted buffoon who probably won't return to the band, and Jon's a smug jackass and it kind of serves him right anyways?

Javier 08-09-2013 09:41 PM


Originally Posted by Becky (Post 1149949)
What do photoshopped pictures have to do with being a dick? I bet 99% of professional photos you see of celebrities are enhanced in some way. Haven't we all see the videos of the difference between how a model actually looks and how their photo looks on a magazine cover? They make you thinner, give you a bigger bust if you're female, take away the lines, etc.

I'm sure Richie is quite capable of being just as much of a dick as the next guy, but I don't think having a picture where he looks like an airbrushed duck is indicative of that.

SO I need to make clear that I'm not solely referring to a single ****ing pic aswell?? ok then, when it says and in my post, that's where the pic section of my post ended. :roll:

linnea.cfc32_jovibandana 08-09-2013 09:54 PM


Originally Posted by Captain_jovi (Post 1149938)
I didn't know any of that, thanks!

Didn't know either..... I guess that's about as interesting it gets at the mo.
By the way guys, I'm in Jersey! :P

The Rock 08-09-2013 09:55 PM


Originally Posted by Wrath Mania (Post 1149950)
This thread has deteriorated into the prominent minions on this board that champion either Jon or Richie squabbling about who has the more embarrassing set of photos

When I saw the pictures from Rolo, I thought that I was back in high school. Richie's photos are bad, no their not, Jon's photos are badder!! Nah, Nah, Nah, Nah!!?!?

Richie's photo is shit, it's fact. Does it mean all his photos are crap? No but that one photo is crap. No other ways of looking at it. He might take a photo today which is fantastic, good for him. No one can say anything bad a photo?

This need to bring Jon into the mix is pathetic. Why not Tico? Why not David?

Javier 08-09-2013 10:00 PM

ok it works now :)

jessycardy 08-09-2013 10:00 PM


Originally Posted by The Rock (Post 1149954)
When I saw the pictures from Rolo, I thought that I was back in high school. Richie's photos are bad, no their not, Jon's photos are badder!! Nah, Nah, Nah, Nah!!?!?

Richie's photo is shit, it's fact. Does it mean all his photos are crap? No but that one photo is crap. No other ways of looking at it. He might take a photo today which is fantastic, good for him. No one can say anything bad a photo?

This need to bring Jon into the mix is pathetic. Why not Tico? Why not David?

THIS. Yup.

jovigirloz 08-09-2013 11:08 PM


Originally Posted by Wrath Mania (Post 1149950)

Can't we just all agree that Richie is an easily manipulated

I think this is the a big part of the whole thing, he is easily manipulated. We all reacted quite strongly to that line about Richie saying it's his job to make Jon happy, so he may have looked back on that, read peoples comments and thought stuff you Jon, I'll make my own stand with you, but it has backfired as he doesn't have the ability to say no or think things through properly.
Jon may be a controlling jerk and has made some bad decisions (this album/tour), but I think Richie needs someone like Jon, a leader, focused and very aware of what needs to be done.

Kathleen 08-09-2013 11:10 PM


Originally Posted by linnea.cfc32_jovibandana (Post 1149953)
By the way guys, I'm in Jersey! :P

Lucky you - it's been pouring rain for days LOL. Tomorrow and Sunday should be gorgeous though.

rolo_tomachi 08-10-2013 01:42 PM


Originally Posted by jovigirloz (Post 1149961)
I think this is the a big part of the whole thing, he is easily manipulated. We all reacted quite strongly to that line about Richie saying it's his job to make Jon happy, so he may have looked back on that, read peoples comments and thought stuff you Jon, I'll make my own stand with you, but it has backfired as he doesn't have the ability to say no or think things through properly.
Jon may be a controlling jerk and has made some bad decisions (this album/tour), but I think Richie needs someone like Jon, a leader, focused and very aware of what needs to be done.

Richie solo does not need Jon at all.

Jon solo does not need Richie either.

BON JOVI need Jon and Richie urgently, because they are the key.

schlochty 08-10-2013 01:55 PM


Originally Posted by rolo_tomachi (Post 1149986)
Richie solo does not need Jon at all.

Jon solo does not need Richie either.

BON JOVI need Jon and Richie urgently, because they are the key.

Do you just copy paste your replies and completely disregard what the people you're quoting are saying?

I think in this case a very important point has been made by the original poster. Judging from the distance, Sambora appears fairly easy to manipulate and gullible (the dolphin issue anyone?), so maybe the fact that Jon is such a leadership focused person has benefited Richie over the years. Maybe, at some point, Jon went a little bit too far and Richie just had enough and needed a break. Nobody knows and the majority of this thread is just educated and uneducated guesswork anyway. However, it is because of posts like yours that this thread will soon contain in excess of 10,000 posts, 80% of which have little or no intellectual content.

rolo_tomachi 08-10-2013 04:36 PM


Originally Posted by schlochty (Post 1149987)
Do you just copy paste your replies and completely disregard what the people you're quoting are saying?

I think in this case a very important point has been made by the original poster. Judging from the distance, Sambora appears fairly easy to manipulate and gullible (the dolphin issue anyone?), so maybe the fact that Jon is such a leadership focused person has benefited Richie over the years. Maybe, at some point, Jon went a little bit too far and Richie just had enough and needed a break. Nobody knows and the majority of this thread is just educated and uneducated guesswork anyway. However, it is because of posts like yours that this thread will soon contain in excess of 10,000 posts, 80% of which have little or no intellectual content.

Supersonic 08-10-2013 08:46 PM

Aloha !


Originally Posted by rolo_tomachi (Post 1149998)

Schlochty's got a point, and he's pretty much saying about Richie what I said a long time ago. So far it doesn't look like Richie's capable of actually having any career next to Bon Jovi. Anything he does tanks and every project he's attached to is either a joke or a **** up.

Salaam Aleikum,

TwinFan 08-10-2013 08:59 PM


Originally Posted by Supersonic (Post 1150006)
Aloha !

Schlochty's got a point, and he's pretty much saying about Richie what I said a long time ago. So far it doesn't look like Richie's capable of actually having any career next to Bon Jovi. Anything he does tanks and every project he's attached to is either a joke or a **** up.

Salaam Aleikum,

It's sad, but it's true. It's bad enough that Richie bailed on the band in the middle of a tour, but to do so for all this garbage that he's involved himself with instead is a nail in the coffin.

Kiwi78 08-10-2013 10:09 PM


Originally Posted by TwinFan (Post 1150007)
It's sad, but it's true. It's bad enough that Richie bailed on the band in the middle of a tour, but to do so for all this garbage that he's involved himself with instead is a nail in the coffin.

Exactly - again no issue with him wanting to go his own way and do his own thing but there was a right way to go about it and six months down the line and the clusterfk he's now involved in is a slap in the face. He's better than that.

His FANS deserve better than that.

CKatz 08-10-2013 11:05 PM


Originally Posted by Kiwi78 (Post 1150008)
Exactly - again no issue with him wanting to go his own way and do his own thing but there was a right way to go about it and six months down the line and the clusterfk he's now involved in is a slap in the face. He's better than that.

His FANS deserve better than that.

Not all of his fans care about the band.

JoviJovi 08-10-2013 11:08 PM


Originally Posted by CKatz (Post 1150012)
Not all of his fans care about the band.

That's a very small minority though.

golittleperson 08-11-2013 01:09 AM

Just stumbled across something else Richie is involved in, how much don't know but he is listed in the credited cast:

Skum Rocks!(2013)
77 min - Biography|Comedy|Music
Not yet released
'Play like the music doesn't matter.' The unbelievable true story of the band that gained massive east coast popularity in the late 1980s despite having a complete lack of musical talent ... See full summary » Link for more.

liljovi93 08-11-2013 01:18 AM

I watched that Inside The Actors Studio thing again this morning as it was on TV. Even though it was the band, it was called 'Jon Bon Jovi - Inside The Actors Studio' but anyway...

It was quite hard to watch, to be honest. Jon and Richie actually seemed to compliment eachother so much on there and it looked so genuine. Yeah, they done the whole brotherhood and 'been together more than apart' stuff which does count for the band but it always seems to relate to them two. It just seems so weird seeing them like that and then seeing them like this now. Obviously, we STILL don't know what has gone on, but even in 2009, they were 'brothers.'

Jon seemed so relaxed and Richie was really funny and they seemed to really have fun. Now it has just gone the other way and I don't know why. Well, none of us do. It really does baffle me...

JoviJovi 08-11-2013 01:44 AM


Originally Posted by golittleperson (Post 1150016)
Just stumbled across something else Richie is involved in, how much don't know but he is listed in the credited cast:

Skum Rocks!(2013)
77 min - Biography|Comedy|Music
Not yet released
'Play like the music doesn't matter.' The unbelievable true story of the band that gained massive east coast popularity in the late 1980s despite having a complete lack of musical talent ... See full summary » Link for more.

Wow, theres a crapload of people in that movie. I see Tico is in it too.

Mysterytrain 08-11-2013 01:51 AM

Richie Tweeted:

"Hey guys just wanna say thanks and love for all your support.....can't say much right now accept that.... Thank you..."

Kiwi78 08-11-2013 01:54 AM


Originally Posted by CKatz (Post 1150012)
Not all of his fans care about the band.

No true -I more meant the fans that cared about him in the band more so.

Becky 08-11-2013 02:06 AM


Originally Posted by Mysterytrain (Post 1150020)
Richie Tweeted:

"Hey guys just wanna say thanks and love for all your support.....can't say much right now accept that.... Thank you..."

It never ceases to amaze me that a professional writer makes the mistakes he does.

Sissy3 08-11-2013 02:34 AM

Richie and his teasing tweets. When the time comes that he can say more, will he? And yes the spelling errors are a tad annoying.

Mysterytrain 08-11-2013 02:39 AM


Originally Posted by Sissy3 (Post 1150023)
Richie and his teasing tweets. When the time comes that he can say more, will he? And yes the spelling errors are a tad annoying.

There's a certain cognitive dissonance that happens in my mind when I read the Tweets with the basic grammatical errors, and then consider that he wrote the beautiful song that is "The Answer".

Becky 08-11-2013 02:43 AM


Originally Posted by Mysterytrain (Post 1150024)
There's a certain cognitive dissonance that happens in my mind when I read the Tweets with the basic grammatical errors, and then consider that he wrote the beautiful song that is "The Answer".

It would seem Mr. Foster has a better grasp on English than Richie does.

Alphavictim 08-11-2013 03:37 AM

If this whole episode has shown one thing, it's that Richie is not "the real genius of the band who wouldn't need Jon". Just as WAN showed how great BJ would be without Richie's songwriting input.

Bottom line: These two need each other, at least in a professional sense.

Kiwi78 08-11-2013 03:41 AM


Originally Posted by Alphavictim (Post 1150026)
If this whole episode has shown one thing, it's that Richie is not "the real genius of the band who wouldn't need Jon". Just as WAN showed how great BJ would be without Richie's songwriting input.

Bottom line: These two need each other, at least in a professional sense.

Now that I agree with. They compliment each other in different but very important ways.

I remember the whole PR mess for AMOTL, it was nuts until they got Nick Light (I think that's his name) involved - and I actually have to wonder if Richie had the same PR support as BJM does, could he have been more successful with his solo stuff? (from a volume reaching the masses POV)

GabrielC 08-11-2013 04:08 AM


Originally Posted by Becky (Post 1150025)
It would seem Mr. Foster has a better grasp on English than Richie does.

What about Harlem Rain?

golittleperson 08-11-2013 04:13 AM


Originally Posted by Becky (Post 1150022)
It never ceases to amaze me that a professional writer makes the mistakes he does.

In his defense, he is not a professional writer. He is a musician and a lyricist. Much like a poet, they have always taken liberty with language. I was an English major and when I had to write in academia, it was quite different from how I may write here for example. Plus, I am an atrocious speller, I lived with a dictionary prior to spell check.

Plus, if I get in a hurry, ain't no tellin whit I might right. :p

jovigirloz 08-11-2013 04:51 AM

For once, his tweet made perfect sense to me. What spelling errors?

linnea.cfc32_jovibandana 08-11-2013 05:31 AM


Originally Posted by Kathleen (Post 1149963)
Lucky you - it's been pouring rain for days LOL. Tomorrow and Sunday should be gorgeous though.

Today's been amazing :)

LeaJovi 08-11-2013 05:35 AM

I refuse to accept the dude that wrote Sugar Daddy is the same guy that wrote The Answer.

Captain_jovi 08-11-2013 08:08 AM


Originally Posted by Alphavictim (Post 1150026)
If this whole episode has shown one thing, it's that Richie is not "the real genius of the band who wouldn't need Jon". Just as WAN showed how great BJ would be without Richie's songwriting input.

Bottom line: These two need each other, at least in a professional sense.

Do they though? Richie had a hand in every single song on The Circle and look how badly it sold and how it was panned here. I don't think it's dependent on each other, it's dependent on them both giving a shit and demoing and demoing and demoing.

Captain_jovi 08-11-2013 08:08 AM


Originally Posted by LeaJovi (Post 1150033)
I refuse to accept the dude that wrote Sugar Daddy is the same guy that wrote The Answer.

Meh, there are fun songs and there are serious songs. Jon wrote Women in Love and also wrote Dry County. Any good songwriter is able to do both.

CKatz 08-11-2013 02:28 PM


MUSIC REVIEW: “Aftermath of the Lowdown” (Richie Sambora) By Rob Huckins
Richie Sambora is perhaps the luckiest yet oddly underrated musician in the modern rock era, if only because he is known to many as the lead guitarist in one of the biggest bands in the world, Bon Jovi. Within that realm, he has been all over the world a number of times and has his creative fingerprints firmly marked on some of the most iconic rock anthems in American rock history. What is not as well known is Sambora’s true master status as a musician and top notch vocal chops as a singer with roots in the blues and folk tradition. On his third solo record, Aftermath of the Lowdown, Sambora offers up his finest solo outing yet, combining modern rock, blues and pop into an eclectic set of songs which tightly encapsulates both Sambora’s talents and influences. The opening track “Burn That Candle Down” features a crunching, bombastic intro of guitars and drums leading to a echoing vocal fuzzed out until it serves as a background guide to an otherwise blistering arrangement. This pattern continues on straight ahead rock romps“Learning How to Fly With a Broken Wing”, “Sugar Daddy” and “Nowadays”. As enjoyable as these songs are, listeners can safely assume Sambora is playing in fairly familiar territory, letting loose his musical and vocal ambitions in the most unruly way possible. But on songs like “Every Road Leads Home To You” and the wonderfully ascending“Seven Years Gone”, Sambora reveals a pop rock anthem sensibility until now only seen in his work with Bon Jovi, but with an earnestness and glaring sincerity not seen on a Bon Jovi record in years. These are songs Jon Bon Jovi and Sambora might have written together a decade and a half ago, only Sambora’s richly timbered and soulful voice gives the tracks much more authenticity than casual fans might expect. Sambora has endured an unfortunate series of personal maladies during the last eight years, including a divorce, the death of his father and a stint in rehab for alcoholism. Sambora, now 53, lets those life events come out to play on this record—bruises and all—one which clearly reflects a life fully lived, both for good and ill. The haunting and beautiful ballad “You Can Only Get So High” might be Sambora’s most honest and revealing song ever, with lyrics detailing drug and alcohol problems. While the piano and strings set the tone for a somber reflection of his strife over the last decade, it is Sambora’s voice which lifts the song from very good to transcendent. —one which clearly reflects a life fully lived, both for good and ill. The haunting and beautiful ballad “You Can Only Get So High” might be Sambora’s most honest and revealing song ever, with lyrics detailing drug and alcohol problems. While the piano and strings set the tone for a somber reflection of his strife over the last decade, it is Sambora’s voice which lifts the song from very good to transcendent. his strife over the last decade, it is Sambora’s voice which lifts the song from very good to transcendent. Aftermath of the Lowdown is a surprise in a way, if only because Sambora emerges here like a hidden gem, one heretofore largely hidden by the commercially sensible and gigantic rock machine that is Bon Jovi. This year marks the 30-year anniversary of the greatest rock act to come out of New Jersey not named Springsteen, a milestone very few in music ever reach, let alone a band largely dismissed as another “hair band” from the ash heap of Eighties hard rock and heavy metal. It should be a year of unabashed celebration for the band and fans alike, but Sambora is curiously and noticeably absent for reasons neither he nor the band will reveal. Sambora and the band maintain he has not been fired, that his place in the band is secure and permanent. Yet he is not there. The void left by Sambora is noticeable in the band’s current tour, both musically and vocally, not only on the band’s classic songs but in the less spectacular but indispensable moments such as key backing vocals, key guitar stylings and an amiably charismatic, accessible stage presence which offers fans a “normal guy” perspective to Jon Bon Jovi’s bigger than life rock star persona. While Jon clearly shines as the band’s star, Sambora is the arena rock everyman, the smiling, cool and immensely talented sidekick who lets audience members know he is on the same ride as them. On Aftermath of the Lowdown, listeners get that same feel and more, with songs that speak the truth of a man who has been on a roller coaster ride of his own for the last decade but with enough clarity to share it with the rest of us. Sambora gives fans a packed punch with this record, one that offers fans a fresh look at an artist who has quietly been with us for decades.

Sami 08-11-2013 02:38 PM


Originally Posted by CKatz (Post 1150043)

I liked the review. It feels good to see positive aspects written down every once and awhile.

JackieBlue 08-11-2013 04:36 PM


Originally Posted by Sami (Post 1150044)
I liked the review. It feels good to see positive aspects written down every once and awhile.

Ditto. Thanks for posting, CKatz!

golittleperson 08-11-2013 05:39 PM

Richie Sambora‏@TheRealSambora51m
Good morning from Cali....thank y'all for keepin Sambora Sunday rollin....

He fans the fans flames yet again. Gotta admit I love it, but ....

Alphavictim 08-11-2013 07:36 PM


Originally Posted by Captain_jovi (Post 1150034)
Do they though? Richie had a hand in every single song on The Circle and look how badly it sold and how it was panned here. I don't think it's dependent on each other, it's dependent on them both giving a shit and demoing and demoing and demoing.

For me, The Circle is in the top 3 of the albums they did ever since the "comeback" in 2000. But yeah, of course - the question is whether BJ is the ideal environment for them to make their respective contributions. But seperated from each other, they DEFINITELY stumble quite a bit.

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