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Supersonic 04-30-2013 09:50 PM

Aloha !


Originally Posted by ShadyLady (Post 1125858)
I do sympathise with those of you in SA and Europe who are crushed with the news. I recall how I felt spending money on flights, hotel and ticket to get to my first live Jovi show and being told that Richie wouldn't be there. But I must say I (and other Americans) could have used your sympathy last month rather than all your comment about "Richie will be back in Europe, they wouldn't dare tour Europe without Richie, they would have to cancel the tour," etc. The shows go on and now you know that Bon Jovi treats its European fans just as well as it treats its American fans. Maybe you are not so special after all although to can take some comfort in their twitter message about being off to 'WONDERFUL Europe."

To be fair, those comments regarding Europeans getter the better treatment is because Bon Jovi for a good decade have been treating European audiences better. Most of the comments however stem from people trying to remain optimistic or were just taking the piss in regards to America getting screwed over once again.

I take part in all the America bashing in regards to American Bon Jovi fans, but I feel I've also been rather vocal in how I feel American fans are rather treated like garbage while often there's many die hards there coming to see the band play they've come to know and love, much like there's such fans in Europe as well.

I know Americans who've seen twice as many shows as I have yet when it comes to seeing certain songs live I outnumber them simply because I live on another territory. I've made jokes with these people about it and we all laughed about it (because I am so fvcking hilarious), while both parties always realized it's rather sad. No one's been saying screw you, you're American and I think it should be blatantly obvious how everyone here, American, South American, European thinks you were getting screwed over and simply don't deserve the shows you're getting. If this hasn't come across that way I'm sorry, but I do feel that way, no matter how much I can't stand certain Yanks. :p

Salaam Aleikum,

The Rock 04-30-2013 09:51 PM

I think the shows in Jersey will be the last shows unless Richie is back. Other countries that haven't had tour dates yet (Japan, Australia etc) get prepared they might not come. These dates had already been on sale but once they see how the reaction is with the shows, they know they will not be able to annouce shows without Richie there.

We have to see the reaction to the shows. Europe might go off without a hitch. Only the die-hards missing.

nickolai 04-30-2013 09:51 PM


Originally Posted by Chris_Newton (Post 1125892)
I really dont think it will be anywhere near as bad as what people think

For me personally Richie is as much Bon Jovi as Jon is. I would share equal discontent if Jon was absent but Richie wasn't. I have no need or desire to see Jon on his own. This is a massive blow

Chris_Newton 04-30-2013 09:52 PM


Originally Posted by nickolai (Post 1125896)
For me personally Richie is as much Bon Jovi as Jon is. I would share equal discontent if Jon was absent but Richie wasn't. I have no need or desire to see Jon on his own. This is a massive blow

thats fair enough...still go though.....might surprise u

Bounce7800 04-30-2013 09:53 PM

Well we knew it was coming but its gutting to have it confirmed. I really can't see what can keep him off a tour for months and yet not be able to tell us. People don't need to know everything, but we can offer some sympathy if it is required.

It can't be a money issue- they all have more than enough of that. I will lose a lot of respect for all involved if Richie has left the band mid-tour. Both Jon & Richie should not have let that happen.

I hope in the coming days there are options for refunds but you know it won't happen, the fans are the biggest losers in all of this, forking out for tickets in the current financial climate will not be easy for people and for the organisation to not even seem to contemplate refunds for the sake of their bottom line is pretty disgusting and a slap in the face to fans if that's how it goes down.

Having said that, I will still go to at least 2 of the shows, and I really hope Phil X plays as Ive wanted to see him in the flesh. I'd probably ditch my Hyde Park tickets if I had the option, there's plenty of baby things I'd rather allocate the money to now, but if they won't let us I'll still go and have a blast. I just hope they make the best of a bad hope and pull out the best of their back catalogue.

I do hope its not the end of a Bon Jovi with Richie. It was only 7 months ago I was at Shepherds Bush having a great time watching him do the Aftermath tour and now it's all crashing down. Whatever happens, we won't see BJ for a good few years whether they like it or not- the goodwill with the die hards is at an all time low and the casuals don't care.

Beaky 04-30-2013 09:54 PM

Is there a Kafka book about a community that gets some bad news and turns on each other like a bunch of tools?

'Americans are this,' 'Ha! Europe, you're not getting Richie either!'

Emotions are running high, I get it, but can everyone just go and punch an elderly relative rather than take it out on each other...

So really, seeing Matt's Twitter post, that's a game changer. Twitter posts are as good as press releases these days and this one tells me Richie is not a well boy. Up to now, we've had nothing to go on but silence. But Matt sending out a tweet like that, which could so easily bite him squarely in the backside - and bearing in mind, he is considered one of the voices of this brand - that says to me that this is exactly what he says it is.

nickolai 04-30-2013 09:54 PM


Originally Posted by Chris_Newton (Post 1125897)
thats fair enough...still go though.....might surprise u

Yeah I will. But probably after a day of beer and food in Birmingham. Will be something to do on the way back home to Liverpool

MJB12 04-30-2013 09:56 PM


Originally Posted by Chris_Newton (Post 1125892)
I really dont think it will be anywhere near as bad as what people think

I don't think it has been as bad as anyone thinks. Most of the people who have been to a Phil X show aren't nearly as upset about Richie being gone as people who haven't. Yes, it's obviously a big deal. Yes, I was disappointed Richie wasn't at my show. But it wasn't the end of the world, and quite honestly was one of the best BJ shows I've seen.

skogs 04-30-2013 09:58 PM


Originally Posted by Bounce7800 (Post 1125898)
Well we knew it was coming but its gutting to have it confirmed. I really can't see what can keep him off a tour for months and yet not be able to tell us. People don't need to know everything, but we can offer some sympathy if it is required.

It can't be a money issue- they all have more than enough of that. I will lose a lot of respect for all involved if Richie has left the band mid-tour. Both Jon & Richie should not have let that happen.

I hope in the coming days there are options for refunds but you know it won't happen, the fans are the biggest losers in all of this, forking out for tickets in the current financial climate will not be easy for people and for the organisation to not even seem to contemplate refunds for the sake of their bottom line is pretty disgusting and a slap in the face to fans if that's how it goes down.

Having said that, I will still go to at least 2 of the shows, and I really hope Phil X plays as Ive wanted to see him in the flesh. I'd probably ditch my Hyde Park tickets if I had the option, there's plenty of baby things I'd rather allocate the money to now, but if they won't let us I'll still go and have a blast. I just hope they make the best of a bad hope and pull out the best of their back catalogue.

I do hope its not the end of a Bon Jovi with Richie. It was only 7 months ago I was at Shepherds Bush having a great time watching him do the Aftermath tour and now it's all crashing down. Whatever happens, we won't see BJ for a good few years whether they like it or not- the goodwill with the die hards is at an all time low and the casuals don't care.

Post of the evening. You said all I wanted to say.

nickolai 04-30-2013 09:59 PM

All I can say is that there had better be a pretty damn good reason/explanation to why Richie isn't there. I will not accept:

1. Another stint in rehab
2. Feud with Jon
3. Tax fraud
4. Arrested for indecency
5. Having a break due to fatigue.

Because number 5 - this is no excuse. Do not release a new album/tour so soon after the last tour.

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