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JackieBlue 08-24-2013 07:58 PM


Originally Posted by jessycardy (Post 1151033)
What planet do you live on? And why do you pretend it's mine when you don't have a clue? Arrogant much.

Planet Kidding. Laugh much? Ever?

Jeez, Jessy. I overanalyze as much as anyone here. It's a joke.

jessycardy 08-24-2013 08:06 PM


Originally Posted by JackieBlue (Post 1151034)
Planet Kidding. Laugh much? Ever?

Jeez, Jessy. I overanalyze as much as anyone here. It's a joke.

Alrighty then. Good to know. I thought you meant an entirely different thing... my bad, I guess.

JackieBlue 08-24-2013 08:12 PM


Originally Posted by jessycardy (Post 1151035)
Alrighty then. Good to know. I thought you meant an entirely different thing... my bad, I guess.

No problem.

Kathleen 08-24-2013 09:23 PM


Originally Posted by Living_on_my_Hair (Post 1151025)
DaFuq has happened to this thread?

On a side note, what kind of person automatically likes/supports Richie's clothing crap just due to the fact of who he is? Makes no sense, unless you're into 'fashion' of course. Some of the tweets I have seen make me despair.

Probably the same kind of person that went crazy over football when Jon bought the Philadelphia Soul in 2003-2004. I never saw so many female football fans in my life. Many even bought season tickets hoping to see Jon at the game.

For the record I am not a football fan in any of its incarnations and Jon buying a team did not make me a fan. Which is why I think the same situation is disgusting now that it's happening with Richie and fashion.

Sissy3 08-24-2013 10:21 PM


Originally Posted by Kathleen (Post 1151038)
Probably the same kind of person that went crazy over football when Jon bought the Philadelphia Soul in 2003-2004. I never saw so many female football fans in my life. Many even bought season tickets hoping to see Jon at the game.

For the record I am not a football fan in any of it incarnations and Jon buying a team did not make me a fan. Which is why I think the same situation is disgusting now that it's happening with Richie and fashion.

I've never understood that frame of mind even though I have met people through the Bon Jovi "fan family" who did just that. Buy something because Jon endorsed it, bought season tickets to his arena football team even though they really didn't have a clue. (On the chance that Jon may someday own a piece of a pro team, let me go on record now as saying I've been a pro football fan for decades. So he would not be an influence. ;)) I've known people who supported the politicians that Jon liked. And you are correct, people will buy clothing because Richie is attached to it no matter how ugly or pricey it might be.

TwinFan 08-24-2013 10:55 PM


Originally Posted by Kathleen (Post 1151038)
Probably the same kind of person that went crazy over football when Jon bought the Philadelphia Soul in 2003-2004. I never saw so many female football fans in my life. Many even bought season tickets hoping to see Jon at the game.

This seriously happened? Wow. Just... wow.

Sambo-Chris 08-24-2013 11:12 PM

Actually I liked some stuff from WTB and bought some Jeans and a few Shirts when they were on Discount. But I don't pay Attention to NikkiRich.It's not my style of clothes. Nothing that I would wear.

Kathleen 08-24-2013 11:27 PM


Originally Posted by TwinFan (Post 1151041)
This seriously happened? Wow. Just... wow.

Yes - this seriously happened right here on JoviTalk too. At the time I just thought I was too old to "get it". Since then I just decided that people that do that just don't know their own mind.

jovigirloz 08-25-2013 12:06 AM


Originally Posted by Kathleen (Post 1151038)
Probably the same kind of person that went crazy over football when Jon bought the Philadelphia Soul in 2003-2004. I never saw so many female football fans in my life. Many even bought season tickets hoping to see Jon at the game.

For the record I am not a football fan in any of its incarnations and Jon buying a team did not make me a fan. Which is why I think the same situation is disgusting now that it's happening with Richie and fashion.

I noticed that too with the football. I thought it was very strange but not surprising. I never buy anything just because a celebrity was tied to it. The number of fans wearing the soul jersey who would have had no idea about the game itself was staggering. I think most were there because they think it makes them a "proper" fan.
Politics-so different here than in the USA. Most Aussies hate our politicians, so celebrities don't get tied to them very often.

semigoodlookin 08-25-2013 12:15 AM

I am not sure what's worse. Over analyzing a situation in a thread dedicated to that situation or amassing over one hundred posts in that thread telling people how sad the over analyzing is. In fact I do know what's worse.

That Jessy guy is obviously invested in the situation and is talking about it, some of it is boring to me so I don't read it, other things are worth a look. Why does it offend some people that others are interested in this?

As it seems standard to judge people's contribution, I have made 60+ posts, so I guess that makes me even less interested than the ones who say they aren't interested but have posted loads in this thread.

LeaJovi 08-25-2013 06:01 AM

This thread could continue normally with the use of TL;DR

dianeee 08-25-2013 06:19 AM


Originally Posted by semigoodlookin (Post 1151046)
I am not sure what's worse. Over analyzing a situation in a thread dedicated to that situation or amassing over one hundred posts in that thread telling people how sad the over analyzing is. In fact I do know what's worse.

That Jessy guy is obviously invested in the situation and is talking about it, some of it is boring to me so I don't read it, other things are worth a look. Why does it offend some people that others are interested in this?

As it seems standard to judge people's contribution, I have made 60+ posts, so I guess that makes me even less interested than the ones who say they aren't interested but have posted loads in this thread.

"jessy" is a guy??

Elvistico 08-25-2013 12:28 PM


Originally Posted by rino (Post 1151001)
I have the most respect for Tico,he had problems to in the past and look where the man is now. He's still playing with a passion beyond believe at that age. So ,Jon and Richie, give the fans what they deserve. And what Phil concerns: They are two total different players,but BJ doesn't sounds like BJ with Phil on guitar,you have to agree with that.I think,the most important question is: what will happen after the tour?????? I don't think Phil will stay on,so they are a short of a guitarplayer,anyone interested??;);)

We all know what happend with Guns n roses when Slash left,downhill sins!!!

BJ without sambora has good chance to go downhill like guns n roses. Although it will only speed up the next album cause jon will want to prove the world he is Bon Jovi and that he is relevant.

Phil replacing sambora live is one thing but he can not be be replaced in studio when it comes down to comes down to creative input. One can say of course that his input in last records was probably close to zero.

golittleperson 08-25-2013 02:30 PM


Originally Posted by jessycardy (Post 1151031)
For whoever might be interested. It's easy, really. I keep reading time and time again about how it's boring to read certain posts or how some posts are okay while others are not or how we shouldn't care... The thing is simple: this is a thread about Richie not being on tour and all the drama that goes along with it. People here will post about Richie not being on tour and all the drama that goes along with it. Some people will judge others for their unfounded theories full of "over-analyzing", yet here I am posting simple facts (trivial or not, important or not, it's up to the reader, but still relevant) providing links to sources and I'm criticized anyway (and I'm not sure I understand why, by the way).

Agree, some only want "official" BJ or Sambora release but for now all we have is twitt world, Sambos new press/pr/partners whatever they are and have become, Matt (who's now gone). Then there are the "articles", most realize NOT factual but open to discussion IMO.
As I posted a few pages back as a public service announcement, especially to the one who "found me annoying", you can go to profile and ignore a poster on here or simply read over it.

angelsambo 08-25-2013 03:07 PM

jessycardy 08-25-2013 03:31 PM

I've read on the web that Richie denied the split on the "Daily Mirror", but some people and websites never cite sources to save their lives, and I can't seem to find anything. Are they just mixing up new and old interviews or did Richie really speak out?

dianeee 08-25-2013 04:44 PM


Originally Posted by jessycardy (Post 1151074)
I've read on the web that Richie denied the split on the "Daily Mirror", but some people and websites never cite sources to save their lives, and I can't seem to find anything. Are they just mixing up new and old interviews or did Richie really speak out?

I realize on this board that if you are not a known or frequent poster, that questions and comments get passed right over and just generally ignored, but that was a serious question, and not meant in any way to stir things up, I was just wondering if you were male or female?

JoviForever 08-25-2013 05:22 PM


Originally Posted by jessycardy (Post 1151074)
I've read on the web that Richie denied the split on the "Daily Mirror", but some people and websites never cite sources to save their lives, and I can't seem to find anything. Are they just mixing up new and old interviews or did Richie really speak out?

There is nothing in the Mirror today or on their website. I do wonder where people find their 'sources'!

samboraisgodUK 08-25-2013 06:15 PM


Originally Posted by dianeee (Post 1151076)
I realize on this board that if you are not a known or frequent poster, that questions and comments get passed right over and just generally ignored, but that was a serious question, and not meant in any way to stir things up, I was just wondering if you were male or female?

25 posts?! Pfft!

In other developments I've never seen your name spelt with three e's before, how imaginative.

WillRunForChocolate 08-25-2013 06:43 PM

Interesting (or not) I just visited the Bon Jovi website to check the times for the concert stream today. They have cell phone and desktop wallpaper for download - featuring 3 band members. This is the first time I have seen anything "official" eliminating Richie.

Not to stir the pot anymore than it's already been stirred, but I think it's totally appropriate. Richie has obviously decided his other pursuits are more important.

jessycardy 08-25-2013 07:01 PM


Originally Posted by dianeee (Post 1151076)
I realize on this board that if you are not a known or frequent poster, that questions and comments get passed right over and just generally ignored, but that was a serious question, and not meant in any way to stir things up, I was just wondering if you were male or female?

First of all, I know what you mean, but that's not my case. I always reply to people if they address me or if I think I can help them, I don't care if they're new posters or not.

I didn't reply to that because I don't think it should be of relevance here and I like the fact that people can make of me what they will based on my posts, not trivial info. I know you weren't stirring shit up and my not replying to you wasn't either, I apologize for the misunderstanding. ;)


Originally Posted by JoviForever (Post 1151077)
There is nothing in the Mirror today or on their website. I do wonder where people find their 'sources'!

Yeah, me too... I think they're just mixing up old and new, as if the situation wasn't confused enough as it is... :roll:

dianeee 08-25-2013 07:02 PM


Originally Posted by samboraisgodUK (Post 1151079)
25 posts?! Pfft!

In other developments I've never seen your name spelt with three e's before, how imaginative.

Wow, what an . Ask a simple question and get a shit remark, what does 25 posts have to do with anything? And insult my username?

jovigirlCT 08-25-2013 07:19 PM

The reason the Bon Jovi site has only 3 members on the screensavers, etc. is because its from the tour and there were only 3 members there. The backdrop is what the fans did at 1 concert in Europe and they put the 3 in front of it. Richie wasn't at that concert so why would he be included in it. Doesn't mean anything at this point.

jessycardy 08-25-2013 07:26 PM


Originally Posted by jovigirlCT (Post 1151086)
The reason the Bon Jovi site has only 3 members on the screensavers, etc. is because its from the tour and there were only 3 members there. The backdrop is what the fans did at 1 concert in Europe and they put the 3 in front of it. Richie wasn't at that concert so why would he be included in it. Doesn't mean anything at this point.

Exactly. The issue was brought up some time ago, but it's like you say. Today, I saw a fan-made artwork on Facebook where you could see Milan's choreography on the background and pictures of Jon and Richie from the "Because We Can" video right on top. I commented I found it distasteful to put Richie in the picture when unfortunately he wasn't even at the show. It doesn't make any sense.

† ÀžžÀ † 08-25-2013 09:22 PM

Not posted in this forum for a while but what a mess this whole situation has become. It has run far too long for reconciliation in my eyes. It seems pretty damn obvious that Richie is out - whatever the reason - and Jon is holding out with the announcement until the tour is over. It angers me as we fans have been shown no respect whatsoever.

Richie has gone down in my estimation for his behaviour post April and Jon, though still a great frontman, is so hard to like on a human level these days.
Bon Jovi have lost their magic since they became a business first and foremost. This episode almost seemed inevitable.

Way back in April I posted about my friend who had a contact ... anyone remember? She was told the episode was a 'trainwreck' and it looked as though 'he (Richie) was out.' This has been a long goodbye ever since, I just hope Jon does the honourable thing and retires the band.

faith1985 08-25-2013 09:42 PM


Originally Posted by † ÀžžÀ † (Post 1151095)
Not posted in this forum for a while but what a mess this whole situation has become. It has run far too long for reconciliation in my eyes. It seems pretty damn obvious that Richie is out - whatever the reason - and Jon is holding out with the announcement until the tour is over. It angers me as we fans have been shown no respect whatsoever.

Richie has gone down in my estimation for his behaviour post April and Jon, though still a great frontman, is so hard to like on a human level these days.
Bon Jovi have lost their magic since they became a business first and foremost. This episode almost seemed inevitable.

Way back in April I posted about my friend who had a contact ... anyone remember? She was told the episode was a 'trainwreck' and it looked as though 'he (Richie) was out.' This has been a long goodbye ever since, I just hope Jon does the honourable thing and retires the band.

It is sad but it is clear since the WWWB documentary that there are issues between Jon and Richie, and between Jon and David. I thought the behaviour of David seemed a lot more disrespectful towards Jon than Richie's. Since it has become mainly a business for Jon, I don't think he is going to retire the band as long as ge gets money out of it. But ceative-wise it is mostly static and lazy. There is/was a connection between Jon and Richie that nobody can replace.

JackieBlue 08-25-2013 10:03 PM


Originally Posted by † ÀžžÀ † (Post 1151095)
Not posted in this forum for a while but what a mess this whole situation has become. It has run far too long for reconciliation in my eyes. It seems pretty damn obvious that Richie is out - whatever the reason - and Jon is holding out with the announcement until the tour is over. It angers me as we fans have been shown no respect whatsoever.

Richie has gone down in my estimation for his behaviour post April and Jon, though still a great frontman, is so hard to like on a human level these days.
Bon Jovi have lost their magic since they became a business first and foremost. This episode almost seemed inevitable.

Way back in April I posted about my friend who had a contact ... anyone remember? She was told the episode was a 'trainwreck' and it looked as though 'he (Richie) was out.' This has been a long goodbye ever since, I just hope Jon does the honourable thing and retires the band.

Strangely enough, I do remember the comment. In fact, I just saw it again this morning as I was re-reading a PM to friend in which we had discussed the "trainwreck." Sadly, your contact apparently knew what (s)he was talking about. It's hard to hold out hope for a happy outcome at this point, isn't it? No matter what the reasons were that started it, or are continuing it. As much as I'd like to see things work out well for the band and for them to be, once again, the magical group we remember or got to know through youtube and the memories of others, even more I hope things work out well for the individual men who brought us so much joy and inspiration. If, in fact, relationships have been damaged among them, I hope they're able to repair them. Thirty-year relationships are far too rare these days for them not to be honored and preserved.

samboraisgodUK 08-25-2013 10:34 PM


Originally Posted by dianeee (Post 1151085)
Wow, what an . Ask a simple question and get a shit remark, what does 25 posts have to do with anything? And insult my username?

Aw I want to know what name you called me :( sambo-Chris you've ruined my fun. Haha you bite far too easily my friend, I was actually siding with you on the small number of posts remark and I was merely being facetious to emphasise the point. No, no, genuine remark, I've only seen Diane spelled like that, is spelling it with more e's a foreign thing?

TwinFan 08-25-2013 10:50 PM


Originally Posted by samboraisgodUK (Post 1151101)
Aw I want to know what name you called me :( sambo-Chris you've ruined my fun. Haha you bite far too easily my friend, I was actually siding with you on the small number of posts remark and I was merely being facetious to emphasise the point. No, no, genuine remark, I've only seen Diane spelled like that, is spelling it with more e's a foreign thing?

I imagine it's probably just a username, and her actual name isn't spelled like that. That'd be like me expecting your real name to be samboraisgodUK. :p

† ÀžžÀ † 08-25-2013 11:15 PM

The only way I can see the band surviving in its current guise if if they take a proper (overdue) break. That would perhaps give Jon and Richie time to settle their differences and eventually return with some substance to their writing.

However there is every chance Jon will churn out another album (without Sambora) pretty quickly to prove a point. That would be a huge mistake as a lot of fans, me included, would finally bow out.

At the moment people have split loyalties, with many admiring Jon for keeping the show on the road. Once the dust has settled there is every chance fans could feel alienated and turn their back.

It is a fine tightrope Jon is walking, which is why I hope he retires the band should Richie leave. It would be sad to see him carry on and chase $$$ thus tainting their legacy.

Sissy3 08-25-2013 11:35 PM


Originally Posted by † ÀžžÀ † (Post 1151103)

It is a fine tightrope Jon is walking, which is why I hope he retires the band should Richie leave. It would be sad to see him carry on and chase $$$ thus tainting their legacy.

Maybe it would depend on whether Jon could be happy performing solo at smaller venues or if the lure of playing the big stadiums in front of thousands is the stronger pull. I think he'll always feel the need to perform, but can he be happy with just his "side job" to fulfill him, instead of his main job he's held for 30 years. My bet is ego (more so than the money side of it) would win out and he'd push for another full blown band tour.

Gabriel Shoes 08-26-2013 12:56 AM


Originally Posted by † ÀžžÀ † (Post 1151103)
The only way I can see the band surviving in its current guise if if they take a proper (overdue) break. That would perhaps give Jon and Richie time to settle their differences and eventually return with some substance to their writing.

However there is every chance Jon will churn out another album (without Sambora) pretty quickly to prove a point. That would be a huge mistake as a lot of fans, me included, would finally bow out.

At the moment people have split loyalties, with many admiring Jon for keeping the show on the road. Once the dust has settled there is every chance fans could feel alienated and turn their back.

It is a fine tightrope Jon is walking, which is why I hope he retires the band should Richie leave. It would be sad to see him carry on and chase $$$ thus tainting their legacy.

I agree with you, good point.

MrNickel 08-26-2013 03:22 AM

I know at one point Jon making a statement may of seemed like a risk to him, but with how crazy the press is at the moment on this, he needs to say something.

nikos greece 08-26-2013 08:44 AM

after all these months it finally occured to me that jon became doc mcghee for the band in a way...pushing them for more shows/tours/album cycles when obviously only he has the desire and not anyone else...they all described doc, their manager back in the 80s, like a ruthless guy who only wanted money, more shows etc...unfortunately after all these years maybe jon became what he resented the most...i dont need a wanted number 2 or a blaze of glory 2 but the guy who wrote songs like these now make albums every 2 years fills them with mediocre/middle of the road songs(songs that most of the time doesnt even perform live at all) and truthfully gives me the impression that 1. he cant stand staying at home for too long or 2.he simply making back on back tours in order to raise the money to buy a team, which is an expensive hobby afterall...
ps.i admire the guy for keeping up, for showing that kind of drive and motivation but this whole album/tour cycle is a farce, shows none artistic integrity and messes up their legacy:crazyeye:

ps2. i hope it all works out and richie finds himself because he truly looks lost

rino 08-26-2013 09:34 AM


Originally Posted by † ÀžžÀ † (Post 1151103)
The only way I can see the band surviving in its current guise if if they take a proper (overdue) break. That would perhaps give Jon and Richie time to settle their differences and eventually return with some substance to their writing.

However there is every chance Jon will churn out another album (without Sambora) pretty quickly to prove a point. That would be a huge mistake as a lot of fans, me included, would finally bow out.

At the moment people have split loyalties, with many admiring Jon for keeping the show on the road. Once the dust has settled there is every chance fans could feel alienated and turn their back.

It is a fine tightrope Jon is walking, which is why I hope he retires the band should Richie leave. It would be sad to see him carry on and chase $$$ thus tainting their legacy.

If Jon should bring out a new album,for whatever reason,i hope it will be a smash,because if it doesn't,it will backfire on him like a truck that hit him at full speed. You can turn and twist it around as much as you will,the sound of BJ will never be the same without Richie.So Jon have to consider if it's worth to take that risk,or goiing down WITHOUT a blaze of glory.

NicoRourke 08-26-2013 11:52 AM

Sad but true, this whole fiasco is driving me away from the band.

I'm disappointed by both Jon and Richie to the point that I don't even enjoy listening to the albums for the moment. And that's a first since 1992...

Richie is/was always my favorite band member, I'm especially pissed by his recent behavior.

When he left the tour I was like 'not again!' then I was somewhat supportive if he was feuding with Jon just because JBJ pisses me off always talking about him instead of the band, his stink-eye crap and acting like a dick + chasing trends when saying he's not etc.

But now I'm tired and disgusted by Richie's behavior, his new entourage and the stupid things he posts on Twitter.

Not that this will move this mammoth thread further, but I needed to vent :)

rolo_tomachi 08-26-2013 12:01 PM


Originally Posted by NicoRourke (Post 1151121)

I'm disappointed by both Jon and Richie to the point that I don't even enjoy listening to the albums for the moment. And that's a first since 1992...

I share the same feeling as you.

nickolai 08-26-2013 12:16 PM

Richie Sambora is a cunt

efiste2 08-26-2013 12:30 PM


I'm disappointed by both Jon and Richie to the point that I don't even enjoy listening to the albums for the moment. And that's a first since 1992...
Thats exactly how Im feeling too, its a sad state of affairs, last week i blamed Richie for the whole situation for baling out when he did, I still do to some extent,
but I have to also lay some blame on Jon for taking the band down this route of continuous tour,album,tour,album merry go round, and as much as do like the recent stuff when you listen to the early stuff it shows just how lame they have become on the album front, my apologies for not recalling who said it but the post of WAN being a mix of the band and Jons solo stuff is spot on!!!!.

Im hoping it all works out but to get back to real classic Bon JOvi I think Jon would have to back down quite a lot and let Richie have a hell of a lot more say in the music. And as we all know Jon doesnt back down :confused:

crashed 08-26-2013 01:22 PM


Originally Posted by efiste2 (Post 1151127)

I think Jon would have to back down quite a lot and let Richie have a hell of a lot more say in the music. And as we all know Jon doesnt back down :confused:

And why do you think this would get them back to the classic Bon Jovi sound? Richie's recent solo releases are nothing like the "classic" Bon Jovi sound either.

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