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Sissy3 08-27-2013 03:56 PM

No, Richie! Just nooooooooooooooooo! (and this from someone who's addicted to QVC shopping network. LOL) I don't want to see my rock stars hawking clothes on tv. Takes some of the magic away.

CKatz 08-27-2013 04:16 PM


Originally Posted by Sissy3 (Post 1151208)
No, Richie! Just nooooooooooooooooo! (and this from someone who's addicted to QVC shopping network. LOL) I don't want to see my rock stars hawking clothes on tv. Takes some of the magic away.

It's better than hawking the music on QVC... Now THAT took whatever little bit of magic Bounce had away. :p

JoviJovi 08-27-2013 04:21 PM


Originally Posted by CKatz (Post 1151209)
It's better than hawking the music on QVC... Now THAT took whatever little bit of magic Bounce had away. :p

Um, no, this is far worse.

CKatz 08-27-2013 04:27 PM


Originally Posted by JoviJovi (Post 1151210)
Um, no, this is far worse.

Yet, you watched it. For people who don't care for his fashion line, you all pay a lot of attention to it.:rolleyes:

semigoodlookin 08-27-2013 04:33 PM

That is a bit of a slap in the face for those who say Richie looks good. And for the ones who say Lund is attractive.

jessycardy 08-27-2013 04:33 PM

I couldn't give two flying rat's asses about the fashion line, the reason I would watch a 2-minute video like that is because one of my absolute idols is in it. And to me, it's devastating to see. Is it that hard to comprehend? Would everyone just stop this useless idiotic versus match and start taking things for what they are? We're all here for the same reason: we love Bon Jovi and we love that guy that's been away from Bon Jovi for 5 months. We all want the best for him and the band. End of ****in' story.

JoviJovi 08-27-2013 04:40 PM


Originally Posted by CKatz (Post 1151211)
Yet, you watched it. For people who don't care for his fashion line, you all pay a lot of attention to it.:rolleyes:

Sure did. It's hard to look away from a train wreck

CKatz 08-27-2013 04:45 PM


Originally Posted by JoviJovi (Post 1151216)
Sure did. It's hard to look away from a train wreck

I know, that's why it's so hard to tear myself away from this thread... and the band.

jovifan93 08-27-2013 04:57 PM

Anyone else think his face looks a little "rounder", like he's been drinking again (that combined with obvious (mis)use of botox, which I guess you have to take in the fashion business to stay relevant (pun intended ;))? Man, that sucks.

I seriously start to believe he's fallen off the waggon again, no matter what he says. At least he's not totally sane, that should be obvious...

Sissy3 08-27-2013 05:21 PM


Originally Posted by CKatz (Post 1151209)
It's better than hawking the music on QVC... Now THAT took whatever little bit of magic Bounce had away. :p

And due to my QVC/Jovi addiction, I remember the Bounce episode. :)

Bill23 08-27-2013 05:23 PM

WTF...Richie has gone off the deep end. ""When Nik and I got together it was almost like songwriting....we just started jamming....jamming with the fabric".

CKatz 08-27-2013 05:27 PM


Originally Posted by Bill23 (Post 1151221)
WTF...Richie has gone off the deep end. ""When Nik and I got together it was almost like songwriting....we just started jamming....jamming with the fabric".

He's been saying that since 2009. Where have you been? :D There's nothing new in that vid at all.

MellyMel 08-27-2013 05:31 PM


Originally Posted by Bill23 (Post 1151221)
WTF...Richie has gone off the deep end. ""When Nik and I got together it was almost like songwriting....we just started jamming....jamming with the fabric".

Wow. I'm at a loss for words.

jesyjames 08-27-2013 05:37 PM


Originally Posted by Bill23 (Post 1151221)
WTF...Richie has gone off the deep end. ""When Nik and I got together it was almost like songwriting....we just started jamming....jamming with the fabric".

I laughed so hard at this. It's just perfect. I only wish he had his Willy Wonka hat on when he said it.

idbl_fanatic 08-27-2013 05:55 PM

CKatz 08-27-2013 05:58 PM


Originally Posted by idbl_fanatic (Post 1151226)

I think they would kill each other, if they were locked in a room together right now. :p

JoviJovi 08-27-2013 06:04 PM


Originally Posted by CKatz (Post 1151222)
He's been saying that since 2009. Where have you been? :D There's nothing new in that vid at all.

Nobody cares about the fashion line, that's why nobody knows. The only reason people have interest now is because its the only avenue they have to see what's up with Richie.

golittleperson 08-27-2013 06:12 PM


Originally Posted by jessycardy (Post 1151206)
Ouch. This is harder to bear than I thought.

Warning: opinion, where in the world is RS factual, about fashion not Bj official so IF that bothers you - skip now.

IMO, he looked awkward, she looked even worse. I'm sure they had a translater but damn.... As someone said, hard not to watch the train wreck even when you hate it. You know you can't stop it. This seems like a money pit, reading that Ralph Lauren lost 1.7Billion (yes with a B) last year. I hope he realizes this may just be an expensive hoppy. I hate to see him fail at anything but with his current circle IDK?

golittleperson 08-27-2013 06:13 PM


Originally Posted by JoviJovi (Post 1151228)
Nobody cares about the fashion line, that's why nobody knows. The only reason people have interest now is because its the only avenue they have to see what's up with Richie.

Perfectly said!

jessycardy 08-27-2013 06:15 PM


Originally Posted by jesyjames (Post 1151224)
I laughed so hard at this. It's just perfect. I only wish he had his Willy Wonka hat on when he said it.

He did bring it with him to Japan, though.


(Whole album of pictures at LA airport at:

One-off with Nikki:


CKatz 08-27-2013 06:16 PM


Originally Posted by JoviJovi (Post 1151228)
Nobody cares about the fashion line, that's why nobody knows. The only reason people have interest now is because its the only avenue they have to see what's up with Richie.

And those same people call Nikki "Yoko" and complain about how she's profitting from the current situation, but they give her (and Sean) attention anyway.... How dumb is that?

jessycardy 08-27-2013 06:27 PM


Originally Posted by CKatz (Post 1151232)
And those same people call Nikki "Yoko" and complain about how she's profitting from the current situation, but they give her (and Sean) attention anyway.... How dumb is that?

Nobody gives them attention, they desperately seize it.

JoviJovi 08-27-2013 06:30 PM


Originally Posted by CKatz (Post 1151232)
And those same people call Nikki "Yoko" and complain about how she's profitting from the current situation, but they give her (and Sean) attention anyway.... How dumb is that?

The only time the attention will matter is if it turns into dollars for the line. That's not going to happen. And Nikki has earned her Yoko nickname proudly.

CKatz 08-27-2013 06:32 PM


Originally Posted by jessycardy (Post 1151233)
Nobody gives them attention, they desperately seize it.

Umm, half of this thread is about them.

CKatz 08-27-2013 06:35 PM


Originally Posted by JoviJovi (Post 1151234)
The only time the attention will matter is if it turns into dollars for the line. That's not going to happen.

And you know this how?

You're nothing unless you're talked about. And this line is being talked about to the same people who are rooting for it to fail.

jessycardy 08-27-2013 06:42 PM


Originally Posted by CKatz (Post 1151236)
Umm, half of this thread is about them.

That's what I'm saying. Nobody gives them the attention, they just take it and hold onto it for dear life. Half of this thread is about them for a damn good reason. I wish we could have just gone on ignoring their existence like we did before April, but we weren't allowed to, because they decided to throw themselves down our ****in' throat repeatedly and never give it a rest. You seem to be making this all about the fashion line, the point is it's not and it's obvious to everyone. I'm so tired of having to repeat the same thing over and over, but here, for the hundredth time: they're getting involved in the band's matters, and that's what's wrong and not acceptable, not their thing for fashion or anything else, who cares!

Sissy3 08-27-2013 07:08 PM


Originally Posted by jessycardy (Post 1151231)
He did bring it with him to Japan, though.

He needs to ditch that little pork pie number and go back to the SRV style, black hat. Now that was a look I loved. :D

jessycardy 08-27-2013 07:38 PM


Originally Posted by Sissy3 (Post 1151239)
He needs to ditch that little pork pie number and go back to the SRV style, black hat. Now that was a look I loved. :D

That was the greatest thing on Earth... Time and time again I would just look at him and think: "that's the definition of cool!".

golittleperson 08-27-2013 07:49 PM


Originally Posted by jessycardy (Post 1151238)
That's what I'm saying. Nobody gives them the attention, they just take it and hold onto it for dear life. Half of this thread is about them for a damn good reason. I wish we could have just gone on ignoring their existence like we did before April, but we weren't allowed to, because they decided to throw themselves down our ****in' throat repeatedly and never give it a rest. You seem to be making this all about the fashion line, the point is it's not and it's obvious to everyone. I'm so tired of having to repeat the same thing over and over, but here, for the hundredth time: they're getting involved in the band's matters, and that's what's wrong and not acceptable, not their thing for fashion or anything else, who cares!

I never could have said it that well. Never cared IF Richie had a fashion business until it appears to have taken over all things Sambora. Miss the guitar man.

JoviForever 08-27-2013 08:07 PM


Originally Posted by bounce442 (Post 1151190)
It is really hard for me to believe that they still haven't posted an official statement... and not so much as a Tweet from Richie. This has been pretty big news for 3 days now and still nothing. In fact the only quasi-spokesperson for band left Twitter.

Isn't it funny that before the latest rumour Richie was tweeting all sorts of nonsensical crap but since then he hasn't said a word!
Silence speaks volumes I guess!

Javier 08-27-2013 09:05 PM


Originally Posted by golittleperson (Post 1151243)
I never could have said it that well. Never cared IF Richie had a fashion business until it appears to have taken over all things Sambora. Miss the guitar man.

I wonder if he's played guitar at all during this whole thing....

efiste2 08-27-2013 10:13 PM

This is saddening rather than anything else, in my humble opinion his body language is saying that he doesnt want to be doing this, I mean ONE of the worlds best rock guitarist flogging t shirts on a japanese shopping channel.....
and yes I know all about the JBJ QVC bounce crap that was embarrasing, but the difference being Jon didnt go AWOL from a world tour letting down millions of fans, Thats not taking into account any truth of Richie being sacked etc etc.....
AS Richie was so popular in that part of the world I wonder what the fans there make of all this.....

Stiggy 08-27-2013 10:48 PM

1 Attachment(s)
in my twitter tm :crazyeye:

golittleperson 08-27-2013 10:57 PM


Originally Posted by Stiggy (Post 1151253)

I can almost promise that you or that person was blocked. Heard about her DM's too, never saw one. I was blocked long ago and not near that abrasive, rather polite but do fashion stay out of BJ/music. See more than enough in others RT's however.

JoviJovi 08-28-2013 01:05 AM


Originally Posted by golittleperson (Post 1151254)
I can almost promise that you or that person was blocked. Heard about her DM's too, never saw one. I was blocked long ago and not near that abrasive, rather polite but do fashion stay out of BJ/music. See more than enough in others RT's however.

A while back I tweeted that Sean Borg was an ass and she followed me. I have done nothing but talk shit about her and him and she hasn't blocked or stopped following. She has done the same to a few other people I talk to on Twitter too Kind of weird.

MrNickel 08-28-2013 02:31 AM

What does she say in the DMs ?

jessycardy 08-28-2013 02:41 AM


Originally Posted by MrNickel (Post 1151258)
What does she say in the DMs ?

It would be very interesting to know. Anyone?

Aaand after a week of mysterious, utter silence from Richie... he's just retweeted the infamous video (tweeted by Nikki's mother)...

"RT @1LaurieLund: @TheRealSambora @1NikkiLund YOU'RE ROCKIN' IT! SOLD OUT SHOP JAPAN!! (Preview)"

( )

bounce442 08-28-2013 03:07 AM


Originally Posted by jessycardy (Post 1151259)
It would be very interesting to know. Anyone?

Aaand after a week of mysterious, utter silence from Richie... he's just retweeted the infamous video (tweeted by Nikki's mother)...

"RT @1LaurieLund: @TheRealSambora @1NikkiLund YOU'RE ROCKIN' IT! SOLD OUT SHOP JAPAN!! (Preview)"

( )

Tragic... just tragic.

Wrath Mania 08-28-2013 03:17 AM


Originally Posted by CKatz (Post 1151211)
Yet, you watched it. For people who don't care for his fashion line, you all pay a lot of attention to it.:rolleyes:

You really need to pipe down with your unbridled Richie love. Yeah, this thread is about Richie, no shit. It's also (with basically the exceptions of you And Rolo, and Rolo is pretty funny so I can let his Richie hard-on slide) been nothing but a scathing mockery of the man. You're dead wrong. There's attention and then there's bad attention. You think anyone here is rushing to buy his stupid ass clothes? You think calling Richie a miserable gutless failure is somehow giving him what he wants? Get real. Those of us still following this story are doing so because the only value left in a band we all once loved is to see how comical the death throes are going to be. That's what this thread is, entertainment. Get over your hero and don't even dare imply he's somehow doing an even remotely competent job in whatever the **** he's trying to market now. Cripes.

Kathleen 08-28-2013 03:47 AM


Originally Posted by bounce442 (Post 1151260)
Tragic... just tragic.

Exactly how I feel, he is a wreck of the man we all loved (and respected). When you think of what he COULD be doing it is a tragic waste.

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