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Neurotica80 05-01-2013 09:01 AM

Well right now Richie is looking like the bad guy in all of this. If he has quit he should just come out and say it, fans would understand that more than the shit we are being fed. If he rejoins the band and just didn't fancy touring this summer, then I will lose a lot of respect for him.

I'm gutted he won't be there, I just can't imagine that stage without him. However, everything's been paid for and I'm looking forward to seeing everyone and getting away, so just gotta make the best of it. I really hope it doesn't mean a summer of autopilot JBJ though. It would be good if he could add a few special guests here and there , can't see it though.

rightsideofwrong 05-01-2013 09:04 AM

I expect to see some serious rarities pop up this next leg, that's for sure. Anxious to see what they are.

steel_horse75 05-01-2013 09:24 AM

Im reading some of these posts and Im shocked.

You call yourselves fans yet some want to boo JBJ as its clearly his fault, give up tickets, start slating everything the band does.

Granted I dont recognise half these usernames cause your clearly the sort that hate it when things are going well but the moment there is something wrong you log in and add to your 130 post since 2002 by slating the band and everything to do with them.

Have you stopped to think that maybe JBJ has been asked by Richie not to say anything about whats happend? Yes as fans that seems out of order as we have all bought tickets but maybe the guy is in such a bad place he just wants to be left alone.

Secondly if and i say "if" he has left then legally maybe everyone in the band and within the whole Bon Jovi family are legally not allowed to say anything while the "divorce" happens.

I for one cant wait to find out whats happening just so these so called fans on this board can all **** off again and go lurk back in the shadows.

Tom Hamilton has had to pull out of the Aerosmith tour due to ill health - I wonder if on the Aerosmith boards they are all suggesting that they boo Steve Tyler as its clearly his fault.

Some of you need to grow up.

keeleyweeley74 05-01-2013 09:40 AM

Whilst absolutely gutted that Richie ain't gunna be there, I also think I'm a little relieved. At least I now know what to expect; a Jon & Friends show! So I will just embrace the night and go with the flow. Having been a fan for 25+ years, I ain't gunna just throw it all away.
Having said that I wish that I could just walk out of my job when I liked.....and be told that I'm still an integral member of the team.....hmmmm!

RonJovi 05-01-2013 09:42 AM


Originally Posted by steel_horse75 (Post 1126077)
Im reading some of these posts and Im shocked.

You call yourselves fans yet some want to boo JBJ as its clearly his fault, give up tickets, start slating everything the band does.

Granted I dont recognise half these usernames cause your clearly the sort that hate it when things are going well but the moment there is something wrong you log in and add to your 130 post since 2002 by slating the band and everything to do with them.

Have you stopped to think that maybe JBJ has been asked by Richie not to say anything about whats happend? Yes as fans that seems out of order as we have all bought tickets but maybe the guy is in such a bad place he just wants to be left alone.

Secondly if and i say "if" he has left then legally maybe everyone in the band and within the whole Bon Jovi family are legally not allowed to say anything while the "divorce" happens.

I for one cant wait to find out whats happening just so these so called fans on this board can all **** off again and go lurk back in the shadows.

Tom Hamilton has had to pull out of the Aerosmith tour due to ill health - I wonder if on the Aerosmith boards they are all suggesting that they boo Steve Tyler as its clearly his fault.

Some of you need to grow up.

Booooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oo

(na, good post)

Stranger11 05-01-2013 09:42 AM


Originally Posted by steel_horse75 (Post 1126077)
Secondly if and i say "if" he has left then legally maybe everyone in the band and within the whole Bon Jovi family are legally not allowed to say anything while the "divorce" happens.

See thatīs the part I donīt get and maybe someone with more insight on how contracts work etc. can explain that to me.

So Jon is the boss. Richie, Dave & Tico are more or less employees and legaly not equal to Jon when it comes to the band.
What would be the legal situation were nobody is allowed to talk? Is it because there is a tour going on at the moment or because Richie co-wrote a lot of Jovi songs and they have to find a way to solve that financially?

Might sound a like a stupid question but since I have no idea how this things are done an answer would be appriciated.

bwehehehe 05-01-2013 09:43 AM

Why not reschedule the whole tour for Richie? It's like, he's the magic. They may lose some money but it's worth the respect and brotherhood.

Beaky 05-01-2013 09:52 AM


Originally Posted by steel_horse75 (Post 1126077)
Im reading some of these posts and Im shocked.

You call yourselves fans yet some want to boo JBJ as its clearly his fault, give up tickets, start slating everything the band does.

Granted I dont recognise half these usernames cause your clearly the sort that hate it when things are going well but the moment there is something wrong you log in and add to your 130 post since 2002 by slating the band and everything to do with them.

Have you stopped to think that maybe JBJ has been asked by Richie not to say anything about whats happend? Yes as fans that seems out of order as we have all bought tickets but maybe the guy is in such a bad place he just wants to be left alone.

Secondly if and i say "if" he has left then legally maybe everyone in the band and within the whole Bon Jovi family are legally not allowed to say anything while the "divorce" happens.

I for one cant wait to find out whats happening just so these so called fans on this board can all **** off again and go lurk back in the shadows.

Tom Hamilton has had to pull out of the Aerosmith tour due to ill health - I wonder if on the Aerosmith boards they are all suggesting that they boo Steve Tyler as its clearly his fault.

Some of you need to grow up.

I am giving up my tickets, so I guess this is aimed at 'people like me' and frankly, you are such an amazing person and I wish I was more like you. I am such a bad fan and you are so dedicated and I am such a waster.

The fact that I wouldn't want to see a band that is no longer a band, a guy that can no longer sing and the main reason I wanted to go to the gig is no longer going to be there... on top of that, I actually chose to express my disappointment (and that's what it is, it's not b*tching, whining, moaning... disappointment comes when you care, when you're invested in something and when you can see it slowly crumbling before your eyes) that fact that I chose to express that, here, of all places, on a discussion thread about that very topic... well how f*cking dare I.

I am really pleased you're so clear-headed about this, I am happy for you. You tell people like me to 'grow up'... well, here's a plan... adults, by and large, tend to be accepting of other people's views and opinions, so in reality; why do you f*** off to the shadows and do some growing up yourself.

I just wanted to add, I get the feeling that everyone is desperately trying to write *the* definitive post... and in doing so, you get the kind of sh*t above where we're all attacking each other because there's no speculation left, we've covered it all. But do we really have to get into the whole 'you've only been around since 2002,' snobbery!? I've only been on here since 2005 because before I had a freelance job, I spent a lot less time in front of a computer. But I am your age and have been into this band for 25 years or more. You're emotional, fine. But don't start being a tw*t now, you've not done it in the past.

I find that attitude a lot harder to ignore than the people you're lambasting. I will take your advice though, I think I need to walk away from this for a little while. If this kind of attitude is actually appreciated around here, not sure it's good for my blood pressure.

Crushgen24/88 05-01-2013 10:00 AM

In reading through the last 9 or so pages, I wonder what Dave and Tico would think if they knew how many people don't seem to care about them.

Neurotica80 05-01-2013 10:08 AM


Originally Posted by steel_horse75 (Post 1126077)
Yes as fans that seems out of order as we have all bought tickets but maybe the guy is in such a bad place he just wants to be left alone.

Sorry but he's still well enough to plug his solo album on twitter, I don't buy that one bit.

It would nice for Richie to put out some kind of statement, even if its just to say sorry to the fans he's badly let down over the past month, no matter what's gone on.

Any future BJ ticket I buy, even if Richie is part of the band at the time, I will be treating as JBJ and friends.

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