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Kathleen 04-03-2013 09:14 PM

If the band - or the PR arm of the band would just give an honest reason for Richie's departure all the stupid speculation would just stop. They don't need to provide details, just the facts. If it's family related, just say that - it's enough. If it's rehab again, be honest enough to own up to it. It seems so simple and it would cut all the drama.

Beaky 04-03-2013 09:17 PM


Originally Posted by Kathleen (Post 1119463)
If the band - or the PR arm of the band would just give an honest reason for Richie's departure all the stupid speculation would just stop. They don't need to provide details, just the facts. If it's family related, just say that - it's enough. If it's rehab again, be honest enough to own up to it. It seems so simple and it would cut all the drama.


It's why the longer the silence goes on, the more worrying it is that it's something they have to 'spin'.

Bleeding Purist 04-03-2013 09:19 PM


Originally Posted by Kathleen (Post 1119463)
If the band - or the PR arm of the band would just give an honest reason for Richie's departure all the stupid speculation would just stop. They don't need to provide details, just the facts. If it's family related, just say that - it's enough. If it's rehab again, be honest enough to own up to it. It seems so simple and it would cut all the drama.

Agreed. I certainly hope they have the sense to elaborate on the situation very soon. You simply cannot just make such a brief statement and leave it at that today.

steel_horse75 04-03-2013 09:23 PM

What's worrying is the silence.
Maybe lawyers thrashing out a deal to let him walk away?
JBJ said it wasn't police it hospital related which don't leave a lot of other things

Captain.Crash 04-03-2013 09:23 PM

Bounce7800 04-03-2013 09:28 PM

I would be truly amazed if it's Richie leaving the band. The musical arguments put forward are valid but if he was to come to that decision it simply wouldn't be done a few hours before a show . Plus 99% of his fans are bon jovi fans, and alienating your fan base by doing that would not be smart. If he were to leave the band, I wouldn't have thought he would do it mid tour let alone just before a show.

mrleaf 04-03-2013 09:29 PM


Originally Posted by Captain.Crash (Post 1119469)

Dig at richie now that he is homeless well (bandless)

Captmorgs 04-03-2013 09:42 PM


Originally Posted by Supersonic (Post 1119448)
Aloha !

Yeah, or how about Richie left for personal reasons, no one has any ****ing idea why and all these theories about him leavin because he wasn't satisfied with the Bon Jovi machine are absolutely pointless?

It's mind-boggling to see all these theories show up and people actually thinking they're really on to something.

Salaam Aleikum,

Maybe the most I have ever agreed with Seb (no offense). Exactly my thoughts.

ticos_stick 04-03-2013 09:44 PM

It's no surprise really, just a bit sad.

He looked bored on the new tour and had little input on the latest album. All he seems interested in recently is his solo album and if that's what makes him happy then so be it. Bon Jovi are a band nearly twenty years past their peak. Where will it end? Tico getting onto his drum stool via a stair lift?

I just hope he's pulled out because he's sick of the band and not because he's back pounding tequila with ladies of the night.

LeaJovi 04-03-2013 09:47 PM


Originally Posted by Bounce7800 (Post 1119470)
I would be truly amazed if it's Richie leaving the band. The musical arguments put forward are valid but if he was to come to that decision it simply wouldn't be done a few hours before a show . Plus 99% of his fans are bon jovi fans, and alienating your fan base by doing that would not be smart. If he were to leave the band, I wouldn't have thought he would do it mid tour let alone just before a show.

Exactly, that is the worst resign ever. Only topped by quitting live onstage :D

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