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linnea.cfc32_jovibandana 05-01-2013 08:01 PM


Originally Posted by Beaky (Post 1126216)
I could very well have missed this but Matt confirmed 2 hours ago that Phil X will be playing until Richie returns...

Ok if that's true thats at least some kind of relief for Stockholm.... I'd definitely rather have Phil X play lead than Bobby...
Don't know what else to say at this point.... :(

linnea.cfc32_jovibandana 05-01-2013 08:02 PM


Originally Posted by malcyc (Post 1126224)
Is it because Richie's vocals blow Jon out of .the game?

LOL yeah may very well be.... cause those vocals were gorgeous. wow

Crushgen24/88 05-01-2013 08:05 PM


Originally Posted by Beaky (Post 1126285)

The time of Jon's comment isn't really relevant, the fact that he didn't feel the need to say 'of course we are in constant contact and he has our support' but said 'I haven't spoken to him,' this guy isn't wet behind the ears, he knows what that will do.

Playing Devil's advocate (though i mostly agree with you) for a second: If Jon says "we're in constant contact" it then makes it sound like he should have a firm idea when Richie would be back, and that he was potentially rushing him back. Saying he hadn't spoken to him in 2 days outs the ball firmly in Richie's court.

Living_on_my_Hair 05-01-2013 08:07 PM


Originally Posted by Chris_Newton (Post 1126277)
Have we really stooped so low that people are actually suggesting that we go to a concert and boo? I have never heard anything so ridiculous. What would that achieve? Sod all! Apart from annoy other fans that are not as sad as we are and troll these forums.

II know if someone stands next to me and my wife and boos and spoils the concerts for us, they will be told to grow up.

If your not happy don't go! But don't be so sad and childish to spoil it for others..... Pathetic!

You may have forgotten or just not know, some persons/peoples, who may or not have been Supersonic, once staged a protest against ''Who says you cant go home'' by turning their backs to the stage when it was played.
So yes, people can be ridiculous.
I also remember the sit down protest in the fan pit during u2's elevation tour by a large contingent of that band's version of our ''Backstage'' fanclub.
Of course, neither had anywhere near their desired effect and just made the ''protesters'' look like n00bs.


Crushgen24/88 05-01-2013 08:11 PM


Originally Posted by Living_on_my_Hair (Post 1126296)

I also remember the sit down protest in the fan pit during u2's elevation tour by a large contingent of that band's version of our ''Backstage''


I've never heard that story, what were they protesting?

Living_on_my_Hair 05-01-2013 08:25 PM


Originally Posted by Crushgen24/88 (Post 1126300)
I've never heard that story, what were they protesting?

It's a whole saga really, basically centred around early entry to shows/who got front row etc.
The same diehard/nut job backstager types were getting front rows everynight which the band noticed. Plus for the DVD showing apparently other ''good looking'' people were hand picked to go in front, and these diehard/nutjob backstagers weren't happy.

But like I said, it's a whole mini saga. If our own epic richie thread is not enough bed time reading for you and you want some fun, read Read the long report by ''Dave'' there on the first page for a ridiculous whinney over the top synopsis of the whole thing. It's written like something our very own Kuba80BJ would pen..


afk 05-01-2013 08:43 PM


Originally Posted by idbl_fanatic (Post 1126249)

Lol^^ Great pics!

jbjhand 05-01-2013 09:13 PM


Originally Posted by Kathleen (Post 1126287)
Personally I think it's funny but maybe David didn't

Thank you :)

hackster73 05-01-2013 09:16 PM


Originally Posted by Kathleen (Post 1126287)
Personally I think it's funny but maybe David didn't

Jon comes across like a complete twat, like his vocals are always perfect!

The Rock 05-01-2013 09:18 PM


Originally Posted by semigoodlookin (Post 1126247)
That was my cousin!

He is the sister of the cousin whose uncle told Richie to do that thing that time. But he didn't do it anyway. What a prick.

LOL! We all have sources!! Apparently, we all know someone connected with the band but at the end of the day, we all know shit!

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