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Gomer 05-01-2013 11:50 PM


Originally Posted by crashed (Post 1126351)
Pretty much Kathleen.

On the Richie subject...

The other thing I don't get with this - and maybe some can answer - I've seen lots of posts and people saying "they were only going to see Richie" - so was it Richie that got you into the band? You fell in love with the music on Stranger, Undiscovered Soul, and Aftermath like I did with Blaze Of Glory and found the band that way?

If so, I can understand that attitude - but if not - if it was the joint collaboration of Jon and Richie on Wanted, Blood On Blood, I'll Be There For You - then why wouldn't you still want to go and hear the songs that they crafted together? Yes, his voice will be missing, but there's enough of Richie's fingerprints on those sorts of songs that if you truly love the things he's created, they'll last long beyond Jon and Richie and Bon Jovi, and likely most of us. If a band member eventually dies or does retire due to health, I would still love to hear the others play those songs, keeping the music I've loved all my life alive.

Furthermore, if this still is Richie's band, not going now is only going to make the future for him and the band that much tougher, if it really is just these personal demons he's exorcising whatever they are and has every intention of being back with them in the future.

The other thing I'm reading is, "I don't want to go to a JBJ and friends show" - well, what about Dave and Tico? The band is as much them as it is Richie and Jon, so it's far from JBJ and Friends, never mind Hugh also being there whose as instrumental to Jovi as the official members are.

I'm just trying in all honesty to understand that point of view.

I signed up to this board just to quote this message.

I've read a lot of posts on this thread, and this is the only one i really appreciated. I'm glad and proud that real fans like you are out there, somewhere. No one likes this situation, people spend a lot of money and energy to see the guys, i understand. But at this point, we can only support Richie and the BAND. If you got a ticket, you should go to the show.

I'm sure Richie will come back at some point

linnea.cfc32_jovibandana 05-01-2013 11:55 PM


Originally Posted by crashed (Post 1126351)
Pretty much Kathleen.

On the Richie subject...

The other thing I don't get with this - and maybe some can answer - I've seen lots of posts and people saying "they were only going to see Richie" - so was it Richie that got you into the band? You fell in love with the music on Stranger, Undiscovered Soul, and Aftermath like I did with Blaze Of Glory and found the band that way?

If so, I can understand that attitude - but if not - if it was the joint collaboration of Jon and Richie on Wanted, Blood On Blood, I'll Be There For You - then why wouldn't you still want to go and hear the songs that they crafted together? Yes, his voice will be missing, but there's enough of Richie's fingerprints on those sorts of songs that if you truly love the things he's created, they'll last long beyond Jon and Richie and Bon Jovi, and likely most of us. If a band member eventually dies or does retire due to health, I would still love to hear the others play those songs, keeping the music I've loved all my life alive.

Furthermore, if this still is Richie's band, not going now is only going to make the future for him and the band that much tougher, if it really is just these personal demons he's exorcising whatever they are and has every intention of being back with them in the future.

The other thing I'm reading is, "I don't want to go to a JBJ and friends show" - well, what about Dave and Tico? The band is as much them as it is Richie and Jon, so it's far from JBJ and Friends, never mind Hugh also being there whose as instrumental to Jovi as the official members are.

I'm just trying in all honesty to understand that point of view.

I definitely agree to a point.

I say so partly because I'm a huge Queen fan, I didn't ever get to see Freddie live, but saw Dr May and RT with Adam Lambert (two shows) in London last year. It was the most fantastic thing ever, two of the best nights of my life. It's slightly different with Jovi for me though. I've never experienced a Jovi without Richie, and would they not have that trademark sound that he produces (vocals AND guitar), it would make me not go on an expensive trip to see the band in another country.
However if the band is in my country I would (and I will be in 3 weeks time) still go. The show will probably be a good rock show, I mean 3 of the original members + Hughey are still there, and great songs are still great songs etc BUT to me, Richie is the soul and the groove of this band, and I have experienced him live before... Similar with all favourite bands- sometimes theres sides to them that you simply couldn't imagine them not having. As I said I'm going to the Stockholm show but won't spend money going elsewhere when Richie isn't there and also because this somehow douchey behaviour towards us fans leaves me feeling slightly pissed off.

samboraisgodUK 05-01-2013 11:57 PM


Originally Posted by Gomer (Post 1126357)
If you got a ticket, you should go to the show.

Who on Earth are you to tell people what they should and should not be doing with their hard earned money?

Kathleen 05-01-2013 11:57 PM


Originally Posted by crashed (Post 1126351)
The other thing I'm reading is, "I don't want to go to a JBJ and friends show" - well, what about Dave and Tico? The band is as much them as it is Richie and Jon, so it's far from JBJ and Friends, never mind Hugh also being there whose as instrumental to Jovi as the official members are.

I'm just trying in all honesty to understand that point of view.

One of the best shows I have seen was a JBJ and Friends fanclub show. We got more rarities than the band ever played (at least for that one night). It was the roots of rock show in 2009. I finally got to hear Bang a Drum live :)

So I don't have the hatred for the "& Friends" that many people have. Not to mention (as you say) there is always David and Tico. Believe me, you will notice it if either one of them is gone.

Solid Sambora 05-01-2013 11:59 PM


Originally Posted by Gomer (Post 1126357)
I signed up to this board just to quote this message.

I've read a lot of posts on this thread, and this is the only one i really appreciated. I'm glad and proud that real fans like you are out there, somewhere. No one likes this situation, people spend a lot of money and energy to see the guys, i understand. But at this point, we can only support Richie and the BAND. If you got a ticket, you should go to the show.

I'm sure Richie will come back at some point

What makes a "real fan?"

crashed 05-02-2013 12:02 AM


Originally Posted by Kathleen (Post 1126360)
One of the best shows I have seen was a JBJ and Friends fanclub show. We got more rarities than the band ever played (at least for that one night). It was the roots of rock show in 2009. I finally got to hear Bang a Drum live :)

So I don't have the hatred for the "& Friends" that many people have. Not to mention (as you say) there is always David and Tico. Believe me, you will notice it if either one of them is gone.

The setlist of that show just about killed me. Could miss Bang A Drum, but Never Say Die is one of my personal anthems. I'd pay a lot of money to hear the full Blaze Of Glory album live. Will never happen but I could probably die completely fulfilled.

Speaking of, no Blaze on this tour at all yet, wtf?

ezearis 05-02-2013 12:04 AM


Originally Posted by Kathleen (Post 1126360)
One of the best shows I have seen was a JBJ and Friends fanclub show. We got more rarities than the band ever played (at least for that one night). It was the roots of rock show in 2009. I finally got to hear Bang a Drum live :)

So I don't have the hatred for the "& Friends" that many people have. Not to mention (as you say) there is always David and Tico. Believe me, you will notice it if either one of them is gone.

I love the bootleg of that show, is unbelievable! I think I could die with a setlist like that. The version of Every Word Was A Piece Of My Heart is something out of this world. Also, Never Say Die? Don't Leave Me Tonight? I Get A Rush?! I need a JBJ Solo Tour with him doing those songs.

Supersonic 05-02-2013 12:05 AM

Aloha !


Originally Posted by crashed (Post 1126351)
Pretty much Kathleen.

On the Richie subject...

The other thing I don't get with this - and maybe some can answer - I've seen lots of posts and people saying "they were only going to see Richie" - so was it Richie that got you into the band? You fell in love with the music on Stranger, Undiscovered Soul, and Aftermath like I did with Blaze Of Glory and found the band that way?

Actually, it was Richie's guitarwork on Keep The Faith and Always that made me a fan and want to look for more music out there. I discovered the band because of Destination Anywhere, but became a fan because of Richie. Yes, I loved Jon's vocal delivery as well, but those are pretty much gone nowadays with the odd exception here and there. And now that I'm thinking back, yeah, once I found Stranger In This Town on a local fair and started digging into those songs I realized there was a lot more to Bon Jovi than just the songs.

While you're saying Richie's fingerprints are all over the song, I really disagree. Richie has mastered songs like I'll Be There For You, Keep The Faith and pretty much every guitar orientated song Bon Jovi has released, and without him, the songs are lacking something. I find Phil X a good guitar player, but not for a band who's got as many signature solo's like Bon Jovi has. You can't play Sweet Child O' Mine with an improvised solo, just like you can't play Keep The Faith with an improvised solo. I don't expect to hear a note for note rendition of the studio version, but I do expect to hear Bon Jovi with their signature sound. 1 member's already gone, the other's often barely capable of singing certain songs live, and now there's another member of the band down. Sorry, but that's a little too much for me.

So for me. the issue is that with every song that has a guitar solo in it I'll be thinking "nope, not as good as Richie" or something to that extent. I realize that's approaching things from a guitar players' point of view and I'm quite sure that plenty of fans don't really hear the difference, but down the line, I do, and why I don't care for solo shows of Jon playing songs with friends or whatever he surrounds himself with. Because usually whenever he plays Bon Jovi songs or songs of his own career with a bunch of different musicians they're much worse than what's on the records, no matter what rare song he'll pull out of the bag. If it's second rate; I don't want it.

Salaam Aleikum,

heart&dagger 05-02-2013 12:07 AM


Originally Posted by rolo_tomachi (Post 1126172)
If you believe in magic, Jon & Richie are important for a great BJ Show.

I believe in *magic* which means that I believe that you are ~ spot on.

At the show I went to, back in March, they all seemed happy. To be honest, I was a bit surprised at how well they played and how happy they ALL seemed with each other.

I finally got my own *final bow* pic, it's amazing, because they are all smiling, genuine smiles. I was third row, aisle.

It was one of their best shows, imo.

So, wtf happened??

I've also seen shows sans Richie, it is not the same at all.

Phil X does a great job. And, Jon and David and Tico work their bums off trying to make that *magic* but it's never going to be there again without Richie.

I would not turn down free tix to see a sans Richie show, but otherwise, at this point, I would not bother going.

Also, Richie needs to get his act together. Make a public statement and start acting like a professional.

I don't think there is anything wrong with his health, etc. It's something else.

I'm a fan of the BAND. Richie is supposed to be part of that band. He's let too many people down, at this point, that I do not have a clue how he is ever going to redeem himself. He needs to be called out for all of this.

Not sucked up too and coddled.


crashed 05-02-2013 12:08 AM


Originally Posted by linnea.cfc32_jovibandana (Post 1126358)
I definitely agree to a point.

I say so partly because I'm a huge Queen fan, I didn't ever get to see Freddie live, but saw Dr May and RT with Adam Lambert (two shows) in London last year. It was the most fantastic thing ever, two of the best nights of my life. It's slightly different with Jovi for me though. I've never experienced a Jovi without Richie, and would they not have that trademark sound that he produces (vocals AND guitar), it would make me not go on an expensive trip to see the band in another country.
However if the band is in my country I would (and I will be in 3 weeks time) still go. The show will probably be a good rock show, I mean 3 of the original members + Hughey are still there, and great songs are still great songs etc BUT to me, Richie is the soul and the groove of this band, and I have experienced him live before... Similar with all favourite bands- sometimes theres sides to them that you simply couldn't imagine them not having. As I said I'm going to the Stockholm show but won't spend money going elsewhere when Richie isn't there and also because this somehow douchey behaviour towards us fans leaves me feeling slightly pissed off.

I love INXS but am the same - never got to see them with Michael Hutchence but saw them three or four times with JD Fortune fronting and every show was amazing.

I DO understand - Richie is as big a part of the Bon Jovi sound as Jon, Dave, Tico and Hugh - but one day (maybe it's already here) Richie may not be able to play with the band at all anymore - I'd still want to hear those songs and would go to see them played, because it's the music I love, not some idolization of any individual band member. If any of them are my heroes, then it's all of them.

Would I travel to other countries and spend as much as I do now - maybe not. I was half-considering booking Manchester as it falls on my birthday but it was hard to justify the expense of the gig before, even more so now. But for the tickets I've already got, of course I'm going. The money's spent, and I'm still pretty sure it's been spent well.

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