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The Rock 05-02-2013 09:37 AM


Originally Posted by jbjhand (Post 1126499)
I'd forgot about that one, his temper is quite scary.

This was the first show they did when Richie wasn't there (first show with Phil) I heard that he was stressed ans that wasn't towards Tico but the whole situation and he took it out on the drums. I remember us saying at the time it was so rock n roll and cool of him.

liljovi93 05-02-2013 09:43 AM


Originally Posted by Emisambora (Post 1126435)
@JayHarrisPT 35min
@MatthewBongiovi What is up with Richie then? Is it a falling out with Jon? Illness? Or neither?

Matthew Bongiovi ‏@MatthewBongiovi 33min
@JayHarrisPT nothing to do with Jon or the band at all

That's me.

Glad he cleared up the Jon/band thing but he totally dismissed the illness. Wonder why?

jbjhand 05-02-2013 09:44 AM


Originally Posted by RonJovi (Post 1126502)
Jesus, I'm starting to feel like Jon's PR man here ("Are you Matthew in disguise?") but I don't see it here either. He's pumped up and he's trying to be a bit rock and roll. There's nothing in it IMO.

He is not trying to be Rock n Roll. He has lost his temper, im not having a go at him im just stating a fact.

RonJovi 05-02-2013 09:47 AM


Originally Posted by jbjhand (Post 1126508)
He is not trying to be Rock n Roll. He has lost his temper, im not having a go at him im just stating a fact.

It's an opinion not a fact. Only Jon knows if he lost his temper or not.

But yours is as valid as mine so we'll agree to disagree? :-)

jbjhand 05-02-2013 09:51 AM


Originally Posted by RonJovi (Post 1126509)
It's an opinion not a fact. Only Jon knows if he lost his temper or not.

But yours is as valid as mine so we'll agree to disagree? :-)

so you think he was trying to make himself look cool by behaving that way?

RonJovi 05-02-2013 09:57 AM


Originally Posted by jbjhand (Post 1126511)
so you think he was trying to make himself look cool by behaving that way?

To me, he's just pumped up and he's done something without even thinking.

If anything, the mistake, such as it was, was more his fault anyway. The fact he didn't just march over and kick the f**k out of the amp and give Tico a glare says to me that it wasn't what you believe it was.

He did a bit more arm waving in sync with Tico between the 'mistake' and the kick. If I'm not wrong, Dave is even smiling at it and Jon comes back around to the front of the stage looking anything but pissed off.

Maybe he did lose his temper with Tico but I just don't see it.

liljovi93 05-02-2013 09:59 AM

That wasn't Jon trying to be cool, it was Jon losing his temper because something went slightly wrong.

If I was Tico, I'd of went to the front of the stage and starting beating Jon like a drum!

Bounce7800 05-02-2013 09:59 AM

He's not dying lol.


Beaky 05-02-2013 10:08 AM

Just to answer the whole 'is Richie the band for you' question from CRASHED a few pages ago...

Up until this tour, no. But I am a part-time singer, I scrutinise vocals and Jon's voice has completely gone. After Seb mentioned some tunes that Jon had added to the list of 'excruciating' I spent a lot of time watching the streams from this tour, the O2 show from 2010 and I am GUTTED. The reason why I picked up a mic can't deliver anymore and the reason why I picked up a guitar isn't going to be there.

Jon & Richie are the only thing you can/should be guaranteed to see when you go to a Bon Jovi show. Before anyone jumps on the 'what about Tico and Dave?' Yes, for me, I would be pissed if they weren't there but at a push, I could live with it, I could support them.

Once you've got over the fact that without Jon's vocals and without Richie's guitar, this is karaoke, add to the pile the fact that if this is so simple, if this is something worth 'lolling' over, then it's something we need to know.

The 'game' changed two days ago. They knew he wasn't coming back for Europe; I would say they have known from the start. Hence, when Twitter-obsessive Phil X finished the last leg of the tour, he dropped off of Twitter. You (not you, CRASHED) can preach with 'support them... blah blah' as much as you want but whatever this is, they KNEW Richie wouldn't be back but they decided to announce it leg-by-leg to save ticket sales. For anyone saying 'this is a business, Jon has to think about the people he employs' I've seen people on here crucifying the fans who have paid out hundreds, thousands on tickets, travel etc and now want their money back. Are they now any better off than a roadie who needs that money to pay his mortgage? For me, this won't be my band playing live.

Anyone who doesn't need to hear Richie's backing vocals, or can't tell the difference or isn't bothered if he isn't up there... I am glad for you, I won't judge you. For me, that is the heart and soul of the band.

The Rock 05-02-2013 10:13 AM


Originally Posted by jbjhand (Post 1126511)
so you think he was trying to make himself look cool by behaving that way?

I don't think he was trying to be cool or rock n roll but just everything coming at once. Devils Son knows the story better, could explain it better but it was stress.

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