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linnea.cfc32_jovibandana 05-02-2013 01:17 PM

I'm still pissed off about the damn 'lol'. If its so fecking hilarious just tell us wtf it is. SERIOUSLY.

RonJovi 05-02-2013 01:22 PM


Originally Posted by linnea.cfc32_jovibandana (Post 1126563)
I'm still pissed off about the damn 'lol'. If its so fecking hilarious just tell us wtf it is. SERIOUSLY.

Yeah it was pretty f**king stupid alright. I obviously don't know Matt but he really comes across as an unqualified, arrogant, clueless twat of a man.

Bon Jovi isn't a corner shop ffs. It's a multi million dollar organisation. You'd expect that their PR/social media person would have some sort of proper training. I'm not sure what would be worse:

1. He's had no formal PR training. This is unforgivable on Jon's part.
2. He's had training and still posts 'lol' after that statement.

I'm sure he meant no harm by it but the fella is in a pretty responsible position where people pay a lot of attention to what he tweets. Jon really should be aware of this and be stink eyeing him from one end of New Jersey to the other.

DestinationJovi 05-02-2013 01:22 PM

And the shit storm grows.

No refunds this go around.

Bounce7800 05-02-2013 02:15 PM


Originally Posted by RonJovi (Post 1126565)
Yeah it was pretty f**king stupid alright. I obviously don't know Matt but he really comes across as an unqualified, arrogant, clueless twat of a man.

Bon Jovi isn't a corner shop ffs. It's a multi million dollar organisation. You'd expect that their PR/social media person would have some sort of proper training. I'm not sure what would be worse:

1. He's had no formal PR training. This is unforgivable on Jon's part.
2. He's had training and still posts 'lol' after that statement.

I'm sure he meant no harm by it but the fella is in a pretty responsible position where people pay a lot of attention to what he tweets. Jon really should be aware of this and be stink eyeing him from one end of New Jersey to the other.

They really need a proper Twitter account to deal with this. The @BonJovi account is for promo, the @RunawayTours one just shills the expensive trips and Matt's account is the only mouthpiece, although he then says its his personal account and starts whining when the heat gets too much, but then encourages it by posting band info.

They need me to do it to be honest :p

Supersonic 05-02-2013 02:27 PM

Aloha !


Originally Posted by Bounce7800 (Post 1126570)
They need me to do it to be honest :p

Impossible, you've got a conflict of interest with your Jovitalk Moderatorship. But, if you'd start dealing their Twitterstuff I'd do your task and start "moderating" the living shit out of Jovitalk, just for you. xoxo :p

Salaam Aleikum,

Bounce7800 05-02-2013 02:34 PM


Originally Posted by Supersonic (Post 1126571)
Aloha !

Impossible, you've got a conflict of interest with your Jovitalk Moderatorship. But, if you'd start dealing their Twitterstuff I'd do your task and start "moderating" the living shit out of Jovitalk, just for you. xoxo :p

Salaam Aleikum,

Don't worry young Seb, I can do both. I do it all while at work like I do now. Multi-tasking.

I tweet enough shit anyway, whats a few more "He aint dead lol" "No refunds lmao" "Sign up for expensive package here rofl" gonna hurt

Jonty 05-02-2013 02:37 PM


Originally Posted by DestinationJovi (Post 1126441)
I notice he doesn't address the illness part of the question, only confirms again that it's not band related.

The "lol" really grinds my gears. There is nothing amusing about him missing 2 (maybe more?) legs of the tour, regardless of how ridiculous some of the rumors may be. What an ass.

Then everyone should tweet back saying, you may find this funny but we, the fans, do not.

Supersonic 05-02-2013 02:38 PM

Aloha !


Originally Posted by Bounce7800 (Post 1126572)
I tweet enough shit anyway, whats a few more "He aint dead lol" "No refunds lmao" "Sign up for expensive package here rofl" gonna hurt

Yeah but you're not getting any younger. I know you probably look at the Stones as your benchmark, but I'm just saying...

And you're forgetting the complaints about how everyone's rude to you and you're working really hard omg.

Salaam Aleikum,

danfan 05-02-2013 02:49 PM


Originally Posted by DestinationJovi (Post 1126566)
And the shit storm grows.

No refunds this go around.

Found that out yesterday. I can't sell my tickets for anything.

WillRunForChocolate 05-02-2013 03:02 PM


Originally Posted by RonJovi (Post 1126502)
To me, the only explanation that doesn't have holes in it, given what we know, is that Richie is trying to face his demons again. Everything points to it. Is it so unbelievable that he dropped out of the US leg as he had a relapse and said "You know what, I won't be back for a while. I might make Africa and Europe." Then, over the last week it's become "Sorry guys, I'm still not ready. I'm going to have to bow out of the European leg too. I might be back for Oz but I'm taking it a day at a time and I just know I'm not ready yet."

The European leg runs all the way to July with two of their biggest dates in July (Hyde Park and Hampden) and a lot of big dates in June. If they were trying to protect sales, then why not just rule him out till the end of May and then say in June that he's out for June too. Once it all came out, they could easily say "Well, we didn't know, we were taking it a month at a time."

I sometimes think people believe that Jon sits in a darkened room evilly cackling with Bobby, Matt and the likes and maniacally plans how he's going to screw someone over next.

Matthew Bongiovi (lol)

I've come to the same conclusion too - that Richie is facing his demons - and it greatly saddens me. No other explanation holds up at this point - at least to me. In that regard it is a reality check - that these guys are just flawed humans like the rest of us and struggle, with varying degrees of success, with their everyday problems and issues. Friends, fame and money don't create happiness.

A friend posted on her Facebook page last night that Heather Locklear has a new boyfriend and initially a humorous Richie scenario popped into my head. But I immediately dismissed it. I'm having trouble finding humor in, what I believe to be, someone's very serious life struggle. Sigh.

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