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RonJovi 05-03-2013 09:59 PM


Originally Posted by nickolai (Post 1126880)
Full of shit you, kid

Very reliable source. Would I lie?

liljovi93 05-03-2013 10:07 PM


Originally Posted by TheseDaysEra (Post 1126882)
that's not true. Bobby is the one dealing drugs. He and Richie got in a fight and when ol' Jon heard about it, Bobby told him it was Richie's fault. Jon, being the Bobby-supporter that he is, reprehend Richie who sulked and left, sobbing. Now, Bobby's still deals drugs to Richie's kid. and he was also the one who got Steph her first taste of brown.


No, I told you. Richie and Bobby got in a fight because Bobby is Jons new chunk and he seen Jon kiss Bobby and flew home.

RonJovi 05-03-2013 10:08 PM


Originally Posted by Walkerboy (Post 1126878)
No-one actually said that Ava is the one who asked Richie to stay home.
My thoughts were that maybe things aren't right with Ava, Heather and her new man...... Maybe Richie doesn't trust him, who knows?!

Heather is dating Rolf Harris?!?

nickolai 05-03-2013 10:10 PM


Originally Posted by RonJovi (Post 1126884)
Very reliable source. Would I lie?

is it Tobasco sauce? Thats very reliable. Always resurfaces.

RonJovi 05-03-2013 10:11 PM


Originally Posted by nickolai (Post 1126889)
is it Tobasco sauce? Thats very reliable. Always resurfaces.

The very one. I only deal with hot sauces. :-)

aljo 05-03-2013 10:19 PM


Originally Posted by Walkerboy (Post 1126878)
No-one actually said that Ava is the one who asked Richie to stay home.
My thoughts were that maybe things aren't right with Ava, Heather and her new man...... Maybe Richie doesn't trust him, who knows?!
I also read that Heather is off filming 2 tv shows at the moment!
Yes, the others all have kids, but they are also in solid relationships/marriages or, in Dave's case, kids are with mum (I presume)
Richie may have seen what happened with Stephanie, who's parents seem to have rock solid marriage, then looked at his own daughter and ex-wife and decided he needs to be home more.
Sometimes you have to put things into perspective and make a life changing decision, and this could be one of those moments for Richie.
I dunno, but it seems more feasible at the moment than arguments over money or rehab/illness.
To be honest, I'd rather it was Richie being responsible for his daughter than it be rehab!!!

100% what i was trying to say, you said it better.

DestinationJovi 05-03-2013 10:34 PM


Originally Posted by CKatz (Post 1126825)
I had to laugh when Matt tweeted "I love OUR fans". Matt thinks he has fans...:rolleyes:

Matt's head is so big I wonder how he fits through a door, but my take on it is him speaking as a representative of the band. He's referring to the band's fans, not his own. Which brings us back to his lack of judgement with the way he speaks to fans on twitter. AS a representative of the band, he should be more professional in his tweets and quit acting like a kid in a pissing match on the playground.

rolo_tomachi 05-03-2013 10:42 PM


Originally Posted by Captain_jovi (Post 1126845)
Yeah assuming we know anything about Ava's well being and using it to discuss Richie's situation gives me the creeps. We're actually taking 10 second videos and 140 character tweets and we "know" she's at Richie's more than Heather's place?

Richie loves to walk his daughter.

The Rock 05-03-2013 10:44 PM


Originally Posted by DestinationJovi (Post 1126894)
Matt's head is so big I wonder how he fits through a door, but my take on it is him speaking as a representative of the band. He's referring to the band's fans, not his own. Which brings us back to his lack of judgement with the way he speaks to fans on twitter. AS a representative of the band, he should be more professional in his tweets and quit acting like a kid in a pissing match on the playground.

I took it that way too, he meant the band's fans and not his own. We all know the guy can't communicate worth shit, so he just always puts his foot in his mouth. He must think along the lines, he is not the band's PR and so he talks to us, as we would talk to each other. His a bad representative for the band.

Yvonne 05-03-2013 10:50 PM


Originally Posted by Neurotica80 (Post 1126854)
Matts twitter is a joke, first he uses the lame tour crew shit now he says its just like supporting a sports team who rotate their big players. He really is dumb as f***! He's a complete leach on the band, the sinner Jon realises it the better.

I never understand why people take the monkey so serious as all he does is wind people up with the pointless answers he tweets, he's just an arrogant twat that lives in the shadow of his brother....

People should take things he says with a pinch of salt, I'll never understand why so many people follow him on twitter as alot of the time he sends insults to fans.

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