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SadieLady 09-30-2014 07:58 AM

I didn't notice anything at 1:20 and no big deal at 8:00. I did notice that at about 5:33, Jon seemed pretty frowny for about a minute. It was after Richie's tale of he and Heather getting it on in Conan's car and leaving him a "present." Jon responded with a quib but then afterwards seemed to shut down for a bit.

Who knows. I think Jon likes to answer questions by himself and not have anyone else butt in. Except for the fact that they are a band, I never understood why they all show up at a press conference when Jon takes control of answering all the questions. Granted, he is the frontman but poor Tico and Dave have nothing to do at all during interviews; and Richie can be such a loose canon, I can see why Jon sometimes isn't in the mood to deal with it.

Rdkopper 09-30-2014 04:15 PM

It really depends on what Jon we are talking about.

Is it the laid back Jon from the 80's and 90's or the serious political one form '00s forward?

There was a point in time where Jon actually though Richie was funny and just let him do his thing... And even joined into it at times.

The most obnoxious Richie ever was during an interview in Australia where he kept saying "Australia" with that stupid voice he always does. I wanted to jump through the screen and knock him out but Jon keeps on laughing at him.

Then when Jon hosted SNL and Richie messes up his line, Jon yells at him and says "You F u c k ed ME" as they walk to the stage.... Jon is blowing kisses at the audience. Jon needs to chill the F out. I thought Richie forgetting his line made the skit.

I think since 2007, mainly because of Richie's drug problems, their relationship has gone to shit.

I doubt this is true but I remember reading this thinking huh...

Jon Bon Jovi had his ego hit hard when daughter Stephanie overdosed on heroin on November 14, 2012 in her college dorm. Since then Jon has been distraught and even angrier to business associates and friends. Jon said point-blank to Richie's face, 'I thought an overdose would have come from a daughter of yours, not mine.'"

Rdkopper 09-30-2014 04:23 PM


Originally Posted by SadieLady (Post 1182267)
Jon seemed pretty frowny for about a minute. It was after Richie's tale of he and Heather getting it on in Conan's car and leaving him a "present."

See, I don't blame Jon for that. That was just stupid. Conan didn't even know what to say.

This isn't a Howard Stern interview Richie.

trevrox 09-30-2014 04:59 PM


Originally Posted by Rdkopper (Post 1182271)
It really depends on what Jon we are talking about.

Is it the laid back Jon from the 80's and 90's or the serious political one form '00s forward?

There was a point in time where Jon actually though Richie was funny and just let him do his thing... And even joined into it at times.

The most obnoxious Richie ever was during an interview in Australia where he kept saying "Australia" with that stupid voice he always does. I wanted to jump through the screen and knock him out but Jon keeps on laughing at him.

Then when Jon hosted SNL and Richie messes up his line, Jon yells at him and says "You F u c k ed ME" as they walk to the stage.... Jon is blowing kisses at the audience. Jon needs to chill the F out. I thought Richie forgetting his line made the skit.

I think since 2007, mainly because of Richie's drug problems, their relationship has gone to shit.

I doubt this is true but I remember reading this thinking huh...

Jon Bon Jovi had his ego hit hard when daughter Stephanie overdosed on heroin on November 14, 2012 in her college dorm. Since then Jon has been distraught and even angrier to business associates and friends. Jon said point-blank to Richie's face, 'I thought an overdose would have come from a daughter of yours, not mine.'"

lol! That interview is ridiculous! I can see why Jon would laugh though, Richie is making a fool out of himself. I was laughing, but it was very annoying.

Is there video of this SNL thing? I'd like to see that. It was so long ago I don't remember it at all

trevrox 09-30-2014 05:03 PM


Originally Posted by Rdkopper (Post 1182271)
It really depends on what Jon we are talking about.

Is it the laid back Jon from the 80's and 90's or the serious political one form '00s forward?

There was a point in time where Jon actually though Richie was funny and just let him do his thing... And even joined into it at times.

The most obnoxious Richie ever was during an interview in Australia where he kept saying "Australia" with that stupid voice he always does. I wanted to jump through the screen and knock him out but Jon keeps on laughing at him.

Hahaha, imagine forcing Jon to sit down and watch this today?

Rdkopper 09-30-2014 05:23 PM


Originally Posted by trevrox (Post 1182273)
lol! That interview is ridiculous! I can see why Jon would laugh though, Richie is making a fool out of himself. I was laughing, but it was very annoying.

Is there video of this SNL thing? I'd like to see that. It was so long ago I don't remember it at all

Here you go

trevrox 09-30-2014 05:57 PM


Originally Posted by Rdkopper (Post 1182276)

Hysterical. How can you be sure he said "you f'd me" though?

It is amusing that Richie couldn't remember two lines though. Don't they have cue cards?

Rdkopper 09-30-2014 06:00 PM


Originally Posted by trevrox (Post 1182277)
Hysterical. How can you be sure he said "you f'd me" though?

It is amusing that Richie couldn't remember two lines though. Don't they have cue cards?

Listen closely. When you watch it on TV it's as clear as ever.

trevrox 09-30-2014 06:01 PM


Originally Posted by Rdkopper (Post 1182278)
Listen closely. When you watch it on TV it's as clear as ever.

Did it look like Richie was going to talk to Jon at the end and then he ran off stage?

Captain_jovi 09-30-2014 06:23 PM


Originally Posted by Rdkopper (Post 1182278)
Listen closely. When you watch it on TV it's as clear as ever.

Yup, repeat airings removed the audio, he clearly said it.

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