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fanofrem 12-21-2016 09:14 AM

I like the band better when Bobby was there

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Alphavictim 12-21-2016 10:15 AM


Originally Posted by Captain_jovi (Post 1216481)
How can people really think like this? You think he took his time to oust Richie because he saw the opportunity? Is Jon really that much the devil that this is your theory?

You read it here first: John Shanks got Richie into drinking alcohol, hoping he'd one day no longer show up to the shows after a tour break, and then two years later, he'd be able to guest on some shows alongside Phil-X! Shanks had it all planned, I swear! Jon is not the devil, he's being played like a fiddle! Shanks then introduced Richie to a lipstick-smeared cyborg, diminishing any chance of him coming to his senses and returning to the band!

polevka 12-21-2016 12:30 PM


Originally Posted by Alphavictim (Post 1216488)
You read it here first: John Shanks got Richie into drinking alcohol, hoping he'd one day no longer show up to the shows after a tour break, and then two years later, he'd be able to guest on some shows alongside Phil-X! Shanks had it all planned, I swear! Jon is not the devil, he's being played like a fiddle! Shanks then introduced Richie to a lipstick-smeared cyborg, diminishing any chance of him coming to his senses and returning to the band!

"And that's exactly how it happened." (The guy at the end of the Misunderstood video.)

bjcrazycpa 12-21-2016 01:06 PM


Originally Posted by Alphavictim (Post 1216488)
You read it here first: John Shanks got Richie into drinking alcohol, hoping he'd one day no longer show up to the shows after a tour break, and then two years later, he'd be able to guest on some shows alongside Phil-X! Shanks had it all planned, I swear! Jon is not the devil, he's being played like a fiddle! Shanks then introduced Richie to a lipstick-smeared cyborg, diminishing any chance of him coming to his senses and returning to the band!

Ha ha ha...I love this!!

Gabriel Shoes 12-21-2016 03:39 PM

Is so funny what fans look like when are in denial.

What ruined Bon Jovi was Jon being a CEO before being an artist, frontman, singer, songwriter. It's clear to me that he was pursuing being the 'biggest', not the 'best' out there. If you remember, in 2008 he lost his shit criticizing Axl Rose for getting 'all the attention' when he was consistently producing (questionable) music.

How can a guy with 30+ years of career not improve his songwriting and especially as a guitar player? It's just because he has (or had) different priorities with his career.

And on top of that, I think The Circle is a good album, THINFS too. Lost Highway has some good songs. So, it makes me think that the problem with the output quality with Bon Jovi is not really John Shank - it was priority, off course.

IMHO Jon crossed the line so far that there's no turning back.

Eveline 12-21-2016 07:25 PM

Those conspiracy theories about one wanting to bump another from a band are pretty far-fetched ;] I'd say Gabriel's right and it was more of the priorities which diverged in the process. Killing two (or more) birds with one stone turned out to be disastrous for the band with time. It's seems the machine is running smoothly, the albums are released regularly, promo's done, concerts' played but quantity isn't necessarily quality. I've noticed A LOT of fans appreciate Jon's hard work and conscientiousness and for that reason they turn blind eye to the steady decline of the material provided. It's NOT about putting blame on anybody in particular, taking sides or whatever. It's about being a little MORE objective. Infatuation means idealizing, love means seeing the bad things, appreciating the good things and not being afraid of making unpopular decisions if it serves higher purpose. It's even easier to do so if you can see others failing and winning around, so many scenarios to look at!

I've learnt that innovation and improvement aren't the same thing.

QUceK1WV8 12-21-2016 09:37 PM

The band is not ruined so to the question in topic: no

I would very much prefer Shanks letting Phil do ALL the guitar work as Phil is far far superior player, as well as exactly what the band would need - rock and edge and fun

However, I would like to repeat that Bon Jovi is not ruined. It would just be even better by a simple decision to let Phil loose.

Xavi 12-21-2016 09:55 PM

Yes,yes and yes.
Jon should had fired Shanks after Lost Highway
Bon Jovis decadence come from The Circle,and working again again with Shanks is destroying ( if not is destroyed) the band
What the New Jersey tour was almost to do,Shanks has done.

Eveline 12-21-2016 10:10 PM

^ I love your avatar. Do you have it in a bigger size somewhere on the Net or just custom made? :P

btw. even the English meaning of the word 'shanks' doesn't do the poor man justice :p

rocknation 12-21-2016 11:24 PM


Originally Posted by Captain_jovi (Post 1216481)
You think (Shanks) took his time to oust Richie because he saw the opportunity? Is Jon really that much the devil that this is your theory?

As I said, Shanks couldn't have done so unless Jon had wanted him to. If it hadn't been Shanks, it would have been someone else.

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