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RonJovi 05-04-2013 10:14 AM

Fair play to the band on the refunds. PR aside, where their hands may have been tied, I think they've done well here. This has been a shit situation for them too.

For those who feel they are owed an explanation, wind your necks in. Richie has as good as said this isn't a band thing, Bon Jovi has said its not related to the band and the man is entitled to some privacy. You've been offered a refund but you aren't owed anything else.

Walkerboy 05-04-2013 10:53 AM


Originally Posted by idbl_fanatic (Post 1126952)
According to this: She isn't filming anything

She's permanent cast member now for Franklin & Bash, which is filming 3rd season at the moment. IMDB doesn't tell you about TV show filming schedules as they are generally ongoing.

Hot in Cleveland also just got renewed for 5th season, so she's going to be doing that......

Walkerboy 05-04-2013 10:56 AM


Originally Posted by Yvonne (Post 1127006)
My refund is done....... I did change my ticket which is not what I wanted, now I have a full refund from SeeTickets.

We're sticking with the gig regardless..... We only get 1 night out every year and this is for my wife's 40th, so even though it's cost £400, we're still going to have a day & night out.
Also have a sneaky suspicion/hope that Richie may return for Hyde Park.

The Rock 05-04-2013 10:59 AM

For anyone who are going to multiple shows. Are you planning to get refunds for all your shows or at least go to one and refund the rest? If I was in the same situation, I would see at least one. Who knows when they will come back again (if they come back) and I will feel like crap not supporting the rest of the guys. Everyone has their feelings and this has nothing to do with being a "real" fan but just seeing the refunds that people want to get, it hard to explain. I understand everyones reasons but at least one show?

Walkerboy 05-04-2013 11:00 AM

Did have to chuckle at Matt's tweet to someone who tweeted with a big F**k you at Richie:

"Someone is uptight. Maybe you need to get laid. lol"

bonjovi821 05-04-2013 11:06 AM


Originally Posted by The Rock (Post 1127017)
For anyone who are going to multiple shows. Are you planning to get refunds for all your shows or at least go to one and refund the rest? If I was in the same situation, I would see at least one. Who knows when they will come back again (if they come back) and I will feel like crap not supporting the rest of the guys. Everyone has their feelings and this has nothing to do with being a "real" fan but just seeing the refunds that people want to get, it hard to explain. I understand everyones reasons but at least one show?

I went to 2 shows and could have refunded my show in Los Angeles for lots of reasons. As much as I wish Richie was there, I'm glad I didn't, I had a great time.

Duck 05-04-2013 11:13 AM


Originally Posted by rolo_tomachi (Post 1126943)

This is the legendary story of a guy who never give up, overcoming all obstacles to reach the top.

It's so funny. :D

jovigirloz 05-04-2013 11:15 AM


Originally Posted by Walkerboy (Post 1127018)
Did have to chuckle at Matt's tweet to someone who tweeted with a big F**k you at Richie:

"Someone is uptight. Maybe you need to get laid. lol"

I think that is quite rude. Matt needs to shut up.

that person should tweet back that "you need to get a job that doesn't ride on the coat tails of your brother".

Supersonic 05-04-2013 11:26 AM

Aloha !


Originally Posted by The Rock (Post 1127017)
For anyone who are going to multiple shows. Are you planning to get refunds for all your shows or at least go to one and refund the rest? If I was in the same situation, I would see at least one. Who knows when they will come back again (if they come back) and I will feel like crap not supporting the rest of the guys. Everyone has their feelings and this has nothing to do with being a "real" fan but I don't know, its hard to explain.

I'm seeing one because there's a holiday attached to it and flights have been paid for. Yes, I can reschedule the flights but to pay an additional 80E when getting back 80E for the ticket is rather pointless.

Would I be able to cancel all of it for free I'd reschedule the entire holiday and possibly go see another act. I don't particularly care for the "who knows when they'll be back" excuse as I've heard pretty much every song I wanted to hear, and they're not getting any better either. I've made peace with that several years ago.

Salaam Aleikum,

VanJovi 05-04-2013 11:49 AM


Originally Posted by Yvonne (Post 1127006)
My refund is done....... I did change my ticket which is not what I wanted, now I have a full refund from SeeTickets.

Glad you got your refund Yvonne. My ticket is from the fan club, I hope we can get refunds from them too.

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