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Chris_Newton 05-05-2013 02:27 PM


Originally Posted by danfan (Post 1127258)
Not me. I'd rather a postponed show with Richie any day of the week.

What else can be done? Honesty. Come on. Jon knows whether or not Richie will be back. Jesus, he's the CEO of one of the biggest bands in the world. Do you honestly think he has no idea when or if his guitarist of 30 years will be coming back to the band?

You also have to remember that's postponing shows will also affect fans. What about the fans that have paid for travel and accommodation in advance?

jovigirloz 05-05-2013 02:42 PM

I think offering fans a refund is the only fair way to go, but they should not be selling new shows under the name Bon Jovi unless they know for sure Richie will be back. One of the packages says you can see Daves keyboards, Richies guitars etc.. well not if he isn't there you won't and you should be offering these things unless you know you can deliver what is promised.

MrNickel 05-05-2013 03:29 PM

@MatthewBongiovi 2 minutes ago

And so the adventure begins.

What a knob.

danfan 05-05-2013 03:33 PM


Originally Posted by Chris_Newton (Post 1127262)
You also have to remember that's postponing shows will also affect fans. What about the fans that have paid for travel and accommodation in advance?

Yeah, that's a very valid point. I know it would piss me off.

I'm not saying they should postpone the shows. I know they're damned if they do, damned if they don't in that scenario. I just wish Jon would act like the leader and tell the fans when, or if, we can expect Richie back. I think he's being a coward by not saying anything.

RonJovi 05-05-2013 03:50 PM


Originally Posted by danfan (Post 1127271)
Yeah, that's a very valid point. I know it would piss me off.

I'm not saying they should postpone the shows. I know they're damned if they do, damned if they don't in that scenario. I just wish Jon would act like the leader and tell the fans when, or if, we can expect Richie back. I think he's being a coward by not saying anything.

Is it that unbelievable that Jon doesn't know?

Solid Sambora 05-05-2013 04:12 PM


Originally Posted by RonJovi (Post 1127274)
Is it that unbelievable that Jon doesn't know?

Not knowing "when" might be believable, but he sure as s*** must know "if" he will be back.

MrNickel 05-05-2013 04:31 PM


Originally Posted by Solid Sambora (Post 1127275)
Not knowing "when" might be believable, but he sure as s*** must know "if" he will be back.

Well he did say on the Ellen Show that Sambora was still in the band.

Also did everyone see Bobby itching his nuts on the Ellen Show at 1.40 mark ???

Captain_jovi 05-05-2013 04:37 PM


Originally Posted by Solid Sambora (Post 1127275)
Not knowing "when" might be believable, but he sure as s*** must know "if" he will be back.

If it truly wasn't his decision for Richie to leave how would he know if he'll be back?

RonJovi 05-05-2013 04:51 PM


Originally Posted by MrNickel (Post 1127278)
Well he did say on the Ellen Show that Sambora was still in the band.

Also did everyone see Bobby itching his nuts on the Ellen Show at 1.40 mark ???

Exactly this. Nothing they or Richie has said so far indicates he has left or will leave the band. Quite the opposite.

People are pissed and want someone to blame.

danfan 05-05-2013 05:17 PM


Originally Posted by RonJovi (Post 1127274)
Is it that unbelievable that Jon doesn't know?


But if he doesn't, a statement other than "Richie Sambora will not be appearing on the next leg of the tour" would be appropriate.

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