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semigoodlookin 05-07-2013 03:04 PM


Originally Posted by CKatz (Post 1127580)
Jon has his moments.. Sometimes he's really charismatic and funny other times he is insufferable.
IMO, his biggest asshole moment was when he and Richie did an interview promoting HAND. Richie did all of the talking and Jon just sat there annoyed, letting out big sighs and looking at his watch every now and then...
It's probably on YouTube as well, but don't have a link right now.

Haha I remember that, it is kind of funny. In a way I would prefer full prick mode all the time as opposed to playing the game one day and not the next. That said I do not feel he has to be nice with the media and it is no reflection on who he is, which could be a colossal douche anyway, but who knows.

I have always said that if I was famous and getting these questions I would be much worse. Sure, I am a bit of a **** anyway, but I can be nice too.

LeaJovi 05-07-2013 04:17 PM


Originally Posted by MrNickel (Post 1127571)
Have people seen this interview with the Jon ?? Talk about being a grump. This was when Richie was onboard.

Am I the only one that finds this interview pretty normal? Not grumpy nor making Jon look bad?

It's just the same old thing. Like a bonus part of the WWWB documentary.

semigoodlookin 05-07-2013 04:24 PM


Originally Posted by LeaJovi (Post 1127593)
Am I the only one that finds this interview pretty normal? Not grumpy nor making Jon look bad?

It's just the same old thing. Like a bonus part of the WWWB documentary.

I agree.

There are moments where he says something cuntish, but there are times where he seems cool enough with the guy. The presenter even sums it up for us saying he can be prickly and friendly. He answers the questions, seems more enthused by some than others, but on the whole a pretty standard Jovi interview these days.

cowboy2002 05-07-2013 04:25 PM

Just spoke to SeeTickets, AEG have got back today and said not to give refunds, this hasn't been agreed between the promoter and he band, and that AEG are tryin to get BJ to take the info down off the website...... More good PR!!

Stranger11 05-07-2013 04:34 PM


Originally Posted by The Rock (Post 1127480)
That's what I think. Also in the post of Stranger 11, he said that the interview took place on the St Paul concert. Does it say that on this link where the interview had taken place? It could be two different interviews.

Yes, the article I mentioned is not online otherwise I would have posted a link. Itīs from a magazine "Das Wien". Altough it seems that all those articles in different austrian magazines and Internet sites originate from this "press-day" in St. Paul, some are longer and have more information than others. Also the Interview w/ David & Tico that I posted on p. 168 is from that same day.

Stranger11 05-07-2013 04:36 PM


Originally Posted by jessycardy (Post 1127471)
I don't know, guys, I know someone who knows the language, and he translated it the same way Google Translate does: "we don't know when he will be back, but it's important that the tour continues". No "brother" or "personal issues" mentioned.

This is the link, by the way. I'm sure any German-speaking member of this board will be able to confirm that.,874793

Yes, itīs the correct translation - thatīs what Tico said according to the interview I have right in front of me.

JoviJovi 05-07-2013 04:42 PM


Originally Posted by cowboy2002 (Post 1127597)
Just spoke to SeeTickets, AEG have got back today and said not to give refunds, this hasn't been agreed between the promoter and he band, and that AEG are tryin to get BJ to take the info down off the website...... More good PR!!

Uh-oh :? .....

Walkerboy 05-07-2013 05:25 PM


Originally Posted by JoviJovi (Post 1127600)
Uh-oh :? .....

So anyone who got on the case over the weekend is lucky.....
AEG will be claiming that it's still Bon Jovi so refunds are not valid.

CKatz 05-07-2013 05:32 PM


Originally Posted by Walkerboy (Post 1127606)
So anyone who got on the case over the weekend is lucky.....
AEG will be claiming that it's still Bon Jovi so refunds are not valid.

The only lucky fans are the ones who didn't buy tickets in the first place. Next time the band tours (IF there is a next time), I wonder how many people will learn a lesson from this and NOT rush out to buy tickets as soon as they go on sale...

jbjhand 05-07-2013 05:34 PM


Originally Posted by semigoodlookin (Post 1127583)
In a way I would prefer full prick mode all the time.

Absolutely PMSL

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