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steel_horse75 05-11-2014 10:17 AM

I can't believe I just read that quote from Richie.

Does he really expect us to believe he has never enjoyed being in Jovi and that he rushed off stage after playing to thousands of fans and making a cool million, plugged in his iPod and listened to bb king to regain sanity......for countess tours over 30 years????

Supersonic 05-11-2014 10:26 AM

Aloha !


Originally Posted by RonJovi (Post 1176360)
The die hards will but that won't sell out his tour. There's at least one poster here who is borderline on buying a ticket and erring on the side of staying at home because of the crap Richie is spouting. He won't be the only one.

Yeah, I'm one of them. And judging by how ticket sales are going this time over here in Holland, I'm not the only one. Last time he shifted 3.000 tickets in about 3 days. This time he can't sell half of that in two months or something like it.

It's not so much that he's badmouthing Bon Jovi's career, it's just so hard to take him seriously as a musician. He's all about playing the Blues, being true to himself, yet at the same time he's playing stuff like Who Says, releases a poppy single, plays predictable cover songs and is all around sloppy and repetitive.

Him being so true to himself is all an act, and I don't think Richie Sambora even knows who or what he truly is nowadays.

Salaam Aleikum,

MrNickel 05-11-2014 04:05 PM

That quote along with the Runaway remarks (that was recently wasn't it ?) suggests he has really lost the plot.

Jon for all his faults always shows the proper amount respect for the legacy they've created. I was planning to go to Slane but all the idiotic Richie bailing out business put me off. Now as I plan to see Richie solo, he comes out with this type of garbage. What a moron.

IML88 05-11-2014 04:26 PM

Its poor form on his part to speak that way about the band that made you a multi millionaire, provided you the vehicle to play with the likes of BB King, release solo albums, tour the world and given you opportunities you'd have never got otherwise.

He needs to reign this bollocks in, I don't care what issues he has with JBJ, that band made him. He should show more respect and let his current work do the talking.

RS8MB0R8 05-11-2014 05:06 PM

Just to add perhaps an element of balance to this. The only thing that could be seen as a dig at Jovi is his comment about 'I was f**king playing Bon Jovi shit' but that could be completely misread. He swears for fun in interviews and the word 'shit' could easily have been said in the same context someone would say, 'getting his shit together'. He substitutes the word 'shit' for 'stuff' all the time so what else in there is offensive?

The question was how you stay sane in the madness of a prolific music career for their respective bands/acts. He answered the question - he likes to keep things fresh and varied. People are just choosing to jump down his throat over this printed comment without having heard the actual interview. When someone has already acted as controversially as he has, they tend not to be given the benefit of the doubt in debatable circumstances like this though.

nickolai 05-11-2014 06:25 PM

I'm not surprised he's come out with this. Anyone that bails on a world tour and lies about the reason is truly someone that has no class at all. Then the Runaway comment. He's always thought he's bigger than the band - obviously. But "Bon Jovi shit"? Yeah, pal. You wrote it too remember. I'm surprised we've not heard from Richie's biggest fan boy yet, Rolo. Surely he can't even defend this.

Bon Jovi is over. And I'm not actually bothered. I'd rather a little bit of dignity was left in tact than none at all.

rolo_tomachi 05-11-2014 07:07 PM


Originally Posted by nickolai (Post 1176378)
I'm not surprised he's come out with this. Anyone that bails on a world tour and lies about the reason is truly someone that has no class at all. Then the Runaway comment. He's always thought he's bigger than the band - obviously. But "Bon Jovi shit"? Yeah, pal. You wrote it too remember. I'm surprised we've not heard from Richie's biggest fan boy yet, Rolo. Surely he can't even defend this.

Bon Jovi is over. And I'm not actually bothered. I'd rather a little bit of dignity was left in tact than none at all.

I just hope his new music, his shows.

All this is nothing new, Richie is hurt and discontent. Little time has passed, they need to take a long distance of a couple of years. Sambora need a new Album/tour without interference of Bon Jovi. Then Richie will be back.

nickolai 05-11-2014 08:07 PM


Originally Posted by rolo_tomachi (Post 1176380)
I just hope his new music, his shows.

All this is nothing new, Richie is hurt and discontent. Little time has passed, they need to take a long distance of a couple of years. Sambora need a new Album/tour without interference of Bon Jovi. Then Richie will be back.

Well, he's had a year away from it already. How much time does he actually want? His actions are disgraceful. Richie has nothing to be hurt about. Discontent, yet. Hurt - no.

Rolio. Do you think his actions in this latest interview are justifiable?

rolo_tomachi 05-11-2014 08:50 PM


Originally Posted by nickolai (Post 1176381)
Well, he's had a year away from it already. How much time does he actually want? His actions are disgraceful. Richie has nothing to be hurt about. Discontent, yet. Hurt - no.

Rolio. Do you think his actions in this latest interview are justifiable?

I don't care!. I just want new music and more shows. I'm not looking the perfect hero or an example to follow.

SadieLady 05-11-2014 09:20 PM

[QUOTE=RS8MB0R8;1176376]...The only thing that could be seen as a dig at Jovi is his comment about 'I was f**king playing Bon Jovi shit' but that could be completely misread. He swears for fun in interviews and the word 'shit' could easily have been said in the same context someone would say, 'getting his shit together'. He substitutes the word 'shit' for 'stuff' all the time so what else in there is offensive?..."

You beat me to this. I don't think RS was saying that the Bon Jovi music was shit as an opinion. All the guys use "shit" in a variety of ways besides as a curse or an opinion. He could just as easily said that he packed up his guitar shit and hit the road and that doesn't mean he demeans his guitars.

Also, he says right before that line that "The opportunity as a musician to be in a band of that magnitude and the fact that I was a part of the main engine as a writer...YOU CAN'T SHUN THAT WHATSOEVER."

I would go see RS if I had the opportunity because I am interested in what he would be playing and I am interested in seeing his development as a lead singer/frontman. I've always loved his voice and his guitar solos. We already know what Jon would do out on his own (covers and the usual BJ hits) and we already know that his voice is shot and that he makes the same stage moves and comments that he's made for way too many years. He sells out the KOS shows based on his charisma and the fact that some fans want to see him in a more intimate setting besides an arena--not because fans are excited to see what he might do musically.

The Rock 05-12-2014 06:43 AM


Originally Posted by RS8MB0R8 (Post 1176376)
Just to add perhaps an element of balance to this. The only thing that could be seen as a dig at Jovi is his comment about 'I was f**king playing Bon Jovi shit' but that could be completely misread. He swears for fun in interviews and the word 'shit' could easily have been said in the same context someone would say, 'getting his shit together'. He substitutes the word 'shit' for 'stuff' all the time so what else in there is offensive?

The question was how you stay sane in the madness of a prolific music career for their respective bands/acts. He answered the question - he likes to keep things fresh and varied. People are just choosing to jump down his throat over this printed comment without having heard the actual interview. When someone has already acted as controversially as he has, they tend not to be given the benefit of the doubt in debatable circumstances like this though.

I tend to agree with you and honestly, that was my first impression too. He just needs to be aware, that what he is saying in interviews, is being pulled apart. I don't think Richie meant the songs were shit. He just used that expression.

LeaJovi 05-12-2014 01:21 PM


Originally Posted by MrNickel (Post 1176374)
Jon for all his faults always shows the proper amount respect for the legacy they've created.

That is not accurate. The first two albums are not respected by Jon (only runaway), not even a bit. Just pointing that out, doesn't change anything about Richie being a turd and Jon gracefully silent.

LeaJovi 05-12-2014 01:25 PM


Originally Posted by The Rock (Post 1176389)
I tend to agree with you and honestly, that was my first impression too. He just needs to be aware, that what he is saying in interviews, is being pulled apart. I don't think Richie meant the songs were shit. He just used that expression.

I didn't even realize people were thinking he referred to BJ music as shit. That's not the case, it's pretty clear it's just an expression. Is he putting down BJ music? Yes, but not as harshly as it may seem.

He is still deluded, playing with BB? The man called him rick sombrero, gimme a break.

RonJovi 05-12-2014 07:56 PM


Originally Posted by LeaJovi (Post 1176394)
That is not accurate. The first two albums are not respected by Jon (only runaway), not even a bit. Just pointing that out, doesn't change anything about Richie being a turd and Jon gracefully silent.

Don't really think that's fair. Whenever Jon is asked about the first two albums, he admits he doesn't like him but I've always heard him qualify that by saying "I'm not ashamed of those albums. They're as good as I could be at that point in time."

ticos_stick 05-13-2014 08:39 PM


Originally Posted by Supersonic (Post 1176323)
Aloha !

I find this hard to believe, really, and think it's been a mix of both. First he started drinking, so got less involved with Bon Jovi records, and because he then got less involved, he started drinking more.

If he'd actually kept his sanity he'd have put his foot down 10 years ago as opposed to pretending he was just tagging along all the time. First he goes on about how "It was the first time he was home for a year in thirty years because he was also producing and writing the records" and then it's suddenly him being just a session player? Yeah...

The bragging is just ridiculous beyond belief. "Doing gigs with BB King and Buddy Guy". He was invited as a guest player on one or two songs. The list with things of him trying to make his career looks so sad when you compare facts to fiction. :neutral:

Salaam Aleikum,

Yeah, Richie doesn't do himself any favours with the bragging, he seems to try to inflate everything he does when he's being interviewed. That side of him I don't particularly care for. I'd like to hear a bit more of exactly why he thinks the Bon Jovi work is shit or if it was just a turn of phrase as he does swear a lot. It's clear he hasn't been bothered for a while but he did put his name behind all everything except What About Now so it does look a bit contradictory.


Originally Posted by crashed (Post 1176354)
The Richie die-hards will still buy the tickets though, but I find it amusing that he'll fill most of his set with songs he's shitting on.

Most of his set? the last shows featured 6 Bon Jovi songs out of 18 played.

Josie2013 05-14-2014 08:20 PM

IMHO, not only do I think Richie is drinking, but that he may be abusing other substances as well and possibly have some kind of mental disorder. This is not a man in his right mind. He is all over the place with his comments. He is currently spouting off his mouth so much because he is surrounded by a bunch of enablers who tell him Bon Jovi is nothing without him and yet, those people are only there because of the success he has had with Bon Jovi. They will soon leave and when they do, Richie will go crawling back to Jon and Jon probably will take him back; however, it most likely will not be the same but never say never, right? For Jon's part though, I think he really need to reevaluate what Bon Jovi has been doing for the past decade and a half, what they will do in the future and take into the consideration the opinions of his very talented bandmates.

RonJovi 05-14-2014 08:29 PM


Originally Posted by Josie2013 (Post 1176464)
IMHO, not only do I think Richie is drinking, but that he may be abusing other substances as well and possibly have some kind of mental disorder. This is not a man in his right mind. He is all over the place with his comments. He is currently spouting off his mouth so much because he is surrounded by a bunch of enablers who tell him Bon Jovi is nothing without him and yet, those people are only there because of the success he has had with Bon Jovi. They will soon leave and when they do, Richie will go crawling back to Jon and Jon probably will take him back; however, it most likely will not be the same but never say never, right? For Jon's part though, I think he really need to reevaluate what Bon Jovi has been doing for the past decade and a half, what they will do in the future and take into the consideration the opinions of his very talented bandmates.

Someone else made a great post on here recently. Jon has done the same thing that he sacked Doc McGhee for and that made him fall out of love with music in the late 80s/early 90s. He's turned Bon Jovi into a machine that churns out records and tours every other year even if his bandmates don't want that.

Richie is a clown in so many ways but Jon needs to take a look in the mirror if he wants Bon Jovi to continue.

SadieLady 05-14-2014 08:42 PM


Originally Posted by Josie2013 (Post 1176464)
IMHO, not only do I think Richie is drinking, but that he may be abusing other substances as well and possibly have some kind of mental disorder.

I don't know whether he is drinking or not but for pete's sake get a grip. Richie is doing what he needs to do--promoting his new music. For years he has had the biggest heart in the band (even Jon has said that) and for years he was a loyal promoter of all things Bon Jovi, he toed the line in relaying Jon's vision and saw his job as "keeping Jon happy" (per the WWWB documentary). After 30 years he wants to be his own man. I grant that he did it in an objectionable way but he has earned the right to try something else in the field he loves.

He has more than paid his dues with Bon Jovi, now he is paying his dues as a solo artist. You don't think that Jon isn't surrounded by yes men? Dream on.

SuperBrad 05-14-2014 09:16 PM


Originally Posted by Josie2013 (Post 1176464)
IMHO, not only do I think Richie is drinking, but that he may be abusing other substances as well and possibly have some kind of mental disorder. This is not a man in his right mind. He is all over the place with his comments. He is currently spouting off his mouth so much because he is surrounded by a bunch of enablers who tell him Bon Jovi is nothing without him and yet, those people are only there because of the success he has had with Bon Jovi. They will soon leave and when they do, Richie will go crawling back to Jon and Jon probably will take him back; however, it most likely will not be the same but never say never, right? For Jon's part though, I think he really need to reevaluate what Bon Jovi has been doing for the past decade and a half, what they will do in the future and take into the consideration the opinions of his very talented bandmates.

Um yeah , you are seriously over reacting .... He is having fun doing what he loves . He is happy ! Im happy for him .

Javier 05-15-2014 01:45 AM

I don't know what's going on with Richie but just flat out assuming that he's drunk and abusing all types of drugs from just his comments and his troubles is over reaching a bit. He doesn't look like a drunk or drug addict, I mean he may be but we have no way of really knowing for sure. I don't think he's drunk or substance abuse, I just think he's a bit of a douchebag and not really that bright when it comes to promoting himself and how to handle multiple work responsibilities at the same time. But he's always been that way....

MrNickel 05-20-2014 12:27 AM

I always come back to this video when I think about all the stuff that happened, very strong video. Richie wasn't on tour when this was released was he ?

jovifan93 05-21-2014 12:55 PM


Originally Posted by MrNickel (Post 1176657)
I always come back to this video when I think about all the stuff that happened, very strong video. Richie wasn't on tour when this was released was he ?

Yeah, I almost forgot how fitting that song (and especially the video) is. Makes me shiver...

liljovi93 05-21-2014 04:53 PM


Originally Posted by MrNickel (Post 1176657)
I always come back to this video when I think about all the stuff that happened, very strong video. Richie wasn't on tour when this was released was he ?

I watched this a few months back and found it fitting too. It just goes to show how much has changed. They do a video like this back then but now they don't even speak by the sounds of it. Obviously, the whole situation is different with him walking out or whatever but it is mad.

That video had me thinking they were going to call it a day in 2008!

LeaJovi 05-21-2014 05:04 PM

I always pictured that song as Jon talking to the fans that don't approve the new direction the band took.

ticos_stick 05-21-2014 05:15 PM

It's a song about divorce and was written before Richie ever took a break from the band. The lyrics "I close my eyes and picture your hand in mine" take any Richie - Jon connotations away from the song for me.

Sambo-Chris 05-21-2014 05:29 PM

The connection ist that jon wrote it for richie. He said this once.

ticos_stick 05-21-2014 05:44 PM


Originally Posted by Sambo-Chris (Post 1176834)
The connection ist that jon wrote it for richie. He said this once.

I meant that there's no connection with Richie leaving the band or Jon & Richie falling out.

Josie2013 05-21-2014 06:27 PM


Originally Posted by Stiggy (Post 1176474)
doing something he wants to do away from a machine doesnt make a person a drunk.. he may have been drinking again if he kept in bon jovi.

No it doesn't - but I still think he's drinking.

Josie2013 05-21-2014 06:48 PM


Originally Posted by SadieLady (Post 1176468)
I don't know whether he is drinking or not but for pete's sake get a grip. Richie is doing what he needs to do--promoting his new music. For years he has had the biggest heart in the band (even Jon has said that) and for years he was a loyal promoter of all things Bon Jovi, he toed the line in relaying Jon's vision and saw his job as "keeping Jon happy" (per the WWWB documentary). After 30 years he wants to be his own man. I grant that he did it in an objectionable way but he has earned the right to try something else in the field he loves.

He has more than paid his dues with Bon Jovi, now he is paying his dues as a solo artist. You don't think that Jon isn't surrounded by yes men? Dream on.

I never said Jon isn't surrounded by yes men. I'm sure he rarely, if ever, hears the word no. Sure, Richie has the right to be his own man and do his own thing. But that doesn't change the fact that he left in the middle of the tour and is generally just coming across as a dumbarse in interviews. Richie wasn't Jon's b*itch the past 30 years, he enjoyed all the success and fame just as much as Jon. I don't think that Richie was crying about being more artistic and Jon got out his whip and put him back in his place. He just has a different perspective on it now. He wants everyone to think he is this artistic, soulful artist. Bon Jovi is just as much Richie as it is Jon. Now, I want to make clear that I don't think Jon is an angel. As I mentioned, he really needs to reevaluate where the band is going and get back to basics.

As far as Richie drinking - its not such a far fetched thought. As far as him abusing other substances such as pills - again not far fetched since he has struggled with this in the past. As far as my comment about him having a mental disorder, its not like I'm suggesting he has schizophrena. However, extended alcohol abuse does affect your brain. Alcohol and substance abuse are in and off themselves classifies as mental disorders. He just seems wacky to me.

Josie2013 05-22-2014 02:47 PM


Originally Posted by Stiggy (Post 1176873)
relax he is NOT abusing alcohol or any substances.. your ASSumptions are based on what ? your opinion on wacky? what is wacky mean to u?:rolleyes:

My ASSumption(very clever:rolleyes:) is based on his appearance, behavior and performance. But since Richie assured you he is NOT drinking, I am clearly wrong.

And now I'm done getting into arguments online with people I don't even know on a forum where we should "discuss" our favorite band.:(

semigoodlookin 05-22-2014 02:52 PM

This is all opinion of course, but I have always viewed Jon's solo output more artistic than Richie's. Within the confines of a movie soundtrack I found more variation on Blaze than I did Stranger, even though I enjoy both albums. I do not think Destination Anywhere and Undiscovered Soul are even close artistically, with DA blowing it out of the water.

It is this fact that has always led me to believe Jon writes or has the biggest hand in Bon Jovi's best written songs. I do not think Richie is trying to suggest he lost artistic integrity though, merely that he needed to do something different. If he is suggesting he was the driving force behind the bands music but also lost integrity, then I would be inclined to think he is actually losing much more integrity now.

rolo_tomachi 05-22-2014 05:12 PM

samboraisgodUK 05-22-2014 05:35 PM


Originally Posted by semigoodlookin (Post 1176887)
This is all opinion of course, but I have always viewed Jon's solo output more artistic than Richie's. Within the confines of a movie soundtrack I found more variation on Blaze than I did Stranger, even though I enjoy both albums. I do not think Destination Anywhere and Undiscovered Soul are even close artistically, with DA blowing it out of the water.

Interesting that you think this, I much prefer Undiscovered Soul to Destination Anywhere - lyrically, musically, stylistically, everything.

RonJovi 05-22-2014 05:50 PM


Originally Posted by samboraisgodUK (Post 1176900)
Interesting that you think this, I much prefer Undiscovered Soul to Destination Anywhere - lyrically, musically, stylistically, everything.

Couldn't disagree more. For me, Undiscovered Soul is peppered with bland, nothing songs. In it For Love, All that Really Matters, Downside of Love, Chained, You're Not Alone...they are all nothing songs.

I like Richie's work but US is his worst album in my opinion.

Now when it comes to Stranger v Blaze, I'm taking Stranger every time.

samboraisgodUK 05-22-2014 05:59 PM


Originally Posted by RonJovi (Post 1176901)
Couldn't disagree more. For me, Undiscovered Soul is peppered with bland, nothing songs. In it For Love, All that Really Matters, Downside of Love, Chained, You're Not Alone...they are all nothing songs.

I like Richie's work but US is his worst album in my opinion.

Now when it comes to Stranger v Blaze, I'm taking Stranger every time.

There's a few bland ones, I'll grant you that, but your inclusion of Downside of Love in that list waters down your whole point - that's a fantastic song.

nickolai 05-22-2014 11:09 PM


Originally Posted by rolo_tomachi (Post 1176898)

Literally, who gives a fuck

Tictoc 05-22-2014 11:42 PM


Originally Posted by nickolai (Post 1176913)
Literally, who gives a fuck

If you gave half as many ****s about your grammar as you do about Richie you might not look like a complete spanner all the time, you big dumb spanner.

Captain_jovi 05-23-2014 12:37 AM


Originally Posted by Tictoc (Post 1176917)
If you gave half as many ****s about your grammar as you do about Richie you might not look like a complete spanner all the time, you big dumb spanner.

Cool it on the random attacks please.

scaryclone 05-23-2014 02:09 AM

agreed Soul was a bit forgettable.
stranger album rocked my socks off though

and wow i had so many tabs open, nearly lost this one

father time live, absolutely owns

semigoodlookin 05-23-2014 02:53 PM

I like Stranger a lot too, should have clarified that, but just think Blaze is better. And DA is much better than US from several points, but as I said it was my opinion.

The problem I have always had with Stranger as someone deeply ingrained in blues playing and listening to the greats like SRV a lot. I think it still sounds like someone trying to be bluesy at times. I get that Richie was probably trying to still cover his 80's rocker vibe while being bluesy, and while the album is a blues album it simply doesn't stand up to the best from that genre. Admittedly it is a harsh criticism though, and as I said I do enjoy the album regardless.

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