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CKatz 05-09-2013 06:25 PM


Originally Posted by Supersonic (Post 1128054)
Aloha !

Yeah, but most fans aren't rational thinkers. They still like to believe that the band hangs out before and after the show, showers together, sleep in the same hotel room and are having a few minutes of silence before and after the show to pay respect to the best friend they're missing now. Bon Jovi are a business now more than ever, and although I disagree with them going on with the tour it didn't come unexpected. I'm not angry, just disappointed really, but I've moved on rather quickly. If fans would stop living in the past and face what the band has become nowadays I'd say it'd be a lot easier to just face reality.

Salaam Aleikum,

I agree. I wonder why so many desperately want to believe the "bromance" thing between Richie and Jon is real. It's all just image. I think they've never been as close as some fans want to believe.

PatriciaSambora 05-09-2013 06:26 PM


Originally Posted by jbjhand (Post 1128048)
Totally agree. I do think less of him for sending out tweets like that in the middle of the tour though. If he wants his privacy he is entitled to it but he not entitled to have it both ways.

A lot of people, myself included, would not have paid as much for a ticket had his absence been advertised. Something personal comes up which keeps him away from the tour and most of us accept his right to privacy and his implicit request for it.

I find it difficult to respect him when he starts tweeting photos of his personal life whilst being absent from the tour, which he is missing for...personal reasons.

Decide which way you want it to be Richie, but I cant respect you when you behave hypocritically.

Agreed! Sorry Richie.. I love you and I was devastated when I saw the news about your abscense in Europe, but those pics etc makes me feel a little bit silly about this situation.. Me crying cause I was so excited to see you again and worried about you and you looks so fcking great...:s

CKatz 05-09-2013 06:35 PM

When you look at the tweets Richie is receiving after he posted the pic, all of the tweets are positive. Nobody is complaining to him directly, only behind his back.

rolo_tomachi 05-09-2013 06:54 PM


Originally Posted by Supersonic (Post 1128021)
Aloha !

Yeah...that's definitely not it.

I fixed Ava's picture. Now who can Photoshop something on that lost highway?

Salaam Aleikum,

Highways? Where they're going, they don't need highways.
From the creator of Driving Miss Ava, here is the sequel that all of you were waiting for...

Jonny Crockett fight against drugs in their own streets.


MrNickel 05-09-2013 07:09 PM

Your photoshops are epic my man.

Sissy3 05-09-2013 07:26 PM


Originally Posted by rolo_tomachi (Post 1128060)

Jonny Crockett fight against drugs in their own streets.


Laughing at this since Jon has a tendency to wear his shirts open that way. Only thing missing is the jewelry. :D

jessycardy 05-09-2013 07:42 PM


Originally Posted by CKatz (Post 1128040)
Nothing makes sense.

This. Totally.

Jovimimi 05-09-2013 07:56 PM

I don't believe in the bromance
I THINK X video WAS DIRECTED TO HIS FANS not the jovi ones..then I explained maybe wrongly that part ....
if we had to hear what X has to say behind closed doors about *bon jovi music* our ears would bleed because of the things he rude things would say (not because he cannot play)
I don't care about his skills I simply shut myself off - plenty of tribute band play or sing better than bon jovi so what .. it's not about that
so yes if you thought I was qualifying his skills as making my ears bleed yes that would be way over the top ..I didn't say that..I said simply well if you knew what he has to say about bon jovi music to his own fans you would be unpleasantly surprised (he is not even trying to hide that in the video)

Crushgen24/88 05-09-2013 08:19 PM


Originally Posted by bjcrazycpa (Post 1128052)
I don't understand at all why Phil X would be the target of any nasty remarks. The dude was asked to step in as a lead guitarist. He's doing his job and to my ears fairly well. So, he doesn't like or listen to Bon Jovi on a regular basis. I don't think liking Bon Jovi music is a requirement otherwise they'd have no crew as most of them aren't fans of the music either. It's a job for them just as it is for Phil X.

You took the words right out of my mouth Deb. Of all the people to be mad at in this situation (Richie, Jon, Matt, the organization), by get on Phil X? He's doing an admirable job filling in, and is clearly having the time of his life (go check out his Instagram)

Crushgen24/88 05-09-2013 08:21 PM


Originally Posted by Jovimimi (Post 1128068)
I don't believe in the bromance
I THINK X video WAS DIRECTED TO HIS FANS not the jovi ones..then I explained maybe wrongly that part ....
if we had to hear what X has to say behind closed doors about *bon jovi music* our ears would bleed because of the things he rude things would say (not because he cannot play)
I don't care about his skills I simply shut myself off - plenty of tribute band play or sing better than bon jovi so what .. it's not about that
so yes if you thought I was qualifying his skills as making my ears bleed yes that would be way over the top ..I didn't say that..I said simply well if you knew what he has to say about bon jovi music to his own fans you would be unpleasantly surprised (he is not even trying to hide that in the video)

As a Bon Jovi fan, I'm a lot more disappointed in the way Jon/Richie/the band are handling this than I am knowing Phil doesn't particularly like their music.

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