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jovifan93 01-02-2015 10:36 AM


Originally Posted by rolo_tomachi (Post 1184350)

I guess the grass is greener on the other side after all...

Thierry 01-02-2015 11:17 AM

What happened to this former great guitar player?

I mean what the hell.

faith1985 01-02-2015 12:10 PM


Originally Posted by DevilsSon (Post 1184352)
what the ****in ****??!?

' I was totally into meditating, out of this world, concentrationg on my that I let people taking pictures of me and posted it on twitter'

I hate judging people but hell, what is he doing?

united17 01-02-2015 12:29 PM

Tibet can keep him.

faith1985 01-02-2015 12:34 PM


Originally Posted by Thierry (Post 1184361)
What happened to this former great guitar player?

I mean what the hell.

I hardly ever agree with you but this time: 100 %!

Old Joysey 01-02-2015 04:28 PM

:confused: It can't be that green in Tibet now... January is the coldest month, it's freezing and snowing... 0X
It's a tad too early for an April's Fool prank and yet, when you click on @therealsambora on Ori's Twittter page (re the "green pic"), here where it's leading you to:

The B&W pic is Ori's though. As is this one:

Drinking tea seems to be very inspiring to some! :rofl:

rolo_tomachi 01-02-2015 09:14 PM


Originally Posted by Old Joysey (Post 1184370)

Drinking tea seems to be very inspiring to some! :rofl:

Is more inspiring than to call to Big & Rich.

golittleperson 01-03-2015 02:01 AM


Originally Posted by faith1985 (Post 1184362)
' I was totally into meditating, out of this world, concentrationg on my that I let people taking pictures of me and posted it on twitter'

I hate judging people but hell, what is he doing?

He's been on this "Lennon" admiration kick since John's birthday. Lennon liked to go here to write and meditate and do LSD????? Who knows. As to the weather, unless you are heading towards Nepal and Everest the daily avg. this time of year is 55deg. F. Will get below freezing at night.

Orianthi had a show at the Las Vegas Hard Rock on the 3rd which was cancelled due to unforeseen circumstance. I guess that was another vacation?

Kathleen 01-03-2015 02:27 AM


Originally Posted by DevilsSon (Post 1184352)
what the ****in ****??!?


Originally Posted by Thierry (Post 1184361)
What happened to this former great guitar player?

I mean what the hell.

Yeah - I'm with you - and Thierry.

Walleris 01-03-2015 01:50 PM


Originally Posted by rolo_tomachi (Post 1184372)
Is more inspiring than to call to Big & Rich.

Do you realize that was a shoe commercial?

SadieLady 01-03-2015 09:37 PM

Richie's photos don't bother me. Does Jon use social media to tell his fans what is happening? Rarely professionally and never personally. And I am sure most professional statements from Jon are vetted by the machine he set up around him. Perhaps it could be argued that Richie needs a filter or better PR people but I kind of like the real life exposure. He may not have the following Jon has but at least he tries to connect with them --and not by selling shoes.

Old Joysey 01-03-2015 11:16 PM

Personal pics such as the ones above are posted by Ori on her FB/TT pages, not on Richie's. Sometimes he retweets a link but as a rule he (or, rather, his PR team) keeps his pages professional, they only talk about his gigs, charity events, the recording of his next album, TV shows, NikkiRich...


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Walleris 01-05-2015 12:22 PM


Originally Posted by Old Joysey (Post 1184385)
Personal pics such as the ones above are posted by Ori on her FB/TT pages, not on Richie's. Sometimes he retweets a link but as a rule he (or, rather, his PR team) keeps his pages professional, they only talk about his gigs, charity events, the recording of his next album, TV shows, NikkiRich...

Well, he had to get one (the PR team, I mean) after all the cluster**** tweets he did after canceling the US shows in 2012.

rolo_tomachi 01-07-2015 04:48 PM

@orianthi @therealsambora: Peace and ❤️ from us

@orianthi @therealsambora: sparks are flyin...

bounce442 01-07-2015 07:41 PM

Why does he insist on always being the one showing skin?

rolo_tomachi 01-07-2015 08:35 PM

I hope these holidays are to improve their appearance a bit, get ready and start the photo sessions for the new album, that would mean that soon we could hear the new album.

Old Joysey 01-07-2015 10:13 PM

If they want to improve their appearance Ori's got to stop feeding him with pizzas and fries that she cooks for him, not mentioning pop corn!!!

Isn't Richie on a sort of permanent vacation anyway? :cool: Now that he's his own boss he can enjoy the beach whenever he wants, right? No deadline for his new album and right now Michael Bearden is in NYC working at the Kennedy Center (according to his tweets).

Meanwhile, Jon is busy hard-partying with his friend Leo DiCaprio in St Barts. Hopefully he'll find some inspiration for new songs over there.

Captain_jovi 01-20-2015 08:05 PM New Richie interview. He comes off a bit pompous but I'm looking forward to the new album regardless.

nikos greece 01-20-2015 11:05 PM

I cant write a bad song says richie...thats true, but apart from stranger in this town richie hasnt solely written another great song til now...many good songs but nothing exceptional as a solo songwriter.

samboraisgodUK 01-20-2015 11:53 PM


Originally Posted by Captain_jovi (Post 1184795) New Richie interview. He comes off a bit pompous but I'm looking forward to the new album regardless.

Very pompous, but interesting nonetheless. When you get past the usual "52 countries bla bla bla" there's some intriguing stuff in there. Intriguing enough for my first post on Jovitalk in nearly 6 months anyway...

Captain_jovi 01-21-2015 12:15 AM


Originally Posted by samboraisgodUK (Post 1184798)
Very pompous, but interesting nonetheless. When you get past the usual "52 countries bla bla bla" there's some intriguing stuff in there. Intriguing enough for my first post on Jovitalk in nearly 6 months anyway...

Hah I was gonna say, welcome back!

jdanielross 01-24-2015 04:52 PM

Not to defend him, because I'm pretty much over him and all this mess, but he said he "won't" write a bad song. He's saying he stops working a song if he thinks it's bad.

He's still pompous-sounding, but wanted to throw that out there.

nikos greece 01-25-2015 04:41 AM

thats true but the whole thing about mine song and his song implying he had a bigger role in certain songs as a writer sounds pathetic imo. richie was a phenomenal guitar player , musician and songwriter he has lost his touch the last 2-3 years imo but i still have faith he will be the guy he used to be...a better guitarist, a better performer, a better songwriter.

jesyjames 01-26-2015 12:46 AM

"Everything was like 70 thousand people and we got it with no product, which is kind of surprising that Ori and I were able to get up there and we were second on the bill. We were killing it. We were knocking ‘em dead."

He's so insecure, it's sad. Rather than actually killing the audience through an awesome performance, he tells people he killed the audience. The difference is profound. I'd venture to say that same insecurity is likely a driving force behind a lot of these wacky decisions he's been making.

jdanielross 01-26-2015 11:25 PM

70,000 people were at the festival (maybe). 70,000 were absolutely NOT there for your (daytime) gig (most assuredly). Second on the bill ... unlikely.

Insecurity sounds right to describe this level of hubris. Anyone with half a second of YouTube "research" could see that his comments are a bunch of crap.

Maybe he's always been this way, but, since leaving the band (which is his right), he's not someone I recognize anymore.

Becky 01-27-2015 12:19 AM

I agree that he sounds insecure and like a prick, but he's ALWAYS liked to throw around numbers.

When It's My Life was a hit, he did an interview with my local radio station and he was talking about how many countries the band had played and he made the statement that every album they had released since SWW had sold at least 10 million copies. Sure, that's a cool fact to hear, but it he came across pretty arrogant even back then.

TwinFan 01-27-2015 03:35 AM

I'm delighted that this thread is still going on.

liljovi93 01-27-2015 09:01 AM

He retweeted Ultimate Classic Rock headline tweet with 'Richie Sambora talks about his split with Bon Jovi & New music'

Bill23 01-28-2015 04:39 PM


Originally Posted by TwinFan (Post 1184927)
I'm delighted that this thread is still going on.

Yeah but the thread should be re-titled. Something like "No more Richie". Or "Richies gone".

Becky 02-19-2015 02:09 PM

New interview with Richie. I only had time to scan it because I have to go to work.

IF Ava's GPA went up by 2 points, she must have had horrible grades before or California uses a different system that we do. (Our's is only a 4 point scale to start with.)

Old Joysey 02-19-2015 02:22 PM

Actually it's an old interview from last Summer that they're publishing only now. ;)

re/Ava: in his Xmas TV show with the kids choir Richie said that Ava had been accepted in 2 universities if I remember well.

Becky 03-02-2015 01:57 PM

bonjovi90 03-02-2015 02:11 PM


Originally Posted by Becky (Post 1185865)

Best decision he's made in a long time, IF there's some truth to it of course.

Lampinen 03-02-2015 02:56 PM


Originally Posted by Becky (Post 1185865)

Orianthi Panjabis :D

Old Joysey 03-02-2015 04:29 PM


Originally Posted by Lampinen (Post 1185867)
Orianthi Panjabis :D

What? Richie's dating two girls called Orianthi? :silly:

I can't believe this tabloid, too many typos and false facts...
- putting Nikki Lund away from his vital space would be the wisest thing to do but we all know he's not a wise guy! :lol:
- Richie's not a man that takes "sudden decision(s)", right? ;)
- Jon never said Richie's gone for good.

No tweet from Nikki yet and the suspense is killing me!


Captain_jovi 03-02-2015 06:05 PM


Originally Posted by Old Joysey (Post 1185869)
What? Richie's dating two girls called Orianthi? :silly:

I can't believe this tabloid, too many typos and false facts...
- putting Nikki Lund away from his vital space would be the wisest thing to do but we all know he's not a wise guy! :lol:
- Richie's not a man that takes "sudden decision(s)", right? ;)
- Jon never said Richie's gone for good.

No tweet from Nikki yet and the suspense is killing me!


As far as I saw, Nikki DID tweet about it, clarifying that she's not dating Richie. Which one could take to mean she didn't correct them about him backing out.

Old Joysey 03-02-2015 08:42 PM


Originally Posted by Captain_jovi (Post 1185873)
As far as I saw, Nikki DID tweet about it, clarifying that she's not dating Richie. Which one could take to mean she didn't correct them about him backing out.

Wrong. Yes, she (again) tweeted about her not dating Richie but it was because of another article, the one dealing with her new hair color (purple) and how great her body is in a bathing suit, with lots of photos to prove it. She still hasn't tweeted about this one to deny that Richie's no longer her biz partner.

Captain_jovi 03-02-2015 09:20 PM


Originally Posted by Old Joysey (Post 1185874)
Wrong. Yes, she (again) tweeted about her not dating Richie but it was because of another article, the one dealing with her new hair color (purple) and how great her body is in a bathing suit, with lots of photos to prove it. She still hasn't tweeted about this one to deny that Richie's no longer her biz partner.

Oh! My bad! Sorry about that.

Old Joysey 03-02-2015 09:58 PM

No problemo! D'oh!

Bounce7800 03-03-2015 12:58 PM

Richie pulling out of a commitment at the last minute? Say it isn't so :o

Hopefully he has finally realised that Lund is simply using him for her own gains. Wonder if there is a split if he will either be ignored in the press, or whether Borg and her other goons will have negative stories put out there instead?

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