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ticos_stick 04-29-2015 01:54 AM


Originally Posted by Simon (Post 1187226)
Here's Van Halen opening for Bon Jovi:

I'm not really into Van Halen but that would have been a great support act to see before Bon Jovi.

Looking at Van Halen now is just sad -

Old Joysey 04-29-2015 02:30 AM

Listening to Van Halen now is just painful.

jovifan93 04-29-2015 10:19 AM


Originally Posted by ticos_stick (Post 1187230)
I'm not really into Van Halen but that would have been a great support act to see before Bon Jovi.

Looking at Van Halen now is just sad -

Actually, at first sight I thought that was Jon with all the grey hair, black sweater, blue jeans and black shoes :-D

On second thought, they would still be a great opener today, as they have many things alike - age, deteriorating vocals, (ex-)drunk guitarists (oh no, wait, Richie is gone, damnit), ... ;-)

Walkerboy 04-29-2015 02:14 PM


Originally Posted by ticos_stick (Post 1187230)
I'm not really into Van Halen but that would have been a great support act to see before Bon Jovi.

Looking at Van Halen now is just sad -

80's rock band in "doesn't age well" shocker....

The problem is David Lee Roth.... The rest of the band is fine!

DevilsSon 07-13-2015 02:38 AM

What???? This isn't sticky any longer???

Captain Walrus 07-16-2015 08:41 PM

Yeah that was me, seemed a bit unecessary really - Richie's absence is pretty well established after two years!

crashed 07-16-2015 10:37 PM


Originally Posted by Captain Walrus (Post 1189179)
Yeah that was me, seemed a bit unecessary really - Richie's absence is pretty well established after two years!

I'm still waiting for anything regarding Richie to be moved to the other bands section. lol

DevilsSon 07-16-2015 11:32 PM


Originally Posted by Captain Walrus (Post 1189179)
Yeah that was me, seemed a bit unecessary really - Richie's absence is pretty well established after two years!

Pfff....that is sad. This is THE TOPIC of the Forum. Of course, it's THE EVENT of the band's history (at least negatively speaking). But as a topic, highly highly entertaining!

Becky 07-16-2015 11:52 PM


Originally Posted by crashed (Post 1189184)
I'm still waiting for anything regarding Richie to be moved to the other bands section. lol

It does seem kind of appropriate by now, doesn't it? I mean, neither Richie nor Orianthi are members of Bon Jovi and that's whose recording with Richie these days. Ouch. That's the 2nd most pessimistic thing I've ever written on this board. Perhaps I'm drunk and need to go home.

JackieBlue 07-17-2015 07:31 AM


Originally Posted by Becky (Post 1189188)
It does seem kind of appropriate by now, doesn't it? I mean, neither Richie nor Orianthi are members of Bon Jovi and that's whose recording with Richie these days. Ouch. That's the 2nd most pessimistic thing I've ever written on this board. Perhaps I'm drunk and need to go home.

I don't really care where it winds up but I think Richie will always be considered "the Bon Jovi guitarist" like John Lennon was "a Beatle" long after the Beatles broke up. And Becky, coming from you, I'd have to say this comment is probably more optimistic than pessimistic. :) He might be out of the band for now, but I don't think he, or discussions about him, are going away any time soon.

I'm kidding you, of course, but I do laugh about it, because people have been trying to get him out of the Topix discussions ever since they got pissed off at him, but the discussions about him are far more lively than any that have been started about the band. Just as an example, somebody posted about the single being released about 13 hours ago (shortly after it was posted here) and there hasn't been a single reply to it, whereas the thread here has already hit 5 pages. On the other hand, something like the Nikki Lund accustions got responses almost before it was posted. It's nuts! (which is all apropos of nothing, and I'm not sure why I posted it at all other than it's helping me stay awake until 3:45 a.m. Sorry...)

rocknation 07-17-2015 07:53 AM


Originally Posted by crashed (Post 1189184)
I'm still waiting for anything regarding Richie to be moved to the other bands section. lol


Originally Posted by Becky (Post 1189188)
It does seem kind of appropriate by now, doesn't it? I mean, neither Richie nor Orianthi are members of Bon Jovi and that's who's recording with Richie these days...

I would hope that we would be allowed to put that to a vote. And my vote would be absolutely not because Al, Dave, Jon, Richie, and Tico are forever the foundation of everything that Bon Jovi has been built upon -- present Web site included. None of them should ever lose their citizenship in their own fan community.

Becky 07-17-2015 01:33 PM

As far as people posting what/where, there's been a protest among people about posting HERE because of the ads, but now that there's actually something worth talking about--the single--people are actively posting. If you notice HERE, when new threads are started, they are still getting many views, even if they don't get a lot of comments. (FAR more views than elsewhere.) There are also still a lot of people online here, even if they aren't commenting on anything. Also, in regards to people posting elsewhere, people have expressed confusion about "Do I post here or there or both places?" so both places have been pretty dead as far as comments go lately. The Nikki Lund investigation happened before the ad controversy here so you really can't compare the reaction to it to anything that's happened since all the complaints about the ads.

DevilsSon 07-17-2015 03:25 PM

This tope should be a PERMANENT sticky. If people come back in 10 years, they should see this topic straight away. It's a really silly idea to unstick it in my opinion....and there's no reason to do so either!

nikos greece 07-17-2015 04:08 PM


Originally Posted by DevilsSon (Post 1189327)
This tope should be a PERMANENT sticky. If people come back in 10 years, they should see this topic straight away. It's a really silly idea to unstick it in my opinion....and there's no reason to do so either!

agree. i can make peace with richie leaving...but richie not included in the band section is a NO, while a solo project from bobby for example...

Supersonic 07-17-2015 05:29 PM

Aloha !


Originally Posted by DevilsSon (Post 1189327)
This tope should be a PERMANENT sticky. If people come back in 10 years, they should see this topic straight away. It's a really silly idea to unstick it in my opinion....and there's no reason to do so either!

Don't be daft, what's the point of something being a sticky when it's sole reason was to announce something? By now everyone knows, so no need for it to be a sticky anymore either.

Salaam Aleikum,

JackieBlue 07-17-2015 09:59 PM


Originally Posted by Becky (Post 1189310)
As far as people posting what/where, there's been a protest among people about posting HERE because of the ads, but now that there's actually something worth talking about--the single--people are actively posting. If you notice HERE, when new threads are started, they are still getting many views, even if they don't get a lot of comments. (FAR more views than elsewhere.) There are also still a lot of people online here, even if they aren't commenting on anything. Also, in regards to people posting elsewhere, people have expressed confusion about "Do I post here or there or both places?" so both places have been pretty dead as far as comments go lately. The Nikki Lund investigation happened before the ad controversy here so you really can't compare the reaction to it to anything that's happened since all the complaints about the ads.

Wow! I'm not sure what I said to set that off. I specifically said that it was Topix I was referring to about the lack of interest in band discussions AND the contrasting interest they showed in Richie, all the while complaining that discussions about Richie no longer have any place in a "Bon Jovi" forum.

It may have been an unfortunate comparison to use, but all I was doing was teasing about your agreement with the idea that all things Richie should be moved to the "other bands" forum. I mean, it's not like you've made a secret of your desire to see the band leave him in the dust to go forth and conquer. Seriously, it was just a joke and I certainly never meant to imply that the people who post here were like some of those who sometimes post on Topix, in any way other than their thinking that discussions about Richie should be moved out of Holy Ground. Sheesh!

Sorry if I offended.

Becky 07-17-2015 11:00 PM

Somehow I thought you meant the alternate board--which is also pretty dead.

I don't even know what Topix is as far as the internet goes. I thought that was a women's clothing store in the northeast.

Sorry for the confusion.

DevilsSon 07-17-2015 11:04 PM


Originally Posted by Supersonic (Post 1189355)
Aloha !

Don't be daft, what's the point of something being a sticky when it's sole reason was to announce something? By now everyone knows, so no need for it to be a sticky anymore either.

Salaam Aleikum,

Because the topic is so good. There's so much awesome stuff in it, people should remember that all this stuff was discussed. It's not about the news factor, but about the importance of it in the band's life. Like we all woke up one day and then this happened and then we debated it for 2 years. If that doesn't deserve a sticky then I don't have a ****in' clue what does. Surely it's more important than some other stickies in the General Blow Job forum....

rolo_tomachi 07-17-2015 11:08 PM

Richie stays within, dammit Becky.

JackieBlue 07-18-2015 12:55 AM


Originally Posted by Becky (Post 1189390)
Somehow I thought you meant the alternate board--which is also pretty dead.

I don't even know what Topix is as far as the internet goes. I thought that was a women's clothing store in the northeast.

Sorry for the confusion.

All good.. I just wanted to make sure you knew I meant no harm. :)

nikos greece 07-19-2015 12:13 PM

i d like to mention my conspiracy theory about jon-bono &edge..
photos surfaced from a bachelorette party where the three rockers happened to be and drink together. through the years there have been many mentions that jon has a friendship or mutual respect and get together once in a while to catch up, from the top of my mind u2 had gone and seen them in 2003 tour, there were a photo in a hotel room in 2005 with jon and u2, jon has mentioned he was texting with bono before their glastonburry appearence in 2009 if i remember correctly and obviously these wont be the only circumstances...(jon visited them in msg yesterday as well)
where i m getting to...u2 is a band admitedly looks up to in many levels, even the wrong comment about richie and edge showed that jon looks up to them in many aspects. since they got out and talked i think its highly possible the richie deparure came up.
jon has a romantic side, thats why he got the band together in 1992, thats why he never truly tried to make another group. if the relationship between the 2 is in a decent lvl and hasnt reach a breaking point i think sooner or later jon will approach richie and reach his hand. (i am not saying who s wrong or right)
watching u2 who are the same 4 guys will probably have an effect on him. richies current state of mind doesnt really help though.

JackieBlue 07-19-2015 01:45 PM


Originally Posted by nikos greece (Post 1189543)
i d like to mention my conspiracy theory about jon-bono &edge..
photos surfaced from a bachelorette party where the three rockers happened to be and drink together. through the years there have been many mentions that jon has a friendship or mutual respect and get together once in a while to catch up, from the top of my mind u2 had gone and seen them in 2003 tour, there were a photo in a hotel room in 2005 with jon and u2, jon has mentioned he was texting with bono before their glastonburry appearence in 2009 if i remember correctly and obviously these wont be the only circumstances...(jon visited them in msg yesterday as well)
where i m getting to...u2 is a band admitedly looks up to in many levels, even the wrong comment about richie and edge showed that jon looks up to them in many aspects. since they got out and talked i think its highly possible the richie deparure came up.
jon has a romantic side, thats why he got the band together in 1992, thats why he never truly tried to make another group. if the relationship between the 2 is in a decent lvl and hasnt reach a breaking point i think sooner or later jon will approach richie and reach his hand. (i am not saying who s wrong or right)
watching u2 who are the same 4 guys will probably have an effect on him. richies current state of mind doesnt really help though.

Conspiracy theory or not - I like the way you think! :)

nikos greece 07-20-2015 05:24 PM


Originally Posted by JackieBlue (Post 1189551)
Conspiracy theory or not - I like the way you think! :)

lol thnx !!

Old Joysey 07-20-2015 05:30 PM


Originally Posted by nikos greece (Post 1189543)
richies current state of mind doesnt really help though.

What do you know about "Richie's current state of mind"? Just curious.

Becky 08-16-2015 10:42 PM

I have had a sign. Richie is not coming back.

27 years ago, my best friend Julie and I were playing with my grandmother's old jewelry. She had a big blue metal flower pin. Julie wanted to tape it to Richie's hat in one of those huge posters of Jon and Richie that I had hung in my bedroom so we did, never expecting it would actually stick. But it did--for nearly 30 years. All my other Bon Jovi posters have come down and been packed up for years, but that one has been hanging on the back of my closet door for about 15+ years because I always refused to take off the flower pin and pack it away. Today I discovered the flower pin had fallen off. :( It's truly the end of the innocence for me. :( That poster and that pin on the hat symbolized youth/innocence/fun. I'm actually kind of depressed about this. :(

rocknation 08-23-2015 03:52 AM


Originally Posted by Becky (Post 1192041)
I have had a sign. Richie is not coming back.
27 years ago, my best friend Julie and I were playing with my grandmother's old jewelry. She had a big blue metal flower pin. Julie wanted to tape it to Richie's hat in one of those huge posters of Jon and Richie that I had hung in my bedroom so we did, never expecting it would actually stick. But it did--for nearly 30 years. All my other Bon Jovi posters have come down and been packed up for years, but that one has been hanging on the back of my closet door for about 15+ years because I always refused to take off the flower pin and pack it away. Today I discovered the flower pin had fallen off. It's truly the end of the innocence for me. That poster and that pin on the hat symbolized youth/innocence/fun. I'm actually kind of depressed about this.

Oh, you've got to Keep The Faith! ;)

MTV News, 2006: It’s been more than three weeks since guitarist Dave “Brownsound” Baksh announced he was leaving Sum 41, and in that time he’s managed to avoid public comment on the matter.

But it’s not because the split — which shocked much of the Sum fanbase when it was confirmed early last month (see “Sum 41 Guitarist Quits Group To Focus On New Metal Band” ) — was a bitter one. In fact, Baksh maintains that his primary beef is with the music industry.

“The vibe was still really good at our label, but at radio stations the vibe actually changed — you’d be waiting a little bit longer in the lobby, or some stations didn’t even know you were coming,” he continued. “...The business is so soulless and so heartless, and it was so little about actually playing music, that I just lost interest.”

...Baksh decided to turn his attention to the Brown Brigade, the jokey side project he formed with his cousin Vaughn Lal in 2003...But as he gears up to hit the studio with his new act, is he at all concerned that he’ll once again become a part of the music-industry machine he grew to hate?

“I guess I haven’t thought of that yet — I’d just be happy setting up behind a pool table and playing for a roomful of kids,” he laughed. “I guess we’ll cross that bridge when we get to it, and it’s not a bad bridge to cross..."
Quote:, 2015: One of the biggest responses of the Alternative Press Music Awards came during Sum 41‘s appearance, when former guitarist Dave “Brownsound” Baksh joined his onetime band onstage. But as it turns out, this was not just a “special moment” for an awards Show. Baksh is back in the band.

The guitarist confirmed as much via his Instagram account, posting a fan-shot photo of the event featuring himself playing with Sum 41. In the posting, he wrote, “Yes yes y’all I’m back. Sum 41! Thanks to all of the crew, band and fans for making me feel so welcome.”

Old Joysey 08-25-2015 01:48 AM

I have a video. Richie is not coming back.


“Burning Bridges” is the first album without the original guitarist, since he left back in 2013. "Let me be perfectly clear, there was no ill-will on the day that Richie didn't show up again,” says Bon Jovi. “So God bless him, but Richie just didn't want to go to work anymore. Forget your commitment to the band, we have 120 people working for us, we have contracts with promoters we have 2 million people who put out the money for tickets. So that's okay, you can quit but the train keeps rolling."

Watch Jon Bon Jovi open up about whether or not the whole gang will reunite on stage below

:!: geoblocked video

Captain_jovi 08-25-2015 01:59 AM


Originally Posted by Old Joysey (Post 1193152)
I have a video. Richie is not coming back.

:!: geoblocked video

He didn't really say Richie wasn't coming back, he said Alec wasn't haha. It was a really amusing way to answer something he's been asked dozens of time though, I liked this.

Though on some level it's sad that he admits the original 5 will never play together again.

Old Joysey 08-25-2015 02:04 AM


Originally Posted by Captain_jovi (Post 1193154)
He didn't really say Richie wasn't coming back,
he admits the original 5 will never play together again.

same meaning! :lol:

NB: I can't watch the video.

Captain_jovi 08-25-2015 03:11 AM


Originally Posted by Old Joysey (Post 1193155)
same meaning! :lol:

NB: I can't watch the video.

Haha just saying, he never says Richie is never coming back, just that Alec and Richie aren't both coming back.

Old Joysey 08-25-2015 03:34 AM


Originally Posted by Captain_jovi (Post 1193154)
He didn't really say Richie wasn't coming back,


Originally Posted by Captain_jovi (Post 1193158)
Haha just saying, he never says Richie is never coming back, just that Alec and Richie aren't both coming back.

So he said it in the end, yes or no???!!! :confused:

Quit drinking! :p

Captain_jovi 08-25-2015 04:03 AM


Originally Posted by Old Joysey (Post 1193160)
So he said it in the end, yes or no???!!! :confused:

Quit drinking! :p

Haha I think we're debating two different things. Jon is asked if the members will ever be together again and he said No because Alec isn't coming back. Obviously it was said in jest to break the monotony of that question. He didn't actually answer if Richie was coming back, just that the 5 of them will never be together. But I digress, we all know the answer, I'm just pointing out I liked his joke :)

InAFormerLife 08-25-2015 02:21 PM


Originally Posted by Old Joysey (Post 1193152)
I have a video. Richie is not coming back.

:!: geoblocked video

So wish I could watch this video! Can't from where I am, either.

Old Joysey 08-25-2015 02:37 PM


Originally Posted by Captain_jovi (Post 1193164)
Haha I think we're debating two different things. Jon is asked if the members will ever be together again and he said No because Alec isn't coming back. Obviously it was said in jest to break the monotony of that question. He didn't actually answer if Richie was coming back, just that the 5 of them will never be together. But I digress, we all know the answer, I'm just pointing out I liked his joke :)

:lol: OK, things are clearer now. Oh well, whatever he said I was able to guess the meaning, who wouldn't?!

bjcrazycpa 08-25-2015 02:57 PM

This article is a repeat of what we'd read before but this part I had not seen before:

"Sambora is no longer a member of the band and will not re-join for forthcoming band tours, Bon Jovi told the media Saturday."

rolo_tomachi 08-25-2015 03:16 PM

Richie is doing a album, and then will tour with Orianthi. Richie will not return any time soon. So, Jon says RS will not coming back in the next tours (Asia 2015, World Tour 2016-17).

This thread keeping live. :)

MellyMel 08-25-2015 07:34 PM


Originally Posted by bjcrazycpa (Post 1193191)
This article is a repeat of what we'd read before but this part I had not seen before:

"Sambora is no longer a member of the band and will not re-join for forthcoming band tours, Bon Jovi told the media Saturday."

That comment stood out to me as well. All this time richie keeps saying never say never, but I think Jon feels differently.

Supersonic 08-25-2015 07:38 PM

Aloha !


Originally Posted by MellyMel (Post 1193214)
That comment stood out to me as well. All this time richie keeps saying never say never, but I think Jon feels differently.

It's not a direct quote, but what the journalist made of it. So far I've not heard Jon talk about Richie coming back, apart from that one quote where he'd be hard pressed and all of that. There's no way he'd close the door on that one considering many people bailed last time once it was announced. He knows Richie attracts people to a show.

Salaam Aleikum,

bjcrazycpa 08-25-2015 09:27 PM


Originally Posted by Supersonic (Post 1193217)
Aloha !

It's not a direct quote, but what the journalist made of it. So far I've not heard Jon talk about Richie coming back, apart from that one quote where he'd be hard pressed and all of that. There's no way he'd close the door on that one considering many people bailed last time once it was announced. He knows Richie attracts people to a show.

Salaam Aleikum,

Yes, I had read it but blew past it since it wasn't a direct quote. I agree on the never say never.

Walleris 08-25-2015 10:00 PM


Originally Posted by Supersonic (Post 1193217)
Aloha !

It's not a direct quote, but what the journalist made of it. So far I've not heard Jon talk about Richie coming back, apart from that one quote where he'd be hard pressed and all of that. There's no way he'd close the door on that one considering many people bailed last time once it was announced. He knows Richie attracts people to a show.

Salaam Aleikum,

Really? Was it that significant? I wouldn't say so, most of the venues were filled pretty nicely. Obviously, some die-hards were affected, but I feel like most of them are so dedicated that they went to shows anyway (cause they're die hards), but for casuals, the whole Richie situation created some media attention, which reminded about the shows.

Don't get me wrong, I believe (and hope) that Jon will keep the door open for Richie, but I'd say Richie's commercial effect is way too marginal that would force Jon to welcome Richie if he otherwise hated the idea. I think if Richie was to come back it would be a lot more related to a) friendship that was once there, and b) loyalty and place in history; not be one of those one-man bands that keeps losing members, like GNR, Whitesnake, Smashing Pumpkins, and be more like like U2. But then again, I didn't expect Jon to continue Bon Jovi brand without Richie for legacy reasons and I was obviously wrong, so here's that.

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