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steel_horse75 05-13-2013 12:03 PM

I dont like Richie tweeting he is fine and lifes great when he owes 100,00s of fans an explanation.

linnea.cfc32_jovibandana 05-13-2013 12:26 PM


Originally Posted by steel_horse75 (Post 1128923)
You and about 3 others.

Sambora on his own wont interest many. He cant even fill out small venues. He needs Jovi and he knows it. People just arnet interested him as a solo artist.

Not many solo albums sell well. People want the band not the individuals.

If people think the last few Jovi albums didnt sell well how many did Richies last few sell?

Well it depends on what he's trying to get out of his solo efforts. Look at John Frusciante (RHCP) who's one of my favourite musicians of all time. He's made like a billion solo albums and theyre all amazing. He has always claimed he doesn't want awards or to top any lists or even to play the big venues. He's happy having the people who actually find his music and message satisfying listen to him and share the music with him etc. Maybe Richie wants to go deeper than what he feels the Jovi machine has become, but he doesnt have the "right fanbase" yet, or/because he doesnt know how to make that come across , so to speak. Who knows. Frusciante is way more "alternative" and doesnt usually attract the regular rock/pop fan so maybe that's a lousy comparison... But if Richie's leaving to do solo work he's probably not trying to match Jovi in numbers and venues or even style, he must know too that it's simply impossible. Surely he can afford not earning as much every year as he's done with the band. Of course I want him in Jovi too, but yeah...

nikos greece 05-13-2013 12:38 PM


Originally Posted by linnea.cfc32_jovibandana (Post 1128948)
Well it depends on what he's trying to get out of his solo efforts. Look at John Frusciante (RHCP) who's one of my favourite musicians of all time. He's made like a billion solo albums and theyre all amazing. He has always claimed he doesn't want awards or to top any lists or even to play the big venues. He's happy having the people who actually find his music and message satisfying listen to him and share the music with him etc. Maybe Richie wants to go deeper than what he feels the Jovi machine has become, but he doesnt have the "right fanbase" yet, or/because he doesnt know how to make that come across , so to speak. Who knows. Frusciante is way more "alternative" and doesnt usually attract the regular rock/pop fan so maybe that's a lousy comparison... But if Richie's leaving to do solo work he's probably not trying to match Jovi in numbers and venues or even style, he must know too that it's simply impossible. Surely he can afford not earning as much every year as he's done with the band. Of course I want him in Jovi too, but yeah...

i think you are soo wrong when you are trying to find so many similarities between rick and fruschiante...i love them both but they are completely different cases...richie is the one about the stats, the no1s and the "52" countries...someone should have corrected him...
even richie has the right to go indie and fully change his perspective but i dont think this is the case here...aftermath wasnt an indie record, ok it had some safe guitar jamming/kind of shredding but his audience knows him as a good guitarist so it just a natural decision, richie writes pop rock songs and he is good at it, a decade back could also add some hard rock and blues chops in there more efficiently...
always was a richie fan but i m also extremely dissapointed by the way he handdles things...

rolo_tomachi 05-13-2013 12:54 PM

AmyHarket 05-13-2013 01:26 PM


Originally Posted by gkkes (Post 1128924)
His tweet on 30th March says a LOT (2 days before Calgary)
@TheRealSambora "Hey did anybody listen to Forgiveness St today?"
Is he talking about Jon here?

Another moment of a lost conversation
A chance to understand, then passing us by
Careless words and a wounded situation
In our silence it's a struggle to survive
Please meet me on the other side
Don't be afraid to cross

On the corner of compassion,
shattered streetlight in the dark
When faith is lost and wandering
in your lover's heart
Drops of sidewalk desperation,
collected at your feet
An unlocked house is waiting,
at the end of Forgiveness Street

Faded polaroids of my regrets,
and my memories I never thought would last
In a box I kept them underneath my bed,
but the pain was running deeper than the past
It was supposed to stay unopened
That's where I got hurt

I found my way home to that
house of forgiveness street
Tired of carrying the pain
from dragging that cross
Someone stole all the signs
that led to forgiveness street
I'm broken inside, so here I am,
still standing all alone

To me, it seems he's talking about his ex-wife.
I also think "Pictures of You" is about her.

Walleris 05-13-2013 01:33 PM


Originally Posted by nikos greece (Post 1128950)
i think you are soo wrong when you are trying to find so many similarities between rick and fruschiante...i love them both but they are completely different cases...richie is the one about the stats, the no1s and the "52" countries...someone should have corrected him...
even richie has the right to go indie and fully change his perspective but i dont think this is the case here...aftermath wasnt an indie record, ok it had some safe guitar jamming/kind of shredding but his audience knows him as a good guitarist so it just a natural decision, richie writes pop rock songs and he is good at it, a decade back could also add some hard rock and blues chops in there more efficiently...
always was a richie fan but i m also extremely dissapointed by the way he handdles things...


Richie is way more commercially-oriented a lot more similar (or even more commercial if you compare their second solo albums) to Jon in that regard then his fanboys' and Jon's haters here would like to admit. Aftermath is a perfect example. Richie made plenty of interviews about how it was just him doing whatever he wanted (not being limited by the "Bon Jovi juggernaut") and what does he deliver? An conteporary mainstream rock album, that doesn't have a single one epic guitar solo he's been known for in the 90s, and filled with songs that sound a lot more similar to other popular today's rock bands, Foo Fighters, The Killers, Black Keys, etc., rather than the blues rock stuff that we know. Listen to the Great Hall Of Fame song from the Les Paul tribute album. It's from 2008 and it shows how Richie is still bluesy, but I guess he just wanted commercial success, which he didn't get at all.

And even if he wants to go solo full-time, he has nowhere to go. Yeah, he can play shows in small arenas in Europe, but that won't last forever, he cannot just stay in one continent. He doesn't mean in US obviously if you look at how he cancelled the shows even when he had very little planned. Australia I think would be the same, cause his album didn't even chart there at all. I believe Europe and South America are the only places where he has any fanbase. And that fanbase will be even smaller now due to the way he handled things and (if he actually) left the band like this. I mean, why would I support Richie, who's not in rehab, not in family emergency, posts happy shit on twitter, but decided to drop out in the middle of the tour, before even coming to places that actually care about him? And we all know his fans are Bon Jovi fans. So if Richie is not smart enough to realize it and actually tries to go solo only, he'll be back in Jovi in no time.

AmyHarket 05-13-2013 01:49 PM

I don't think Richie wants to quit the band. Jon and the rest of the band were surprised by the call from Richie or someone else at 3:30pm on the Calgary show day, which caused the rest of the band to do the show without a lead guitar player.
I highly doubt Richie would do such immature behavior toward them plus the fans in the venue.
Like anybody else, I don't know the reason, but I imagine the unsaid reason surprised Richie, too. The issue might have occurred on the same day.

Jonty 05-13-2013 02:27 PM

does anyone really care any more, if we are truly honest? Even Matt's stupid tweets cause no more than a ripple

linnea.cfc32_jovibandana 05-13-2013 04:53 PM


Originally Posted by nikos greece (Post 1128950)
i think you are soo wrong when you are trying to find so many similarities between rick and fruschiante...i love them both but they are completely different cases...richie is the one about the stats, the no1s and the "52" countries...someone should have corrected him...
even richie has the right to go indie and fully change his perspective but i dont think this is the case here...aftermath wasnt an indie record, ok it had some safe guitar jamming/kind of shredding but his audience knows him as a good guitarist so it just a natural decision, richie writes pop rock songs and he is good at it, a decade back could also add some hard rock and blues chops in there more efficiently...
always was a richie fan but i m also extremely dissapointed by the way he handdles things...

Well maybe I wasn't clear enough, but I wasn't at all saying they are similar music wise or anything, I was just saying maybe Richie sort of wants to seek a less commersial base or simply doesnt mind venues and crowds being much smaller and less "regular", but he hasn't got the material or solo recognition to do it the same way Frusciante has. Hence me saying Fru is way more alternative and has that type of fan base from the start (you don't need to tell me how much they differ frome eachother, Ive been a Frusciante solo fan for 10 years). I was merely saying maybe Richie somehow wouldnt mind the slightly less commersial scene but he's sort of in limbo...

rolo_tomachi 05-13-2013 08:07 PM

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