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CharlieShipley 04-03-2013 11:54 PM

Not sure if this has been said, Matt's twitter says Richie not leaving and he and Jon not fighting. Calls TMZ article "total shit."

ezearis 04-03-2013 11:57 PM

Matt is total shit and more full of it than TMZ. I don't trust him any more than TMZ or the hobo outside my house.

They should've took a break until 2014 and all of this would have been avoided.

DestinationJovi 04-04-2013 12:01 AM


Originally Posted by Neurotica80 (Post 1119553)
Jeeeez most 14 year olds on twitter put tweets like this up every day. Don't really think you can read too much into it!

That's the emoji of a teenager reading her @ replies full of tweets from Bon Jovi fans :rolleyes:

People need to leave the kid alone and let her social network with her FRIENDS. Fans who follow her on twitter need to reel their fandom in. It's pathetic.

CharlieShipley 04-04-2013 12:01 AM

What if the hobo outside your house IS TMZ?

synnea 04-04-2013 12:03 AM

I am confident the Matt tweet means there is nothing to worry about in terms of him leaving.

crashed 04-04-2013 12:05 AM


Originally Posted by DestinationJovi (Post 1119565)
That's the emoji of a teenager reading her @ replies full of tweets from Bon Jovi fans :rolleyes:

Exactly, I'm sure the last thing she wants is to be dealing with her dad's crazy fans.

Jayster 04-04-2013 12:12 AM

Anyone else think it's a bit weird that has a link to this story?

Solid Sambora 04-04-2013 12:14 AM

As the saying goes, the silence is deafening.

It's not just Bon Jovi- other bands, musicians, sports teams- they always talk about the fans being so important, yet those same fans always get left in the dark when something happens.
We don't need to know everything, but surely we should be given a little more detail? Enough to set our minds at ease, and let those contemplating refunds make a more informed decision.

Thing is, people have invested a lot in this band and I'm not talking just money. I've loved this band since I was a kid, grew up idolising them. Richie was (still is!) my hero. Most of us are here because we care in one way or another, and we've put in enough to deserve something of an explanation. If its family, fine, that's all they need to tell us, but give us a little clarity to where the band and us fans stand.

crashed 04-04-2013 12:16 AM


Originally Posted by Jayster (Post 1119570)
Anyone else think it's a bit weird that has a link to this story?

Probably trying to get us to talk about something else other than Richie. lol

DevilsSon 04-04-2013 12:18 AM


Originally Posted by Jim Bon Jovi (Post 1119544)
Bands the size of Bon Jovi will be able to demand hefty guarantees, and also potentially a % of the gate takings on top of that (I'd be very surprised if the guys in the band are going out for anywhere near £100k a night, it's probably several times that)

Not necessarily for any single member of the band. Richie might be making in that region(esp. £). Surely, Jon would take a significant and a large chunk would go to the crew/ production etc. Doesn't the band actually play for $ 1 Mil/ night? Thinking that Richie might make about 15% of that isn't that far off.

Anyway, completely beside the point. This is not the reason why Richie would have left (even if it's just temporary). And again, I am not sure I understand why people get so worked up about this. He'll come back eventually, the old bastard!

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