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Julie 05-17-2013 12:21 AM


Originally Posted by Bounce7800 (Post 1129815)
Only going by what I read here, I don't recall any info about fan club refunds other than people e mailing Sparkart.

Got a fanclub refund after emailing sparkart

crashed 05-17-2013 12:22 AM


Originally Posted by eddie73 (Post 1129979)
If thats the case, you could hardly blame Sambo. Jon can be such a cock if this is whats caused it

Uh....Richie would still be the cock for walking out in the middle of a tour. And I can appreciate them not wanting more "bathroom break" songs - which any Richie solo song would turn into.

Becky 05-17-2013 12:36 AM


Originally Posted by crashed (Post 1129995)
Uh....Richie would still be the cock for walking out in the middle of a tour. And I can appreciate them not wanting more "bathroom break" songs - which any Richie solo song would turn into.

One would be a bad enough flight to the beer stands and bathrooms, but two would completely buzz kill the concert.

Captain_jovi 05-17-2013 12:38 AM

Yeah please don't make this is a personal thing. Jon not letting Richie playing songs from his album is absolutely the write move business wise. I'd love to hear it but we're the minority. You know the small small small portion that wants the rarities? Half that amount want Richie singing solo stuff.

Living_on_my_Hair 05-17-2013 01:15 AM


Originally Posted by Captain_jovi (Post 1130001)
Yeah please don't make this is a personal thing. Jon not letting Richie playing songs from his album is absolutely the write move business wise. I'd love to hear it but we're the minority. You know the small small small portion that wants the rarities? Half that amount want Richie singing solo stuff.

If richie wanted to do it so much, theres nothing stopping him doing a short ''support'' slot before the full band. Infact, I saw the MeatLoaf guitarist do just that a few years back, he came out and did a 30min acoustic support slot before the main act. This would make everybody happy surely?


rolo_tomachi 05-17-2013 01:15 AM


Originally Posted by Becky (Post 1130000)
One would be a bad enough flight to the beer stands and bathrooms, but two would completely buzz kill the concert.

All this proves nothing. Jon also said he wanted to play on the tour "Not Running" and "Old Habits".

I think is problem health, and has absolutely nothing to do with Jon or solo songs.

Not Running+Old Habits=Kill the show.

ezearis 05-17-2013 01:16 AM


Originally Posted by rolo_tomachi (Post 1130006)
All this proves nothing. Jon also said he wanted to play on the tour "Not Running" and "Old Habbits".

I think is problem health, and has absolutely nothing to do with Jon or solo songs.

Not Running+Old Habbits=Kill the show.

Not Running + Old Habits = Kill myself.

Crushgen24/88 05-17-2013 01:33 AM

This whole solo song thing doesn't fit to me. Richie sang Stranger relatively regularly from the KTF Tour through the OWN Tour (not every night, be enough) and then had a band song in that solo slot every tour since. Why would him doing a song suddenly become an issue now?

Mysterytrain 05-17-2013 01:37 AM

Maybe it is an issue now because not only hasn't he played "Stranger" this tour, he hasn't played anything at all from "Aftermath."

jessycardy 05-17-2013 01:41 AM

News piece featuring little bits from today's press conference with Jon and Tico.

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