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nrm123 05-17-2013 05:21 PM

Just saw a post from a music store in UK about a new guitar pedal they have demo'd. The owner is a big sambora fan and he said it sounds a lot like Bon jovi but can't give details the comment was this.

Its the new Richie Sambora pay for doesn't show up, give you the sounds you were expecting and there's no chance of a refund either #richiesucks lol
I have gotten o the stage now where I find this funny even though I love Richie!
Hey maybe the reason Richie left and the store can't release details till end of month is because richies been out developing this...if only

rolo_tomachi 05-17-2013 05:21 PM


Originally Posted by nrm123 (Post 1130157)
Saying its just as good without him isn't doing anything good

aljo 05-17-2013 05:24 PM


Originally Posted by nrm123 (Post 1130157)
Saying its just as good without him isn't doing anything good

Yes it isn't doing anyone any good but to me that's Jon's way of saying to Richie, yeah you left and we are still touring and doing well without you. He just doesn't seem that sympathetic anymore.

I want Richie back as much as the next person but if it's really about nonsense then I don't blame Jon one bit for being frustrated and putting the ball in Richie's court. Whatever issue he is having doesn't matter, Richie does really need to either say "I will come back at one point" or "I will not". Simple as that.

Rolo, just curious, do you mind telling us where you're from? Your English is fine, I can understand it well.

Edited to add: i can't understand why Richie hasn't picked a winner in the cover contest yet. He can't be that busy that he hasn't been able to declare a winner.........what the hell is up with that?

Beaky 05-17-2013 05:28 PM


Originally Posted by JordanRose (Post 1130150)
Slightly surprised by this. On the surface it doesn't quite seem to jive with the entirety of your frustrations expressed this year.

You say 'He is part of a band and....he should be promoting it'.

But you've stated repeatedly that it's not a Bon Jovi album among all the many, many other things wrong with the studio output, the live shows and the JBJ Corporate Empire in general.

What you've just said basically amounts to saying 'Richie is part of a band so if Jon wants to put out a shit JBJ solo record under the Bon Jovi name every year for the next 10 years then Richie and the band had better support it'. But you haven't said why he should be committed and support it other than because he's in the band.

At this point, given the train wreck the band as a whole has become, i'm surprised you aren't somewhat optimistic for the long term. If Richie continues supporting Jon there is far more chance the status-quo will continue and we'll get more fad-chasing albums for the next decade and more dull tours (I don't think you're right that the current and recent course would eventually lead the band into playing smaller venues due to dwindling demand to see them live).

If Richie doesn't bow to pressure then what this potentially does is open up a conversation with Jon about all the things we (and presumably he) are frustrated with.

When The Stones got together to make A Bigger Bang it was the first time Mick and Keith had written together face to face for an album in about 2 decades.

As frustrating as this silence/stalemate is at the minute we have no idea how it's going to play out and it could be to the benefit of everyone.

I getcha. If indeed, what basically amounts to me guessing what might be going on, is true - I can see both sides.

The music issue, the business side of things and the friendship side of things are different and I have different feelings toward both Jon and Richie on all three.

The album is utter tripe, in my eyes. Richie, however, shouldn't have signed on the dotted line to record it and tour it. He should have said 'I'm glad you're happy with the songs you've got Jon, record them, make a solo album. I am taking this year to do mine.' He didn't. He probably thought the situation was workable. I get the idea Richie thinks 'if it's happening in four months, I'm not going to sweat it, if its happening tomorrow, then SHIT, I didn't expect that, can we change it?'

I am still frustrated with the band and their output but coming at me right now is IOW festival without Sambora. The album has been and gone for me, done and dusted. As time has progressed, in my mind, it's obvious Richie isn't sick, there's no emergency and he's just proper pissed off for some reason. If it's what I have guessed at, I can see his point of view, completely. But he should man-up, put his principles aside and deal with his commitments. He should have done that long ago, because fans are missing out. Much as I hate WAN, I know I would rather Richie was chugging away, playing those non-existent guitar parts than Phil; even if it means he and Jon walk off stage and ignore each other - I don't need them to be a brotherhood anymore.

I also can't see this being a kick in the arse for this band and I am almost past wishing for one, now. I've waited too long. If Richie comes back, it'll be on Jon's terms because Jon holds the record deal and the contracts. If that wasn't the case, Jon would be on the phone now, saying 'what can I do to make this better?' He's not. He doesn't think he needs to change direction.

Finally, the reason why I can see Jon's point of view is, it's black and white. I've said all along that Jon wouldn't be making these simple, yet bold statements, putting the ball in Richie's court unless he really knew he was safe from any recrimination. Whatever has gotten up Richie's nose is a matter of principle and Jon is obviously, contractually, in the right. Which means he is able to say 'Go ahead, ask Richie what's up,' almost daring Richie to have the nerve to respond.

I run a small band, teeny-tiny in comparison and yet it's like herding f*cking cats. We have spent three years playing the same venues in five areas, building up a small set of people who come to every gig in that area. The gigs are arranged by the October of the year before; 24 a year. It's a pain in the arse operation. You set dates, you run these dates past people, everything is fine then someone's wife wants to go out for dinner; or they don't like this song because it's not got enough keyboard in it and it's like the world is ending. When you work hard to create a following; whether it's 60 people in a pub or 60,000 in a stadium, you have enough to worry about making everything tick over... the guys who just show up, want to be handed a set list and play shouldn't add to that worry.

Basically, what I'm saying is, you look at me and see a guy who posts on a discussion board but really, I'm a CEO of a minuscule corporation... ;)

nrm123 05-17-2013 05:28 PM


Originally Posted by rolo_tomachi (Post 1130160)

Wow that lead from bobby is great certainly something I will pay £100 knowing I'm going to get that! I wold of gone for the 12.50 if I knew I was getting it

crashed 05-17-2013 05:31 PM


Originally Posted by Beaky (Post 1130164)
I getcha. If indeed, what basically amounts to me guessing what might be going on, is true - I can see both sides.

The music issue, the business side of things and the friendship side of things are different and I have different feelings toward both Jon and Richie on all three.

The album is utter tripe, in my eyes. Richie, however, shouldn't have signed on the dotted line to record it and tour it. He should have said 'I'm glad you're happy with the songs you've got Jon, record them, make a solo album. I am taking this year to do mine.' He didn't. He probably thought the situation was workable. I get the idea Richie thinks 'if it's happening in four months, I'm not going to sweat it, if its happening tomorrow, then SHIT, I didn't expect that, can we change it?'

I am still frustrated with the band and their output but coming at me right now is IOW festival without Sambora. The album has been and gone for me, done and dusted. As time has progressed, in my mind, it's obvious Richie isn't sick, there's no emergency and he's just proper pissed off for some reason. If it's what I have guessed at, I can see his point of view, completely. But he should man-up, put his principles aside and deal with his commitments. He should have done that long ago, because fans are missing out. Much as I hate WAN, I know I would rather Richie was chugging away, playing those non-existent guitar parts than Phil; even if it means he and Jon walk off stage and ignore each other - I don't need them to be a brotherhood anymore.

I also can't see this being a kick in the arse for this band and I am almost past wishing for one, now. I've waited too long. If Richie comes back, it'll be on Jon's terms because Jon holds the record deal and the contracts. If that wasn't the case, Jon would be on the phone now, saying 'what can I do to make this better?' He's not. He doesn't think he needs to change direction.

Finally, the reason why I can see Jon's point of view is, it's black and white. I've said all along that Jon wouldn't be making these simple, yet bold statements, putting the ball in Richie's court unless he really knew he was safe from any recrimination. Whatever has gotten up Richie's nose is a matter of principle and Jon is obviously, contractually, in the right. Which means he is able to say 'Go ahead, ask Richie what's up,' almost daring Richie to have the nerve to respond.

I run a small band, teeny-tiny in comparison and yet it's like herding f*cking cats. We have spent three years playing the same venues in five areas, building up a small set of people who come to every gig in that area. The gigs are arranged by the October of the year before; 24 a year. It's a pain in the arse operation. You set dates, you run these dates past people, everything is fine then someone's wife wants to go out for dinner; or they don't like this song because it's not got enough keyboard in it and it's like the world is ending. When you work hard to create a following; whether it's 60 people in a pub or 60,000 in a stadium, you have enough to worry about making everything tick over... the guys who just show up, want to be handed a set list and play shouldn't add to that worry.

Basically, what I'm saying is, you look at me and see a guy who posts on a discussion board but really, I'm a CEO of a minuscule corporation... ;)

But is your ambition to sell out the local twice?

Beaky 05-17-2013 05:36 PM


Originally Posted by crashed (Post 1130166)
But is your ambition to sell out the local twice?

HA!!! I would love to but you know what the problem is? Lawyers...

crashed 05-17-2013 05:40 PM


Originally Posted by Beaky (Post 1130167)
HA!!! I would love to but you know what the problem is? Lawyers...

lol, Reminds me of a Fun Lovin Criminals gig I went to and they did a whole skit about lawyers as that was what stopped them releasing a record for years.

Maybe your band should do something similar.

Walkerboy 05-17-2013 05:57 PM


Originally Posted by crashed (Post 1130168)
lol, Reminds me of a Fun Lovin Criminals gig I went to and they did a whole skit about lawyers as that was what stopped them releasing a record for years.

Maybe your band should do something similar.

I went to one of their gigs in Hackney in 2001 and they did a Goodfellas skit with lightsabers!!! Bizarre, but funny as.....

rolo_tomachi 05-17-2013 05:58 PM


Originally Posted by aljo (Post 1130162)
Rolo, just curious, do you mind telling us where you're from? Your English is fine, I can understand it well.

I'll give you a hint.

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