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Becky 05-19-2013 09:24 PM


Originally Posted by Crushgen24/88 (Post 1130743)
Even if Richie comes back, I think Phil is retained for the rest of the European Tour as an insurance policy.

It wouldn't surprise me if Phil was kept on as an insurance policy from now on.

rolo_tomachi 05-19-2013 09:29 PM

Walkerboy 05-19-2013 09:31 PM

"Ava Sambora ‏@avasamboraxxoo 2h

Community Service all day"

Hmmmm....... could be reason why Richie's had to hang back. What could Ava have done to result in her doing Community Service????

Living_on_my_Hair 05-19-2013 09:42 PM


Originally Posted by Walkerboy (Post 1130764)
"Ava Sambora ‏@avasamboraxxoo 2h

Community Service all day"

Hmmmm....... could be reason why Richie's had to hang back. What could Ava have done to result in her doing Community Service????

Aaaaand let the conspiracy theories commence. This thread just keeps on giving..

Kathleen 05-19-2013 09:44 PM


Originally Posted by Walkerboy (Post 1130764)
"Ava Sambora ‏@avasamboraxxoo 2h

Community Service all day"

Hmmmm....... could be reason why Richie's had to hang back. What could Ava have done to result in her doing Community Service????

Some schools simply require community service to show kids what goes on in the world. One of the schools that my kids went to required it - it wasn't because they were paying back for causing problems.

samboraisgodUK 05-19-2013 09:44 PM


Originally Posted by Walkerboy (Post 1130764)
"Ava Sambora ‏@avasamboraxxoo 2h

Community Service all day"

Hmmmm....... could be reason why Richie's had to hang back. What could Ava have done to result in her doing Community Service????

'Community Service' in the US doesn't mean the same as it does here.

Ah Kathleen got there before me.

Crushgen24/88 05-19-2013 09:46 PM


Originally Posted by Walkerboy (Post 1130764)
"Ava Sambora ‏@avasamboraxxoo 2h

Community Service all day"

Hmmmm....... could be reason why Richie's had to hang back. What could Ava have done to result in her doing Community Service????

A kit of school's require kids to do a certain amount of charity work/community service, etc.

Walkerboy 05-19-2013 10:00 PM

Gotcha - kind of thing that wouldn't hurt for 75% of the kids in the UK to do!!!

Solid Sambora 05-19-2013 10:10 PM


Originally Posted by Crushgen24/88 (Post 1130743)
Even if Richie comes back, I think Phil is retained for the rest of the European Tour as an insurance policy.

I touched on this earlier- it would be foolish to send him packing. I'd actually hope he'd be treated a little better than "thanks for bailing us out the shit, but he's back so see ya." I'd keep him around as a warning, Richie might up his game if there's someone waiting in the wings.

Becky 05-19-2013 10:18 PM

I wish the schools around here required community service. It might straighten out some of these hoodlums that I have to do behavior plans on. Not sure how I got stuck with that job. I can't fix crazy.

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