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CKatz 05-20-2013 05:01 PM

If Jon actually thought Richie was replacable, he would have fired him. Instead, he is basically begging for Richie to return by calling him out in interviews. It's like he is daring Richie to respond. Pretty sad that they're only communicating through interviews. Jon keeps saying they didn't have a fight, but both of their behaviours prove otherwise. Actions speak louder than words.

Beaky 05-20-2013 05:04 PM


Originally Posted by CKatz (Post 1131007)
If Jon actually thought Richie was replacable, he would have fired him. Instead, he is basically begging for Richie to return by calling him out in interviews. It's like he is daring Richie to respond. Pretty sad that they're only communicating through interviews. Jon keeps saying they didn't have a fight, but both of their behaviours prove otherwise. Actions speak louder than words.

Jon's not stupid enough to fire Richie... yet. When it's no longer a stupid thing to do, he'll do it. Maybe not in so many words but he will.

PatriciaSambora 05-20-2013 05:07 PM


Originally Posted by Jayster (Post 1130941)
I want to know whose decision it was to remove Richie from the photo at the top of this story.

Oh gosh.. This really scares me...

Living_on_my_Hair 05-20-2013 05:07 PM

Holy Shit, did Jon really just say that?! The gloves are coming off.
So, Edge is more vital to U2 than Richie is to Bon Jovi? (whether it's true or not is besides the point, it's very insulting to a band member and 'friend' to say something like that to the media. He's definitely trying to put pressure on Richie to make his decision)

It's almost like saying a female friend of yours is hotter than your own girlfriend ( which of course may well be true, but ffs there's some things you don't public!) Ok, so it's nothing like that, but you get my feelings on the matter.

So in Jon's opinion Richie can either admit that he wants to rejoin the band or that he ''hates his brother and is gonna quit the band''?

Hmmm... ultimatum anybody?


JoviJovi 05-20-2013 05:12 PM


Originally Posted by Jayster (Post 1130941)
I want to know whose decision it was to remove Richie from the photo at the top of this story.

Saw on twitter that someone emailed absolute radio and they said BJM told them to remove RS

Lost_Faith 05-20-2013 05:13 PM


Originally Posted by Bounce7800 (Post 1130997)
Jon would appear to be getting very frustrated now, he's taking a lot of flack and it seems his patience has run out with whatever problem is keeping Richie off the tour.

It won't be long until Richie is coming out of The closet. The Edge comment was harsh. WOnder how long Richie will still be quiet.

IMHO Richie did the right thing and I have a lot of respect for him to leave this sinking ship......

Beaky 05-20-2013 05:13 PM


Originally Posted by Living_on_my_Hair (Post 1131011)
Holy Shit, did Jon really just say that?! The gloves are coming off.
So, Edge is more vital to U2 than Richie is to Bon Jovi? (whether it's true or not is besides the point, it's very insulting to a band member and 'friend' to say something like that to the media)

It's almost like saying a female friend of yours is hotter than your own girlfriend ( which of course may well be true, but ffs there's some things you don't public!) Ok, so it's nothing like that, but you get my feelings on the matter.

So in Jon's opinion Richie can either admit that he wants to rejoin the band or that he ''hates his brother and is gonna quit the band''?

Hmmm... ultimatum anybody?


Yep, big time. I think Jon is seeing the ticket sales fall off a cliff and is getting rather hacked off with Sambora.

I don't think that second year on the road is looking likely right now.

Reunion in two years anybody?

'Jon and I got together over a bottle of... Lucozade and it was like we'd never been apart, it was better than ever.'

That'd be great, huh. Right up to the point where Richie says, 'It's a big, rock record, it sounds like Bon Jovi but we've pushed the envelope,' NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNn nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnoooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!

Looking forward to seeing them at Shepherd's Bush Empire in ten years. What a f*ck up...

AnnieKTF 05-20-2013 05:16 PM


Originally Posted by MrNickel (Post 1130996)
The Edge comment suggests that The Edge isn't replaceable but Richie is very replaceable. That comment was really insulting to Richie.

This gets worse and worse.

Wow, I get that Jon's pissed or frustrated, whatever, at this point - who could even blame him. But this comment is very harsh. Not cool at all. :???: Kinda scary, actually.

Some of Jon's statements made me think it's the alcohol issue after all. He keeps repeating "We've been through this before, he's been through this before...". Oh, well.

Bounce7800 05-20-2013 05:16 PM


Originally Posted by Lost_Faith (Post 1131015)
It won't be long until Richie is coming out of The closet.

Now there's a possibility I didnt think of.... :p

RonJovi 05-20-2013 05:18 PM

This is a deliberate dig alright. Jon is far too media savvy to just say something like this off the top of his head.

It'd be great if there is a public slanging match. I'm too far past caring about the future of the band and their reputation or anything. It would be the most interesting output we've had from this band since the 90s.

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