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jovifan93 05-20-2013 05:22 PM


Originally Posted by Living_on_my_Hair (Post 1131011)
Holy Shit, did Jon really just say that?! The gloves are coming off.
So, Edge is more vital to U2 than Richie is to Bon Jovi? (whether it's true or not is besides the point, it's very insulting to a band member and 'friend' to say something like that to the media. He's definitely trying to put pressure on Richie to make his decision)

It's almost like saying a female friend of yours is hotter than your own girlfriend ( which of course may well be true, but ffs there's some things you don't public!) Ok, so it's nothing like that, but you get my feelings on the matter.

So in Jon's opinion Richie can either admit that he wants to rejoin the band or that he ''hates his brother and is gonna quit the band''?

Hmmm... ultimatum anybody?


Most definitely, wouldn't you say? ;-)

And regarding The Edge - I think (partially) he was referring to all that crazy delay and other effects stuff that The Edge uses all the time, which indeed isn't anywhere near as "replaceable" as the stuff Richie plays in BJ songs. But of course it's harsh and provocating and probably meant this way...

Beaky 05-20-2013 05:24 PM


Originally Posted by RonJovi (Post 1131022)
This is a deliberate dig alright. Jon is far too media savvy to just say something like this off the top of his head.

It'd be great if there is a public slanging match. I'm too far past caring about the future of the band and their reputation or anything. It would be the most interesting output we've had from this band since the 90s.

Yep. To be honest, they've had the loyalty of so many fans that haven't really enjoyed their output for so long; and they've never paid the price for complacency.

Now, they are.

Living_on_my_Hair 05-20-2013 05:26 PM


Originally Posted by jovifan93 (Post 1131025)

And regarding The Edge - I think (partially) he was referring to all that crazy delay and other effects stuff that The Edge uses all the time, which indeed isn't anywhere near as "replaceable" as the stuff Richie plays in BJ songs. But of course it's harsh and provocating and probably meant this way...

Yeah, but it probably reflects just as much on the type and style of music that Jon writes and plays, that 'anybody' could play it...a trained chimp could play most of what's on WAN for example.
But yeah, it's still definitely added a whole new sinister slant to this little soap opera ..


jessycardy 05-20-2013 05:33 PM

The whole interview sounds like him complaining and being pissed at everybody. It's either a case of the old UK tabloid equals newspaper or one of Jon in a very bad mood. In any case, it seems rather forced to me. I'm sure they talked about a million things, but the reporter purposely decided to put it all together to make Jon look like an old grumpy asshole, which seems to be rather the fashion in the UK.

About Richie. Again, I don't know if these quotes are legit or not. If they are, Jon's royally pissed and wants Richie to spill the beans at once. And if they are, it doesn't seem to me like something alcohol-related - at least not entirely - because he's really making it sound like Richie just hates him or wouldn't bother to play with the band or something. I don't know, really. All I know is, if this account is true (can't stress it enough), then it's all really going downhill by the minute.

Lost_Faith 05-20-2013 05:35 PM


Originally Posted by jessycardy (Post 1131030)
All I know is, if this is true (can't stress it enough), then it's really going downhill by the minute.

It has already begun since RS left

eddie73 05-20-2013 05:36 PM

Yep, big time. I think Jon is seeing the ticket sales fall off a cliff and is getting rather hacked off with Sambora.

But he will still say hes sold out every gig!, sell out world tour. To be honest im past caring now and have even given my tickets away, its a shambles !

Havnt listened to WAN for weeks i have no desire to anymore. Instead i have been going back to my first music icon , ADAM ANT Get his new album folks promise you no other artist has ever sounded like him, no one ever will. He has not copied anybody to be mainstreamand the fans are flocking to his shows. The best live tour in the last 2 years

Lost_Faith 05-20-2013 05:38 PM


Originally Posted by Beaky (Post 1131016)
Yep, big time. I think Jon is seeing the ticket sales fall off a cliff and is getting rather hacked off with Sambora.

The sales were already bad enough the last tours - despite their "sold out" messages everywhere last time they were in Europe.

It got to a point where the only sell good tickets in cities they have a reputation like Munich.

The backlash has started. They stopped catering for loyal ROCK fans and the casual audience is not prepared for BJ every two years. Simple fact!

jessycardy 05-20-2013 05:42 PM


Originally Posted by Lost_Faith (Post 1131033)
It has already begun since RS left


rolo_tomachi 05-20-2013 05:56 PM

Jon is a ****ing arrogant. He says proudly that they are a brotherhood, but the sad fact is that Jon is a tyrant and an egocentric.

This is the TRUE Bon Jovi.
The Passion of Richie.

jessycardy 05-20-2013 06:01 PM


Originally Posted by rolo_tomachi (Post 1131044)
Jon is a ****ing arrogant. He says proudly that they are a brotherhood, but the sad fact is that Jon is a tyrant and an egocentric.

This is the TRUE Bon Jovi.

The Passion of Richie.

I was actually doing the countdown till this kind of posts would start. Give me a break. Jon said what everybody's been saying for 6 weeks on this thread. IF he said it. And we still don't know shit. You kept telling us how we should "WAIT", well, why don't you wait as well before pointing fingers?

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