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MrIks from Finland 05-20-2013 08:29 PM

Did anybody noticed who was there in us shows where richie still was that he wouldnt have given his everything like jon is making it sound on the interview?
At least in cleveland show which was streamed i think richie was in great shape and did a great job.

Crushgen24/88 05-20-2013 08:46 PM


Originally Posted by MrIks from Finland (Post 1131135)
Did anybody noticed who was there in us shows where richie still was that he wouldnt have given his everything like jon is making it sound on the interview?
At least in cleveland show which was streamed i think richie was in great shape and did a great job.

I don't think he meant 100% in performance, I think he meant giving 100% to being in the band.

JoviJovi 05-20-2013 08:49 PM


Originally Posted by MrIks from Finland (Post 1131135)
Did anybody noticed who was there in us shows where richie still was that he wouldnt have given his everything like jon is making it sound on the interview?
At least in cleveland show which was streamed i think richie was in great shape and did a great job.

I only saw the free shows in CT during the blizzard, but he seemed to be in great form there.

Lyn Wo 05-20-2013 09:26 PM


Originally Posted by MrIks from Finland (Post 1131135)
Did anybody noticed who was there in us shows where richie still was that he wouldnt have given his everything like jon is making it sound on the interview?
At least in cleveland show which was streamed i think richie was in great shape and did a great job.

I saw the show in Tampa. Honestly, Richie looked better, played better, and seemed to honestly be enjoying himself more than he has on the past two tours.

rolo_tomachi 05-20-2013 09:31 PM

If it's fight of egos, Jon has lied.

rolo_tomachi 05-20-2013 09:36 PM


Originally Posted by JoviJovi (Post 1131101)
Richie seriously insulted his "brother" the band and his fans when he walked off the tour. He deserves whatever he gets.

Richie has not insulted Jon in an interview.

Bounce7800 05-20-2013 09:36 PM


Originally Posted by rolo_tomachi (Post 1131153)
Richie has not insulted Jon in an interview.

That's not what was said.

Solid Sambora 05-20-2013 09:39 PM


Originally Posted by LeaJovi (Post 1131110)
Richie is a grown adult with no contractual obligation to you or anybody but the band.

Erm, taking our money means he does have a contractual obligation to us one way or another. And right this minute it's been money paid for services not provided.

And as for being a grown man, grown men should behave in a more grown up fashion, not tweeting how "****ing great" he is while letting everyone down.

JoviJovi 05-20-2013 09:40 PM


Originally Posted by rolo_tomachi (Post 1131151)
If it's fight of egos, Jon has lied.

So has Richie with his "personal issues " crap. You are going to have to face that Richie is not blameless in this.

Captain_jovi 05-20-2013 09:41 PM


Originally Posted by rolo_tomachi (Post 1131153)
Richie has not insulted Jon in an interview.

You're right. Instead he's stayed silent while the band continued the tour. I fail to see how Jon is the bad guy to you. Whether or not more days should have been added is a fair argument but for the dates already sold? Jon's not the bad guy.

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