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Captain_jovi 06-06-2019 03:19 AM

Yup. He's a PROFESSIONAL. Doing whatever he can to get fired, putting a black X on his otherwise pretty decent career thus far, he wouldn't jeopardize all of that because he's not happy with the level of input. He knew from day 1 he was covering for someone else and if anything he's been given more input than he started out with. Not enough to make major changes but that's always been the problem. A tight small box that doesn't go very far.

DestinationJovi 06-06-2019 04:44 AM


Originally Posted by ticos_stick (Post 1254018)
The comparisons with Phil and Richie end at the fact that they're both guitarists.

Richie left because he was tired of touring after 30+ years, had little creative input anymore and had substance abuse issues. He also had vast amounts of money to retire with and still do his solo work.

Phil is and always has been a hired hand. His job is to play guitar in a huge band and get paid handsomely to do so. Why would he ever jeopardise that? He won the lottery ffs.

I don't believe for a second that he's trying to get fired, but he has been boldly vocal about what he'd much rather be doing with his time as well as how much he absolutely hates being away from his wife and children. He has also essentially said that he is playing with Bon Jovi strictly for the paycheck. I don't think there's much beyond what it does for his bank account that he actually enjoys.

Aside from that, I don't understand why he has become the band's mouthpiece on social media. Why is the newest guy doing Twitter Q&A's about Bon Jovi. Even fanboy John Shanks doesn't do that, and he'd have a lot more insight to provide than Phil. Hell, Everett has an even longer history with the band than Shanks, yet you don't see him showboating on Twitter like Phil does. It really bugs me.

Thierry 06-06-2019 05:45 AM

Would be interesting to see what Phil's reaction to this is. Is there anybody here on Twitter that like to confront him with this?

Eveline 06-06-2019 10:09 AM

You guys seriously think that just because Phil X isn't a living legend but a hired gun, it means he will be happy with being a fill-in and will do it forever? You live only once and the older you get, the more you want to enjoy what's left of your life. Phil is making money and expanding his fandom being that funny guy who's close to his fans and actually interacts with them. People dig it more than just worshipping an idol who bothers to tweet them once in a blue moon. I certainly do. And I certainly can see him walk away once he realizes cons outweigh the pros. He's grateful for his chance to shine in the many arenas and stadiums around the world but he's not a slave. And he knows he's good, too good to be JUST someone else's replacement. He's already been in the band for years but something changed in the last several months and it's not only my observation. It's not a conspiracy theory. I have eyes. And I appreciate some of you are actually able to have a civil discussion without jumping on me that I try to spread rumours that Phil is not happy in the band. After all, it's a discussion board ffs, isn't it?

Thinny 06-06-2019 10:33 AM

It makes no sense that he would try and get fired, as Cap said something like that would smear his name. He's not about to do that, in my opinion. If he was unhappy, he'd just quit. However, I agree with others that the paycheck is just too good. There is no way he'd get another gig with that kind of pay. I think that maybe he's riding it out until he's made enough to be very comfortable for the rest of his life and then the may move on....

Eveline 06-06-2019 10:48 AM


Originally Posted by Thinny (Post 1254034)
It makes no sense that he would try and get fired, as Cap said something like that would smear his name. He's not about to do that, in my opinion. If he was unhappy, he'd just quit. However, I agree with others that the paycheck is just too good. There is no way he'd get another gig with that kind of pay. I think that maybe he's riding it out until he's made enough to be very comfortable for the rest of his life and then the may move on....

It was a joke. Phil doesn't want to get fired, we just joked he's acting as if he did. The thing is, he became incredibly bold speaking about BJ. It means he feels very secure. If/when he's had enough, he'll leave on his own terms. Trying to confront him doesn't make sense. He'll say he's happy and grateful just as he said when talking about RHOF. It's enough to read between the lines in his other tweets and get a bigger picture. The guy's very honest and I must say its kinda refreshing. Richie's playing isn't his cup of tea, I've read somewhere he said he was a BJ fan but was it about the older, heavier, more rock style? Need to revisit those old videos on youtube you all were talking about unless they've been taken down. It's all about money and it's fair enough. Just the way Phil's acting on social media makes you wonder sometimes..

Captain_jovi 06-06-2019 04:41 PM


Originally Posted by Eveline (Post 1254030)
You guys seriously think that just because Phil X isn't a living legend but a hired gun, it means he will be happy with being a fill-in and will do it forever? You live only once and the older you get, the more you want to enjoy what's left of your life. Phil is making money and expanding his fandom being that funny guy who's close to his fans and actually interacts with them. People dig it more than just worshipping an idol who bothers to tweet them once in a blue moon. I certainly do. And I certainly can see him walk away once he realizes cons outweigh the pros. He's grateful for his chance to shine in the many arenas and stadiums around the world but he's not a slave. And he knows he's good, too good to be JUST someone else's replacement. He's already been in the band for years but something changed in the last several months and it's not only my observation. It's not a conspiracy theory. I have eyes. And I appreciate some of you are actually able to have a civil discussion without jumping on me that I try to spread rumours that Phil is not happy in the band. After all, it's a discussion board ffs, isn't it?

People jumped on you because you made a very bold statement and didn't clarify if it was something your friend heard or something your friend thinks.

Phil is answering questions about Bon Jovi because lets be honest, that's what 90 percent of the people are asking about. Christ, we have a band member actually using social media to interact with fans versus the official channels staying silent when they really could be rebuilding the fanbase.

PanosBonJovi 06-06-2019 08:06 PM

There was a moderate interaction during 2013 where they nicely promoted Because We Can Tour and the single through social media. Twitter Q&A and more but that's it.

For some reason it stopped.

Also Richie was radio silent on his Twitter up until now.

Anyway, @BonJovi90 definitely Matt & Phil would be a great pair. Anyone apart Shanks would be a great duo with Phil. Shanks has no place up on that stage nor playing. I still believe that Shanks was also one of the reasons leading Richie to the exit door. One might also be Bobby as you'd think, why would the band need a second guitarist but yet again probably Bobby was there to cover for Jon's voice getting weaker.

Sambora didn't like where the band was going in recent years and that also had to do with Shanks work and being around the band, even if everything had to be approved by Jon in the end of the day.

And no, Jovi90, you can't get the vibe/feel of a song that you didn't play or you didn't like. You need to be a fan in order to feel the song. I still remember that Phil wasn't Jovi's biggest fan and publicly slammed them on some old YT videos as well. Tribute bands is a whole other story as they are actually die hard fans or at least fans of the band and they feel every line they perform to their bones as they were the band themselves.

Captain_jovi 06-06-2019 08:33 PM

Bobby was brought on after the first tour that heavily featured pre-recorded guitar samples on the newer songs, something I remember reading David wasn't happy about (using guitar loops) along with Jeff. I think Jon wants/wanted an E-street band vibe but two keyboardists felt like overkill. Vocally it was a great sound.

Jeeper 06-06-2019 09:44 PM

Phil would be crazy to want to leave this cash cow or to want to get himself fired.

He will know that the touring schedule will continue to lessen and his commitment to the band will not stop him pursuing his real love, The Drills.

No problem with that. And nobody should be surprised when after the band call it a day, his true thoughts on his Jovi experience come out. It will make grim reading in places, I’ve no doubt.

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